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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Apr 10, 2008
That sounds more like ADAM you're thinking of good sir :p
What's ADAM?

If it's something besides top level, arranged ARAM play then there's no point in making a tier list for it.

edit: Draft mode? It doesn't take draft pick to capitalize on the inherent weaknessess the champs I pointed out have.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Vocal, that tier list seems to be for "ARAM LVL 30s ONLY" not for arranged custom games- tryhard style. :<

For example, if you're really good, you can dodge Nida spears on reaction and stay behind creeps. She's reliant on mistakes if you max spears first.
Maokai? I'm guessing people don't dodge his ******lings.
Sivir? What's she do?
TF? why's he so good. o.o
IMO, Veigar seems to break ARAM altogether imo, but people don't know how to coodinate his stun with stuff well enough.
What is Irelia gonna do in ARAM, lol.
^Same with Shaco and trundle and tryndamere and poppy.
how is akali worse than anyone in tier 3. you can't buy oracles in aram LOL
All brand has is an early game and poke. thats like the definition of aram. how is that bad? o.o
blitzcrank not number 1. errr

All IMO of course.
Nidalee still packs a bomb heal, and while an arranged custom might have players that will consistently dodge spears, ordinary ARAM will see plenty of juicy bullseyes.

Maokai is amazingly good at control, especially in early levels. He's like Sion in that he can jump on you the second you step too far away from your tower, but he's also like Lux in that he can harass you while trying to clear creeps at your tower. He's just really good at controlling space, though he does fall off as the game goes on.

Sivir still pushes like crazy, her damage output can be pretty great, and she can harass through creeps. I had her lower, but other wanted her bumped up so I didn't complain. TF throws wild cards every couple seconds from miles away, and the stun is gravy. I had him lower as well, but moved him up due to popular demand.

I've been considering moving Veig up, actually. That AoE stun is just so crazy good.

Yea, I think I might bump Irelia down a bit.

Shaco I originally had in Tier 5 (which eventually got eliminated) and I still might move him back to 4.

Since when can't you buy Oracle's in ARAM? I've gotten it repeatedly, as have others, and I've never heard that rule O_o That's the reason she, Twitch, and Eve aren't higher.

You may have a point with Brand, he could use a bump.

Blitz is...interesting. Perhaps he should moved up to #1, but I'd have to think about that one for a little while.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
interested in why cass isn't up there, she just wrecks in group fights and at low lvl.


Apr 10, 2008
Nidalee still packs a bomb heal, and while an arranged custom might have players that will consistently dodge spears, ordinary ARAM will see plenty of juicy bullseyes.
Making the custom game lobby your audience is more or less like trying to make a brawl tier list for anything besides top level play.

What players are you basing your tier list on? Do you even know? Is it based on the average level of play? How are you going to determine what's average...? can the average player punish so and so? Can they blah blah blah... It's too arbitrary and difficult. You'll get nowhere if you don't pick something concrete. And a tier list based on top levels of play is as concrete as you can get.

Unfortunetly for your tier list, ease of use isn't directly related to how good a champ is or isn't, objectively speaking.
Maokai is amazingly good at control, especially in early levels. He's like Sion in that he can jump on you the second you step too far away from your tower, but he's also like Lux in that he can harass you while trying to clear creeps at your tower. He's just really good at controlling space, though he does fall off as the game goes on.
Control. with sapplings? Imo, if you happen to be the team being pushed to your tower and you don't have someone that can heal off or shield the sapling harass out of 5 champions then your team is borked anyways and it doesn't really matter that they have a maokai lol. And if he jumps to someone on your team... how does that help him exactly, before he gets a lot of defensive items? O.o

Sivir still pushes like crazy, her damage output can be pretty great, and she can harass through creeps. I had her lower, but other wanted her bumped up so I didn't complain.
Every team in ARAM pushes crazy as 5, 24/7. As far as her strength in the pushing department goes, that's all for regular LoL imo. In regular LoL she's all about farming by pushing big waves of creeps to towers, giving them lots of att speed, and knockin the towers down quickly with all the AD you stack on her. then running away like a little girl because you can. Then own in teamfights because you have a ton of CS and your late game scaling is ridiculous.

Most of that goes away in ARAM. Her range isn't big enough to autoattack towers as safely as the other carries can (not that her range is bad, per se, just not as good as a lot of the champs below her in your tier list), she can't ult a big wave of creeps to get them to push really hard, and she can't farm enough in ARAM to get all the damage you need for her to be satisfactory in the damage department. IMO

Harassing through creeps doesn't matter a whole lot when your projectile is slow.

TF throws wild cards every couple seconds from miles away, and the stun is gravy. I had him lower as well, but moved him up due to popular demand.
TF is in the same boat as everyone with a relatively slow skillshot. awesome at low levels. bad at higher ones.

I've been considering moving Veig up, actually. That AoE stun is just so crazy good.

Yea, I think I might bump Irelia down a bit.

Shaco I originally had in Tier 5 (which eventually got eliminated) and I still might move him back to 4.

Since when can't you buy Oracle's in ARAM? I've gotten it repeatedly, as have others, and I've never heard that rule O_o That's the reason she, Twitch, and Eve aren't higher.
Technically you can.

But you buy when you die. It's strategic to die often times, in which case getting oracles is a complete waste of money. Every time you buy oracles in a regular game of LoL, you're basically saying to your team "Ima hunt for wards and help you guys with invis champs at the expense of being super careful so I don't die and waste 400g." In ARAM it's "I'm not gonna buy again this game, guys. Good luck. T_T"

You may have a point with Brand, he could use a bump.
Blitz is...interesting. Perhaps he should moved up to #1, but I'd have to think about that one for a little while.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Alright alright, I moved Tree and Sivir down a bit. I'm still not quite convinced on TF though - yes, his projectile may be slow moving, but with such a far range it's common for it to hit at least someone.


Apr 10, 2008
And yea, this is basically the reason I have Shaco so low. His boxes, while slightly annoying, are not enough to make up for the difficulty he has.
Oh, I thought he was talking about 2-shiv.

I feel like the boxes are useless. :<


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Shaya, you **** about Shaco in almost every post you make, but he is a pitifully mediocre character in comparison to almost the entire cast in any given game mode.

Lol, that's censored? I guess that makes sense.

I guess you always have to change your pants after every post?


Apr 10, 2008
Shaya, you **** about Shaco in almost every post you make, but he is a pitifully mediocre character in comparison to almost the entire cast in any given game mode.

Lol, that's censored? I guess that makes sense.

I guess you always have to change your pants after every post?
I have to change my pants every time I hear Shaya say anything in ventrilo.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
wtf is wrong with this page

ARAM discussion shaya pooping pants discussion

someone help


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Idk how, but in recent weeks I've started winning the majority of my games, both in normals and in ranked. Have I - dare I say it...GOTTEN BETTER?!


Apr 10, 2008
Idk how, but in recent weeks I've started winning the majority of my games, both in normals and in ranked. Have I - dare I say it...GOTTEN BETTER?!
Perhaps, per chance, everyone else has gotten worse instead?


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
Blitz is as viable as you are good with hooks.
Good hooks = absolute game changer.
Bad hooks = play somebody else pl0x.
Well my hooks usually are decent, i just have to get used to him for about half of a game if i didnt play him for a while

My funniest hooks btw were:
1) grabbing ww asap after he ults my carry
2) grabbing a trynda while he jumped trough a wall: he wasnt visible for a brief moment but when i pulled him he was still spinning like a yoyo =P (he already used ult to assasinate our ashe so he also was an easy kill then)

Oh and thanks guys forgot about manamune totally


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
so even though the annie changes weren't like...crucial changes...I have been putting in work with Annie changes plus that sexy ice skin

and mobility boots...LOL

I killed this Xin at half health with 2 shots and ignite and he was like "OMG THEY SO BROKE ANNIE" and I said...dude you have no magic resist (he didn't)

kids are dumb sometimes.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
so even though the annie changes weren't like...crucial changes...I have been putting in work with Annie changes plus that sexy ice skin

and mobility boots...LOL

I killed this Xin at half health with 2 shots and ignite and he was like "OMG THEY SO BROKE ANNIE" and I said...dude you have no magic resist (he didn't)

kids are dumb sometimes.
a rammus told me that cass was broken when his 200 MR wasn't enough to deal with pen runes, mastery, guise, sorc shoes, void staff.

i play cass like that because i like to pretend that she deals true damage. only get void staff vs teams getting alot of MR though. that game they had no one below 120. :)

they did break annies ult though -.- i mean you can go basic AP and at 600 AP you deal 155 dps with your bears aura. you go crazy AP and at 1000 you deal 235 DPS. thats crazy since you get a guaranteed 2-4 ticks just from using it.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
I was in a game where a late game cass with no void staff 2 the enemy's carries and owned (pretty quickly) a very well tanked up Cho'Gath.

Cass is a champ that scales purely with skill. bad cass's are worse than anything, good cass' are carries that aren't intending to be carries.

I sit in lane and keep the enemy off of my ally who is farming like mad, get my sorc shoes and guise and then go pure support build(getting void staff if i have to) and usually i end up with crazy amounts of kill/assist because of the poison and my ult.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
Cass is just swain all over again. I don't care how good they can look at times, I'll still think they suck for basically no reason whatsoever until the day I die. I still don't know how I got over it with Malzahar...
when you lane with a cass that lets you last hit every creep without harrassment and gets the enemies low enough to run in and get kills you realize that you are in love.

EDIT: i had to lane as cass vs Xin and Cho, which you'd expect to be a horrible horrible lane, but keeping them under 50% with Q allowed us to control the lane even while i was the only one actually harrassing. also cass the the dumbest kiter ever, lets you come in then double poisons you and runs back and spams q and e on you while running away, and you just eat damage until you die. the BEST cass' will run in circles so you stay in the miasma. it's awesome, since cleanse doesn't work on the self movespeed buff or miasma since miasma is reapplied every second.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
a real bot lane will destroy that IMO, but maybe I'm just set in my ways... I mean, you're talking about denying Cass, an AP carry, farm to zone alongside someone else who is presumably not a support (since there's no reason to try to guarantee a support free farm over Cass). So like, Cass + Nasus or something, right? Someone who scales really well with farm. Well, that lane just has no sustainability. If you lane vs. something like Ashe + Janna or Taric + Garen, they're just going to eat you up through attrition because of the presence of a support. If you wanna do zoning like that, you're better off with Zilean or Sona since they at least scale reasonably well without much farm.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
You know how you get those teams where your gut just tells you you should dodge but you say, "No it's ok guy, we might be able to do this"? Yea I don't know why I ever ignore my gut.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
a real bot lane will destroy that IMO, but maybe I'm just set in my ways... I mean, you're talking about denying Cass, an AP carry, farm to zone alongside someone else who is presumably not a support (since there's no reason to try to guarantee a support free farm over Cass). So like, Cass + Nasus or something, right? Someone who scales really well with farm. Well, that lane just has no sustainability. If you lane vs. something like Ashe + Janna or Taric + Garen, they're just going to eat you up through attrition because of the presence of a support. If you wanna do zoning like that, you're better off with Zilean or Sona since they at least scale reasonably well without much farm.
In my experience Cass is much less of an AP carry than a supporting champ, using her Q to allow an ally free farm, and using her spells to protect allies and dominate team fights.

if you build her as an AP carry things get kinda sad since her farming ability before 9 or so is pretty poor. so you REALLy are better off harrassing early on.

EDIT: the space she controls allows your team to be alot more bold knowing they have a mobile turret to fall back on. and in team fights she's really not spammign spells as much as she is aiming carefully to find the right time to ult and control the figh completely

it sounds weird, but it works


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
You know how you get those teams where your gut just tells you you should dodge but you say, "No it's ok guy, we might be able to do this"? Yea I don't know why I ever ignore my gut.
Holy ****.
Last night we were a group of 4. The random 5th picks Akali. I ask in chat if I can have Akali. He locks in. So I just pick Vayne because I felt like giving her a shot. I should've gone Cho though. :p

I was about to dodge, but I decided I'd rather torture myself, I guess. So we get into game and the guy says "First time Akali, what do I buy?".

So I ****ing lose it, recover, and then I tell him to buy boots and pots. He asked what pots are. So I explained that to him.

Then he [and by extension, I] kept feeding the lane because he didn't know what he was doing, and neither did I. Then around the 15 minute mark, he hadn't even started his Rylai's, and he only had one of her passives up. I tell him to buy a doran's blade and build Rylais, but I managed to avoid drinking bleach long enough to get a surrender as soon as 20 minutes hit.

:| The guy then proceeded to tell me that Akali sucks and doesn't do any damage, and that the two of us were made for each other. Like, wtf?



Apr 10, 2008
so how do i stop ppl from getting mad at me for being a "bad tank".

90% of the team, it's not my fault.
If that's the case, be SO GOOD that it's impossible for people to get mad at you.

If you can 1v5 their whole team through PURE SKILL, then HOW CAN THEY GET MAD AT YOU?
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