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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
The thing I hate about patches:

Legions of noobs invade intermediate bot games. Just got done with a game where, 35 minutes in, an Annie player finally got to level 10. Everyone else was dumb too. MADE ME RAGE :/

Also, what is Innervating Locket? Was Sunfire passive really stackable back then? Any other broken items that eventually got patched?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
The thing I hate about patches:

Legions of noobs invade intermediate bot games. Just got done with a game where, 35 minutes in, an Annie player finally got to level 10. Everyone else was dumb too. MADE ME RAGE :/
how the **** do you rage at a comp-stomp gamemode? seriously, how can you bring yourself to care? The whole co-op vs. AI thing was just a way to make literally the worst players ever able to play a game without getting stomped and made fun of by the opposing team for getting stomped so hard.

Also, what is Innervating Locket? Was Sunfire passive really stackable back then? Any other broken items that eventually got patched?
Locket was the most broken support item ever that at first gave +HP, +MP, +Mana Regen Aura, and every time you cast a spell it would heal all nearby allied units for 50 HP and 25 Mana over 2 seconds. Eventually people figured out that this was broken on like, literally every character, and abused the **** out of it and then it went through a massive series of nerfs which eventually just had it give HP, MP, CDR, Mana Regen and only heal yourself with a CD on the triggered portion, AND IT WAS STILL TOO GOOD ON EVERYONE, so they just removed it.

Sunfire used to cost 100 gold less, do 40 damage/sec, and stack, but it seriously still wasn't even close to broken in real competitive games. It got *****ed about a lot because it was a noobstomper though.

Last Whisper used to give 20 AD, 40% AS, and 40% ArPen for 1965 gold.

Fortitude Elixir used to give +20 AD and like 150-200HP (can't remember exactly) at level 1, so Pantheon used to come to lane with Fort + 5 HP pots and be basically 100% unbeatable.

Leviathan used to give 2 stacks/assist so teams would just run 5 characters with heals and 5 man push at 10 minutes and become more and more unkillable as they picked off opponents from attrition. (Note this was also when locket was at it's strongest)

I can't think of any other obvious ones off the top of my head other than the big changes to Wit's End and Heart of Gold.

Better than AP tf with lichbane? =O
errr, in an organized 5 man push. Lichbane TF is so sillytarded because he can splitpush and teamfight at the same time.

tl;dr: TF cheats.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I can't elaborate by giving you a full guide or something because I haven't been a heimer players since he had 3 turrets, but if you tell me what you're doing and what's giving you problems maybe I can help you out.
So- when Heimer was absolutely broken? ;p


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Grenade chipping should not, and will not, ever be readded into the game. I assume you played when it was around, so I'm going to assume you know why. No one wants that playstyle back. AP ratio buffs? Sure, he could probably use some, but in the grand scheme of things, he's still the best AP pusher out there (and probably best pusher PERIOD, but it's hard to compare to AD).
Well yeah. I'm not talking about adding that back into the game or making turrets deal full damage to towers, but just stuff like increasing the range slightly or giving him old AP ratios back, especially since his turrets still deal half damage to towers so it's not like going from .2 to .25 will really change much in that regard.

Locket was the most broken support item ever that at first gave +HP, +MP, +Mana Regen Aura, and every time you cast a spell it would heal all nearby allied units for 50 HP and 25 Mana over 2 seconds. Eventually people figured out that this was broken on like, literally every character, and abused the **** out of it and then it went through a massive series of nerfs which eventually just had it give HP, MP, CDR, Mana Regen and only heal yourself with a CD on the triggered portion, AND IT WAS STILL TOO GOOD ON EVERYONE, so they just removed it.

Sunfire used to cost 100 gold less, do 40 damage/sec, and stack, but it seriously still wasn't even close to broken in real competitive games. It got *****ed about a lot because it was a noobstomper though.

Last Whisper used to give 20 AD, 40% AS, and 40% ArPen for 1965 gold.

Fortitude Elixir used to give +20 AD and like 150-200HP (can't remember exactly) at level 1, so Pantheon used to come to lane with Fort + 5 HP pots and be basically 100% unbeatable.

Leviathan used to give 2 stacks/assist so teams would just run 5 characters with heals and 5 man push at 10 minutes and become more and more unkillable as they picked off opponents from attrition. (Note this was also when locket was at it's strongest)

I can't think of any other obvious ones off the top of my head other than the big changes to Wit's End and Heart of Gold.

errr, in an organized 5 man push. Lichbane TF is so sillytarded because he can splitpush and teamfight at the same time.

tl;dr: TF cheats.
Locket was lol. I'm just sad they nerfed Gragas instead of taking out locket and then seeing how big of a problem he still was.

The only thing that seemed dumb about Sunfire was getting more than 1 on old Shaco/Garen. But even then that was more of a character problem than an item problem.

Last Whisper was lulz. IE Last Whisper Double Elixer for the most retardedly efficient damage output for carries. Insane AD Crit AS... those were the days... Also remembered Fort Elixer on old Ezreal on TT level 1 LOOOL

That's when I played him most too :D
I think all of us have a place in our heart for Brokendinger.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
oh yea. Original Zhonya's build from Sage's Ring (975 gold for 500 mana... AWWWW YEAAAAAA) and Blasting Wand and gave like, 100 AP, 500 Mana +20% of your AP. Then they made it cost 3 blasting wands, made it 120 AP, +20% of your AP, and the current Zhonya's Hourglass Active. Then they changed it into Deathcap and Hourglass and introduced the Needlessly Large Rod.

EDIT: actually, NLR was around a couple patches and just built into Zhonya's Ring iirc. Then they did the split.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Blue Pill
"The old Blue Pill is probably a reference to the film The Matrix. In the film Neo is offered the chance to take a red or a blue pill. The blue pill is for waking up in the matrix. So this could be a reference to go back to the base."

Innervating Locket
Builds from Catalyst... Lol
"It has been rumored to be re-introduced in Season 2."

Sage's Ring
"Removed because: It wasn’t very popular and replicating costs were high. Sapphire Crystals were far more efficient.”

Zhonya's Ring
"V1.0.0.70: Fixed a bug where the +25% Ability Power effect would persist after selling the item."


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
For whatever it's worth I think both of Evelynn's walk/run animations have looked terrible. The super jawkward crab walk is roughly as bad as Evelynn showing that she's a seasoned hooker with her ability to run in heels. It's really hard to make that character look good in motion with the ******** concept that she kills people by stabbing them with her heels :dizzy:


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
For whatever it's worth I think both of Evelynn's walk/run animations have looked terrible. The super jawkward crab walk is roughly as bad as Evelynn showing that she's a seasoned hooker with her ability to run in heels. It's really hard to make that character look good in motion with the ******** concept that she kills people by stabbing them with her heels :dizzy:

not all pro heel-walkers ( <_< ) are seasoned hookers.

Evelynn, perhaps..

but not all.

either way the old animation was leagues better.


Apr 10, 2008
oh yea. Original Zhonya's build from Sage's Ring (975 gold for 500 mana... AWWWW YEAAAAAA) and Blasting Wand and gave like, 100 AP, 500 Mana +20% of your AP. Then they made it cost 3 blasting wands, made it 120 AP, +20% of your AP, and the current Zhonya's Hourglass Active. Then they changed it into Deathcap and Hourglass and introduced the Needlessly Large Rod.

EDIT: actually, NLR was around a couple patches and just built into Zhonya's Ring iirc. Then they did the split.
Yah, at one point in time Zhonya's had a recipe of a blasting wand, a NLR, and 1k gold.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Well Shaco almost can't jungle without 21/0/9, so its def a nice buff to him.
Esp coz I run flat AD on the guy.

It's good for Ezreal.
But it's better for Corki.

Because Corki is stupid.
i jungle 11/0/19 all day

this patch also fixed some of the aggro issues created by the last few


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Locket was lol. I'm just sad they nerfed Gragas instead of taking out locket and then seeing how big of a problem he still was.
You know, I just realized that they just did the same thing to Vlad that they did to Gragas.
It's tough. I hate giving up points in buff duration =\.
I know how you feel; only champs I give them up on is supports (unless we're talking Karma).
For whatever it's worth I think both of Evelynn's walk/run animations have looked terrible. The super jawkward crab walk is roughly as bad as Evelynn showing that she's a seasoned hooker with her ability to run in heels. It's really hard to make that character look good in motion with the ******** concept that she kills people by stabbing them with her heels :dizzy:

Mog you just became my favorite LoL poster. Knowledgeable and chill at the same time


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
how viable is blitz right now?

Like can you roam with him or would you put him bot/top

and is Trinity - banshees - ghostblade / IE still how you build him dps-wise?

I only get to play Blitztank because scrubs think he's a main tank =(


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
You should build him with a Manamune/Triforce and Frozen Heart, Banshee's and then whatever else for the last item.

He is a good roamer past level 6 with the burst from his ulti and some Overdrive boosts, but he is also very capable of holding a lane. He is NOT a primary tank, he's more of an off-tank/off-dps.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Blitz is as viable as you are good with hooks.
Good hooks = absolute game changer.
Bad hooks = play somebody else pl0x.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
if u miss just one hook everyone will start calling u "******" and typing "noob blitz" in all chat.
same with ashe arrow.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Blitz build:

Manamune Triforce Banshee Frozen Heart Bthirsterx2

**** boots, you have OVERDRIVE

Powerfirst for 1k


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Dunno, didn't have my sound on. It was up right before he got into a game then I left stream.
Darn, would have been nice to have high elo opinion :< As it is, though, I think the list is shaping up well. I've taken a lot of flame and downvotes due to having several champions too high or low, but I think I'll just post the list again in a few days after people have debated out something more agreeable.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Why is Urgot not tier2 at least?
Because the apex solos:

Malzahar, Jarvan, Vlad and Caitlyn don't give a **** if Urgot ***** ashe.

Golden Rule > 9000.

Also yes I played when grenades chipped at towers. It allowed him to bring things down slowly, which I personally felt wasn't too bad (him grenading turrets from side brushes and **** wasn't nice though - but counterable/dangerous). Having an ability that scaled on towers wasn't exactly unheard of.


Apr 10, 2008
Vocal, that tier list seems to be for "ARAM LVL 30s ONLY" not for arranged custom games- tryhard style. :<

For example, if you're really good, you can dodge Nida spears on reaction and stay behind creeps. She's reliant on mistakes if you max spears first.
Maokai? I'm guessing people don't dodge his ******lings.
Sivir? What's she do?
TF? why's he so good. o.o
IMO, Veigar seems to break ARAM altogether imo, but people don't know how to coodinate his stun with stuff well enough.
What is Irelia gonna do in ARAM, lol.
^Same with Shaco and trundle and tryndamere and poppy.
how is akali worse than anyone in tier 3. you can't buy oracles in aram LOL
All brand has is an early game and poke. thats like the definition of aram. how is that bad? o.o
blitzcrank not number 1. errr

All IMO of course.
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