That happens in normals too.
Let's see, bored and before I go back to the grind I wanted to look at the last 5 loss streak I had to 0 points before heading back to 80-90+ points cause rito system :^)
Lucian game: we lose cause double jungle and we have maokai jungle while last pick chose ahri against kayle panth riven. Smart.
think both enemy junglers had 100+ cs each at 20 mins while of course maokai jungle has 50ish cuz >slow ms and clears
Anivia game: Get fed but team pulls a bronze three times and chases a single kill too much which resulted in trist getting a double in lane then triple top lane after chasing from like 2nd tier turret and into baron.
Rengar game: go 4/0/4 but Irelia goes 0/5 before 10 minutes against tank Jarvan (might I add his passive is bugged right now so his % health either sometimes doesn't work or at all) we lose cause he takes his lead to other lanes
Fizz game: Nothing special happens got a few kills mid against Yas, but bot lane forgets twitch has an invis and quite literally gets caught out bot lane alone each and everytime as if in a line. Also Shen so they do the twitch invis ult trick to net kills after dominating lane phase.
Jungler also blames me for bot losing cause I didn't roam?
Bard game: Elise acts silver and does dives too hard, gives double to yi mid lane which he snowballs into other lanes.
Back to hell, or rather 2-5 wins in a row for being close or in promos again then lose it all lol