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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Eh. The meta changes so fast that I don't even pay attention anymore.

Which does remind me. The other group I play with (the good one) scolds me occasionally for picking Sona, since she has some pretty common bad matchups in lane, but it doesn't really matter too much since even if I have trouble in the early game and laning phase, I play safe and don't feed and tend to contribute more to teamfights than the enemy support.

I know there are better supports, but why pick a better support that I'm not as familiar with rather than a less-viable support that I know very well?

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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Eh. The meta changes so fast that I don't even pay attention anymore. Which does remind me. The other group I play with (the good one) scolds me occasionally for picking Sona, since she has some pretty common bad matchups in lane, but it doesn't really matter too much since even if I have trouble in the early game and laning phase, I play safe and don't feed and tend to contribute more to teamfights than the enemy support. I know there are better supports, but why pick a better support that I'm not as familiar with rather than a less-viable support that I know very well? :059:
This is just coming from me, but when you have Sona your hard engage / hard peel comes from her ultimate which is on a relatively high timer. While it's true that it is a hard AoE stun, the CD on it doesn't allow for multiple cases of peeling for you, your team, and your carry. Sona's identity is as a poke / sustain support which means that if your enemy is in a different category and you consistently outplay them, then you will out-sustain and be able to out-harass them as time goes on.

The reality of the situation though is that with Relic Shield, you have these stupidly tanky supports like Nautilus who can provide pseudo-sustain to their ADC as long as they aren't being a complete piece of ****. They can also do things like body block and take a lot of aggro while providing a root through their auto attack and a pseudo-stun through his Q. Nautilus isn't even the worst offender though when you have a support like Thresh with Relic Shield who can offer two forms of hard CC and a Nasus like slow while also providing his ADC with a gap closer / escape and a shield to out-trade the enemy.

Then there are just kill mage mid laners like Annie and Morgana who have reset stuns and really long roots that are the epitome of kill lanes. And whereas they are one dimensional lanes that depend on aggression and kills in order to be relevant, they are very good at achieving such results by having hard CC available to them on shorter cooldowns and relatively high AP dmg ratios. If they manage to not die when they reach 6 or able to get an early kill in the game, then they can easily run with the gold lead by transitioning into a first item Zhonya's.

Bruisers are still prevalent and so are tanks which means that the only counterplay a lot of ADC's have against their point and click gap close & stun combination is to get fed early on so they can take an ambush and have enough attack damage in order to sustain off the counter-trade when they all in because there's a 99% chance that the bruiser will chain their point & click stun with a blade of the ruined king or a yomuu's ghostblade active to stick to your carry like butter on toast.

So when you go into lane with Sona, you're in for a prolonged poke game. Where it's true in the sense that if your enemy gets outplayed you can snowball the lane. But when I play Annie support and I notice that my team is going to lose the game, then you bet that it's my mission to camp the bush every game so when the enemy ADC is attempting to split push, I have Tibbers + Q/W/E ready to one shot your carry as soon as they start pushing past their tower. When you snowball off that and make the ADC irrelevant, you can transition into a Zhonya's and all-in bruisers.

Sona isn't the best scaling champion. But she's good enough to carry if you're good enough with her.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Hopped on to Lisa's account hoping to have an easy game. Got a great duo that carried the entire game and didn't attempt to play the blame game or fall into the duo mentality that the duo can never go wrong and is 100% win rate if everyone else on the team played properly. Like that Jax. Hey wait, that's me.


Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
@Cheery: It doesn't mean much since it's PBE, but GP got two decent nerfs to his barrels again. A drop in base damage and another nerf to the armor ignored %. :applejack:

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Base damage nerf isn't as bad as it was going to be for GP.

Sona is a very attrition based support while also being a sort of jack of all trades kind of support.

She has damage reduction, a slow, AoE speed up, AoE shield + small heal, Q poke and one auto power up, and an AoE stun.

But honestly the more important things are her Power Cord utility, Attrition in lane, and her AoE Stun.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Braum's is wider and has a slow sitting there even if it misses tho, + knockup since Yas back in this meta.
Is it wider? I haven't compared them outside of what I guess visually. They look roughly the same size, except maybe in length. I think Braum is bigger there.

There is a slow sitting there though, but Braum doesn't get the same duration of "stun/knockup" til lvl 16 and that is only on the first person hit. The rest only take .25 seconds of knockup.

Sona hits everyone with a 1.5 second stun.

Yasuo stuff is valid though.

I think her ult is better overall, for the other things it gives her to her basic abilities, Braum is better for a knock up/peel comp though.
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Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
2 ADCs or am I missing an AP meta here?
varus mid isn't really an ADC, think of it like a jayce or kog maw with AD scaling

This is the dumb thing I don't get with his ult, he can ult off random stuff and it's like, wut really?

LeeSin kick, Poppy Tackle, etc.

Why does this work?
this works because knocks ups and knock backs are the same thing. the game doesn't have a z-axis.
a knock up is just a knock back with a different animation.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Group A: KOO and YOE. Group B: AHQ and Invictus. Group C: SKT and EDG. Group D: KT and LGD.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
The last two groups are truly death pools.
TSM Jatt said:
I think there are definitely two clear favorites, but I think that Team Solomid and Origen are not completely counted out. So yes TSM had some severe struggles at MSI and in the summer split where they had their lowest regular season finish in the season of the teams. But if we think the way TSM bootcamps historically, ever since they've been a team, whenever they've had a long amount of time to prepare for a tournament they've always come at it stronger. Locodoco as well has a better Korean network than pretty much any of the Western teams scrimming in Korea. So if a team is going to be vastly improved going into Korea, it is going to be TSM.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I really hope TSM flops. :applejack:
Watch them play against LGD.

Flame and Acorn can play hard carry top laners and even make utility oriented top laners look like hard carry top laners by NA standards. Imp is known for hard carrying on at least Sivir, Kog'maw, or Twitch. Pyl 's "shotcalling" on support is basically him encouraging his team to go HAM any chance they can and then peeling & healing them on Alistar. The only "weak" point to the team is their jungler, TBQ, however a portion of that is due to Godv (mid) just taking his farm whenever he can in order to get as many advantages as possible in the mid lane.

On paper this is TSM Kryptonite here because Dyrus and Wild Turtle have been shown to have trouble carrying in high pressure situations such as in the NA finals often relying on having an overall stronger team fighting ability or Bjergsen's shot calling in mid to late game in order to take advantage of weaker teams. Bjergsen has no way of snowballing off of Godv unless he gets Santorin to camp for him and even then it's pointless because Godv is used to being camped by enemy laners, has already had more resources put into him giving him equal gold advantages to Bjergsen, and losing pressure on top and bottom lanes is literally trading one winning lane for the other two losing. Also, Dyrus has questionable decision making when he gets behind which leads to hilariously awful situations.

Leagues like LPL are for most parts kryptonite to the NA League based on how early players group and how much emphasis is placed on continuous ganking pressure & team fighting which is why the leagues are generally far more interesting to watch because a fight is going to happen / always happening on one side of the map. It's highly likely they go on what TSM Jatt would say, "tilt" and proceed to just do stupid things in order to try to cheese off a game from KT Rolster or LGD. Wouldn't be surprised if we saw Bjergsen on Cho'gath, Lulu, or Ziggs.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
That feeling when you realize you're using Google to look up Vladimir, an imaginary vampire from a MOBA instead of Vladimir Putin, the current leader of Russia who used military tanks to take over Crimea.

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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Man I gain like 15-17 points a win but lose 21-25 in D4, the heck rito system. I even got demoted from a single loss, getting srs D1 post-master tier addition vibes.
Think I'm not gonna bother trying masters since rito system still ****ed up since last season. It kinda sucks really, be like 67 points away from Challenger last season then lose 37 points in a single loss and demote next loss while at 0, so silly.

Unless I like, make a smurf and go like 8-2 for goldish elo and get to Diamond again easily.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I like, make a smurf and go like 8-2 for goldish elo and get to Diamond again easily.
I believe there was a Diamond-3 streamer this season who "made" an unranked smurf account that only played Tryndamere top and reached master tier. Whenever he couldn't get top lane he would just dodge and when his team comp was something stupid like all AD he would also just dodge the game. When he reached like third tier dodge restrictions, he would just play on his main account and wait until the restrictions expired. He stated that he reached Master Tier in 240 ranked games this season.

Edit: 207 games.
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Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Man I gain like 15-17 points a win but lose 21-25 in D4, the heck rito system. I even got demoted from a single loss, getting srs D1 post-master tier addition vibes.
Think I'm not gonna bother trying masters since rito system still ****ed up since last season. It kinda sucks really, be like 67 points away from Challenger last season then lose 37 points in a single loss and demote next loss while at 0, so silly.

Unless I like, make a smurf and go like 8-2 for goldish elo and get to Diamond again easily.
it's because your mmr is low. queue dodge every game you don't get a character you want to play in ideal circumstances. it lowers your LP which enables you to inflate your mmr.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I came to the realization that people who make bad decisions in game also make bad decisions going into the game. And it is very likely they are generally bad decision makers outside the context of the game. @ Soft Serve Soft Serve I made the mistake of going back to some really bad Solo Q games and looking at the profile of some of the other lanes that were given priority pick and champion, yet still lost their lane pretty hard in the first couple minutes of the game. They were doing actually pretty well and were around the same elo if not a bit higher.

So I look at their ranked champion listing, when given the choice of lane & champion (because I chose to fill regardless of pick trying it out like you did and noticed) they willingly chose to play champions they have never played in ranked before. Note that this isn't such a bad thing because it's entirely possible that they are a relatively new player this season OR they practiced the champion a lot in norms.

Get this the players were literally people who were one trick ponies on one or two champions since season 1 and basically played around 90% of their games on a single champion like Fiddlesticks jungle. What did they choose as priority pick when Fiddlesticks jungle was open as first pick? First time ranked Zyra mid, no previous experience seen in immediate normals. Goes 0/3 in the first five minutes of laning phase and then begins to blatantly feed and go Disco Zyra on the team. Looked into two other games and I had a Sona support main decide to try Ahri mid. And another game where I had a first time Morgana with all AP runes YOLO bring it on. It's like I'm on the Jerry Springer show.

I was only being wry when I stated that Silver was just Teambuilder with makeup on it. But it's a repeated behavior. People love picking new champions into ranked situations. Even in teambuilder people generally pick the champions they want to play with until the game ends and commit to it.
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
I came to the realization that people who make bad decisions in game also make bad decisions going into the game. And it is very likely they are generally bad decision makers outside the context of the game. @ Soft Serve Soft Serve I made the mistake of going back to some really bad Solo Q games and looking at the profile of some of the other lanes that were given priority pick and champion, yet still lost their lane pretty hard in the first couple minutes of the game. They were doing actually pretty well and were around the same elo if not a bit higher.

So I look at their ranked champion listing, when given the choice of lane & champion (because I chose to fill regardless of pick trying it out like you did and noticed) they willingly chose to play champions they have never played in ranked before. Note that this isn't such a bad thing because it's entirely possible that they are a relatively new player this season OR they practiced the champion a lot in norms.

Get this the players were literally people who were one trick ponies on one or two champions since season 1 and basically played around 90% of their games on a single champion like Fiddlesticks jungle. What did they choose as priority pick when Fiddlesticks jungle was open as first pick? First time ranked Zyra mid, no previous experience seen in immediate normals. Goes 0/3 in the first five minutes of laning phase and then begins to blatantly feed and go Disco Zyra on the team. Looked into two other games and I had a Sona support main decide to try Ahri mid. And another game where I had a first time Morgana with all AP runes YOLO bring it on. It's like I'm on the Jerry Springer show.

I was only being wry when I stated that Silver was just Teambuilder with makeup on it. But it's a repeated behavior. People love picking new champions into ranked situations. Even in teambuilder people generally pick the champions they want to play with until the game ends and commit to it.
Pretty much lol. The only role I just pick randomly is adc when it's a bad mu for my only good adcs, varus/mf, because it's not hard to just pick siver or anyone not vayne and just farm and fill your roll, consistent damage output mid/late game. So many people focus too far on trying to snowball out of bot lane and its like, why.

I also haven't touched leauge in like 3 weeks and it's much more enjoyable


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
100000000% true

in riots attempts to cater to the competitive scene they're made solo queue (and non-top level play) pure agony
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I don't really like dodging games... but at the same time I don't like playing support/top. Damn I've reached an impasse.
Though maybe more than half the time near the D5 area of all places it's usually a good thing to dodge games, too many instances where people are typing too much negative things before game even starts or peoples picks are just bad.

Also I remember all the threads trying to debunk Dunkey's thing. Was hilarious, when he said ADC orianna and Riven support he means they're going bot lane and technically taking that role while still going ranged ap of course ori instead of ad and riven with a sightstone or just buying a ward or two (didn't check ribbit items but who cares, dunkey is right anyways and being toxic =/= afking scripting intentionally feeding etc.)
much rather have an obnoxious person typing more than playing be in the game at least trying over the other two while scripting just usually happens on enemy team and never your own for some damn reason.

As for the malph, they literally tried to say he was lying. Somebody thankfully found out he really did feed 7+ kills until he felt like trying and built right items trying to win.
This does prove another point tho, outside of course players in the lower elos (bronze silver) being incredibly bad. Plat 1/D5-D3 is so ****ing bad you can do literally anything and still win somehow.
I had no idea what disco nunu even was until I watched some vids and had it happen in one of my games a few weeks ago I think. From double jungles, to many many other things i've witnessed this season that I can comfortably say didn't happen last season that I know of when I had the trek towards D1.

Dunno what Master tier did, but it ruined the entire Diamond Division.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
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