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yesAnyone played Heroes of the Storm?
Depends though, the same thing goes for any assassin really.She's broken when your team has no way to lock her down.![]()
How does Heroes of the Storm compare to game like DOTA 2?So I know there's another thread already for it (although yesterday it wasn't too active yet), but this is me in my "I'm over league because of their champion designs/balance decisions" and a new alternative is out there! Anyone played Heroes of the Storm? Seems strategically different in a lot of ways, but at the same time that simplicity seems to produce good things. Multiple different levels with slightly different objectives to keep it fresh to combat that feeling though. It seems fun and I'll probably be playing it with friends for a while until we regret it or similar. Unfortunate that it's another "hard core grind" to get things game, but eh, it's using a league business model. The good news is that American servers are linked with Australian/Oceania ones, so the no.1 thing that I've wanted in league forever is available by default. So if anyone wants to play with me/us sometime, all my long missed league buddies can finally do so~
Fiora loses lane to most strong top laners unless she takes ignite and they take TP. But she's not reliant on getting solokills on her laner to snowball. Once she gets a Hydra, she can 1v1 a lot of champions that are ahead of her gold-wise. She gets most of her kills in the early game in a similar way to Kat or Yi do, by rocking up to skirmishes when everyone is low and CDs are down.I've always found Fiora easy to deal with as Rumble as well.
I don't mind Katarina as much because she's easier to deal with than Fiora. The thing about those types of champions is that if you don't want them to get fed, you basically have to never have skirmishes ever. That's what they thrive on. So even in a 5s setting it can still be hard to deny them gold sometimes. It's easier to deny a mid that way than a top laner with TP. Even though mid can roam on more stuff, at least in 5s you can give your mid blue and jungle pressure to constantly push the wave into tower to deny them roams.That makes sense. The mid I usually play with always tells me how he always has an easy time against Katarina, but the problem he has is that they always tend to roam bot for a double kill. I don't mind characters like that too much if you're playing on a team though at least, since all you have to do is not let those characters find a way to snowball. Yeah, they can be tough, but I know way too many people who complain about champions like Yi and Katarina.
Hots > dotaHow does Heroes of the Storm compare to game like DOTA 2?
Ugg, it's so frustrating queuing up with friends, only to have them not work together and ignore every call I make. I just did a ranked 3s game and our jungler constantly ignored everything I said. "Stop chasing Ryze and get the Amumu behind you since I'm following up" *He preceeds to ignore Amumu, follow Ryze, dies, then acts as if he has no idea how that happened*.
Dblade is 3% life steal now. It got changed to % ages ago. So at 70 AD that's about 3 health returned, making it about 6 health returned with feast returned on CS.Dblade +3 lifesteal 70 health and 7 ad, couple with feast returning 3 health if you last hit a minion, you're essentially getting 10+ health every auto if you last hit.
Long sword 10 damage, 3 pots. only limited sustain and no lifesteal or health for level 1/2 fights which is more important than a measly 10 ad.
What that long sword builds into is just 8% lifesteal next, waaaaaaaaay too weak and not worth another 400 gold. Plus AD carries went to get to their IE before a BT or bork, so Dblade is just infinitely better in every situation. Flask or long potions never good.
That's what I said.Dblade is 3% life steal now.
Trading comes down to comfort level and understanding all the options you have and all the options that the enemies have when it comes to a skirmish. It's important to understand what the limitations are on your champion because you will be playing with people who will be playing their champion for what honestly looks like the first time. The most jarring example being with the tank meta and everyone thinking "Sejuani is op" or "Garen is good" and then using their gap closers to move from the front line into the mid line or the back line because these are people who are used to playing Master Yi/Aatrox or some other squishy that refuses to be the first one to take damage in a team fight.And thus as I said, everyone in Bronze is in there for a reason. I know the main drawback for me in League is that I suck at trading. I'm horrible at it. I almost always lose trades, or if I somehow am winning a trade early game, I try to go too far with it and wind up getting myself killed. I actually only realized that recently from doing a lot of 1 v 1s against some of my friends. One of my friends kept suggesting for us to do ditto matchups, and so we played a lot of them. I lost every single one of them except for Nasus vs. Nasus, and Yi vvs. Yi, both of which are champions that I know well and that he never uses. Unfortunately, I don't understand what it is that causes me to lose trades in even fights, so I don't know how to improve on that. The best I can do is just play safe and hope for my opponent to make mistakes, or play late-game champions who don't need to win lane to do well. I'd imagine that I probably have other things I need to improve on in League as well, but I don't know what they are. I know my item builds aren't always optimal, and I usually don't know when to go all in unless I'm on a champion I play a lot. Actually, Rumble and Sona are the only two champions where I almost always know when it's a good time to go all in, and when I'll have just enough to burst someone down.![]()
Did you tell them that your strength is team fighting because you play a lot of ARAMs.But I'm not in Bronze. I actually never bothered finishing my placement games, since I don't really have fun in solo queue. I went back to mainly just sticking to playing with my friends, or playing normals. Though we are Bronze V in Ranked 5s, but I also can't ever get them all online at the same time for us to even play ranked 5s games. The main problem I see with us as a team is the rest of them are all used to playing Solo Queue, and are used to other people covering weaknesses they have, so they've never worked on them. Things like map awareness, how to actually teamfight, etc. We started talking about what our strengths and weaknesses are, and almost all of them listed teamfighting as their main weaknesses, while I consider it one of my strengths, though that's also partly because I play ARAMs a lot, which is nothing but teamfighting. Not to mention that ARAMs force you to learn how to teamfight as all types of champions and role.![]()
>hots is hella funhots is hella fun ive been playing it a bit
add me shaya wampuh#1353
I play Rumble and he's pretty dumb. Champion is so strong in lane and does so much free damage in teamfights for how brainless he is to play.You know a champion is OP when Dre does not play them.
She's too much of a binary statball for my liking. The only binary statball I still play is Rumble. I'm moving away from those types of champs though because mobile champs with outplay potential are just more fun and rewarding.You dont play Poppy tho
I'm talking about AP Fizz mid, who has a really rough laning phase and then is reliant on his abilities to survive in teamfights whilst also using abilties to kill the carries.It takes more skill to play Cho Gath than Fizz.