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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
@ Soft Serve Soft Serve

Tell me more about your new avvie, I can't identify it. :(

Also, AD assassins in the mid lane are remarkably effective for me because most of the mid laners I'm up against have no familiarity with their champions or have a good udnerstanding of what their responsibilities are in the mid lane. Notably something I have been doing is starting with Doran's Shield as Fiora and going Q first and then waiting in a bush to auto them and force them to play defensively after I have chunked them down to 1/2 health. Because they only have a point in a single spell, they do roughly the same amount of damage as the added health I get from the Doran's item. The mental effect of being chunked so low at half health at Level 1 also makes them less inclined to poke me or harass me especially because they have no familiarity with their champion and how much damage they can take from me. Another reason why I like Doran's Shield so much more than Doran's Blade is because I don't have to forcibly hit minions to get health back from the passive. I can manipulate my wave freely and still get health back by playing a farm oriented game which is optimal for me until I hit level 6. I had tested Fiora with MR blues in Team Builder and decided that I didn't need it based on my play style. I picked up the Doran Shield item as a replacement idea and have stuck with it currently.

I more or less reached a comfort level farming/trading with another +10 AD from Longsword and started building Black Cleaver as my first item giving me health to survive ganks and CDR to abuse my ultimate. The +10 AD you get from Longsword in addition to +AD reds gives you enough damage to finish off full health caster minions after being one-shot by the tower. Also, I've never really felt harassed by AP mids rushing Zhonya's Hourglass because the passive stats are negligible since I usually finish BC by the time they finish building Seeker's Armguards. And they always proc the active before I even think about using my ultimate.

Fiora's ultimate is also really convenient for ganking bottom lane because it requires no skill aside from pushing the button and making sure you have an escape route. Usually just Q'ing unto another enemy champion or a pushed enemy minion wave. BC + Tiamat are pretty much what I consider to be my 'core' and her other build items are flexible depending on who she is up against. She will chunk towers, dragons, and other objectives regardless and as long as you play conservatively there really is nothing stopping you unless you actually play against an enemy champion that actually plays Ryze or Vladimir or a champion that actually scales into late game with hard CC that doesn't hard feed in the beginning.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Every now and then, the champion select screen glitches for me. I dunno why. I had it happen in Hexakill once where for some reason, about half of my champions just didn't show up on the screen http://i.imgur.com/PorU0zI.png and I just now had an ARAM where apparently I had 2 Amumus and 2 Volibears http://i.imgur.com/nVBlT7q.png

Edit: apparently I had 2 free week Orianas, 2 Gnars, and 2 Kog'maws as well.

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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
@ Soft Serve Soft Serve

Tell me more about your new avvie, I can't identify it. :(

Also, AD assassins in the mid lane are remarkably effective for me because most of the mid laners I'm up against have no familiarity with their champions or have a good udnerstanding of what their responsibilities are in the mid lane. Notably something I have been doing is starting with Doran's Shield as Fiora and going Q first and then waiting in a bush to auto them and force them to play defensively after I have chunked them down to 1/2 health. Because they only have a point in a single spell, they do roughly the same amount of damage as the added health I get from the Doran's item. The mental effect of being chunked so low at half health at Level 1 also makes them less inclined to poke me or harass me especially because they have no familiarity with their champion and how much damage they can take from me. Another reason why I like Doran's Shield so much more than Doran's Blade is because I don't have to forcibly hit minions to get health back from the passive. I can manipulate my wave freely and still get health back by playing a farm oriented game which is optimal for me until I hit level 6. I had tested Fiora with MR blues in Team Builder and decided that I didn't need it based on my play style. I picked up the Doran Shield item as a replacement idea and have stuck with it currently.

I more or less reached a comfort level farming/trading with another +10 AD from Longsword and started building Black Cleaver as my first item giving me health to survive ganks and CDR to abuse my ultimate. The +10 AD you get from Longsword in addition to +AD reds gives you enough damage to finish off full health caster minions after being one-shot by the tower. Also, I've never really felt harassed by AP mids rushing Zhonya's Hourglass because the passive stats are negligible since I usually finish BC by the time they finish building Seeker's Armguards. And they always proc the active before I even think about using my ultimate.

Fiora's ultimate is also really convenient for ganking bottom lane because it requires no skill aside from pushing the button and making sure you have an escape route. Usually just Q'ing unto another enemy champion or a pushed enemy minion wave. BC + Tiamat are pretty much what I consider to be my 'core' and her other build items are flexible depending on who she is up against. She will chunk towers, dragons, and other objectives regardless and as long as you play conservatively there really is nothing stopping you unless you actually play against an enemy champion that actually plays Ryze or Vladimir or a champion that actually scales into late game with hard CC that doesn't hard feed in the beginning.

tbh I'd be super scared trying to play fiora mid. you'd get ganked so hard and most midlaners are either built to out range melee adcs or just out dive them (I feel like diana does a lot of what fiora mid wants too while just being better at it in laning, late game is obv way different)


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Dre has actually been a really good pH test to determine whether I'm too toxic or not to really play a game of League. What you do is right before you're going to queue in for a Solo Q game, you go to this thread and read all his comments and imagine that four other people are telling you how to play because you just died. Then if you get upset, you close your League client and do something else or just not play Solo Q for the day because you want to actually be a happy person and do constructive things.
Most people here are too toxic for League because they resort to direct insults when someone annoys them

@ Soft Serve Soft Serve

Tell me more about your new avvie, I can't identify it. :(

Also, AD assassins in the mid lane are remarkably effective for me because most of the mid laners I'm up against have no familiarity with their champions or have a good udnerstanding of what their responsibilities are in the mid lane. Notably something I have been doing is starting with Doran's Shield as Fiora and going Q first and then waiting in a bush to auto them and force them to play defensively after I have chunked them down to 1/2 health. Because they only have a point in a single spell, they do roughly the same amount of damage as the added health I get from the Doran's item. The mental effect of being chunked so low at half health at Level 1 also makes them less inclined to poke me or harass me especially because they have no familiarity with their champion and how much damage they can take from me. Another reason why I like Doran's Shield so much more than Doran's Blade is because I don't have to forcibly hit minions to get health back from the passive. I can manipulate my wave freely and still get health back by playing a farm oriented game which is optimal for me until I hit level 6. I had tested Fiora with MR blues in Team Builder and decided that I didn't need it based on my play style. I picked up the Doran Shield item as a replacement idea and have stuck with it currently.

I more or less reached a comfort level farming/trading with another +10 AD from Longsword and started building Black Cleaver as my first item giving me health to survive ganks and CDR to abuse my ultimate. The +10 AD you get from Longsword in addition to +AD reds gives you enough damage to finish off full health caster minions after being one-shot by the tower. Also, I've never really felt harassed by AP mids rushing Zhonya's Hourglass because the passive stats are negligible since I usually finish BC by the time they finish building Seeker's Armguards. And they always proc the active before I even think about using my ultimate.

Fiora's ultimate is also really convenient for ganking bottom lane because it requires no skill aside from pushing the button and making sure you have an escape route. Usually just Q'ing unto another enemy champion or a pushed enemy minion wave. BC + Tiamat are pretty much what I consider to be my 'core' and her other build items are flexible depending on who she is up against. She will chunk towers, dragons, and other objectives regardless and as long as you play conservatively there really is nothing stopping you unless you actually play against an enemy champion that actually plays Ryze or Vladimir or a champion that actually scales into late game with hard CC that doesn't hard feed in the beginning.
Fiora is a pretty legit mid laner. She loses to ranged early but beats pretty much everyone after 6. She's basically like Talon in that she can assassinate a carry really reliably, but has no escape afterwards. The difference is she also does hypercarry damage if she lives. She's also a good splitpusher, duelist and teamfighter.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja_Baseball_Bat_Man tbh I'd be super scared trying to play fiora mid. you'd get ganked so hard and most midlaners are either built to out range melee adcs or just out dive them (I feel like diana does a lot of what fiora mid wants too while just being better at it in laning, late game is obv way different)
Fiora has a lot of dive potential. In fact, that's the only reason why I would field her mid because she has two dives, a blink, and a flash if you have it on you. So like I said before, if you give yourself an escape route then you usually have an escape route or the enemy team creates one for you. However, she really is molested by a combination of constant hard CC and range. So I wouldn't pick her against a Twisted Fate. Also I wouldn't play her mid under certain conditions like if the enemy has a Nasus going top lane then I usually play a champion that has more utility and CC because Fiora has neither of those attributes because you can't guarantee that the game won't be going into late game although she can still do adequate damage to Nasus if she builds a lot of armor penetration.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Currently the 3 assassins you see mid are Leblance Ahri and Fizz. Seeing as they're all AP assassins, they all do pretty similar things, so what's the reasoning for picking one over the other teamcomp/counterpick wise

Fiora has a lot of dive potential. In fact, that's the only reason why I would field her mid because she has two dives, a blink, and a flash if you have it on you. So like I said before, if you give yourself an escape route then you usually have an escape route or the enemy team creates one for you. However, she really is molested by a combination of constant hard CC and range. So I wouldn't pick her against a Twisted Fate. Also I wouldn't play her mid under certain conditions like if the enemy has a Nasus going top lane then I usually play a champion that has more utility and CC because Fiora has neither of those attributes because you can't guarantee that the game won't be going into late game although she can still do adequate damage to Nasus if she builds a lot of armor penetration.
CC from the enemy mid laner isn't normally an issue after 6 because you can bait it out and juke it by walking towards them, or use your ult to dodge it if they let you Q onto them first. Range is also only really an issue pre6 too. The longer range champs like Ziggs Xerath Azir have dodgeable CC and lack all-in, so you just all-in them at 6 after one trade and you can kill them if you have ignite.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Fiora ult you can actually, which is I think what he meant? I might stream my PLACEMENTS BABY later tonight. Come watch high class high quality jungle/mid/adc whenever I do :^) http://www.twitch.tv/sinister_slush
Record it please. :3

But you can't juke TF's stun... and TF was the example given. :059:
Thank you. Twisted Fate I think is the worst matchup I have had to deal with when I ran a lot of games because his Pick a Card has low CD and he can get mana back from Blue Card which allows him to constantly harass you with Gold Card. The threat of Gold Card is especially bad when they have a jungler who loves to gank.

Twisted Fate is unlike lot of other AP stun oriented champions who you can deal with when they reach their level six power spike by actually shoving their wave in order to force them to CS using mana and then make them unable to use their ultimate. Thereby giving yourself a chance to all-in them under their tower OR roam to bot lane after shoving them in.

The Level 1 Cheese is especially important here because chunking them will enable you to get your level 2 and level 6 faster which will make their laning phase hell. So essentially they will be opportunistic to try to farm an entire free wave and want to last hit everything so they will use mana because they have a low comfort level with their champion and aren't used to farming with autos only. Also they don't understand why I'm shoving the wave at them and don't have any bad thoughts about the person who had been farming around tower the entire time pre-6.
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Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Past broadcasts last 2 weeks. Also, you can local record with XSplit while you stream (if you use XSplit that is, if you use something else Id assume they can too, I just dont know anything about them), you just click on the settings cog next to Broadcast Twitch and towards the bottom there's a checkbox that allows you to save locally.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I use OBS, not sure what's difference to just streaming and local record.
I'll prolly set up once I get back from doing something. 5ish my time so around 8 or 9 I'll stream most likely.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
But you can't juke TF's stun... and TF was the example given.

You can juke it with ult

TF is like the weakest mid laner in the game in terms of laning, Fiora would destroy him after 6. You basically just juke his skillshot, double Q him, ult his gold card and ignite with autos and he either burns summs or dies.

Range advantage in mid lane against assassins only counts for something pre6. The assassin always has the advantage at 6 because if you've backed by level 6-7 and have items you can just kill the mage in 1-2 ability rotations unless they have a defensive steroid like a shield.

If Fiora loses to TF, then by the same logic Zed would lose to Azir, when in fact he counters him. Zed can obviously farm safer than Fiora but Azir still bullies him pre6 by getting free harrass with his superior range. Zed wins though because if he has a brutaliser or even a cutlass at 6-7 he can kill Azir in 1.5-2 ability rotations.

That's how most assassin vs mage match ups go
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
My OBS stuff reset cuz my laptop broke around november, so it's gonna be weird maybe. Stream up, prolly a normal or two to warm up before descent to hell.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Those 3 losses were unfortunate, especially the "duo" bot with the ad disconnecting right away. 2-3 is good tho, rite? lol
Will do last 5 tomorrow prolly.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Those 3 losses were unfortunate, especially the "duo" bot with the ad disconnecting right away. 2-3 is god tho, rite? lol Will do last 5 tomorrow prolly.
The funny thing was the back to back games with the "U MAD BRO" Anivia mid with flash + TP. The second game where you lost with her on your team and the third one where you won with her on the enemy team. I really like some of the things you do as a support like how you tanked creep aggro to make it easier for your ADC to get complete farm off a wave. However, Kennen seems like a champion that just seems so lacking to me. You landed the stuns, however there just didn't seem to be a strong follow up until you guys really began to maintain a steady lead over the enemy team. It seemed like assassin oriented champions had such a large impact on the first three games. I didn't tune in to the last two, I got impatient and wanted to play a game on my own. >_<

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
The kennen support is basically to be a stunbot to stop janna ult possibly or get graves/riven put in their place.
Riven players mostly go for 40% cdr and have no MR blues, so any little bit of magic damage, especially if it's a support, helps.

Otherwise I landed stuns on janna, just reksai never flashed pop up, she tried to get in range of chilly smite than use her pop up despite having flash on multiple occasions I saw her do that.
That and our only initiation was me or WW flash ulting. If one is ulted away by janna, the other can get a stun or 4 off lol
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013

Leblanc game was depressing. There was an instance where she used distortion straight into the blue camp wall but your entire team was pretty much dead. Your Thresh insisted that he needed to buy a pink to reveal her which is why he wasn't upgrading Sweeping Lens to Oracle Lens and traded it in for warding totem and upgraded to Greater Vision Totem (pink option) in order to reveal her but imo going Oracle would have been better if he was able to chain her because he could follow up into it.

Not sure why you wanted Thresh to build mobility boots at 16:50 when Leblanc was going strong around 7-0. I would think that going Mercury Treads would have at least provided him with the hope of not being easily cheesed by distortion and giving her health back from Dangerous Game. It was my impression that mobility boots are good for engaging when the game is close to exert more pressure, however by the time he upgraded his shoes it was already a pretty definitive that blue team was starting to develop a secure gold advantage from her.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009

Leblanc game was depressing. There was an instance where she used distortion straight into the blue camp wall but your entire team was pretty much dead. Your Thresh insisted that he needed to buy a pink to reveal her which is why he wasn't upgrading Sweeping Lens to Oracle Lens and traded it in for warding totem and upgraded to Greater Vision Totem (pink option) in order to reveal her but imo going Oracle would have been better if he was able to chain her because he could follow up into it.

Not sure why you wanted Thresh to build mobility boots at 16:50 when Leblanc was going strong around 7-0. I would think that going Mercury Treads would have at least provided him with the hope of not being easily cheesed by distortion and giving her health back from Dangerous Game. It was my impression that mobility boots are good for engaging when the game is close to exert more pressure, however by the time he upgraded his shoes it was already a pretty definitive that blue team was starting to develop a secure gold advantage from her.
Didn't see the game, but if LB is 7-0 she's probably going to oneshot a Thresh through Mercs. Mobis is for playmaking and for warding, as you probably know. It's probably better to get Mobis (which are like 400 gold cheaper than Mercs) and just rush a Locket.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Didn't see the game, but if LB is 7-0 she's probably going to oneshot a Thresh through Mercs. Mobis is for playmaking and for warding, as you probably know. It's probably better to get Mobis (which are like 400 gold cheaper than Mercs) and just rush a Locket.
Which is why Mobis are unnecessary when you are dealing with a fed Leblanc since you're going to play defensively and hope that you can suspend the game to the point where people can get enough gold to buy health + MR related items like Banshee's Veil or Spirit Visage.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Mobility means faster ward coverage. Faster ward coverage means safety. Safety means survival.
Mercs would've provided nothing. LeBlanc was 7-0. :applejack:


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Which is why Mobis are unnecessary when you are dealing with a fed Leblanc since you're going to play defensively and hope that you can suspend the game to the point where people can get enough gold to buy health + MR related items like Banshee's Veil or Spirit Visage.
Mercs are not going to stop a 7-0 LB 100-0ing a support of all things. She could probably kill someone with a Visage or Banshee's in 1-2 rotations.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Nah you're right. My bad. I just didn't think wards were going to be that effective in stopping a Leblanc on her war path though because of how mobile she is with distortion. I was thinking of them just turtling and hoping for the best.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
What's an acceptable number of CS for Fizz at 10 minutes? Average mid laner is supposed to have 70, so is 50-60 acceptable?Really like this champion but his laning is awful, I have no idea how you win lane with this guy.

Nah you're right. My bad. I just didn't think wards were going to be that effective in stopping a Leblanc on her war path though because of how mobile she is with distortion. I was thinking of them just turtling and hoping for the best.
For 100 more gold than mercs you can get mobis plus null magic mantle. That gives you same MR, the benefits of mobis and puts you on your way to a locket.

But good on you for being open to being wrong, it's a hard thing to do.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
So apparently my match lasted 155 mynoots...

Does anyone know what causes this error?

155 Mynoots.png

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Yeah supports almost never need to go any other boots except mobos.
Hell that's actually a good portion of supports first item, mobos. They need to make plays mid or top over being tanky from a measly 25/20 MR and armor. Mobos in lane gives incredible lane pressure alone cause the speed they run up on the enemy support/AD if they don't even have boots yet spooks them back.

But yeah the lb ban I forgot to tell the malph to ban, all I told him was ryze. His last ban was amumu for some reason.
The Anivia was good too, just whenever LB got a kill it was cause anivia actually didn't call mia when she would B (thresh never warded either and at one point had sightstone pink ward and two greens + yellow trinket lol) or cause W/R allowed her to come bot incredibly fast to join fights while anivia had to rely on tp and homeguard mobo to join fights.
Albeit Anivia only joined fights 2 or 3 times and lb was basically bot entire time, she didn't get the turret as well when she was basically living bot nor did she have a cs advantage, minions took the turret like 15 minutes in.

I'm no saint either though, I stayed bot when LB was sitting in tri for like a whole minute after a fight, but that was honestly cause after we killed bot lane and jungle I believe, anivia backed and I saw her there and decided to bait since I saw lee sin walking down to bot lane through our jungle.
The problem being tho is that he started blue buff and took it for himself instead of coming bot for a free shutdown and turret most likely. So by the time I noticed he didn't want to be an early pressure lee sin and just wanted to farm, being near the bush closest to my turret is never safe enough from LB and I got killed. O well

I will give lee the benefit of the doubt and say he prolly sucked as lee sin cause the anivia just instalocked without saying anything so he was forced on jungle when he wanted mid.

But yeah, Team game, all ****ed up etc. etc. Malphite going full ap and not banning LB ****ed us, anivia instalocking and forcing previous mid to lee sin which he doesn't play, thresh wasn't that good and I prolly should've pinged more or told him what to build to guide him, Anivia did really well tbh despite the instalock, there isn't much I can think about her doing bad except maybe things I didn't witness like maybe what she'd do in teamfights since I'd get 100-0'd by lb and just be looking at what item to buy next lol, and lee sin sat in river and allowed braum to get 2 autos off on him after Q and graves the last one forcing his flash and my heal.
It's a struggle, but it's fine. I'm just hoping the next 5 games are wins today, gonna do something later today and I might stream early after 5 or 6. So look out fer that.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
For 100 more gold than mercs you can get mobis plus null magic mantle. That gives you same MR, the benefits of mobis and puts you on your way to a locket. But good on you for being open to being wrong, it's a hard thing to do.
LB wasn't one shotting people at 7-0. In fact, she was 7-0 because she was playing conservative even when she was in the lead and using distortion to get out of the way when her passive activated. She did do some stupidly HAM things like burn a flash to gimp people under tower, however most of her kills involved people dying to her chain because they didn't have enough MR to tank it when she got them low. Therefore, I think that if the team started to build MR earlier on it would have slowed her influence on the game and allowed them more gold.

The Mercury Treads idea was there for just initial MR to stack on because this Thresh wasn't really making great plays in the game or really offering great peel for Slush. At the very least he could be used to force Leblanc to burn an additional spell on him in order to create more opportunities rather than just dying due to being in the way of her distortion. Leblanc went 21-0 this game which is a bit obscene, so my immediate assumption was that the lack of stacking high priority MR items is the reason why this game went so uncontested after she picked up kills bot lane on a roam.

The only issue with the 100 gold example is that the Thresh was literally dying to LB right after he spawned in two cases iirc if you look at the progression of the game. From my point of view the mobility boots would just enable him to die faster. That's why I was thinking that he needed some MR stat because at the same time the Gragas was also becoming a threat with how tanky he was enabling him to poke down the team on top of Leblanc's damage with relative safety.

Slush said:
But yeah, Team game, all ****ed up etc. etc. Malphite going full ap and not banning LB ****ed us, anivia instalocking and forcing previous mid to lee sin which he doesn't play, thresh wasn't that good and I prolly should've pinged more or told him what to build to guide him, Anivia did really well tbh despite the instalock, there isn't much I can think about her doing bad except maybe things I didn't witness like maybe what she'd do in teamfights since I'd get 100-0'd by lb and just be looking at what item to buy next lol, and lee sin sat in river and allowed braum to get 2 autos off on him after Q and graves the last one forcing his flash and my heal. It's a struggle, but it's fine. I'm just hoping the next 5 games are wins today, gonna do something later today and I might stream early after 5 or 6. So look out fer that.
She didn't participate in team fights because she knew she would be bursted down by LB and also the reason why she allowed LB to roam since she couldn't stop her with only health stacking items. She went with AP blues and no MR, however went nowhere with that advantage in early game and only ended up conceding lane often because she had TP. She played her niche champion and she went with early game AP advantage against Leblanc who actually went MR and went with TP for safety rather than going for ignite which would actually have helped the team if she was able to force Leblanc to back. I also noticed that her wave was also pushed often in early game. So she was able to zone out Leblanc, but wasn't able to kill her. Because the only kill she did get after ten minutes was her TP to bot lane on blue side bush.

Lee was making a hundred excuses for himself and all of them were horrible. Something along the lines of, "I just wanted to try him out. I don't even play the guy." And I noticed you wanted to type something too, but you refrained from pressing that enter key. I'm still curious what happened first game against Tryndamere because I only caught the very end of that with them pushing on to the nexus.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
@ Sinister Slush Sinister Slush

Does Thresh usually go 22-8-0 for masteries and goes AD reds/AD quints with Armor yellow and Mres blues? I really don't understand the advantage of butcher, feast, and all points in executioner on Thresh.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
What's an acceptable number of CS for Fizz at 10 minutes? Average mid laner is supposed to have 70, so is 50-60 acceptable?Really like this champion but his laning is awful, I have no idea how you win lane with this guy.

For 100 more gold than mercs you can get mobis plus null magic mantle. That gives you same MR, the benefits of mobis and puts you on your way to a locket.

But good on you for being open to being wrong, it's a hard thing to do.
They've changed fizz a but, but he used to go ~10's down vs most lanes, not sure how strong his all in potential is pre 6 anymore but you used to threaten that to farm

I played alot of fizz gragas in s3
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
The Thresh must've had wrong runes and masteries, that explains why he wasn't tanky and died so quickly when he gave himself up level 2 lol

As for Lee sin, I was just typing comments I didn't want to say to the team but to anyone watching the stream basically. As for tryn game, past broadcasts is on, basically what happened is his fury gave him two lucky crits on me and Vi camped top while bot continued to lose despite no jungle pressure until after vi got assists/kills on me top and mid ekko that wanted first pick did nothing against brand.
That's all, nothing special. We had good teamfight and they didn't have any teamfight but one or two would always get caught out (escape but still had to b) before we could do 5v4 since tryn was barely in teamfights until 25ish minute mark.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
They've changed fizz a but, but he used to go ~10's down vs most lanes, not sure how strong his all in potential is pre 6 anymore but you used to threaten that to farm

I played alot of fizz gragas in s3
I saw my mate all-in someone at level 3 on new Fizz so the threat is probably still there.

I versed a Zed in my first ranked game, and apparently Zed beats Fizz. I can understand that you can Q or E through slower skillshots like Syndra's on reaction, but what do you do against fast projectiles. Say like against LB W or Zed WEQ, can you still react or do you have to predict?

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I think I'm rdy now

After I finish placements, not 100% sure on snoreboreds rules, but just in case I prolly won't be advertising stream too much after that unless I get people asking for me to stream moar and morez. So at that point I'd just tell them to follow me.

Also I just watch saint or wutever pro player talk about the patch, accurate or not it's more interesting than listening to rito employees and from a viewpoint of how they might think it'll effect the meta or if the champ is garbo or not now.
Especially morello.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
So I know there's another thread already for it (although yesterday it wasn't too active yet), but this is me in my "I'm over league because of their champion designs/balance decisions" and a new alternative is out there!

Anyone played Heroes of the Storm?
Seems strategically different in a lot of ways, but at the same time that simplicity seems to produce good things. Multiple different levels with slightly different objectives to keep it fresh to combat that feeling though.

It seems fun and I'll probably be playing it with friends for a while until we regret it or similar.
Unfortunate that it's another "hard core grind" to get things game, but eh, it's using a league business model.

The good news is that American servers are linked with Australian/Oceania ones, so the no.1 thing that I've wanted in league forever is available by default. So if anyone wants to play with me/us sometime, all my long missed league buddies can finally do so~
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