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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Until tank meta falls off and it goes back to actually outplaying each other instead of being walking rock sponges, he'll never have a fun time top again until he either gets benched or patches nerf the dang tank meta already lol
TSM meta is to give Bjergsen all the resources and have him carry. Dyrus is the one who usually finds himself compromised in terms of farm and jungler attention when it comes to top lane which I felt was largely exploited in the first game against Fnatic.

K just finished watching the first part of the SKT game. It's crazy how both games seemingly began to snowball in top lane with Dyrus dying in lane consecutively within a very short time period resulting in the enemy team getting two kills. In the first game, he was dived and the second game it seems like he honestly was trying to push minions into Gnar's tower when he had no vision over river and the enemy team has a Rek'sai.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
It's been largely exploited multiple times, even a couple times from NA teams but then they suddenly forget and proceed to get smashed.
Honestly either before summer split or end of S5 Dyrus will leave, which I wouldn't mind or care either way. I only care bout

dang I actually don't care about many teams.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Until tank meta falls off and it goes back to actually outplaying each other instead of being walking rock sponges, he'll never have a fun time top again until he either gets benched or patches nerf the dang tank meta already lol
When did Dyrus ever outplay people

He's never been known as a carry top or a playmaker. He gets called 'consisent' a lot because all he does is PvE and help in teamfights/wait for Bjergsen to carry him.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
T R U N D L E.

On paper. This means he scales better into late game. Am I right?
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Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
When did Dyrus ever outplay people

He's never been known as a carry top or a playmaker. He gets called 'consisent' a lot because all he does is PvE and help in teamfights/wait for Bjergsen to carry him.
He used to, when he first got on tsm he would do horrible horrible things to people toplane which is why he started being the focus of all the jungler attention.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
He used to, when he first got on tsm he would do horrible horrible things to people toplane which is why he started being the focus of all the jungler attention.
I didn't see him when he first got onto TSM, but that was also the ignite meta, when top was the most snowbally lane. I feel like he's only at TSM now because he was there from the beginning and is an established vet now. If he was playing for a Challenger team I don't think his play would get him snatched up by a LCS team.

TP meta suits me though, because it means I can just play stuff like Shen without any skill required.
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Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Its not Dyrus getting carried/being bad, its his team leaving him out to dry and his team whining about not getting jungle pressure, its not all Dyrus' fault. Sure, there are some things he could do better as well, but everyone is blaming Dyrus and saying he's the problem when its really just TSM's lack of team/map play that was the major problem.
I've never thought he was the problem they're losing. I just don't see what he does over other pro tops that justifies him staying at a top team and being regarded as one of the best tops in NA.

Like I said before, if Dyrus wasn't pro and was just a high level player I doubt he'd get scouted by an LCS team. Or if he was playing for a Challenger team I doubt TSM or C9 would come calling.

But honestly it doesn't matter too much because the tp meta gutted a lot of the skill in top lane. Now it's just about predicting dives and doing good TPs.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
dyrus is absolute **** at rengar take that back you ****ing moron
Just a heads up, I didn't report you and I'm sorry you got a warning.

Also, that was possibly the best Game 5 setup that anyone could have requested between EDG v. SKT.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
If your smurf has a higher soloq rank than your main is it still a smurf

Might as well just make my smurf my main seeing as it's easier to climb in Silver-Gold elo than in Bronze.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Why bother when you can just stalk a random diamond and link his lolking in champ select. Bonus points if he isn't on the same server.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
You don't get it. He wants to go into Bronze telling them that he has a Diamond main so he can pick his lane & champion.
Why would I need another account for that when I could just link a random Diamond player lol

My 'smurf' is Silver, so it feels weird calling it my smurf when my main got dropped back to Bronze when it reset for S5.

Silly thing is I made the smurf to play in a higher elo than Bronze so I could play Zed in ranked, because he's always banned in Bronze. But now I've decided I actually want to climb rather than fool around so I've been playing Shen instead.
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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Bleh. Did a couple games as jungle warwick the past couple days and had as much fun as back when I mained the role. The problem with that is that Warwick is the only jungler I have fun playing. I have yet to find another I like, and you can't exactly play a role on just one character. Voli is fun, and I do well with him early game, but then I tend to get wrecked when it comes to team fights. I've tried Udyr a couple times, but always wind up having bad luck and wind up having at least 2 lanes feed pretty hard. At least with Warwick, it's easy to carry a game. I've tried Amumu a few times too, and I do well with him, but I get bored using him.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Why would I need another account for that when I could just link a random Diamond player lol

My 'smurf' is Silver, so it feels weird calling it my smurf when my main got dropped back to Bronze when it reset for S5.

Silly thing is I made the smurf to play in a higher elo than Bronze so I could play Zed in ranked, because he's always banned in Bronze. But now I've decided I actually want to climb rather than fool around so I've been playing Shen instead.
Every account starts in Silver unless you screwed up bad. Real bad.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Every account starts in Silver unless you screwed up bad. Real bad.
At the end of season 4 my main was Silver 4 was because I just fooling around. Then in the preseason I started playing properly and climbed to S2, but those MMR gains aren't counted for S5 provs. I had an insanely bad run of luck in the provs so I went 3 7, think there was something like 3 4v5s, and 4 games were my laners all fed multiple kills bla bla so that's how it got dropped to Bronze on my main.

Playing Shen in Bronze/Silver
A Character that requires teamwork from others.
I found the problem.

Just go carries and hard carry the ****ters
That doesn't work as much in Bronze if your other lanes are losing because then you just get hard camped by the jungler. When I say hard camped, I don't mean like 3 ganks. I mean getting ganked 6 -7 times in 8 minutes. I have games where I've played melees and I literally cannot ever go up to auto a minion or trade with the laner because the jungler will be there everytime. You can only kill the laner twice then it's basically a 2v1 lane if the rest of your lanes are losing.

I've realised I win more with Shen than my champions who are averaging 15 kills because I always do well in lane, and can win other lanes with ults. It's more effective for other people to be fed because I'll still be competent with less gold, whereas when I'm the one fed my teammates are useless and I'm basically trying to 1v5.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Why go melee top lane.
Just go a ranged character like Gnar Kennen or Lissandra.

Man I kinda wish I could watch your games.
The only carry laners I know how to play are Rumble and Zed. I guess I can play Lissandra too and I can play Wu if he counts as a carry laner. I don't play many carries because I started out playing supportive junglers in 5s.

Edit- When I say 'know how to play', I mean winning lane every game in Bronze-to-Gold elo. There's other champs I've played once or twice that I could win lane with some of the time in lower elo.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Edit- When I say 'know how to play', I mean winning lane every game in Bronze-to-Gold elo. There's other champs I've played once or twice that I could win lane with some of the time in lower elo.
Dre89 has discovered an elo lower than bronze. No wonder he's so stubborn about the game, he literally climbed to bronze all by himself from the satanic undergrounds of literal elo hell.

Dre89 said:
That doesn't work as much in Bronze if your other lanes are losing because then you just get hard camped by the jungler. When I say hard camped, I don't mean like 3 ganks. I mean getting ganked 6 -7 times in 8 minutes. I have games where I've played melees and I literally cannot ever go up to auto a minion or trade with the laner because the jungler will be there everytime. You can only kill the laner twice then it's basically a 2v1 lane if the rest of your lanes are losing.

I've realised I win more with Shen than my champions who are averaging 15 kills because I always do well in lane, and can win other lanes with ults. It's more effective for other people to be fed because I'll still be competent with less gold, whereas when I'm the one fed my teammates are useless and I'm basically trying to 1v5.
Play Nasus. You can pretend you're Shen when you get camped, farm under your tower and when they try to hard engage you use wither after they hit you and use your e + q with tower aggro to kill them and then spam laugh. Once you've got a frozen heart, a spirit visage, and a warmog's for defensive items you're pretty much unkillable unless you actually try to get yourself killed.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Dre89 has discovered an elo lower than bronze. No wonder he's so stubborn about the game, he literally climbed to bronze all by himself from the satanic undergrounds of literal elo hell.

Play Nasus. You can pretend you're Shen when you get camped, farm under your tower and when they try to hard engage you use wither after they hit you and use your e + q with tower aggro to kill them and then spam laugh. Once you've got a frozen heart, a spirit visage, and a warmog's for defensive items you're pretty much unkillable unless you actually try to get yourself killed.
Nasus is sub-optimal for climbing because laning isn't my problem. Your strategy requires the game to still be relatively close whilst you afk farm up 3 items. Climbing in lower elos isn't about your lane, because you'll always do well in it. It's about how you impact other lanes. That's why playmaking mids are the best climbers because they win their lane and roam to other lanes to win those as well.

Also Nasus isn't unkillable. He's one of the easier tanks to deal with because of how kitable he is (even in low elo you''ll get kited, especially if they have mages on their team). He's not that great of a teamfighter, his strength comes from the fact that lategame it takes three people to stop your splitpush. But hoping you get carried to 30 minutes is too luck-dependent for me.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Nasus is sub-optimal for climbing because laning isn't my problem. Your strategy requires the game to still be relatively close whilst you afk farm up 3 items. Climbing in lower elos isn't about your lane, because you'll always do well in it. It's about how you impact other lanes. That's why playmaking mids are the best climbers because they win their lane and roam to other lanes to win those as well.

Also Nasus isn't unkillable. He's one of the easier tanks to deal with because of how kitable he is (even in low elo you''ll get kited, especially if they have mages on their team). He's not that great of a teamfighter, his strength comes from the fact that lategame it takes three people to stop your splitpush. But hoping you get carried to 30 minutes is too luck-dependent for me.
If your games are ending before thirty minutes then you need to duo with someone because your lanes are feeding hard. Bronze games shouldn't be ending pre-30 minutes because of how bad coordination and objective focus is around that elo. I don't understand why you think Nasus is a laning champion when he scales into the late game. He simply has all the tools he needs to succeed in laning phase, however these same skills work incredibly well in team fights whether you are picking off their back line carries or protecting your own from the enemy team.

Spirit Fire offers AOE armor reducitons, Wither offers AS and MS reduction, and Siphoning Strike should force their carries to get zoned off from the rest of your team if not outright killed on the spot. Not to mention his ultimate does some AoE based magic damage to units that try to siege him in a fight. He's like a literal turret for the enemy team that they need to siege and if he is getting kited then the rest of your team should be deleting them, especially since you yourself mentioned that it takes three people to stop him split pushing.

You can also consider Nasus to be a "playmaker" when you save your teleport for a big teamfight or dragon fight. You just tell your team to plant that free ward right in the middle of the fight when things look bad, then you teleport straight into the fight with your ultimate and act like a huge tower and soak up all the aggro. Wow, now you've just become a play maker like a mid whose gank is essentially appearing in lane and pressing their R key.

I'm not easily kited as Nasus when I begin to stack points into Wither. I look forward to mage match-ups because mage builds are often singular in the sense that their only defensive item is a Zhonya's and the meta champions are ones that often don't build items like Liandry's Torment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, or Rod of Ages as core items. Even if they build Void Staff, you just add another layer of MR on with a Banshee's Veil. If they have a decent CC composition then you build Mercury Treads especially if you they try to counter you with a Teemo who you will squash around mid game without even needing to lose your turret. If you need more CC because you are being focused by the entire team then build a QSS. If you're getting kited then most of the time it's your fault for misplaying your champion and not building appropriately.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I would just like to say that if you're stuck in Bronze, chances are, you're the reason you're not able to get out, not your teammates. Yeah, you will have games where your team does feed hard, but there's a higher chance of the enemy team being the one who feeds. You're in a game with 9 randoms. Your team has 4, while the enemy team has 5. Your team has you, who you can trust to play well. The enemy team does not.



Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I would just like to say that if you're stuck in Bronze, chances are, you're the reason you're not able to get out, not your teammates. Yeah, you will have games where your team does feed hard, but there's a higher chance of the enemy team being the one who feeds. You're in a game with 9 randoms. Your team has 4, while the enemy team has 5. Your team has you, who you can trust to play well. The enemy team does not.

Well my smurf is Silver-low Gold elo and I have a positive win-rate there.

Before my main dropped back to Bronze, I had climbed to S2, with a positive win-rate in high Silver- low Gold elo.

This is why I find it hard to believe luck doesn't play a massive part.
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