#HBC | Acrostic
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It's also much easier to execute yourself even when the entire enemy team is alive.Yeah this changes everything, like Annie becoming more obnoxious than Kata.
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It's also much easier to execute yourself even when the entire enemy team is alive.Yeah this changes everything, like Annie becoming more obnoxious than Kata.
I'm assuming she can still oneshot a carry in the lategame, but can she do anything after that?Leblanc.
She's OP still.
Even if the mid has Zhonyas?One shot the mid laner and support next.
Nasus, Veigar.****ing hate LB. What a stupid character.![]()
No.LeBlanc is more of an early-game character.
If your LB main isn't pushing lane and roaming that's probably why many of your games go to late. Might as well just play a mage if they don't want the burden of making plays. In 5s you can just ask the jungler to hold it if it gets pushed in anyway.LeBlanc is more of an early-game character. One of the people on my team mained her for a long time, but finally quit her since he didn't like how she starts to fall off compared to other mid-laners if it gets to late game, and our team doesn't tend to end games early. I can't seem to convince them that it's ok to push lane and roam, because they all seem to be deathly afraid that their lane opponent will stay in lane and somehow push the wave all the way back to their turret and take the turret at level 4 if they leave lane for even a second :/
Edit: I don't really understand how placement games work exactly. Me and some friends started doing ranked 5s, and most games, we wind up against gold/platinum players, and so we just get destroyed. I don't understand why we keep getting put against them >.<
On the bright side, I've learned that I don't go on tilt easily. Even when we're behind and I have teammates demanding for us to surrender and saying that we don't stand a chance, I can still make plays. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lsTUBb-LoE
Just can't get over the fact that SKT has such a deep talent pool and enough confidence to use their sub-mid and sub-jungler to win the playoff finals. GE had prep time, but I guess they just can't adapt to the current meta. I love their fashion sense.All mid lane did was switch between Cass and Azir.
Otherwise GE Tigers not good on this patch.
Zed has better escape than Talon I'll give you that. But how is Zed better in every circumstance?Because Zed can escape after going all in with a single button while if Talon goes in he stays in.
Also Zed > Talon in every circumstance.
Black Cleaver can be a decent option as a 5th or 6th item if you're split pushing against a tank. But yeah I think the item is pretty overrated on most AD casters. LW gives more personal damage for less gold and getting both is pretty inefficient a lot of the time as Cleaver shred reduces the amount of armour LW ignores.Actually has an escape, more range during lane phase to bully enemy mid laner out. Split pushing infinitely better without the need of having to go hydra route, can do 2v1 or maybe even 3v1 much better as a fed zed compared to a fed talon.
Also why does everybody build black cleaver, it's such a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad item on assassins.
Been seeing it on riven zed etc. Better to just build it on resourceless tanks top lane.
Like garen or Gnar lol
I don't really understand why anyone would make a ranked five team with people who can't cooperate or get along well. Malphite and Wukong obviously wanted to poach that and could have gotten it & gotten away. Wukong's ultimate was up, but he never even used it before dying. Malphite's ultimate came up at the time dragon was incredibly open to being poached. Not to mention Janna's ultimate was up as well which could have either been used to disrupt the enemy jungler from smiting it or could have been used as a disengage to scatter the enemy team if you guys decided to go for dragon.On the bright side, I've learned that I don't go on tilt easily. Even when we're behind and I have teammates demanding for us to surrender and saying that we don't stand a chance, I can still make plays. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lsTUBb-LoE
Out of curiosity, who would you suggest for mid instead of Viktor? One of the problems we have is that not all of us have many champions. Jad (our mid) only owns 16. I'm assuming Yasuo, because of all the knock-ups, but unfortunately, he refuses to play any assassins and only plays mages. As far as Janna goes, the enemy team had Thresh, and both of us main Sona as our support. I went ahead and took Caitlyn, since he said he'd be fine with going Janna, even though he doesn't have that much experience with her.
This strikes me as being such a Solo-Q thing as people go silent or mute the entire team when someone starts flaming or becoming toxic. I think arguing is good to improve, but not when the conversation is about why someone didn't push the surrender button. The comment about recommending someone to watch Sky also made me cringe a little. He isn't a bad streamer, it's just that you get much more game related commentary from someone like Trick2G who streams bronze/silver/gold games and comments on what is good and bad about the approach people have to the game.KRDsonic said:As far as the arguing and stuff goes, I've gotten to where I just don't even say anything anymore. When they were arguing about surrendering, I just stayed quiet and focused on gameplay.
KRDsonic said:Also, as far as team comps go, what kind of teams would be good? As far as roles go, we'll most-likely keep Jad mid on Viktor. Our top laner plays Wukong, Riven (though his Riven almost always feeds), aaaand... can't remember who else he has. He's played with us the least out of all of us. Our jungler plays Malphite and nautilus mainly, though he owns a lot of champions and is completely fine with using almost everyone. For bot lane, me and our other person switch back and forth between support and adc. My adcs are Kog'maw, Caitlyn, Jinx, and Twitch, and his are Ashe and Sivir. My supports are Sona, Lulu, Janna, Nami, Blitzcrank, and Taric, and he mainly plays Sona but also has Janna.
Right now champs and compositions don't really matter as much as getting in game play and getting used to match ups. Team Builder is a lot less stressful than Ranked 5's and can be used as practice over playing ranked 5's. Discussing who has an ultimate up or agreeing on order of combos can also help. The only reason why I think Solo Q is better to learn over Ranked 5's is because you can feed as much as you want and feel personal pressure to win which improves your own game play over discussing how the team screwed up on numerous aspects. I think ranked 5's can be analogized to playing in a band. If the individual talent is still developing and polishing on their own performance then there is really nothing to take away from playing as a group because no one has a core idea of what their game play should be as a solo player. When you play as a 5-man there is a lot of noise that I just don't want to deal with when there are so many things that I have to familiarize with in the game that I'm still largely unaware of at the moment.KRDsonic said:
I don't find Solo Q to be that toxic. I find the responses to be warranted most of the time. Today, I'm in champion select for the fourth time having three other selections cancel on me that were seemingly going pretty well only to have the first person ban: Warwick, Soraka, and Gangplank. Okay. Then they are first pick and lock in Jinx. Okay. "I'm going mid, don't worry, I'm good." Well, let me look at your lolking page: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/52835352#matchesThe others actually do play Solo queue a lot. I'm the only one who doesn't, since I have really bad anxiety problems and have trouble dealing with all of the toxicity in it. With that said, I know most of the bot lane matchups really well.![]()
I play on NA too. It's just that my boyfriend lives in UK. Not to mention that I physically couldn't play on NA when I started league because the servers were being hit by DDoS attacks, and my internet apparently didn't like me playing on the NA server for almost a month afterwards as well. I couldn't even get through the tutorial because of how much it kept disconnecting me.KRD playing on EUW and not NA when living in Houston I think.