I'm not planning on doing ranked unless it's with a team of 5. I don't tend to deal well with how toxic the community is, and I'm pretty sure ranked would be a lot worse.
I don't have issues with toxicity. I understand that it is there and a factor in the game, however I attribute most of it to miscommunication, insufficient game knowledge, or someone taking a game too personally. I think that the game gives you enough features to play the game sufficiently without needing to really use the chat feature in most cases. I personally feel that only doing ranked 5's is a hassle because it's hard to get four other people to come on at the same time. Also figuring how to play optimally as a team seems far more complex than figuring out how to play optimally as an individual.
I would like to think that normals are there for you to refine certain things that you want to work out on your own. For me personally, I've been attempting to figure out my health, clear times, and other costs as Maokai in bot games to figure out how I can optimally abuse his low CD kit. When I play in normals it's not much different, just a sort of semi-rehearsal when I feel confident that I've gotten him down to the extent where I know what I can do, how I can do it, where I can go, and how much I spend by doing different things. If someone feeds it doesn't really throw off my simulation since you usually have at least one lane get fed and are responsible for figuring out how to counter play if you are someone who wants to win the game.
If you can't solo counter the enemy and he just ends up steam rolling everyone from laning phase, then I don't get mad. I simply consider what I could have done better or what I could have done differently. If I couldn't make a factor in the game then I consider which champions I could have played in jungle to counter the fed laner especially if they were a snowball oriented champion. Then I simply start from square one and try the experimentation process all over again.
When I saw a Nasus and a Vayne running away from three enemy squishies because the Vayne was at low health after getting hit by a skill shot, I told the Nasus that he should tank for the Vayne and he should be fine. Nasus was able to protect the carry and Vayne was able to easily gain back the missing health with the IE + BT in her five/six item list. Now if they both died because they chose to ran away with the tank ahead of the carry, then I understand that. Much like how you come to understand a Talon telling you that he's tankier than you when you're playing a Leona with FH and BV. Sometimes you get your team to listen to you, sometimes you don't, and sometimes you realize there's no point in pressing that enter key.
At the end of every game if you got some more information or learned a different application for a different set of skills, then you gained something which is more important than actually winning or losing the game. You're right that ranked can be a lot worse, especially because most players are misplaced at the beginning of the season (my case) and you'll be relegated to a lower division as you play or by the end of next season. But it doesn't really matter what division you're in if your base skills remain static. When you focus on your own play and improving how you approach the game, then toxicity from the other nine players of the game are really miniscule when you understand that you won't ever see them again.
With that said, two of the people I usually play with are silver, and since we're all about the same skill level, I already know that's where I'd be too
My take on silver, especially lower divisions of silver is that the quality of play is incredibly variable because you get two extremes where you have some people who climbed out of Bronze V with several hundreds of games from previous seasons who finally got out and then you match make them with players who just finished their ten game provisional series and just have two rune pages. The match experience between the two types of players can make or break the game. I personally have trouble discerning skill level because my understanding of match ups and how to play out a match advantage is still gradually growing in terms of widening my champion pool and understanding the game as a whole. I wouldn't put a hard label on how good you are until you've actually played ranked to understand why ranked can't be extrapolated from your play in normals.