Smash Ace
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- May 24, 2013
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Completely untrue. If this is the case when you play support then you are playing the wrong champions, especially in a Solo Q environment. If you don't play the role of support with the mindset that you are literally going into bottom lane to 1 v. 2 the enemy team because your ADC is going to be potatoes stupid then you aren't in for a good time. Take the champion Blitzcrank. If he sets up a pull correctly from the enemy line he can essentially change the flow of a game by grabbing the most fed member of the enemy team, knocking them up, silencing them, and then leaving him to try to escape with his base MS alone while your teammates are beating up on him. An AoE silence can completely change the flow of the game. Similar idea is Sona whose ultimate is an AoE stun or Soraka who also has an AoE silence. These abilities when applied correctly are game changing in a team fight. Or take Alistar who is the closest thing to unkillable in a team fight, can ultimate in and basically soak in all the skillshots and knock high threat carries into walls while trampling them with his passive. If you're not being focused as a support or a threat in a team fight then you are not successfully supporting your team.The only risk that support shares with everyone else is feeding gold to the enemy team. In a sense they have the least risk in that regard because they're the least focused due being the least valuable member in a teamfight and being worth the least gold.
Supports are incredibly gold reliant which is the reason why the meta is to run Gold Per Minute quints and why items like Spellthief's and the gold coin upgrade have GPM statistics tied into them. If the enemy team has a fed support laner then you can expect to be in for a very rough time because the enemy will be able to constantly poke you down, make bolder plays, and even get away with riskier plays because that support has higher stats to tank your damage and give his ADC more leeway to engage your team.Dre said:Supports don't have a gold resource that they're responsible for, that's why they're not burdened with having to get combat stats and carry. When another role makes a play like a roam, they have to get something out of it because they lose gold if they do. That's a risk. The support is free to roam much more than any other role because they don't lose gold when they do.
When a support decides to roam like a Blitzcrank or a Thresh to make a Q grab play in mid lane, they not only lose out on experience, but they also lose out on gold. Supports roaming take on incredible risk like Softie said. They might encounter the enemy jungler if they stupidly decide to travel up the river to assist mid and if you aren't able to land a well executed Q that gets capitalized on by your mid-laner then you have to waste time going back into lane and hope that your ADC wasn't hard engaged during the time period you were gone.
If it's a support oriented role that doesn't scale with base stats then they are likely a champion that will scale with CDR and tank related items. There is no such thing as any champion that doesn't have any reliance on any base stat. Your ADC will be focused, however as a support you should be able to easily peel for your ADC and have them focus on killing you first. If you aren't a high priority target then you aren't an effective support. Given that your favorite champion is Zed it must be easy for you to get to that ADC when you are getting peeled off by a Sona or a Nami with strictly meta utility builds and little to no armor. However, I personally hate the assassin meta and pick champions like Blitzcrank who would be able to ult you so that if you do go in with Death Mark you won't likely get out. Also the ADC very rarely gives themselves the tools needed to escape from focus like buying a QSS even though that will build into a mercurial scrimitar for them which is hardly a bad item to have as it gives you massive AD for the slot it occupies.Dre said:Consequently, teamfighting is easier as support and has less risk because you simply need to land your abilities on the right targets and you've done your job. Other roles have to do that to, but they also need combat stats to either take or put out damage. In the case of the mid or the ADC, they have to do this under way more focus from the enemy team, the support is the lowest priority target.
Sighstone is not the only effective item that can be bought for additional vision when you can buy the trinket upgrade for 250 gold and you get a chargeable three wards. Also the investment for a pink is only 100 gold which is barely anything by mid to late game and the bigger issue comes with the item space it occupies. I personally don't play 5S, however my experience in Solo Q is that I have enough vision with the three ward charge and I don't really need any more.Dre said:Even vision control is easier when you're a support. Yes you obviously have to put more wards down and do more sweeping. But at a high level of play, especially 5s, everyone has to invest heavily in vision. Unlike supports, who can afford to buy a sightstone because they don't need stats, other roles constantly have to spend gold on vision when they need to be spending it on stats. Thus it becomes difficult to find the right balance between spending gold on vision and stats. Supports don't have this problem because they just a get a sightstone with no real consequence. The vision game is probably the hardest for the jungler because they have a larger vision burden than the CSers but have a lower gold income. They can get a sighttone but unlike supports they pay a price for by sacrificing combat stats. If anything most of the risky warding is done by other roles, supports rarely ever ward neutral or enemy territory without an escort.
Also sightstone which takes up a crucial item spot is a huge investment for any support. If you're a tank you could buy two cloth armors, a green, and a pink which opens up an early game warden's mail which will neutralize the threat of the ADC a lot. You can use ruby crystal and buy a crystal for extra mana to set you up for an early crystalline embracer to set yourself up for early stacks on rod of ages which will give you a huge boost in taking damage in team fights and also in ganks.
If your support isn't getting gold then your ADC shouldn't be getting gold easily either assuming the enemy team is using their gold advantages to pressure you in lane. A support that has an immense gold income lead will be untouchable and can use that advantage to assist their ADC in easily freezing the lane and securing CS away from the enemy team. When you roam you not only put yourself at risk by exploring jungle and lose out on gold/exp but you also put your ADC in a 1 v. 2 position where they will run into a difficult time cs'ing unless they have a convenient pushed wave which even though is risky if the enemy has a strong engage type support that can tank tower hits.
Also the jungler effectively is able to establish free ward points for his team by killing shuttle crabs in the river which offer the most holistic vision experience outside of support constantly warding river for your team and is one of the best defensive wards to prevent the enemy from ganking your lane and/or stealing dragon. IIRC the crabs also give +80 gold so it's literally killing two birds with one stone by going for crabs early game around bottom lane if dragon is something that is going to be contested.