Espy- Their not having off days. Since I picked Rumble up again and suddenly stop being ******** with him, I have literally never lost lane as Rumble against anyone of any elo, Diamond or not, unless they're Nidalee or Kayle, or I got camped out my brains. If I beat 1 or 2 Diamonds I'd just think it was luck, but I've beaten every single one that I've versed as Rumble (never versed a Diamond Nid or Kayle).
What you have to remember is although I'm Silver, like 60% of my games are spent playing higher elo players because I do normals with people who pull Diamonds and Challengers. I've also played ranked 5s against Diamonds and Challengers, so I've versed them in competitive settings too. So my rank is deceptive with regards to what level of play I'm used to playing at. For perspective, I'll get mocked by my mates if I lose to anyone Gold or lower if I'm top lane, because with the amount I've played versing better players it's expected that I win against people around my elo.
What you have to remember is although I'm Silver, like 60% of my games are spent playing higher elo players because I do normals with people who pull Diamonds and Challengers. I've also played ranked 5s against Diamonds and Challengers, so I've versed them in competitive settings too. So my rank is deceptive with regards to what level of play I'm used to playing at. For perspective, I'll get mocked by my mates if I lose to anyone Gold or lower if I'm top lane, because with the amount I've played versing better players it's expected that I win against people around my elo.
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