I need to learn a champ that is good at carrying feeding lanes and winning games by themselves. I'm guessing that's what all the high elo players did to get out of the lower divisions. Winning lane isn't enough, I do that all the time at my elo already, I need a champ that can just win a game by themself. So far Ori looks like she'd fit that role, can win lane against anyone, scales well and can win a teamfight with her ult.
Jungle is the only role though where you can lose your 'lane' so to speak without actually misplaying/getting outplayed. You can lose a game as a top laner but still have won your lane (probably lost because the rest of your team fed). Whereas as a jungler the top laner being forced out of lane can result in you losing your blue because you had to defend the tower. Your mid laner losing lane can result in the jungler and mid duo roaming into your jungle to kill you and control dragon. When it comes to ganking, if the enemy jungler gets more successful ganks off than you do, it isn't always because their better than you, it can also be related to how safe the respective laners were playing. You just get punished harder for your teammates shortcomings than the laners do.Team's shortcoming can always be your downfall... Regardless of role. If anything, jungler is best role at patching short comings, or amplifying the best person on your team.