He DEFINITELY falls off late game, I used to play him a lot back in Season 3 (cuz when Battlecast Urgot came out I loved it and had to spam it) and the problem with him late game, is he cant definitively stick to one role, so he ends up being a sub par combination of Tank/ADC/whatever. Its a lot like Mario in Brawl (since this is a Smash forum I think this is a good comparison lel), Mario's design is to be an all around character who has options at all areas of the game, but he ends up just being a Jack of All Trades, but Master of none, and lacks in almost every area making him all around bad. Urgot is similar; instead of being an ADC who can also Tank, or a poke master with a great initiate, like he was designed to be, he ends up just being that guy who doesnt do enough damage because he has to build defense to not die, but doesnt do enough damage if you build the tankiness to survive. He also has unreliable poke, and his ult, while good, doesnt mesh well enough with his current kit to make it good or worth it.