you're right dre
especially in bronze
there is literally no reason that justifies not playing support fiora
let's look at support fioras pros and cons:
- lots of poke, plus a weapon that you poke people with! Never again complain about the enemy support poking you down, just max riposte and give their autos right back!
- lots of kill potential! Being pretty much the only champion in the game that excels at smacking people, theres always a chance to all in someone or something and kill it!
- Never lose another ward battle ever again! Because you're fiora, you can duel entire teams! Sona tryin to kill your pink ward? "I long for a worzy opponent". Janna trying to kill your pink ward? "I long for a worzy opponent!" The enemy adc and support killing your pink wards? "I LONG FOR WORZY OPPONENTS!"
- Flexible build, you can build any item you want and still be fabulous since everything synergizes with your kit and your utility.
- extreme utility and peeling potential. I don't even have to say anything about this really. Peel for your carries by simply killing the person who dives on them. Yes, you're Fiora and you can do this.
- tem wil call u troll but dont listen to them, show them the truth of support fiora
Go dre~
I look forward to seeing your results.