I've been having a ton of fun with Quinn top lately. Max E > W > Q for the constant harass and ability to disengage, and E is pretty good for last hitting too if need be. Go for early Brutalizer usually into BT, Youmuus, Shiv. I haven't found a common top laner that outright beats her yet. Ryze is kinda iffy, but you should definitely beat him early game. Some lanes you can bully so hard they can't cs at all for a long time, other lanes you're just a generally good bully. I find that every single time I take her top, I get camped by the enemy jungle. It can be brutal against some junglers, but some of the popular FF junglers right now can't even do anything early game and I can zone both of them 1v2.
Lategame, go for picks/assassinations if you can find a target, or splitpush, otherwise stay by your team and help peel and dps for valuable targets. Jax can't do anything to your adc/mage when he jumps on them and then you blind/vault him.