I guess, but I've found that you don't need to win lane as a hypercarry to be effective. It's obviously a lot better, but you can still get farm by splitpushing. Of course if they end the game in 20-30 minutes then you won't be able to turn it around in time, but I feel like games go longer than that on average now on soloq.Hypercarries are easy to shut down early if focus/camped and rely on snowballing mechanics, so organized teams and higher elo generally know to focus/camp targets early that could get out of hand later to stop them from getting the ball rolling
I actually win lane a lot as Shen, whereas I often lose it as Jax. Would you say it's better to pick a tank if you can win lane often, even if it means your on a timer to win the game before the enemy team outscales you?
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