Yasuo's a pain to go up against in team fights. Guh.
Also hey.
I wanna play Renekton. For anyone who plays him, how hard is he to play, and how hard does he "fall off" late game? I hear that's an issue with him, but from what i've seen he's still at the very least pretty tanky late game.
Just curious before I buy.
I'll probably buy him anyways though. Because Alligator.
If you don't get ahead in lane, or if things stay even then you're options are to build full tank but not have very relevant damage, or have relevant damage by building something like Hydra but not be tanky enough.You can't really get both with Renekton unless you're ahead.
If you do get a lead then you basically get to build whatever the hell you want and be a raid boss that tanks their entire team while killing their carry.
Assuming you win your lane, like getting a kill or two and the tower, with the rest of your team going even then you're more than capable of carrying the game. If you lose lane you'll be dead weight. If you go even in lane you technically lose lane as Renekton.
Oh yeah? What else is on Riot's plate right now, anything noteworthy?
Skarner rework came out, right? Does he see any more use?
They're reworking Kass and Gragas. I saw a red post saying they're thinking of doing some Olafing to them before the reworks come out because they're just overwhelming right now.
A while ago I saw on Reddit that they were going to tackle Graves at some point but haven't heard anything new in a while. The post detailed some initial thoughts like dropping him down to 500 range, buffing his passive back up so it scales into lategame again, giving him some bonus armor pen somewhere, giving him incentive to just stand his ground and fight in close range.
I've also seen that they're doing Poppy at some point but have no idea what that will entail.