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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2009
Dallas, TX
Now which one would you rather be on?
Your "buy banshees veil plz" team is garbage btw.

-Sion- Should be top 2v1 lane. Considering amumu jungling. Nothing to say here, strong.

-Singed- Guessing he's bot with kassadin. I dont know what lane combo is going to let u 2 farm for free. Singed will be fine pushing the lane, but Kassadin will want to passively farm till lvl 5.

-Amumu- better be jungling. Good luck keeping up with warwick

-Kog Maw- Will lose or tie with ezreal. I dont see kog maw getting as many minion kills without sacrificing health. The additional hurt from ww ganks will become a factor at him losing the lane. In addition to amumu ganking. But from minion kills alone, looks like ezreal will be able to afford wards more often.

Kassadin-Probably the biggest weakness here. Would opt for a Support/xxx hybrid that can push. Nidalee would be good, janna would be good etc. Kassadin, in this lineup is a useless champ. Just seals the deal on everybody getting banshees veil early. In addition, he guarantees bot will lose their lane and ww will get free dragons.

Btw, im not trolling u guys.

oh btw ^^.



^^ are the best currently. AoN disbanded, so no point in having them anymore


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2009
Dallas, TX
uhg *gives up*

for the record, it's Kass is solo top, Kog is mid, Sion + Singed, Amumu jungle.

but w/e, I don't think I can explain to you how good Kass is.
oh right kass top. Good point. Yeah that would solve him being able to farm and all. I would prefer him in a team where there wasn't a jungler. As he is a decent nuker.

My point being, anywhere there's a kassadin on a team. I'd prefer an akali, annie, morgana, shaco or veigar. Just these nukers offer alot more for a team (in a broad can go with any team sense).

nice lookin out ^^. I 4got bout them. Super strong team. Wish they upset hotshots team during the WCG tourny.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
What smashers would rage at you for being level 21, in an inhouse game? That's about as friendly as you can get lol. Just get the stronger level 30's to hop on lower level smurfs.

Edit: Read that wrong lol. Hell yeah we won't judge or rage at you for being Level 21. As long as you don't feed or AFK because "I gotta walk the Dog", I think most Smashers on the planet would be content.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Thanks for the sites. My friend plays Vivi. Pretty **** character.

and VanZ, my max level is like 12 so far. I'd be down to play but I'm seriously terribad. Like, seriously. I don't necessarily feed but I'm bad. I'm still down just only on the weekends when I'm not @ tournaments / out.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
For the record, Kassadin can mid against nearly everyone currently. Especially Ezreal. He's weak until he hits level 6 (Takes long in solo mid, right?) and then he starts to completely **** on any decent mid choice.

I think there's just a bit too much theorycrafting going on in the thread as it is. There's no denying Kass is a strong pick right now, though I wouldn't pick him every time. I'll have to play with him some more, he was my old main.

As for Singed... I find it hilarious how popular he's become, when he's received absolutely no buff or nerfs for the longest time. Not counting the fling fix... that was a fix.

go go metagame changes


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
wait, singed is popular now? I thought he's just always been a sleeper. He might be getting a small spike in popularity right now (lol, I just broke my massive solo queue losing streak with my first two games as him), but it's nowhere near the Amumu/Garen/Morgana/KogMaw spikes over the last few months.

EDIT: Kassadin is literally never a bad pick. He's the best caster right now and I really don't think I can argue with people who haven't seen Kasses of the caliber that I've seen. He's a very strong pick for solo lanes simply due to his Q's range and his ability to play an attrition game.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vZh_hN-62YA&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vZh_hN-62YA&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
One of the few champion spotlights where Phreak actually includes mistakes and times when a champion can't do whatever it wants. Kinda nice.

I almost wanna try her just to use Bullet Time, since it's giving me Death Lotus vibes (if only slightly).


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Yeah, I agree. The Miss Fortune spotlight was very well done in a sense of helping newer players and showing more than just "gaiz dis champ can pwn, i promize"

Now can't wait until I lane against a Miss Fortune who took boots first... lol.

Edit after reading Mogwai's post a page back: If you feel that way, I suppose I'll have to train up my Kass. I never really thought he'd be that popular, but meta shifts can surprise anyone. I've never really seen anyone play what I can call an amazing Kassadin... only those that have snowballed early (successful snowballing kass, what an unstoppable nightmare) or have survived the match to rack up kills.

But nothing that really truly screamed "This man... is a force to be reckoned with this character. Never let him pick it again." Though I do need to note... any Kassadin with the Christmas skin has absolutely wrecked me and our team.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Kass is simply not better than Annie. Convince me, if you will, why Kass is better than Annie. She farms better, nukes harder on more opponents, offers stronger CC with her stun. GG? I'd rather have that than Kass. Even if you don't have stun on her ult for whatever reason, I'd rather have a strong AoE nuke than the ability to weave in and out throwing out soft CC on 1-2 people, especially when you can cast Tibbers at that range. The synergy you can have with other stuns or AoE Ults is fantastic. Mumu Morgana Annie? That alone sounds super Nasty. Mumu Morgana Kass? Dang I wish I had Annie again lol.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
There is no point in debating this unless actual numbers are involved. Like I said before, Theorycrafting makes for poor arguments. All characters have their own niche and player skill factors in here.

Kassadin used to be the go-to pick for the anti-mage. I'd believe the spike in his popularity might be because of his ability to get away with his combos against most of the commonly picked champs now. Might change next patch, seeing as Roots screw him over.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Yeah the patch screwed him over a bit, although it did get everyone including Ezreal (Yay)


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Best part of the new patch is the trade feature for ranked games. This means your team won't have to get screwed by that Teemo player that happened to be the captain for the game. You can pick in order of "ZOMG MUST PICK" and then swap champs after the fact. +rep Riot for finally getting this feature into the game.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
It depends. What are the details about being able to trade? Can the team do multiple trades? Does the Captain arrange the trades, do the two players click something if they wanna trade, does the entire team have to vote on a trade, etc. I like the idea, I just hope they executed it perfectly.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
From what I understand, at the end of champion select you can just click on a teammate and offer a trade. I'm pretty sure you can do as many of these as you want as long as the timer doesn't run out.

Forgot to mention the worst part of this patch: Suppression. What an ill-concieved adjustment to the game. Essentially in a game with a WW, you will now NOT be able to push lanes without full health or some long-range CC that can out-range his ulti. Even with a ward up nearby to see him coming, if you are pushed past the center line and dinging their tower and he shows up, someone is probably gonna die. Malz is even stupider. He can do like 40% of your health with his ulti. Not only are those guys going to be real jerks to lane against now, but if you force him back and press his tower, he'll have a virtually guaranteed kill once you get into tower range.

It's so arbitrarily applied too. Ok, Malz ulti kinda sucked and people could cleanse out of it or reduce it via Merc Treads. So can a LOT of other abilities in the game. That's the point of those items. Why not give suppression to Nunu's ult so people can't just flee it every time or stun him out of it? Why not give it to Galio's ult? Why not Gangplanks? What about Morganas? They are just slapping it onto some characters as a bandage to player complaints instead of finding a way to balance the champions properly.

Terrible, terrible idea.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I think it's fair for Mal and Urgot. They both stop moving, and basically sit there for the duration exposed. You can interrupt them to stop it fairly reliably, and they aren't very good until you factor in the ult (I don't think the other Mal buffs make him that much stronger, his Ult getting better definitely does though). For WW, it's just a small buff overall. Most of his prime targets don't tend to carry Cleanse (that might change), so they would have been stuck eating the damage either way.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
From what I understand, at the end of champion select you can just click on a teammate and offer a trade. I'm pretty sure you can do as many of these as you want as long as the timer doesn't run out.

Forgot to mention the worst part of this patch: Suppression. What an ill-concieved adjustment to the game. Essentially in a game with a WW, you will now NOT be able to push lanes without full health or some long-range CC that can out-range his ulti. Even with a ward up nearby to see him coming, if you are pushed past the center line and dinging their tower and he shows up, someone is probably gonna die. Malz is even stupider. He can do like 40% of your health with his ulti. Not only are those guys going to be real jerks to lane against now, but if you force him back and press his tower, he'll have a virtually guaranteed kill once you get into tower range.

It's so arbitrarily applied too. Ok, Malz ulti kinda sucked and people could cleanse out of it or reduce it via Merc Treads. So can a LOT of other abilities in the game. That's the point of those items. Why not give suppression to Nunu's ult so people can't just flee it every time or stun him out of it? Why not give it to Galio's ult? Why not Gangplanks? What about Morganas? They are just slapping it onto some characters as a bandage to player complaints instead of finding a way to balance the champions properly.

Terrible, terrible idea.
I agree with you but I can see the logic behind it.

I imagine its a justification of having a single target channeling disable as an ult. I mean if you ult some jerk with WW and he cleanses out, you wasted your ult and gotta wait however long for the cool down.

If that is the case what is the advantage of ulting with WW and Malzahar, when I can just just play sion and taric who can stun every 15 seconds.

It also makes a case for getting Quick Silver Sash. I like the changes to cleanse because it makes QSS a more viable item.
&lt;/Devil's Advocate>


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Kass is simply not better than Annie. Convince me, if you will, why Kass is better than Annie. She farms better, nukes harder on more opponents, offers stronger CC with her stun. GG? I'd rather have that than Kass. Even if you don't have stun on her ult for whatever reason, I'd rather have a strong AoE nuke than the ability to weave in and out throwing out soft CC on 1-2 people, especially when you can cast Tibbers at that range. The synergy you can have with other stuns or AoE Ults is fantastic. Mumu Morgana Annie? That alone sounds super Nasty. Mumu Morgana Kass? Dang I wish I had Annie again lol.
I just don't think there's a way for me to convince you. This is what you see:

R (AoE Stun)
W (AoE Stun)

Double AoE Stun within 8 second - CDR time frame. And I can't deny that that's strong. But it's ENTIRELY burst oriented. In the metagame of 8 months ago, where it was literally just AoE spam, blow up the opposing team in 1 go, Annie was hands down the best caster because of this, but the gameplay has become a lot more dynamic and teamfights have shifted to drawn out affairs that take upwards of a minute to be decided.

The things that Kass really excels at are:
1. Kassadin at level 6+ provides a much larger map presence than Annie does. He is instantly there to support scuffles in the jungle.
2. No one escapes Kassadin. Literally no one. You know those fights where Ez does Cleanse -> E out of your bear stun and then Kites your tanks away from the fight? That doesn't happen vs. Kass, he simply latches onto someone who needs to die and kills them, period, end of story. There is nothing that can save you from Kass.
3. Similarly, no one can catch Kass. I've seen losing teamfights net practically nothing for the winning team because they have 3 people left with semi-low health getting kited around the jungle by Kassadin and if they ever split, he'll simply burst kill the straggler and riftwalk on out.
4. Whereas Annie's CC tapers off after the first 8 seconds of a fight (no shield or tibbers to keep her spell count up), Kassadin provides a consistent point and click silence on a 9 second CD + an absolutely brutal 50% slow on a 5 second CD that has essentially no extra constraints in a teamfight. Yes it's weaker CC, but in a 20 second fight, Annie MIGHT get 2 AoE Stuns + 1 single target stun, whereas Kassadin will get 3 silences and 4 or 5 AoE slows. This is ignoring the fact that if Kassadin's a threat, he can still weave around the fight without dying, whereas Annie will be FFed down and killed after her first stun most likely.
5. Just like with CC, Kassadin's sustained damage in a fight is higher, despite having weaker burst. Post-Tibbers, Annie has:
4 Second CD, 260 damage, 0.6 AP ratio single target nuke
8 Second CD, 325 damage, 0.6 AP ratio AoE nuke
Kass has:
9 Second CD, 280 damage, 0.7 AP ratio single target nuke
5 Second CD, 300 damage, 0.8 AP ratio AoE nuke
4 Second CD, 120 x number of recent uses damage, 0.4 AP ratio Flash
6. Annie has real problems with Banshee's Veil and has to work around it awkwardly by not quite having stun procced, then burning either Q or W to strip it and then blowing her load, which slows the 2nd stun by your Qs cooldown at least. Kassadin barely gives a ****. He decides whether he needs you slowed (Melee DPS/Tank) or silenced and just uses the other ability to strip your veil, then kites you around while waiting for CDs.
7. Kassadin can poke with his abilities. If there's a standoff as Annie, you cannot afford to be the one poking at the other team because your combo is set in stone and needs to have everything setup already. Kassadin on the other hand just doesn't care and can poke away with Qs and Ws to his heart's content.

There is no point in debating this unless actual numbers are involved. Like I said before, Theorycrafting makes for poor arguments. All characters have their own niche and player skill factors in here.

Kassadin used to be the go-to pick for the anti-mage. I'd believe the spike in his popularity might be because of his ability to get away with his combos against most of the commonly picked champs now. Might change next patch, seeing as Roots screw him over.
I actually think Kassadin ***** over Melee and Tanks harder than he ***** over mages. 50% AoE slow on a 5 second base CD is just O_O

As to the root changes, just don't play one of the greedy Korean style builds that skimps out on Cleanse. Run ghost cleanse and forget about the ignite/teleport **** and you'll be fine.

From what I understand, at the end of champion select you can just click on a teammate and offer a trade. I'm pretty sure you can do as many of these as you want as long as the timer doesn't run out.

Forgot to mention the worst part of this patch: Suppression. What an ill-concieved adjustment to the game. Essentially in a game with a WW, you will now NOT be able to push lanes without full health or some long-range CC that can out-range his ulti. Even with a ward up nearby to see him coming, if you are pushed past the center line and dinging their tower and he shows up, someone is probably gonna die. Malz is even stupider. He can do like 40% of your health with his ulti. Not only are those guys going to be real jerks to lane against now, but if you force him back and press his tower, he'll have a virtually guaranteed kill once you get into tower range.

It's so arbitrarily applied too. Ok, Malz ulti kinda sucked and people could cleanse out of it or reduce it via Merc Treads. So can a LOT of other abilities in the game. That's the point of those items. Why not give suppression to Nunu's ult so people can't just flee it every time or stun him out of it? Why not give it to Galio's ult? Why not Gangplanks? What about Morganas? They are just slapping it onto some characters as a bandage to player complaints instead of finding a way to balance the champions properly.

Terrible, terrible idea.
ehhhhhh, you can say it's arbitrary, but the rule is pretty clearly that suppression is applied simply on single target, channeling ultimates. And basically the difference between these and the ults you listed is that all your ults aren't countered by a single summoner spell because they're all AoE and typically require 2-3 opponents to pack a flash/cleanse to GTFO. Was it the right solution? I dunno, maybe, maybe not, but I think you're overvaluing it by a lot. The merc treads interactions with these moves was dumb IMO and aside from that, it's just another small hit to cleanse. Lord knows Warwick didn't need the buff, but Mal and Urgot were both pretty lackluster pre-patch, so I don't really see much harm in buffing them.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Hey guys, i have a few questions concerning AP chogath and would like some feedback as to which items are good for him and such.

i usually go RoA first, i'm guessing that's standard...

then i don't really know whether to go rylai's or go straight for zhonyas...does it depend on whether my team needs more cc or is rylai's not even worth getting?

I was also thinking maybe instead of RoA i could go archangels staff? i used to see that item a lot, but it doesn't seem to be used anymore...any thoughts?



Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Why are you asking for Cho Gath advice right after he got mega-nerfed? :(

The person who's advice I trust the most on Cho has always suggested pretty much mejais -> Needlessly Large Rod -> Negatron Cloaks and Chain Vests eventually upgrading all your crap later on to Zhonya's, Banshee's, Force of Nature, GA, but mostly he just wants a big efficient chunk of AP followed by some Armor and Magic Resist to back up his feasting health.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
so, what runes would you recommend for kass? i've been thinking Mpen red/quint, cooldown blue, hp yellow, hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and possibly balloons.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Prog you are really gonna need more mana regen than that.

I run magic pen marks, mana regen per level seals and glyphs and flat health quints.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Mana Regen/Level Yellows, Magic Pen Reds for sure

Utah's been ****ing around with Quints and Blues recently, I think his current kick is flat AP on Quints and Scaling AP on blues.

EDIT: the W change eliminated the need for double mana regen rune setups.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Why are you asking for Cho Gath advice right after he got mega-nerfed? :(

The person who's advice I trust the most on Cho has always suggested pretty much mejais -> Needlessly Large Rod -> Negatron Cloaks and Chain Vests eventually upgrading all your crap later on to Zhonya's, Banshee's, Force of Nature, GA, but mostly he just wants a big efficient chunk of AP followed by some Armor and Magic Resist to back up his feasting health.
wait did he get mega-nerfed after this last patch? or has this been for a while now...

also, that sounds pretty good, i will try it out. Still wondering though, what is the usefulness of rylais? from what your description of what I should build, it doesn't sound like rylai's works too well for what cho is trying to do


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
well, in the last patch they nerfed his silence (his biggest redeeming factor) from 4 seconds to 3 seconds =\. Why would you bother with rylais? it's a bad item on him.

The point of rylais is to give spammers a way to effectively chase (Vlad, AP Kog (lol these days, but used to be legit), Kennen, Akali), but when you have stuff that already disables and has relatively high CD, Rylais is a waste.
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