@Tom: I'm accusing you of nothing for the moment, but why are you so quick to ask for everyone's reasoning behind everything? I understand that you want to get people talking and possibly reveal some hidden intentions, but everybody's getting the third degree from you. x.x
I think that's a loaded question. Why am I so quick to ask for everyone's reasoning behind what they do? Spin that around for a second, Kaylo. Shouldn't everyone be completely upfront with their reasoning? Should I even have to ask for someone's reasoning behind something? Doing something without saying why is suspicious.
But I don't even think that's a fair assessment of what I'm doing. I'm simply asking everyone questions and grilling people in turn.
Tom is clearly too worried about how people are voting, almost trying to control the vote to make sure it appeases his "group." A towns person would have no idea who is where and shouldn't worry as much.
Vote: Tom
Interesting. Chibo, can you show me examples of where I am "too worried about how people are voting?" Also, assuming that you can back up what you accused me of, is there anything
scummy (aka: mafia-like) about wanting to know why people are voting a certain way? Also, how can I control the vote?
You say that "a towns person would have no idea who is where and shouldn't worry as much." The first is correct. A townie does not know who is town and who is mafia. The second is not correct. Why should a townie not want to know reasoning behind other players movements? In fact, isn't it telling of a townsperson to be questioning everyone elses' movements, because he cannot implicitly trust them?
Also, humor me: what would happen in a situation where
everyone was doing exactly what I'm doing, Chibo? What would happen if everyone was grilling each other, looking for patterns, prodding other players, or asking for vote reasoning?
I'm very interested in your responses.
I ray we we wench off Tom or CK. Preferably CK, but I wood bee fine fine with Tom as well.
Omni, why would you be fine with CK or my lynch? I understand you have a posting restriction, but this does not seem characteristic of either a pro-town attitude or an Omni attitude. Why would you want to lynch one of two people who are actively discussing things?