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God **** It! (pardon the pun)

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Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
New plan.

You sit both of your parents down and pace back and forth in front of them. Be sure to give a heavy sigh every couple of steps. Look them in the eyes, and slowly say "Mom... dad... I'm... I think I'm gay."

Wait for them to react, then let out a big laugh and say "Nah, I'm just fucking with you. I'm atheist."
I tried something like that before.

Didn't work too well. They started condemning my decision and were like "hay emmanuel wtf, atheists are fools ur gonna lose all ur blessings" and stupid crap like that.
So in the end, I was like "Cmon, Dad, you know I'm only joking, right?".
So anyways, doing what you're suggesting wouldn't end very well.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
Don't do that. DON'T.
Because they'll definitely take you to a doctor LOL.
Just fake a fever as Straked said.

EDIT: I fail. I haven't noticed a new page was out :urg:..

LOL. Straked, that's awesome! HAHA.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
Don't do that. DON'T.
Because they'll definitely take you to a doctor LOL.
Just fake a fever as Straked said.

EDIT: I fail. I haven't noticed a new page was out :urg:..

LOL. Straked, that's awesome! HAHA.
But I can never do what Straked told me to do (tell my parents I'm gay, then say I'm atheist). I'd still get in plenty trouble.
Besides, I've tried telling my dad I'm atheist before.
As I said in my post earlier, it didn't go well, and I ended up having to bail myself out by saying I was just joking.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Why not? You obviously don't watch sitcoms. When writers run out of ideas and are forced to copy old gen shows, the child protagonist needs to get out of something and they play sick, it always works for them.

And it always happens in hilarious ways that make you wanna watch the show.

Serious idea here. Try to wake up a little before them, and go into the bathroom. Make really loud coughing noises like you're throwing up. Lock the door. When they knock and ask if you're okay, flush the toilet, open the door, and put on your best ill face.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
Why not? You obviously don't watch sitcoms. When writers run out of ideas and are forced to copy old gen shows, the child protagonist needs to get out of something and they play sick, it always works for them.

And it always happens in hilarious ways that make you wanna watch the show.

Serious idea here. Try to wake up a little before them, and go into the bathroom. Make really loud coughing noises like you're throwing up. Lock the door. When they knock and ask if you're okay, flush the toilet, open the door, and put on your best ill face.
I can do that.

I can't tell my parent's I'm homo (im not), and then say im atheist.
But I can fake sick xD
And thanks for the idea. I'm gonna try that.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
If you're good at acting like me, then that should be a breeze. I even told this girl I loved her. Yeah, with a serious face, too.

Good luck tomorrow, hope it all goes according to plan.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
If you're good at acting like me, then that should be a breeze. I even told this girl I loved her. Yeah, with a serious face, too.

Good luck tomorrow, hope it all goes according to plan.
aiight thanks.

i'm pretty good at acting. It's just that my parents will be somewhat suspicious (because they know that I don't really want to be there). that's the main problem.

I will tell you all how it goes tomorrow.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
and btw, just out of curiosity, has anyone ever told their religious parents they are atheist before
I've told my mother that I don't believe in any god because I've never seen him before.

If that counts.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
She didn't accept it. She was pretty mad at me for about a week and said I didn't have to go to church if I didn't want to. On one condition, I go on Easter.

Yeah, that's right. I don't get to look for eggs. Believe me, I was on my stomach crying, punching the ground and screaming.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
I feel sorry for ya, man. At least you don't have to go to church often anymore :)
I don't think that things will work out for me as they did for you if I tell the truth to my parents :lol:

Deleted member

I told my parents when I was about 19 and I had recently moved out. They seemed a little disappointed, but accepted my decision.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
If you're having trouble making an ill face.
Best trick is to put your fingers in your mouth as if you want to make yourself throw up. But don't go too far... You'll make the noises needed and you'll have tears all over your face.
Oh and those epic red eyes. :)

It's that simple <3.

I feel sorry for ya, man. At least you don't have to go to church often anymore :)
I don't think that things will work out for me as they did for you if I tell the truth to my parents :lol:
Obviously, you're asian, dude! D:


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
I feel sorry for ya, man. At least you don't have to go to church often anymore :)
I don't think that things will work out for me as they did for you if I tell the truth to my parents :lol:
I don't think I've ever met any asian parents that were that strict about religion.:upsidedown:


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Christianity isn't a religion, it is a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. Calling it a religion is merely an earthly term, but why deal with earthly things when you can be committed to a heavenly thing, which is God Himself?

You can't let the world tell you to do anything, because you would be putting your trust in man, and man can't save you and get you into the gates of heaven.

Proverbs 3:5-6 states:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding, in all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."

Bible schools are normally devoid of spiritual power. They don't really teach you how to stay connected to God, but require you to remember verses for the usual pop quiz. That doesn't make you a Christian. You are better off being a robot programmed to go to church.

The idea is to understand and be a witness of the Gospel. You cannot take anyone's word for it, or you will just be deceived. Put your trust in the Word of God alone.

It is a decision you have to make for yourself. If you keep believing what other people say, you are subject to be confused about what is true. You just need to believe from within yourself.
Finally some one said it.

I was raised in a Catholic community. Seeing my parents were immigrants, I was either going to be a Muslim or Catholic. And I was born into a Catholic family (go figure). Lets just say as I was growing up, I would of been considered over religious. But at my age, I'm not. I'm willing to accept both Science and "religion". Heck being a Catholic is being a witness to the works of Jesus Christ, not following some doctrines or Dogmas. Lucky for me, I get to witness the works of christ, and that makes me happy inside.

3mmanuel, I think your screwed either way. The truth will come out sooner or later, but from what I can observe, both ways will end up in possibly traumatizing ways. Traumatizing for the kids, who at a young age will surely go insane at the thought of no God/ people who don't believe in god. And your family which will undoubtedly be torn at your atheism, and you being forced to do some thing you don't believe in.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Great testimony, Darkslash.

You know what I find extremely ironic about this thread?


Edit: (The link messes up. Just add the ) at the end in the address bar.)

3mmanuel, your thoughts are only thoughts. It's the spirit that really matters. I did some thinking, and I realized that there really is no such thing as an atheist, because there was a time when nobody believed in God, but only because the Gospel didn't reach them and/or the spirit wasn't touched by that Word. It isn't like you are born being an athesit; some people were given that spiritual doctrine at a young age, or not.

You are still young; there is MUCH room for growth. You can't call yourself an atheist because you don't believe, you just don't believe YET.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Great testimony, Darkslash.

I realized that there really is no such thing as an atheist, because there was a time when nobody believed in God, but only because the Gospel didn't reach them and/or the spirit wasn't touched by that Word. It isn't like you are born being an athesit; some people were given that spiritual doctrine at a young age, or not.

You are still young; there is MUCH room for growth. You can't call yourself an atheist because you don't believe, you just don't believe YET.
There is a difference between not having faith in a God because of no alternative and actively choosing to believe in the absence of a higher power. Aethieism is real (that was kind of weird to say), and although I don't really agree with it, I have about as much right to challenge it as I have to challenge the faith of a Muslim or Buddhist.

But back to the topic at hand... I wouldn't tell you parents about being aethiest at such a young age. For one they still have legal control over you, and they can make it hard for you. Also, they are going to try the "he is young and uninformed" line of thinking and probably drown you in religious teachings trying to convince you.

If you plan to tell your parents and you want them to accept it you are going to need to convince them that you are immovable on the issue and that is not going to be easy.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
I don't think I've ever met any US asian parents that were that strict about religion.:upsidedown:
You should meet mine :laugh:

If you're having trouble making an ill face.
Best trick is to put your fingers in your mouth as if you want to make yourself throw up. But don't go too far... You'll make the noises needed and you'll have tears all over your face.
Oh and those epic red eyes. :)

It's that simple <3.
I just tried that like 20 minutes ago. Didn't work. She was like "Well, if your stomach hurts, we can reassign you to a different VBS service team where all you have to do is sit around and supervise the children".

Any other suggestions, guys?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
Well, I'm about to go there now. I'll tell you how day two is when I get back.
I'm still open for suggestions about how I could fake sick.


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
Just stick your finger down your throat. You'll look sick after wards and if your parents ask for proof you can just point them to the toilet.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
I've got a good one. Tell them that you watch porn and masturbate three times a day. While they're going on about how you're killing potential babies or making your body unclean or whatever, tell them that you're an atheist.

Basically, go with Straked's plan, but make it more outrageous. If that doesn't work, try this little quip:

You: When you were young, what was your favourite fairy tale?
Them: *insert any fairy tale here*
You: How interesting. Mine's the Bible.

Then run for it!


formerly VaBengal
Apr 20, 2008
Fairfax, VA

Allahu Akbar.
I'm actually Muslim myself =)

I've never liked that when Atheists attempt to debunk the existence of a god, they seem to use "religion" and "Christianity" interchangeably, leaving other religions such as Islam and Judaism out of the picture.

And I'm not bashing Christianity it all, just the people who only pick holes in one form of religion.

Anyone who claims that a religion such as Islam denies Science is simply ignorant on the matter. Islam gives no definitive point as to when the World was created, nor does it say how it was created, only that it was God's (Allah's) will for it to be created. Islam in no way denies evolution, big bang, or any similar theories. In fact, God is referenced to as the "evolver" in the Quran. IMO, evolution is common sense and anyone who fails to see the logic behind it must be missing something. However, that's only to an extent. I think it's completely illogical to say that single celled organisms kept evolving until what they are today. Slow natural selection makes sense, single celled organisms developing *****es overtime does not.

Big Bang I don't really believe in. It's just far too unlikely an occasion for me to believe in. I've read that the chances of Big Bang occurring, are the chances of a forest exploding and a series of chairs assembling from the wood. Besides that, just take a look at the Earth and how perfect it is. If anything were just slightly different, it wouldn't be inhabitable. Can we really credit that to chance? In fact, the only way I could believe in something as unlikely as Big Bang, is if it were designed by a higher power, God.

I also hate when people say things like "religion vs science." Islam in general actually tends to embrace science, looking through history you can see that Muslims have been involved in a great deal of scientific and mathematical advancements. From Astronomy, to medicine, to algebra, etc.

Whenever Islam is brought up, people bring up terrorism and such. Regarding terrorism from followers of Islam, anyone who has actually taken the time to read the Quran would know that suicide of any kind is strictly forbidden, as is murder, bigotry, and the like.

People who seemingly follow a religion should not be looked at as living manifestations of there beliefs. You have a number of terrorists who are Muslims, and you have over a billion more who wouldn't hurt a fly.

My 2 cents.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Mountain_tiger, that's a terrible idea!
Manny, don't make any of your atheism evident until you're ready to leave the house, or the next four or five years of your life are going to be very memorable. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Mountain_tiger, that's a terrible idea!
Manny, don't make any of your atheism evident until you're ready to leave the house, or the next four or five years of your life are going to be very memorable. :laugh:
It was a joke, dude. :laugh:

Though you said idea and not ideas, implying that one of them is not so bad.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
It was a joke, dude. :laugh:

Though you said idea and not ideas, implying that one of them is not so bad.
I know. I wasn't being serious. :laugh:
Stupid internet (lack of) emotion.

Well, you know, the running part didn't seem so bad of an idea.:)


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Heartz it's borderline insulting to say that someone just doesn't believe 'yet'. Things don't all work out super nice and some people will never agree with you, is that so hard to believe.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
You should meet mine :laugh:

I just tried that like 20 minutes ago. Didn't work. She was like "Well, if your stomach hurts, we can reassign you to a different VBS service team where all you have to do is sit around and supervise the children".

Any other suggestions, guys?
Don't tell me you did it with the door open, please ._. ...? If so, try again.
With the door closed. And don't forget to wait a while and flush before leaving.

Just stick your finger down your throat. You'll look sick after wards and if your parents ask for proof you can just point them to the toilet.
Err, I've already said so?
I've just realized I've used the term MOUTH. Like a **** ignorant. *gets bricked*


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
Don't tell me you did it with the door open, please ._. ...? If so, try again.
With the door closed. And don't forget to wait a while and flush before leaving.

Err, I've already said so?
I've just realized I've used the term MOUTH. Like a **** ignorant. *gets bricked*
I did it correctly. But I'll try doing it again tommorow, but better.

Anyways, day 2 of VBS volunteering was hell. I had to stand outside in the hot, sweltering sun and be like "hay kidz cmon run run run you can do it!". That was so ****ing boring.

The only good things was that I saw the kid again today, and had an interesting chat with him. Turns out that he didn't quite believe in God either :laugh:

I also met another volunteer, who was on a different team (he was a "small group leader", and I was an "activities leader"). Turns out that his parents forced him to volunteer too (although unlike me, the reason why he didn't volunteer wasn't because of atheism). I guess I'm not alone at all :lol:


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Well, I do respect your beliefs, I myself don't believe you should be trying to teach kids the other side of things just because you don't want to be there.

As for a similar situation, I kinda got one except it's a win-win situation. I'm supposed to go with my sister to see a Real Madrid soccer game, amazing isn't it? Thing is I'm also new to the smash community and on the same day I was invited by a friend to a smash fest which I want to go to for entertainment and get some good tips and practicing from more experienced players. How am I supposed to say I don't want to go to this game, I'd rather go over a friend's house, I'm not going to tell him about the competitive smashing as he wouldn't understand just yet and it'd just make my arguement stupider in his eyes.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Just do your job if you aren't gonna tell them. I don't get what's so hard. For the record, I hate VBS, despite being a Christian. But I had to put up with it, so I did. And when reading the Bible be completely objective... formulate your own beliefs... whatever everyone else has said in these past few pages. Good Bye (back to Facebook I go...).


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
Well, I do respect your beliefs, I myself don't believe you should be trying to teach kids the other side of things just because you don't want to be there.

As for a similar situation, I kinda got one except it's a win-win situation. I'm supposed to go with my sister to see a Real Madrid soccer game, amazing isn't it? Thing is I'm also new to the smash community and on the same day I was invited by a friend to a smash fest which I want to go to for entertainment and get some good tips and practicing from more experienced players. How am I supposed to say I don't want to go to this game, I'd rather go over a friend's house, I'm not going to tell him about the competitive smashing as he wouldn't understand just yet and it'd just make my arguement stupider in his eyes.
lol thanks for commenting.
and I'm teaching the kids the other side of things not because i don't want to be there, but basically just to "level out the playing field"

and I probably won't be doing it tommorow, because I'll be faking sick ;)


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
Great testimony, Darkslash.

You know what I find extremely ironic about this thread?


Edit: (The link messes up. Just add the ) at the end in the address bar.)

3mmanuel, your thoughts are only thoughts. It's the spirit that really matters. I did some thinking, and I realized that there really is no such thing as an atheist, because there was a time when nobody believed in God, but only because the Gospel didn't reach them and/or the spirit wasn't touched by that Word. It isn't like you are born being an athesit; some people were given that spiritual doctrine at a young age, or not.

You are still young; there is MUCH room for growth. You can't call yourself an atheist because you don't believe, you just don't believe YET.
Umm yeah Heartz. I generally don't bash people who support the Bible, and I feel nothing wrong with the Bibl generally, but when you are talking about Atheists as deluded, that’s where you are wrong. I am not an Atheist, but as far as Christianity being fact, its got a poor history.

The Bible is in short historical fiction, and I am going to focus on the Old Testament and historical evidence because it is the pillar for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Bible starts out with the horrible depiction of the start of the Earth, creation in a matter of days. It has many inaccuracies, including the fact that flowering plants came before the sun. Science has shown through radiological dating, which is accurate, that flowering plants appeared through evolution around 100 million years ago, while the sun has been in the solar system for many billions of years. It includes other issues, and the whole time frame is screwed up, and it shows modern humans for only 6,000 years through its detailed genealogy, when we have actually been here for around 100,000 years (IE, humans that left Africa).

Now, after Genesis we have Leviticus. Now Heartz, I know you are a major part of OTL, and as a result, you interact with many people who are homosexual, bisexual, among other things, including yourself. Have you ever heard of Leviticus? I read it, its not pretty. “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (Leviticus 20:13). According to this, Barge, among others, all should be killed for living how they were born, and some translations seem to oppose relations between women.

These laws were created when procreation to save the human species was of the utmost importance, however, now, it is almost unnecessary. Therefore, most of the reasons for “God’s laws” are gone, and yet we still adhere by them today. We are following 6,000 year old rules that have no application today and yet we still follow them. It doesn’t support the idea that god exists in the slightest, only that some people made this whole thing up.

In addition, scientific studies have shown that suffering for your beliefs causes others to believe them too, and because of this, hard line forms of religion are more likely to dominate. Because of this, religion generally causes scientific studies and technology to slow because of opposition to it, showing that religion really isn’t beneficial to the world. It causes hate, violence, and slows progress. This happened with the Islamic revolution, while Europe was killing each other, Muslims became the primary group that did scientific research and had huge inventions, until a strict reading of the Qur’an stopped it all.

In addition, they have shown in studies with children that the human brain for evolutionary reasons has caused us to find causation for things that happen. For example, if a rabbit moved in the bushes and you couldn’t see the rabbit but saw the bushes moving, you’d say there is something in there. This is very useful because it helped us against predators and helped us hunting. But it also caused us to believe that when something we don’t understand happens, that its “God’s” will. Many 6 year olds believe that if someone dies, God was punishing them or God caused it, even if it was a simple ordinary event like a heart attack.

Next, they have shown that talking to god is identical in the brain as it is talking to a friend. This means we view God as someone only slightly different from another person, making him a very easy creation of the imagination.

They have also shown how this creation could happen, because they have found that we have relations with people that don’t exist so we can maintain social connections, and because of this we can view your dead grandmother as a real person and even talk to her. They have shown that this has friends to create invisible friends and easily could become God.

In addition, they know that ancient Israelites likely used hallucinogenic drugs, including mushrooms. This could easily cause the visions that people were seeing and the religious experiences, and comparisons between manna and mushrooms have been made. A scientist got in major trouble for saying the only logical explanation for the ten commandments from God on Mount Sinai is that Moses was high.

So don’t try to spread your faith over the beliefs of others, no one can disprove the existence of God and therefore he is un-scientific, and should be left out of all discussions until when his existence is proved (if he exists).

Finally, they have shown people view connections even when they don’t exist when they are under stress. A very good example is when people think they are about to die or when they are wondering if there is an afterlife. As a result, they put together evidence that doesn’t point to anything and use it as proof that God exists. It puts their mind at ease generally, but it’s a fallacy in itself.

We are also a nation of many faiths, none of which should be more important than others or play a policy in the government and saying your viewpoint that has a huge number of inaccuracies and many leaps of faith is better than a viewpoint with one leap of faith is plain wrong. Atheism can’t be proved, but don’t trod on others, especially when your viewpoint is as credible as Zeus throwing lightning bolts on Mount Olympus.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
umm Yeah Heartz. I Generally Don't Bash People Who Support The Bible, And I Feel Nothing Wrong With The Bibl Generally, But When You Are Talking About Atheists As Deluded, That’s Where You Are Wrong. I Am Not An Atheist, But As Far As Christianity Being Fact, Its Got A Poor History.

The Bible Is In Short Historical Fiction, And I Am Going To Focus On The Old Testament And Historical Evidence Because It Is The Pillar For Judaism, Christianity, And Islam.

The Bible Starts Out With The Horrible Depiction Of The Start Of The Earth, Creation In A Matter Of Days. It Has Many Inaccuracies, Including The Fact That Flowering Plants Came Before The Sun. Science Has Shown Through Radiological Dating, Which Is Accurate, That Flowering Plants Appeared Through Evolution Around 100 Million Years Ago, While The Sun Has Been In The Solar System For Many Billions Of Years. It Includes Other Issues, And The Whole Time Frame Is Screwed Up, And It Shows Modern Humans For Only 6,000 Years Through Its Detailed Genealogy, When We Have Actually Been Here For Around 100,000 Years (ie, Humans That Left Africa).

Now, After Genesis We Have Leviticus. Now Heartz, I Know You Are A Major Part Of Otl, And As A Result, You Interact With Many People Who Are Homosexual, Bisexual, Among Other Things, Including Yourself. Have You Ever Heard Of Leviticus? I Read It, Its Not Pretty. “if A Man Lies With A Male As With A Woman, Both Of Them Have Committed An Abomination; They Shall Surely Be Put To Death; Their Blood Is Upon Them.” (leviticus 20:13). According To This, Barge, Among Others, All Should Be Killed For Living How They Were Born, And Some Translations Seem To Oppose Relations Between Women.

These Laws Were Created When Procreation To Save The Human Species Was Of The Utmost Importance, However, Now, It Is Almost Unnecessary. Therefore, Most Of The Reasons For “god’s Laws” Are Gone, And Yet We Still Adhere By Them Today. We Are Following 6,000 Year Old Rules That Have No Application Today And Yet We Still Follow Them. It Doesn’t Support The Idea That God Exists In The Slightest, Only That Some People Made This Whole Thing Up.

In Addition, Scientific Studies Have Shown That Suffering For Your Beliefs Causes Others To Believe Them Too, And Because Of This, Hard Line Forms Of Religion Are More Likely To Dominate. Because Of This, Religion Generally Causes Scientific Studies And Technology To Slow Because Of Opposition To It, Showing That Religion Really Isn’t Beneficial To The World. It Causes Hate, Violence, And Slows Progress. This Happened With The Islamic Revolution, While Europe Was Killing Each Other, Muslims Became The Primary Group That Did Scientific Research And Had Huge Inventions, Until A Strict Reading Of The Qur’an Stopped It All.

In Addition, They Have Shown In Studies With Children That The Human Brain For Evolutionary Reasons Has Caused Us To Find Causation For Things That Happen. For Example, If A Rabbit Moved In The Bushes And You Couldn’t See The Rabbit But Saw The Bushes Moving, You’d Say There Is Something In There. This Is Very Useful Because It Helped Us Against Predators And Helped Us Hunting. But It Also Caused Us To Believe That When Something We Don’t Understand Happens, That Its “god’s” Will. Many 6 Year Olds Believe That If Someone Dies, God Was Punishing Them Or God Caused It, Even If It Was A Simple Ordinary Event Like A Heart Attack.

Next, They Have Shown That Talking To God Is Identical In The Brain As It Is Talking To A Friend. This Means We View God As Someone Only Slightly Different From Another Person, Making Him A Very Easy Creation Of The Imagination.

They Have Also Shown How This Creation Could Happen, Because They Have Found That We Have Relations With People That Don’t Exist So We Can Maintain Social Connections, And Because Of This We Can View Your Dead Grandmother As A Real Person And Even Talk To Her. They Have Shown That This Has Friends To Create Invisible Friends And Easily Could Become God.

In Addition, They Know That Ancient Israelites Likely Used Hallucinogenic Drugs, Including Mushrooms. This Could Easily Cause The Visions That People Were Seeing And The Religious Experiences, And Comparisons Between Manna And Mushrooms Have Been Made. A Scientist Got In Major Trouble For Saying The Only Logical Explanation For The Ten Commandments From God On Mount Sinai Is That Moses Was High.

So Don’t Try To Spread Your Faith Over The Beliefs Of Others, No One Can Disprove The Existence Of God And Therefore He Is Un-scientific, And Should Be Left Out Of All Discussions Until When His Existence Is Proved (if He Exists).

Finally, They Have Shown People View Connections Even When They Don’t Exist When They Are Under Stress. A Very Good Example Is When People Think They Are About To Die Or When They Are Wondering If There Is An Afterlife. As A Result, They Put Together Evidence That Doesn’t Point To Anything And Use It As Proof That God Exists. It Puts Their Mind At Ease Generally, But It’s A Fallacy In Itself.

We Are Also A Nation Of Many Faiths, None Of Which Should Be More Important Than Others Or Play A Policy In The Government And Saying Your Viewpoint That Has A Huge Number Of Inaccuracies And Many Leaps Of Faith Is Better Than A Viewpoint With One Leap Of Faith Is Plain Wrong. Atheism Can’t Be Proved, But Don’t Trod On Others, Especially When Your Viewpoint Is As Credible As Zeus Throwing Lightning Bolts On Mount Olympus.
Finish Her!

Religious Fatality!


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
It's not capatlized on my computer. It WAS suppose to be capatlized though. I was saying you performed a RELIGIOUS FATALITY on heartz. didn't kno she was a girl.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2009
Sacremento, CA
I've got a good one. Tell them that you watch porn and masturbate three times a day. While they're going on about how you're killing potential babies or making your body unclean or whatever, tell them that you're an atheist.

Basically, go with Straked's plan, but make it more outrageous. If that doesn't work, try this little quip:

You: When you were young, what was your favourite fairy tale?
Them: *insert any fairy tale here*
You: How interesting. Mine's the Bible.

Then run for it!
I'd still get in trouble. Not a good idea.
Then again, I guess someday I still might have to tell them.
Any other suggestions?
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