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Georgia Social Thread


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
well, saltix tends to come to late-night events due to his business with football iirc.

I'm just saying, you (you being all of us) have ample opportunities to only pay five dollars, that aren't really taken (other than tubes). and we complain about monthlies.

atl revival - people all over the south, sure. For what game now? Not smash. Oh okay. And don't forget the bull**** stories we hear about atl revival / impact clash

final round - most of us ACTUALLY don't go there unless we play another game we can enjoy alongside smash.

saltix is assuming that many of us have a parent we can look to let us borrow money; or if anything a smasher. Hell, we can basically say the same thing about rides. Mike G, Lounis, Sleepyk, Fullmetal, Alpha, Dogy, all live in different areas (kind of) and i'm sure all would give rides with sufficient gas money (which you can once again, get from your parents, or another smasher *lol pbnj*)


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I noticed this recently, and i don't want to seem biased so i though i'd point it out. the people agreeing to going to this event all live near waba. IF waba dies, we have no where to really go (unless i pick up everyone).

Then again this is morely the brawl community, so half of you won't care. W/E

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Have no idea if Yiff enjoys homosexual acts with other furries?
Its kinda obvious since he is a furry and his name is Yiff. o_0
the same could be said for other stereotypes. Argument is flawed. *stares*

But w/e. Georgia flame thread, obv.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
**** there is so much ****ing *****ing in this thread for the last few pages
basically, from what I've summed up:

1)Nobody wants to pay the door fee for tourneys
Stop acting like WABA is the only place that costs $10, and that $10 is A LOT; A lot of you guys go to the **** ATL Revival and Final Round with their absurdly high door fees, stop the *****ing about $10.

2)Nobody wants to pay the door fee for this tourney/lock-in
Okay, 17 hours for a tournament AND lock in; and you think $15 is too high...Then simply pre-register. $10 for 17 hours is most DEFINITELY not too much. If you don't want to attend the lock in, don't complain about the price; You pay $10 for a tournament all the time, so don't complain about this now.

Money/Ride Johns aren't ALWAYS legit
The older smashers should work and/or drive cars
The "high schoolers" should be working and/or driving cars
Everyone has friends/family, if you TRULY wanted to go to WABA you could borrow $ or ask for a ride...and if you didn't truly want to come to waba on any given day, DON'T COME WHINE AND ***** ABOUT IT ON SWF. Just take the BBQ route and stop coming.

GA smash quit your *****in, it's quite old now
I think we've awakened the beast!

Hey jamaal sign me up for pre reg. ill pay you back at waba. Your too generous for doing this.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I'm just saying, you (you being all of us) have ample opportunities to only pay five dollars, that aren't really taken (other than tubes). and we complain about monthlies.
I would rather pay $5 to play smash bros than not play smash bros at all, but really, I'd rather have weekly Smashfests at someone's house for free and save my money for monthlies, oos tourneys, and defend-this-house tourneys.

atl revival - people all over the south, sure. For what game now? Not smash. Oh okay. And don't forget the bull**** stories we hear about atl revival / impact clash

final round - most of us ACTUALLY don't go there unless we play another game we can enjoy alongside smash.
I think that as a community we should make it our mission to have a good turnout at Final Round. I feel like if we get a good attendance rating at Final Round and keep it, then in 3 or 4 years Smash could be at EVO again.

I feel like the same should apply to atl revival, but I'm not about to tell people it should be mandatory (Although I'll be there so you all should come too).


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I noticed this recently, and i don't want to seem biased so i though i'd point it out. the people agreeing to going to this event all live near waba. IF waba dies, we have no where to really go (unless i pick up everyone).

Then again this is morely the brawl community, so half of you won't care. W/E
If you all live near Waba then surely you all live relatively close to each other.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
My take:

$10 door is fine. I can't clearly recall, but I want to say I remember Waba starting out with $10. I understand people having issues just shelling this out (I do myself, most times), but in that case, I try and borrow from a friend with the intention of paying them back. If I simply cannot do so, I just do not go. Some of you guys have said it, how we could just do whatever wherever. Waba is not the end-all place of hosting Smash events, and it really shouldn't be. We should try and find numerous places to host tournaments, just so we can spread out and connect to other players easily.

However, it seems in general that at least the Brawlers never really want to go ANYWHERE besides Waba. Remember that first Atlanta Revival? Remember how I was trying to get hype for it because the venue was literally 15 mins away from my house? Whenever I go to Waba, I have to arrange for a ride to go 45 mins - 1 hour out just to hang with you guys and this one thing where I could have actually taken a bus to get to, no one could make it. Various reasons abound for most people not being able/having incentive to go to other places like these, but in any case, it all makes it seem like Waba is just a central part of the Brawl community. If it isn't or wasn't, correct me if I was wrong, but if it is and was, why would you not want to support the place? $10 door fee for a monthly is not outrageous in any aspect.

Here's how I see it. If you think $5 is reasonable, and you have a full month to get another $5, you could literally just save $1 more a week than you normally would. The last $1-2 you could scrounge up or ask for pretty quickly, I'm sure. If providing $10 would leave you without adequate funding for what you need to do in your current life, simply prioritize important things and don't go. Save up and try next month. Perhaps you can host/attend a nearby Smashfest to make up for the time you missed out on at the last monthly. Though, to be honest, I can't see what most of you would do with the $5 you saved from a $5 door fee except MM it away.

Now, Waba might not be the only place to Smash, but it is a pretty important place, regardless of its proximity to other players. ANY type of venue is. It's a potential place for hosting large tournaments and getting to reach out to more players (unlikely that first time players are trying to chill at someone's house when they don't know them or want to get lost on an unfamiliar campus). As long as Min isn't being COMPLETELY unfair about pricing, I believe you should support the place as a part of the community. Either that or find a better place and hype it up. Both would be good actually. The more venues, the better, I say.

So overall, I believe:
- Support Waba
- Find and support other venues/potential venues
- GT is a great place to do stuff and should be treated like a legit venue for conversation purposes
- Don't make a big deal out of it. If you believe you can't go due to monetary issues, then that's that. You've got other **** to worry about and take care of. Save up. Try again later. Find other local tournaments that might not cost as much. Hype it up. Host/attend smashfests. I just think that some of you are making a big fuss over how much going to Waba would cost for all you believe that you don't need to go there to Smash
- $15 is dumb for a non-national. Even if you pre-reg, not having an online option to do so is even more dumb.
- One could argue that a day pass is $15, making this fair, but participants are also paying extra money for tournament pot fee, and with a day pass you'd at least have access to all of Waba's games.
- SleepyK is great
- Disregard females
- Acquire currency
- Get money
- Get paid


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
I agree 10 dollars isn't outrageous. I think the problem is the buisniss itself. The day of face to face gaming is obviously fading away. Unless you are serious about gaming and you have a contract with WCG or in some sort of sponsored circuit your probally stuck at home playing with local friends. There is no competition. Lets say for some random reason a game shop/tournament center appeared literally right next to waba games and the price was 5 dollar entry fee I know which tournament center I would be going to.

In short the heart of the community is the players. The main problem is financial obligations. There is not to much we could do unless we developed a new business model for min that would benefit him ,us and other communities.

Also DONT FORGET ABOUT ALLISBRAWL I play people in the ladder and in the free play chat that are from Ga that doesn't even realize that Ga has a small but true brawl scene. We need to expand past smashboards.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia

oh yeah!!!

1) Stop f**in up and double posting and s***. You scrubs gotta multiquote and an edit button for a reason.

2) Lol at you guys (Read: brawl) complaining about money again. I HOPE YOU SCREW UP WITH FR AGAIN THIS YEAR AND SLAP THEM IN THE FACE. I'm not sticking my neck out for you guys again, and they already want you gone.

3) And more important to you guys (cause I have to deal with this trash), you guys need to make a better effort of going out to places and getting more people.

-steps on some hot coals-I mean heck, last weekend I went up to a horribrawl tourney in macon. 14 people entered brawl. Only 1 of them has even HEARD of smashboards, allisbrawl, or even knows that there's a GA community for... heck, for ANY kind fo smash (big-l). The rest of them are just clueless, because they're in the middle of nowhere, essentially.

I told them to get on here, but they're probably not going to, they don't have a real reason to. They've been left alone so long that they think a GA Brawl community is a figment of their imagination.

And don't think you guys can get on the same trip that the melee community is trying, where "You guys aren't important cause you're not here." -Glares at Sleepyk-. Na. The brawl community doesn't have to history that melee does where we traveled around and then alot of the out-of-ATL people have dropped off. No, you guys just don't get around to anything period, for the most part.


So yeah, keep burning your bridges. Keep shutting down chances to get out and draw ANY number of other-game vets into your game (turning down the chance to go to the RIDICULOUS NUMBER OF TOURNEYS THAT INVITE YOU GUYS), and keep on turning away the new blood that wants to join (lack of travel).

Anybody with half a brain knows that, for some ungodly reason, I'm actually trying to help you guys out.


Really, I just want the brawl players in my area to leave me alone and stop riding my nuts.

I MEAN TO PROVE MY POINT, The reason why I even WENT to that tourney in macon is because a guy who went to LG a few times called me and asked me to go. Inspite of the fact that he knows I hate brawl. He wanted me to teach him some more ****, cause he wants to get into ... that game. (Guy straight up doesn't like melee and says brawl is amazing.)

I went cause it's win-win for me, either i get the brawl players to leave me alone or i get some entertainment as they try to get good.



Assemble a team and travel, or something.



Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
My take:

$10 door is fine. I can't clearly recall, but I want to say I remember Waba starting out with $10. I understand people having issues just shelling this out (I do myself, most times), but in that case, I try and borrow from a friend with the intention of paying them back. If I simply cannot do so, I just do not go. Some of you guys have said it, how we could just do whatever wherever. Waba is not the end-all place of hosting Smash events, and it really shouldn't be. We should try and find numerous places to host tournaments, just so we can spread out and connect to other players easily.

However, it seems in general that at least the Brawlers never really want to go ANYWHERE besides Waba. Remember that first Atlanta Revival? Remember how I was trying to get hype for it because the venue was literally 15 mins away from my house? Whenever I go to Waba, I have to arrange for a ride to go 45 mins - 1 hour out just to hang with you guys and this one thing where I could have actually taken a bus to get to, no one could make it. Various reasons abound for most people not being able/having incentive to go to other places like these, but in any case, it all makes it seem like Waba is just a central part of the Brawl community. If it isn't or wasn't, correct me if I was wrong, but if it is and was, why would you not want to support the place? $10 door fee for a monthly is not outrageous in any aspect.

Here's how I see it. If you think $5 is reasonable, and you have a full month to get another $5, you could literally just save $1 more a week than you normally would. The last $1-2 you could scrounge up or ask for pretty quickly, I'm sure. If providing $10 would leave you without adequate funding for what you need to do in your current life, simply prioritize important things and don't go. Save up and try next month. Perhaps you can host/attend a nearby Smashfest to make up for the time you missed out on at the last monthly. Though, to be honest, I can't see what most of you would do with the $5 you saved from a $5 door fee except MM it away.

Now, Waba might not be the only place to Smash, but it is a pretty important place, regardless of its proximity to other players. ANY type of venue is. It's a potential place for hosting large tournaments and getting to reach out to more players (unlikely that first time players are trying to chill at someone's house when they don't know them or want to get lost on an unfamiliar campus). As long as Min isn't being COMPLETELY unfair about pricing, I believe you should support the place as a part of the community. Either that or find a better place and hype it up. Both would be good actually. The more venues, the better, I say.

So overall, I believe:
- Support Waba
- Find and support other venues/potential venues
- GT is a great place to do stuff and should be treated like a legit venue for conversation purposes
- Don't make a big deal out of it. If you believe you can't go due to monetary issues, then that's that. You've got other **** to worry about and take care of. Save up. Try again later. Find other local tournaments that might not cost as much. Hype it up. Host/attend smashfests. I just think that some of you are making a big fuss over how much going to Waba would cost for all you believe that you don't need to go there to Smash
- $15 is dumb for a non-national. Even if you pre-reg, not having an online option to do so is even more dumb.
- One could argue that a day pass is $15, making this fair, but participants are also paying extra money for tournament pot fee, and with a day pass you'd at least have access to all of Waba's games.
- SleepyK is great
- Disregard females
- Acquire currency
- Get money
- Get paid

oh yeah!!!

1) Stop f**in up and double posting and s***. You scrubs gotta multiquote and an edit button for a reason.

2) Lol at you guys (Read: brawl) complaining about money again. I HOPE YOU SCREW UP WITH FR AGAIN THIS YEAR AND SLAP THEM IN THE FACE. I'm not sticking my neck out for you guys again, and they already want you gone.

3) And more important to you guys (cause I have to deal with this trash), you guys need to make a better effort of going out to places and getting more people.

-steps on some hot coals-I mean heck, last weekend I went up to a horribrawl tourney in macon. 14 people entered brawl. Only 1 of them has even HEARD of smashboards, allisbrawl, or even knows that there's a GA community for... heck, for ANY kind fo smash (big-l). The rest of them are just clueless, because they're in the middle of nowhere, essentially.

I told them to get on here, but they're probably not going to, they don't have a real reason to. They've been left alone so long that they think a GA Brawl community is a figment of their imagination.

And don't think you guys can get on the same trip that the melee community is trying, where "You guys aren't important cause you're not here." -Glares at Sleepyk-. Na. The brawl community doesn't have to history that melee does where we traveled around and then alot of the out-of-ATL people have dropped off. No, you guys just don't get around to anything period, for the most part.


So yeah, keep burning your bridges. Keep shutting down chances to get out and draw ANY number of other-game vets into your game (turning down the chance to go to the RIDICULOUS NUMBER OF TOURNEYS THAT INVITE YOU GUYS), and keep on turning away the new blood that wants to join (lack of travel).

Anybody with half a brain knows that, for some ungodly reason, I'm actually trying to help you guys out.


Really, I just want the brawl players in my area to leave me alone and stop riding my nuts.

I MEAN TO PROVE MY POINT, The reason why I even WENT to that tourney in macon is because a guy who went to LG a few times called me and asked me to go. Inspite of the fact that he knows I hate brawl. He wanted me to teach him some more ****, cause he wants to get into ... that game. (Guy straight up doesn't like melee and says brawl is amazing.)

I went cause it's win-win for me, either i get the brawl players to leave me alone or i get some entertainment as they try to get good.



Assemble a team and travel, or something.

Man do I love intelligent posts; And after these two posts, more trolling, whining and *****ing will continue, watch.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
i like intelligent posts too.

News Flash: I'm getting a car, and will help people in my general area get to waba events if necessary, if you guys have ride johns to get to the smashfest on march 6th. I probably will be able to pick you up, take you, and drop you off at your respective times (however it would be beyond nice if you guys can just stay until 7am)

@dogy- you're thinking more about our community expanding, which isn't the point of most of these posts. Most of them talks about is waba itself a valid place to attend?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Dogy, I'll agree that we haven't been trying to acquire more people for the brawl community, which is partly our fault. However, I've tried a few times to have people that ****ing live close to Waba (no more than 1 hour away, which is the normal time travel I do to get to Waba) come to at least see things n **** and most of them bring up a poor excuse that are ****ing worse than most of the **** excuses I hear in this thread.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Some other posts were more intelligent than those two posts, is just that they didn't sugarcoat it with good grammar!!!!!!!!!11111111


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Leave it to GA Brawl, VietG+SleepyK to **** up a serious conversation with frivolous jokes.
EDIT:Tong too


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
bbq on a side tangent all is constantly ride the **** of someone who can actually say something that makes sense.
lol, when Sleepy said that, it was so hilarious that I had to post about it some more. DONT BE HATIN SON

Leave it to GA Brawl, VietG+SleepyK to **** up a serious conversation with frivolous jokes.
EDIT:Tong too
VIETG??? WTF he doesn't post anything serious ROFL


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
Guys keep posting. I'm bored.

On a serious note, Waba should just charge a $100 door fee. That way if anybody ever actually goes there on a monthly, they'll make a lot of money.
Or maybe all brawlers should drop the game and pick up cycling or yoga or something.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
i play smash bros mall and am looking for players near my area

i am a poor high schooler

with no car

or mysteriously endless money supply

or magic

or a sword

i dont have a small one either

so i cant cut grass for rupees

like like that'll matter anyway

i think ga tech is a nice place to go i wanna learn there

i wanna go to the moon

and talk to ppl

in moonspeak

knowing this

anyone wanna mall sometime soon?

i play rarth and moy and some rinku.

i also hack games and pretend im good at them

im definitely compensating not anything else obv

i love the smash community

i once got a rain check for a buying a game on sunny sunny day


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Switch FC
3936 9382 6790
lol i wsihed i lived in socal theres a huge melee scene over there. come on guys let's make waba a good place if it can happen.a nd GT i will look into that its only 33 mns away from where i live so yea =D
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