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Georgia Social Thread


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2009
Alpharetta, Georgia
Wow, at this thread in general...

The GA Tech option was only put forth by me as as an attempt to further bring the Smash community together, not as a secondary option to WABA. That's why I haven't set an official date yet, I'm waiting on more info about WABA's plans.

I don't want to post about my ideas in the "Waba" thread but I will address mentioned topics; security is definitely not an issue and neither is size. I have GTPD on speed dial and their response time is minutes at worst (these officers unfearingly tackle people with Samurai swords btw). Tech also has many venues usable for tournaments, all free if you know how to do it (I could get a 350 person venue right now actually... but I think extended duration may cost but we don't need that now anyways). And it would most likely be run by me and anyone else gracious enough to volunteer helping (I will be at Tech for at least another 2-3 years probably).

If the worse happens and WABA ceases to run then I promise to try my best to keep what little community we seem to have going.

*READ* - Also... just as an idea, why not only charge $15 to those who don't leave at 12 (aka stay for the lock-in) and charge the rest $10 (maybe $5-$8 for pre-reg as incentive but that's up to you). So less people would have a problem about that.

@Jamaal - I'm sure you guys are aware of the fact that the HD TVs WABA had already in the retail store won't be acceptable for tournament play due to the lag. There are cables to fix it though but I doubt you'd want to look into that since they cost $30 each I think. I just wanted to remind you all in case they overlooked that on accident.

EDIT - Tech tournaments WILL happen though... give me a bit to work it all out. Hopefully semi-late next month will be the next one since there's FR and all.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
So who'll be running the tourneys hosted there? Who's gonna give us clearance to even host there? How long will this "secondary" place will be our tourney venue? Just because Waba is having problems doesn't mean that we'll just gladly accept GA Tech and then forget our problem and wait till the last minute when GA Tech becomes a place where we can't hold tourneys either.
There have already been two tournaments at GA Tech in the past 4 months broooo

roxy said:
We'll all play in our respective areas with the few people that live there, and won't bother to all come together as a community because quite frankly, we're beginning to have the mentality that "those guys are too far away, they aren't important".
right, and that's also why OoS tournaments are dying, because they are too far away and aren't important.
I know that example is a bit far fetched for our problem, but....

The problem with the Brawl community is:
1) The majority are too young to drive themselves
2) The majority do not work, so they have no money

The problem with the Melee community is:
1) We are poor broke and jank (PB&J LOL)
2) We are lazy

But... with the Melee community, sometimes we are willing to drive. Last week SPSU had GAwes, Datman, Rayku, SleepyK, and DashDanceDan all show up. FullMetal and Soft expressed interest but the roads were icy. The drive for most those people is 30-45 minutes.
On Saturday, Lounis, me, and RJ showed up to Billy's house to play Smash and Mario Party 4. SleepyK tried his best to show up but got Lunar-canceled.
Last month we had Sleepy's STDs and we had about 10 smashers come and go during different days for that.

And for the Brawl community, I know you guys have training sessions with Lounis every once in a while. You guys also had the smashfest at Dyno's last month.

Simply enough, if you announce that there will be smashfest, then people will show up to it. I don't see how you can say that the community is dying when we are willing to show up to smashfests and stuff.

roxy said:
The more i read these posts, i'm realizing our community will die.
the community will die because of lack of money and lack of ride. The community you are talking about (the brawl community) is still young and has no job or car, so if anything, as the years progress, they will get job and car, so the community -should- be stronger. hopefully.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
you seem to be beyond the concept that we can't host smashfests and minor tournaments in our houses or college rentable/borrowable places, like we have successfully been doing for the past 9 years.
waba isn't exactly the prime local for getting together to play all the time (as made clear) given that we are poor and spread apart. it's not that they're not important, jamaal. it's that it's too hard to get over there.
I'm fine with you guys hosting smashfests and such, but still, we will eventually need a venue for large tournaments, or just having an area we use after hours if needed.

I'm not beyond that concept at all, but i've only really been talking about larger-scale tournament.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA

2 tourneys in the past 4 months. Sounds like a great place to host tourneys constantly after Waba dies out. /sarcasm
Kazoo and Michael are in the works of making it a monthly thing. Right now they're just trying to avoid schedule conflict with Wabers.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
we did not overlook the fact that they are hd tvs that lag tournament play. You have not been able to see it for yourself, however we do not have any more HD TV's. This tournament is supposed to give the greatest tournament experience.

Before Waba is opening, we are highly considerate of what tournament players would like. The space will be comfortable, and the TV's will be lag free. No worries there Micheal.

Also, thank you for proving me wrong. I'd rather you come up with solid information instead of giving me biased remarks. Considering GA Tech is relatively far from Waba. That will give us two good, large, and free venues to use.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Wow, at this thread in general...

The GA Tech option was only put forth by me as as an attempt to further bring the Smash community together, not as a secondary option to WABA. That's why I haven't set an official date yet, I'm waiting on more info about WABA's plans.
Kazoo and Michael are in the works of making it a monthly thing. Right now they're just trying to avoid schedule conflict with Wabers.
Just because his option to bring the community together more by hosting tourneys there doesn't mean that we can neglect what is happening with our main usage. Fact is we used Waba to host some of our main tourneys and used it as a place to mainly meet up and player with fellow GA smashers (though as time went by, more people disappeared). As far as I understand colleges in terms of renting out places, he'll only be able to keep that up during the time he's in school (you can correct me if I'm wrong on this). If Waba dies just before the summer, we're left SOL from possibly any type of tourneys happening. At most, we'll have stuff like, 10 player tourneys at ppl's places and tons of smashfests since there won't be any tourneys to get in people's way (hell, it most likely won't be smash related and people will just drop until another place comes up to host more often). What I'm saying is that this "minor problem" should be taken more seriously and there should be some type of discussion so that we have options when the worst case scenario happens, but hey, you guys do what you do. Y'all claim that the community will do something when the time comes down to it. I'm just gonna see if that is true.

Jamaal: I already know of another place where I can talk to the manager about hosting tourneys (it's just 5 mins from my dad's place), but I'm in no position to be asking him anything since I'm almost always gone for college (plus, people will most likely complain since it'll be too far from people).


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Okay so I skimmed through the thread and I'm not searching for all the **** to quote as I need to sleep, but I'd like to add my 2 cents.

Ga doesn't really need Waba.

There were complaints @ To4 about power failures. Ask Fullmetal or Darkrain.

Fullmetal mentioned that he really didn't feel Waba had pulled through for him and plans to hold To6 elsewhere. Last I talked to him he already was looking into places, and I doubt finding a suitable venue will really be a problem.

We could totally host a tournament for Brawl as big as To5. It's just that You need to first get really good at Brawl, go to big out of state tournaments and trash other states, host a tourney with your name on it at a good venue and hype it the **** up, get atleast a good turnout of GA players and like one other big name from another state, defend this house as best you can, and do it again for like 5 years. It takes work, but it's doable.

and the rest I'll post tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
we did not overlook the fact that they are hd tvs that lag tournament play. You have not been able to see it for yourself, however we do not have any more HD TV's. This tournament is supposed to give the greatest tournament experience.

Before Waba is opening, we are highly considerate of what tournament players would like. The space will be comfortable, and the TV's will be lag free. No worries there Micheal.

Also, thank you for proving me wrong. I'd rather you come up with solid information instead of giving me biased remarks. Considering GA Tech is relatively far from Waba. That will give us two good, large, and free venues to use.
Oh yea one other thing, I still think we should go to the re-opening tourney and give them one last shot. I don't really feel like a $15 entry fee is appropriate for the last chance "its better we swear!" tourney though. I don't really know Min's situation but that's just my thoughts as a consumer.

and now its 11:50 ffffffffff I hate forums!


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Just because his option to bring the community together more by hosting tourneys there doesn't mean that we can neglect what is happening with our main usage.
Ok, but I am going to neglect what is happening because I don't care about Wabers. I'm probably never going back if it's going to be $15 door fee whenever there is going to be a big event. I might show up like twice a year idk.


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Wow, Perva just can't seem to get Tech's name out his mouth, can't he? :p

I shouldn't go dark for more than a day @ a time.

Wow, at this thread in general...

The GA Tech option was only put forth by me as as an attempt to further bring the Smash community together, not as a secondary option to WABA. That's why I haven't set an official date yet, I'm waiting on more info about WABA's plans.

I don't want to post about my ideas in the "Waba" thread but I will address mentioned topics; security is definitely not an issue and neither is size. I have GTPD on speed dial and their response time is minutes at worst (these officers unfearingly tackle people with Samurai swords btw). Tech also has many venues usable for tournaments, all free if you know how to do it (I could get a 350 person venue right now actually... but I think extended duration may cost but we don't need that now anyways). And it would most likely be run by me and anyone else gracious enough to volunteer helping (I will be at Tech for at least another 2-3 years probably).

If the worse happens and WABA ceases to run then I promise to try my best to keep what little community we seem to have going.

*READ* - Also... just as an idea, why not only charge $15 to those who don't leave at 12 (aka stay for the lock-in) and charge the rest $10 (maybe $5-$8 for pre-reg as incentive but that's up to you). So less people would have a problem about that.

@Jamaal - I'm sure you guys are aware of the fact that the HD TVs WABA had already in the retail store won't be acceptable for tournament play due to the lag. There are cables to fix it though but I doubt you'd want to look into that since they cost $30 each I think. I just wanted to remind you all in case they overlooked that on accident.

EDIT - Tech tournaments WILL happen though... give me a bit to work it all out. Hopefully semi-late next month will be the next one since there's FR and all.
First, this.

You know, when I decided to start hosting tourneys back in October (and finally had one in November), I was thinking that we can finally get a more involved community here because we have the following advantages:

  1. We are located in a central location. For about 95% of you guys, a trip on your local transit, and a transfer to Marta can get you within 200 yards of the two venues I hosted my two tourneys. How many places can say that?
  2. Price. I find it a little silly that people have to pay just to sit down. Thusly, I eliminated door fees and kept the entry prices low (No tourney I host will be over $10, guaranteed.)
  3. Possible expansion. Depending how Tech does as a tourney going place, we can expand to a number of locations on campus (Klaus, Brittain Rec, Student Center Ballroom), with the largest of these easily capable of holding 200+.
Perva, I think that you are knocking on Tech a little too hard. However, I might have taken you out of context, so please feel free to clarify anything I might have misstated.

Kazoo and Michael are in the works of making it a monthly thing. Right now they're just trying to avoid schedule conflict with Wabers.
This as well.

Michael probably will be pursuing this more so than I, as I am graduating in the Spring.

Oh yea one other thing, I still think we should go to the re-opening tourney and give them one last shot. I don't really feel like a $15 entry fee is appropriate for the last chance "its better we swear!" tourney though. I don't really know Min's situation but that's just my thoughts as a consumer.

and now its 11:50 ffffffffff I hate forums!
Not gonna lie, but $15 is a little steep.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I'm fine with you guys hosting smashfests and such, but still, we will eventually need a venue for large tournaments, or just having an area we use after hours if needed.

I'm not beyond that concept at all, but i've only really been talking about larger-scale tournament.
the thing about waba is that it is trying to take on two roles at one time.
the reason large tournaments like pound four or final round work is because they are a once a year thing where the TO rents a large venue (usually one they don't own) for a few days. that's it. they don't run it as a business.
The benefit? the TO can, provided the tournament is large as advertised, charge a good bit of money and make a profit.

AFAIK Mike made 0 dollars off of tipped off.

LAN Centers

bleh this is keeping me from bioshock too long.

you get the picture. it's a minor point of course. we have venues for large tournaments and ga has enough smashers that can provide TVs so please don't try to make it sound as if waba is the dying savior of video game venues in georgia.

point being, waba's biggest flaw is a bad location, poor marketing, and it's a few years too late for a LAN center to be successful anymore.
please don't pass the blame onto the few (though inconsistent) supporters. it just makes us want to not pay $10 and go elsewhere.

i'm not knocking waba, but you're being unnecessarily aggressive and almost insulting.

i like waba. I like min. i like eric and alex and that one guy with the long hair whose name escapes me at the moment. but i don't have $15 to enter a place where i can pay to enter a tournament when i could have just invited people to my house.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Actually I'm still up so I'll just post this now. Would you guys be willing to pay a $10 door fee at a monthly or bimonthly tournament at a gaming center if 50 gamers who don't know about GA smash but regularly visit the place would be exposed to it each time? I've been thinking about it and it seems that potentially bringing in new players and provided setups are the only real redeeming factors of tournaments at gaming centers.

tl;dr: would you be willing to donate 10 dollars every 2 months to advertise for GA Smash?


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA

I love you
Yeah, I love you too. ;)

Oh, and as for the overnight thing: It is definitely more than feasible for us to have all day smashfests @ Tech, but the only setback would be that we would have to clean up after ourselves. While that is not really a big problems, I do know how some people get with leaving trash everywhere, so it's a gift and a curse.

Getting a space in Klaus and having it from 1000-0200 (then spending a few extra hours in there) is a snap. Especially considering that Michaelis and myself have 24 hour access to Klaus, and the larger classrooms there hold well over 100, the only question is: Why not?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2009
Alpharetta, Georgia
@Jamaal - Um, yeah. I was only trying to be helpful. I don't want WABA to close.

@bigman - I'm actually always going to be doing Research/Local Internship/Classes over the Summer. And renting/reservations can be done without attending the school anyways.

All I want to do is help the community because I enjoy hanging out with you guys. So I'm aiming to make Tech as good a setup as possible (which is almost limitless). That's it. Stop comparing it to WABA, they're entirely different. Tech will have monthly tournaments and you can come if you want. Whether WABA will too is up to the decisions people will make in the next few months.

Everyone in this thread needs to chill anyways. Not like all this talking has done anything but put people against each other. But I'm sure you'll continue and might even single me out for these comments but whatever. Everyone has their own opinions and wants to be heard I guess.

This'll be my last post on the subject btw. Seeing you guys fight stresses me out for some reason so PM me if anyone wants more info about Tech as a venue.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
can you use normal times instead of military time
are you in the militart


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
This will more than likely be my final post on the venue subject. After this i will only really post about the upcoming tournament.

First off, it's just a personal thing that Waba is a tournament center that not only holds smash, but also street fighter iv, soul calbur iv, marvel vs capcom 2, etc.

I don't go to Georgia Tech; but i've never shown hate towards the place Kazoo. I've even talked to Micaelis about coming up there for tournaments, friendlies, all that jazz when i get my car. So i don't have hate for GA Tech.

but at the same time, we need more venues. All i asked was really just to use this place for tournaments sometimes. Stop bringing up 15 dollar door fee. It's practically 10 door fee; i'm paying for you if you actually confirm.

Sleepyk has already gone over that waba is a business. If you guys don't care for waba it's all good. I've told you that the place can hold up to 200 people, and it's a great place. I'm not sure about electrical problems, no other community's really been bugged about it except for smash. If tipped off is going to be somewhere else, that's cool too. Just saying. We're missing out on a venue.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
but at the same time, we need more venues. All i asked was really just to use this place for tournaments sometimes. Stop bringing up 15 dollar door fee. It's practically 10 door fee; i'm paying for you if you actually confirm.
it's still a legitimate complaint, particularly when even $10 is too much.

I've told you that the place can hold up to 200 people, and it's a great place. I'm not sure about electrical problems, no other community's really been bugged about it except for smash. If tipped off is going to be somewhere else, that's cool too. Just saying. We're missing out on a venue.
i believe the only times waba has had near half of 200 people were at tipped off 4 and 5. that's when the power problems came into play.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I've brought this up to him many times; many of the times upon your own (your own being all of the people who ask about door fee) behalf. He has 5 dollars tournaments: weeklies. You guys could smarten up and just come to a "weekly" as a "monthly" and pay five dollars to enter. But you guys haven't really thought of that =/

and SEB sleepyk, the power problems there were from a storm however. I'm not sure if the power problems were so faulty that it truly should've affected the overall tournament however.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
**** there is so much ****ing *****ing in this thread for the last few pages
basically, from what I've summed up:

1)Nobody wants to pay the door fee for tourneys
Stop acting like WABA is the only place that costs $10, and that $10 is A LOT; A lot of you guys go to the **** ATL Revival and Final Round with their absurdly high door fees, stop the *****ing about $10.

2)Nobody wants to pay the door fee for this tourney/lock-in
Okay, 17 hours for a tournament AND lock in; and you think $15 is too high...Then simply pre-register. $10 for 17 hours is most DEFINITELY not too much. If you don't want to attend the lock in, don't complain about the price; You pay $10 for a tournament all the time, so don't complain about this now.

Money/Ride Johns aren't ALWAYS legit
The older smashers should work and/or drive cars
The "high schoolers" should be working and/or driving cars
Everyone has friends/family, if you TRULY wanted to go to WABA you could borrow $ or ask for a ride...and if you didn't truly want to come to waba on any given day, DON'T COME WHINE AND ***** ABOUT IT ON SWF. Just take the BBQ route and stop coming.

GA smash quit your *****in, it's quite old now


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
buat then no oosars wuld kum!!!
... if the door fee is 5 dollars? with regular pot fee? what are you talking about?

@saltix - problem with that is that everyone -won't- come. They won't try to come to Waba. Which will just lead to there being no waba at all.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Just take the Saltix route and stop coming.

GA smash quit your *****in, it's quite old now
just saying~ :012:

saltix this last remark is rude imo

ur tellin me the cornerstone of the georgia metagame is OLD?

wtf son

if u think the ga metagame is stagnant or something then go to minnesota or something gosh obv :048:


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
just saying~ :012:

saltix this last remark is rude imo

ur tellin me the cornerstone of the georgia metagame is OLD?

wtf son

if u think the ga metagame is stagnant or something then go to minnesota or something gosh obv :048:
I went to waba like two weeks ago;
my last statement was in reference to BBQ's last post
I'm not entertaining your post


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
kk that's great :012:

also want to say BBQ must be picking up rageku mannerisms with the wabers and whatnot

but i guess that was obv


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
no jamaal, the point of overcharging the monthlies is to have more people justify paying more money.
basically we'd be lying to min if we just hyped up a weekly.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
**** there is so much ****ing *****ing in this thread for the last few pages
basically, from what I've summed up:

1)Nobody wants to pay the door fee for tourneys
Stop acting like WABA is the only place that costs $10, and that $10 is A LOT; A lot of you guys go to the **** ATL Revival and Final Round with their absurdly high door fees, stop the *****ing about $10.

2)Nobody wants to pay the door fee for this tourney/lock-in
Okay, 17 hours for a tournament AND lock in; and you think $15 is too high...Then simply pre-register. $10 for 17 hours is most DEFINITELY not too much. If you don't want to attend the lock in, don't complain about the price; You pay $10 for a tournament all the time, so don't complain about this now.

Money/Ride Johns aren't ALWAYS legit
The older smashers should work and/or drive cars
The "high schoolers" should be working and/or driving cars
Everyone has friends/family, if you TRULY wanted to go to WABA you could borrow $ or ask for a ride...and if you didn't truly want to come to waba on any given day, DON'T COME WHINE AND ***** ABOUT IT ON SWF. Just take the BBQ route and stop coming.

GA smash quit your *****in, it's quite old now
1) those other places have a high door fee because

2) how is this a point
"you never complained about being overcharged before why start now"
"you never complained about me beating your wife before why start now"
rofl ok
don't start it if you haven't yet

i like this logic

3) rofl

Believe in the heart of the waba.



Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
i believe in the heart of the waba

just like i believe in our government

and that the earth is round
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