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Georgia Social Thread


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
dynomite did u really ask that? size 7 green font isn't enough i suppose. edit: what jamaal said afterward as well. <_<

but yeah jamaal, i'm gonna be there.

since its a lock-in (more or less) and supposedly i can use all the set-ups; you have no problem with me bringing my own games and playing them on your consoles right (say, the PS3)?

i ask since the rules about what you are restricted to doing has always been rather vague.


bring your ps3 controller if ur going

ill bring tales of vesperia ps3

screw platformers lets grind on jrpgs all day


edit: btw jamaal i might as well say upfront i am pre-registering


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
@scatz - i'll reassert to min that he should look for sponsorships; i agree with what you said fully.
Yeah, there's this one guy who's gotten a full sponsorship down here in terms of gaming, but his main problem is that he wants to create a biweekly tourney session in a non-gaming populated area. I told him that with what he has backing him, he could easily setup huge tournaments that could easily get a good amount of people. Idk where he was able to get a sponsorship, but I'm pretty sure that if Min tried hard enough, he could get one enough to get a new venue (I might be wrong, but still, it's worth trying since Min wanted to have a gaming store open for all gamers).


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
@bbq - it's a smash tournament, as well as a lock-in. don't let the fact you can get in for free at GA Tech steer you from the fact you're getting around 17 hours available to play whatever you like that is available.
I prefer $0 for 9 hours instead of $15 for 17 hours but that's just me

Please understand that the original store will be emptied of retail. This means there will be more space, on top of this, all of the setups from the tournament center will more than likely be moved into the original store. That practically doubles the amount of setups we usually have for tournaments, and you're holding these setups for 17 hours!
Ok so the store is going to have more space than before... BUT IT'S STILL MUCH SMALLER THAN THE TOURNAMENT CENTER. So why is Min charging us more money? That doesn't make any freakin sense! I guess it makes sense because it's 17 hours... but most high schoolers can't stay past 10 loll.

Fifteen dollars is steep for an average Georgia player's money; while that's understandable Waba Game is still a great place for a venue where you can practically host tournaments without even having to pay Min any money out of your pocket.
What...? This doesn't make sense. Yeah $15 is steep... it's a scam. I can host a tourney at SPSU, call it a lock in, and have everything free. I understand that the folks at Waba need to make a profit, but they're doing it wrong! They're just driving away customers like me with this new door fee. And wtf do you mean "you can practically host tournaments without even having to pay Min any money out of your pocket"? None of us are hosting tourneys, we're attending them, so that doesn't apply to us.

Tipped off 5 was extremely large, where would a tournament like that be held? Ga Tech for no entry fee? Come on man.
lol, well it certainly will not be hosted at Waba anymore. Tipped Off 5 had 90 people, I expect Tipped Off 6 to have 110+, there's no way Waba's small venue can fit that many people... Not to mention that most OoS people don't really like Waba lol.

i suck at melee i don't see why dyno won't mm me

unless he wants to money match me for 2 $2 MMs, one falcon one falco, and one $1 MM agaisnt my fox

that would work

so how about it dyno

also i won't be able to make FR... i'm taking the SAT that day
want to money match one of my secondaries? you can choose which one, i dont really care.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Switch FC
3936 9382 6790
what do u mean last tourney waba is hosting?
so waba is going to be just for friendlies? plz clearifiy


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
p-3 wanna high schoolers hype casual my rarth?

my rarth is okay i think he needs help

but hey

hes rarth

i mean hes not even marth

or roy

definitely not moy

who the hell would model hack for moy anyways srsly

hes just rarth

what do u mean last tourney waba is hosting?
so waba is going to be just for friendlies? plz clearifiy
he probably means the last one waba itself is directly involved in the planning and scheduling of tournaments.

idk im just a high schooler tong should tutor me in reading

i from impoverished 3rd world country

plz aid me and my thick eyebrows



Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Switch FC
3936 9382 6790
ok i get it i think.
o yea about brawl+ eh.... it feels gay lol i get bored really fast of it. im into melee/brawl now. if pjm feels like melee i might make it a side game for lols


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I prefer $0 for 9 hours instead of $15 for 17 hours but that's just me
This is a gaming center, is it really going to sound good to you to pay to play a game you can play for free anywhere?

Ok so the store is going to have more space than before... BUT IT'S STILL MUCH SMALLER THAN THE TOURNAMENT CENTER. So why is Min charging us more money? That doesn't make any freakin sense! I guess it makes sense because it's 17 hours... but most high schoolers can't stay past 10 loll.
It's not smaller than the tournament center, i really don't see where you got that from. The original fee for big hype-worthy tournaments is 10 dollars, he's adding practically 7 more hours of time to this tournament, for the same price if you preregister. As much as i don't want to sympathize for a business, and as much as i want to agree that it should be cheaper. No one hosts tournies for less than 10 dollars, yet you expect Waba to do so? These tournaments can be big if their hyped enough. If 50 people come, he could make a killing off 10 bucks and it would be worth it. If 2 people come, he doesn't have to stay open for just 10 bucks but instead 20. I can't really push him to go lower than 10 dollars for something where he has to stay at the venue from 2pm to 7am.

What...? This doesn't make sense. Yeah $15 is steep... it's a scam. I can host a tourney at SPSU, call it a lock in, and have everything free. I understand that the folks at Waba need to make a profit, but they're doing it wrong! They're just driving away customers like me with this new door fee. And wtf do you mean "you can practically host tournaments without even having to pay Min any money out of your pocket"? None of us are hosting tourneys, we're attending them, so that doesn't apply to us.
So, you're telling me that because you can host a tournament at spsu and call it a lock-in that Waba's price is a scam?

hi guys i'm BBQ and i hosted a small tournament with a few of my friends at spsu for free, so everything else is a scam obviously.


You still get a lot of time that you can consistently play matches, almost all the setups can be setup in the new center if we work around it well. Plus think about the future, Waba is still a good venue for mid-large tournaments. GA isn't a place for national tournaments as of yet. So we aren't going to get anymore than 100-125 right now. The Waba Center can comfortable 100+

What if we want to host tournaments in the future BBQ? Maybe i should go to LG again where we had water pouring into buckets because of the **** bathroom, and had no ac so i ended up spending money on fans to accomodate to the FL players. Find me a great venue for ~100 people that you don't have to pay for. GA Tech is great for small tournaments exclusive for GA players, but when **** gets big i'm sure GA Tech wouldn't even consider allowing that many people to enter their campus that they don't know.

lol, well it certainly will not be hosted at Waba anymore. Tipped Off 5 had 90 people, I expect Tipped Off 6 to have 110+, there's no way Waba's small venue can fit that many people... Not to mention that most OoS people don't really like Waba lol.
I have yet to hear an OoS person hate waba, nor do i hear many people hate Waba outside of things like the door fee, Eric's previously bad customer service, or Waba opening/closing at the wrong times.

Well BBQ, we don't have a venue, and even then, not many of us have funds to actually PAY for a venue. Get that through. Legendary Games is gone, Play n Trade is far too small for big tournaments. Final Round has large venue, but Larry takes big money out of his pockets for that. You're acting as if "well Waba can burn in hell and we'll still have 100+ person tournaments".

With what place? With what money? None of us have connections like that anymore, if we did we would've stopped going to waba a long while ago. Waba's free, and fairly large for tournaments if needed.

I haven't heard many complaints towards waba from OoS players. However from in-state players, the complaints i hear apparently come from both ways. Waba has had some iffy past with other players (names withheld) who don't pay entry fee; while i'm not saying Waba is in the right with stories you might have heard from a year ago, i'm also saying to remember there's two sides to every story.

Most of the problems I've heard from you all can be put into a few categories.

1) eric
2) door fee
3) closing times
4) random stories about what's happened in the past.

I haven't heard anything truely happening lately unless it's just something extremely trivial. Waba's door fee will always vary between 5-10 dollars (10-15 for lock-ins). And eric has become better with customer service.

To put it short, i haven't heard any complaints since things have been fixed, except about things that have well... been fixed.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Switch FC
3936 9382 6790
we're talking about the one that can chaingrab spacies and shoot lasers out of his dtilts

ya melee


if ur gonna play that moneymaking machine at least play pBrawl.
lol but yea im mostly melee tho :p what grade u in :o! i main fox/falco/marth/ melee ftw''

i wish someone hosted a tourney this weekend or had a smashfest b/c my friend is comin over he's a noob lol gotta train him up =D and my 8 old cuz is getter better with marth learning how to sh and lcancel and almost wave dashing really good


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
im in 10th

i guess ill find the answers when i get there jamaal

also the last part of ur post is not quoted therefore mindgaming innocent high schoolers at the time of this quick reply


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
i apologized that i read over your posts vietgeek.

1) This is for the time being smash-only. No other games have been included in this event. This doesn't mean that you can't however bring other fighting game setups and play with the other smash players.

2) I'm going to ask min now about the gaming computers, there might just be a room dedicated to them still; We didn't really discuss the computers during the meeting.

3) I will pay for your pre-registration on friday. Please set up a ride so that my money isn't in vain. I'll also have a list of people i'm pre-registering and i will promptly ask you for ten dollars when you get to Waba.

4) I mean that Waba might not exist at all after this event. The venue might no longer be in Min's hands.

Do you know what the sponsorship was scatz? I'll tell him to hook it up, he should really have no problem at all getting sponsors.

Also BBQ, i want to tell you that the fire marshall confirmed that min can fit 185 people in his retail area.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
no i want to mm your marth

This is a gaming center, is it really going to sound good to you to pay to play a game you can play for free anywhere?
wabers is in a pretty good central location for most of GA to meet, so I would say it's worth to drive there to pay a door fee of $5 or even $10 but $15 is ridiculous, I don't care what explanation you give. $15 might be worth it if we had a turn out of 50 people but we don't because GA community is small. It's just dumb to have to pay that much to play with 10 people.

I can't really push him to go lower than 10 dollars for something where he has to stay at the venue from 2pm to 7am.
lol, it was his choice to make it a lock in.

So, you're telling me that because you can host a tournament at spsu and call it a lock-in that Waba's price is a scam?

hi guys i'm BBQ and i hosted a small tournament with a few of my friends at spsu for free, so everything else is a scam obviously.

wat absolutely not. I'm saying Waba's price is a scam because he's making us pay $15 to play video games when we can play video games anywhere else for free. I understand that Min needs to make some money but $15 is just too discouraging for me. Back in the day, I was perfectly fine with $5 door fee, then he changed it to $10 door fee and I was all like qq, now it's $15, now I'm all like qq and madqq.

It's not smaller than the tournament center, i really don't see where you got that from.
I don't know. I've only seen the retail store so I guess I can't make a valid judgment.

almost all the setups can be setup in the new center if we work around it well.
so you're implying that the retail store is smaller?


Also BBQ, i want to tell you that the fire marshall confirmed that min can fit 185 people in his retail area.
holy **** never mind lool

Plus think about the future
$20 door fee oh lawdy no thx

Waba is still a good venue for mid-large tournaments. GA isn't a place for national tournaments as of yet. So we aren't going to get anymore than 100-125 right now.
GA is not a place for national tournaments for Brawl. For Melee I think there's a different story. Each Tipped Off tournament keeps growing, so I expect Tipped Off 6 to break 100 people.

What if we want to host tournaments in the future BBQ? Maybe i should go to LG again where we had water pouring into buckets because of the **** bathroom, and had no ac so i ended up spending money on fans to accomodate to the FL players. Find me a great venue for ~100 people that you don't have to pay for. GA Tech is great for small tournaments exclusive for GA players, but when **** gets big i'm sure GA Tech wouldn't even consider allowing that many people to enter their campus that they don't know.

Well BBQ, we don't have a venue, and even then, not many of us have funds to actually PAY for a venue. Get that through. Legendary Games is gone, Play n Trade is far too small for big tournaments. Final Round has large venue, but Larry takes big money out of his pockets for that. You're acting as if "well Waba can burn in hell and we'll still have 100+ person tournaments".

With what place? With what money? None of us have connections like that anymore, if we did we would've stopped going to waba a long while ago. Waba's free, and fairly large for tournaments if needed.
completely understandable. I just hate how waba is our only option so we must keep feeding it.
note: I love waba just hate the door fee lol

I have yet to hear an OoS person hate waba, nor do i hear many people hate Waba outside of things like the door fee, Eric's previously bad customer service, or Waba opening/closing at the wrong times.
there were some complaints in the TO5 shoutouts thread, I believe.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Are we going to use Ga Tech for a 100 man tournament when there's people who can potentially steal people's setups, and no real authority in the area, with no entry fee at that? Come on man.

I will be at this event by the way.
rofl i love this part



come on jamaal, no point in using fear tactics when we're playing nintendo.

also "not letting in people they don't know"
rofl come on it's a college campus
Parties (the one sorority or frat that does it's ga tech come on)
football games

ga tech has police jamaal

do you guys not get the issue here

we don't have the dollars to pay for more than a 10 door fee and a 10 door fee sounds unreasonable since generally we can just smash at someone's house, like we are accustomed to.

waba needs to make money so min needs to charge somewhere from 10-15 dollars to save his business.

you see how these two things don't go together?

waba is also NOT in a good location for smashers. it's out of the way for most of us and only in a semi-convenient location for the Suwannee smashers (perhaps even less than semi). this is unfortunate in itself but oh well. in general GA smash is too spread out to have a "good" location other than being somewhere in metro atlanta.

5 is too little for min who has to pay electricity bills and what not, so 10 seems reasonable, but that's in the "red zone" for most of us poor smashers.
imo 7 would be ok with me.

so we have
1) min needs more than 5
2) we don't feel like paying more than 5
3) the location isn't convenient enough for more than 10
4) 15 dollars?!?!? WHAT IF WE DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE LOCKK IN?!?!???

also jamaal you are clearly not touching the fact that
1) larry makes money off of final round after dipping into his own pockets.
2) larry only does final round once a year

see the issue here?
what waba wants is a constant stream of business, but with small, spread out pockets of active players, it's almost impossible. lan centers generally are no longer a good idea in america.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
I'm down for Brawl+ VietG. I was getting excited that some people were showing interest, too. Ah, well. No need to get your hopes up TOO high I suppose.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
It's really simple.

Need Money = Charge More.

They're remodeling, right? That's going to cost some money.

Just pay the $15/$10 and benefit Waba, PLUS get in about 17hrs of play-time.
If not, STFU.

Jamaal, I'd like to volunteer for this event, if that's alright.

Waba's in need of money, so save your tournament center, and enter if you can.

All the good times we've had there, and you're complaining about paying $10? I don't see why you wouldn't pay $10. That's how much you pay for the monthlies, anyways. $15 at a normal weekly could get you Door fee, and entry fee for both Brawl and Melee.

Quit griping.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
BBQ°;9597026 GA is not a place for national tournaments [B said:
for Brawl[/B]. For Melee I think there's a different story. Each Tipped Off tournament keeps growing, so I expect Tipped Off 6 to break 100 people.

Why not? We can make GA a huge brawl scene but we will need better and larger venues. Also 15 dollars is way way to much. You can already count me out. I can play for free at my house. Maybe 7-10 dollars ,but I personally like to handle my own financial affairs. It not that I can't pay 15 easily I just don't want to. I come for the community most.

Also like Sleepy-K said its really not that convenient. There are at least 10 people that I am aware of in Augusta and around that area who would love to go to waba ,but its just to far.

I was thinking about some type of special offer that regulars can sign-up for. But the problem is that I don't always know if I am always available every 3rd Saturday of every moth.

GA gaming community just isn't that big. We need to expand our audience past brawl into other competitive games.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
lol Sleepyk, i actually legitmately laughed at your comment. I do agree that it was kind of overreactive of me to say that Ga tech doesn't have police and such. Plus i admit i've never been in the area you guys actually have the tournament in. I don't it could consistently hold large-scale tournaments.

- Where did you hear that Larry makes money off of Final Round?

- Min does want a stream of business, but we can just have once a month tournaments, and hype up tri-month sponsored tournaments; something like that could work. This place is a tournament center now, we can have smash on the 3rd week of every month as always, and have other games on other weeks.

I don't see how guys don't notice that i will pay the 10 dollars if you pre-register. You just have to promptly pay me back. Why does pre-registering seem like such a bad idea? :ohwell:

@yiff - as much as i enjoy your comment supporting waba. the price boost isn't because we need more money, but because it's a lock-in.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
lol Sleepyk, i actually legitmately laughed at your comment. I do agree that it was kind of overreactive of me to say that Ga tech doesn't have police and such. Plus i admit i've never been in the area you guys actually have the tournament in. I don't it could consistently hold large-scale tournaments.

- Where did you hear that Larry makes money off of Final Round?

- Min does want a stream of business, but we can just have once a month tournaments, and hype up tri-month sponsored tournaments; something like that could work. This place is a tournament center now, we can have smash on the 3rd week of every month as always, and have other games on other weeks.

I don't see how guys don't notice that i will pay the 10 dollars if you pre-register. You just have to promptly pay me back. Why does pre-registering seem like such a bad idea? :ohwell:

@yiff - as much as i enjoy your comment supporting waba. the price boost isn't because we need more money, but because it's a lock-in.
But you guys DO need money, mirite?
Either way, I'm attending, and pre-registering/volunteering in any way I can.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
It's really simple.

Need Money = Charge More.

They're remodeling, right? That's going to cost some money.

Just pay the $15/$10 and benefit Waba, PLUS get in about 17hrs of play-time.
If not, STFU.

Jamaal, I'd like to volunteer for this event, if that's alright.

Waba's in need of money, so save your tournament center, and enter if you can.

All the good times we've had there, and you're complaining about paying $10? I don't see why you wouldn't pay $10. That's how much you pay for the monthlies, anyways. $15 at a normal weekly could get you Door fee, and entry fee for both Brawl and Melee.

Quit griping.
the problem is that it doesn't really feel like we have any kind of attachment to waba as a tournament center.

jamaal - idr, someone said it at a tournament. i could be wrong. even then, he probably at least makes his money back.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
People should really look at my posts when they start talking about the same **** I already addressed. I would say to attempt to acquire a gaming place near Stone Mountain since that seems to be more in the middle in terms of Augusta and Macon (although, Conyers seems to be the midpoint for all three places and this is including Marietta and Woodstock). Things have opened up here (an Ingles shut down and the space is completely vacant. A Cub foods went out of business a long time ago and the venue is still open, there's quite a bit of places near me that can work for some smashers coming from longer places) and it might be what another gaming place needs to obtain (that and a way to pay everything easily to host tourneys without having lots of problems like Waba is having right now), and this is why I wanted to try to reach out to communities all over GA so that the financial problem won't seem as bad when the attendance gets low for one, the money is at least resolved because there are other communities at the same place having a tourney with that low attendance.

If people are still skeptical, I've seen a decent amount of people play all types of games. I have connections to at least a decent amount of people from different communities (The Halo community, Street Fighter community, etc.) I can get some of the people to know about any future plans that might involve their community. The only thing that needs to be done is being able to find a way to make things so that it doesn't come to bite back in the *** like Min has taken for running Waba for this long.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
actually this one is true
rofl I love you tong

It's really simple.

Need Money = Charge More.

They're remodeling, right? That's going to cost some money.

Just pay the $15/$10 and benefit Waba, PLUS get in about 17hrs of play-time.
If not, STFU.

Jamaal, I'd like to volunteer for this event, if that's alright.

Waba's in need of money, so save your tournament center, and enter if you can.

All the good times we've had there, and you're complaining about paying $10? I don't see why you wouldn't pay $10. That's how much you pay for the monthlies, anyways. $15 at a normal weekly could get you Door fee, and entry fee for both Brawl and Melee.

Quit griping.
I don't care about Waba sorry. They are just a convenience to me for having smash and TVs. tbh it doesn't matter to me if they close down. If that happens, then the community will figure out something to do, which isn't a problem.

Why not? We can make GA a huge brawl scene but we will need better and larger venues.
wtf are you talking about. Larger venue does not equal a bigger brawl scene. The way to expand the brawl scene is to show off how fun your game is, but that's kinda hard for Brawl since it's campy and slow paced. I guess you could show them how easy it is, but then you will just attract people with weak attention spans and will drop the game in a few months.

I don't see how guys don't notice that i will pay the 10 dollars if you pre-register. You just have to promptly pay me back. Why does pre-registering seem like such a bad idea? :ohwell:
I don't like pre-registering because I'm a teenager and I make last-minute decisions on attending, so there is no guarantee from me and I will most likely lose money instead.

People should really look at my posts when they start talking about the same **** I already addressed. I would say to attempt to acquire a gaming place near Stone Mountain since that seems to be more in the middle in terms of Augusta and Macon (although, Conyers seems to be the midpoint for all three places and this is including Marietta and Woodstock). Things have opened up here (an Ingles shut down and the space is completely vacant. A Cub foods went out of business a long time ago and the venue is still open, there's quite a bit of places near me that can work for some smashers coming from longer places) and it might be what another gaming place needs to obtain (that and a way to pay everything easily to host tourneys without having lots of problems like Waba is having right now), and this is why I wanted to try to reach out to communities all over GA so that the financial problem won't seem as bad when the attendance gets low for one, the money is at least resolved because there are other communities at the same place having a tourney with that low attendance.

If people are still skeptical, I've seen a decent amount of people play all types of games. I have connections to at least a decent amount of people from different communities (The Halo community, Street Fighter community, etc.) I can get some of the people to know about any future plans that might involve their community. The only thing that needs to be done is being able to find a way to make things so that it doesn't come to bite back in the *** like Min has taken for running Waba for this long.
well we already got GA Tech as a secondary place for tournaments. The main problem here is Wabers.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
I also am a teenage and often time my parents force me to have other obligations.

The only way we can solve our problem is talking to min directly. Im sure as regular customers he will be able to work something out with us.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
well we already got GA Tech as a secondary place for tournaments. The main problem here is Wabers.
So who'll be running the tourneys hosted there? Who's gonna give us clearance to even host there? How long will this "secondary" place will be our tourney venue? Just because Waba is having problems doesn't mean that we'll just gladly accept GA Tech and then forget our problem and wait till the last minute when GA Tech becomes a place where we can't hold tourneys either.

I'm addressing the problem now. We need to try to find a semi permanent place where we can let it grow and accommodate more than just the smash community if we want a gaming center to host multiple tourneys (possibly host big tourneys too). That's why other gaming centers have been able to proper longer than what Waba has been able to.

I'ma be blunt about this too, but the community, as far as I can see, the community won't end up doing **** about the "what do we do after GA Tech can't host anymore tourneys" bit. My money is more on that people will quit and move on with their lives rather than attempt to keep a community alive (used to be alive anyway).

Yeah, we hate the price increase that Waba has been doing. Yeah, we hate that GA has soo limited TOs hosting things as well as other places to accommodate for the community. Funny enough, if people were more serious about having free smashfests/tourneys at people's places, then why aren't more people doing it? I know there's been a slight increase about this too, but it's not enough.

Idk maybe I see something different than some of you people, but as far as it stands to me, losing Waba means that we'll very soon lose the community since hardly anyone can continuously host.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2008
Cool, I'll pre-register.

but there should be less loud people, and more brawl+, imo.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I swear you guys are idiots. Thanks sleepyk though for your honest comments, but everyone else here is a bunch of idiots. Do you guys not understand that we don't have many places to go in Georgia? No matter where we go, someone will be too far away in order to attend, there's no central area in georgia. We need to just try to keep alive what we have. We had people like Lounis giving out rides for gas money for the longest time.

Remember Halloween Bash? His car was practically empty because GA community didn't bother going with him. (And he even PM'd you guys!)

The more i read these posts, i'm realizing our community will die.

We'll all play in our respective areas with the few people that live there, and won't bother to all come together as a community because quite frankly, we're beginning to have the mentality that "those guys are too far away, they aren't important".

We saw how Halloween bash went, 400 dollar incentive, 200 of it for in state, barely any GA players came. Florida practically trashed us saying how we sucked as a community. It's bull**** guys. I swear we have to make more ideas than any other region, yet we get the absolute LEAST participation than any other community i've seen.

I have more to say, but i have to go to class, so i'll leave this post with a quote.

I'm officially convinced that GA Brawl is not a community. At all.
@mercy- would you be able to pre-reg on your own? I don't remember from anywhere so i don't who i would have to ask for money =/


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Cool, I'll pre-register.

but there should be less loud people, and more brawl+, imo.
i won't buy the monster if u play with the few b+ players that exist in georgia <_<

once again the fact that waba is not cared for is just the ga community saying:

hey high schoolers

we dont care about u

and no feelings will be hurt because this has been true since the invention of teriyaki beef jerky


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land

Yeah, we hate the price increase that Waba has been doing. Yeah, we hate that GA has soo limited TOs hosting things as well as other places to accommodate for the community. Funny enough, if people were more serious about having free smashfests/tourneys at people's places, then why aren't more people doing it? I know there's been a slight increase about this too, but it's not enough.
i'd invite you people here, but none of you would come.:urg:


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I swear you guys are idiots. Thanks sleepyk though for your honest comments, but everyone else here is a bunch of idiots. Do you guys not understand that we don't have many places to go in Georgia? No matter where we go, someone will be too far away in order to attend, there's no central area in georgia. We need to just try to keep alive what we have. We had people like Lounis giving out rides for gas money for the longest time.

Remember Halloween Bash? His car was practically empty because GA community didn't bother going with him. (And he even PM'd you guys!)

The more i read these posts, i'm realizing our community will die.

We'll all play in our respective areas with the few people that live there, and won't bother to all come together as a community because quite frankly, we're beginning to have the mentality that "those guys are too far away, they aren't important".

We saw how Halloween bash went, 400 dollar incentive, 200 of it for in state, barely any GA players came. Florida practically trashed us saying how we sucked as a community. It's bull**** guys. I swear we have to make more ideas than any other region, yet we get the absolute LEAST participation than any other community i've seen.

I have more to say, but i have to go to class, so i'll leave this post with a quote.

@mercy- would you be able to pre-reg on your own? I don't remember from anywhere so i don't who i would have to ask for money =/
you seem to be beyond the concept that we can't host smashfests and minor tournaments in our houses or college rentable/borrowable places, like we have successfully been doing for the past 9 years.
waba isn't exactly the prime local for getting together to play all the time (as made clear) given that we are poor and spread apart. it's not that they're not important, jamaal. it's that it's too hard to get over there.
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