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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
First of all, let me get this out of the way, Geno will die on Thursday. I fully believe that, it’s been a long and ardous road but, if there’s any costume pack that will have Geno in it, it’s going to be this one. So, the below rant is likely not going to matter when all is said and done.

That being said...

No, this “company A can’t have two characters in the same pass” is a load of bull****. It’s bull**** because it operates on faulty logic. People think that other companies are going to see the dividends of the Pass being added up and say “WHAT?! Square Enix got two?? Well, that does it! **** you Nintendo! No Crash Bandicoot for you!”

This is some of the most naive logic i’ve ever seen.

They do not care. Cement those words in your head, they do not care. Having your character featured in Smash at all is an absolute blessing. These companies aren’t going to be “buttmad” just because Square Enix gets a higher amount of money from the pass (justifiably so). They are just going to be happy they got a character at all and will receive payment for that one character they asked for.

I seriously don’t understand the logic that companies would want to “pull out” after seeing two Square characters on a single pass. Oh no, your company’s character was requested for the highest selling fighting game and all star brawler in the world, but that other company got two characters! Show them who’s boss and don’t allow them to use your beloved Crash Bandicoot!

Classic example of local basement dwellers thinking they know how companies operate.

Not saying Geno wouldn’t be pass 3 shall he survive Thursday, but this no two company argument sucks donkeydick.

Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
It is actually very amusing that we as a collective fan base have decided that each company only gets 1 character per pass. Classic Smash Bros community logic!

the pattern has held up so far but who’s to say it can’t be broken?

I’ve come to realize after Sephiroth, that we as fans clearly don’t know what the **** we are talking about and that Nintendo can surprise us (for better or...for worse).

so chin up folks, it’s not over until Sakurai says so


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
I knew that I said I would go on another hiatus, but I didn't share my view on Geno's current situation (that I don't support nor have a strong feeling for; frankly, I don't and probably will never understand why this character got such a following, but it definitely exists).

The negative aspects:

Geno is one of the characters who was requested for a really long time, and was at a time one of the big "three" with Banjo and Ridley, but was replaced since Smash 4 by K. Rool. And since then... Well he didn't get a new game and is clearly irrelevant, his chances of getting a new game are almost zero, and is not even the main character of the game he is from, nor the main villain.

The other three were also requested for a long time and only Ultimate managed to bring them. Their situations were easier to deal with than Geno, too, but each character included had more obstacles than the previous one, funnily enough: Ridley is a still recurring villain of a main Nintendo franchise, King K. Rool is a villain that hasn't been used for a decade in a main Nintendo game, and Banjo is now a main character owned by a WESTERN third-party company who also didn't get a new game in a decade.

Geno is at least owned by a third-party company that is Japanese, however his character hasn't been used for 24 years (he does make a cameo appearance but frankly that won't help much) and it's clear that he won't get a chance to be used in another game.
Finally, another Square-Enix character has been added recently, and even if it's not an official rule, well the reality is that people will find it hard to believe that Square will get two characters in one pass, and even if that was the case, they have plenty of other characters to use before Geno.

The positive aspects:

There are a few, and they all concern directly Smash Bros.
Sakurai is definitely aware of Geno's existence, since he talked about him during the Brawl days, in which there were unused songs from his game (who was already over 10 years old at the time). And this was once again confirmed when he was added as a Mii costume in Smash For (at the time where Square was still stingy about his properties) and finally in Ultimate where he was one of the ONLY Square-Enix spirits at release, along with Mallow and the two Cloud fighter spirits. So there's still an effort on Sakurai part to at least acknowledge Geno (as small as it may seem, you cannot simply go ahead and put even a PNG of a character from another company for the lulz).

It's also in the game which included some of the characters that almost always seemed impossible to include. Ridley, K. Rool and finally Banjo all got in, and that is thanks to the ballot. It's clear that Geno didn't score as well as those three, but he is still one of the characters that probably did well enough to at least grab Sakurai's attention.

The other news is that Square-Enix is not as difficult to work with than before; they already gave us two of the DLC characters in Ultimate, and that includes Hero's four alts which are, technically, four characters. And now Final Fantasy will finally get more music (hopefully lol) and spirits, as well as a new stage.
On the subject of fan rules, Sephiroth's inclusion also broke one: two unique characters from the same third-party series. That's pretty big since until now we only ever had either one single representative or a character and his echo. And it's also the only one with two stages besides Sonic. This is not exactly in support of Geno but that's a nice detail.

This situation will be settled very soon, no matter how: if on the 17th, Geno appears as a costume, then he is definitely screwed for this game. No matter how you twist it, I don't expect a fake-out from Sakurai and even with a third-pass, his situation won't improve. For me, getting a costume in a DLC pack is as good of a game over as being an Assist Trophy.

If he isn't a costume, then he is definitely still in the game: we know Sakurai didn't forget him with the spirit, and his costume will still be missing, so eventually he will either have to bring back the costume with another character (and that could happen) or the character was upgraded into a fully playable character.

And I think he'll be a mii costume, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. So let's see how it goes from here.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
As I said, I don’t think Sepiroth on his own is a nail-in-the-coffin for Geno. Two characters fom the same company is definitely possible and they serve vastly different purposes, with Geno always having been a character that’s very...min-maxed in his resume, foregoing classic boons like relevance and importance but instead going full-in on fan popularity and given the costume last time, the Sakurai thumbs up.

That said, the elephant in the room is that Sepiroth is a very plausible explanation for why Geno’s costume hasn’t returned yet with Hero, a given that before was most likely explained with the idea that Geno himself made the cut. That Occam’s Razor explanation now has to compete with the equally logical “He gets in as part of Sep’s release.”, but aside from that I don’t think Sepiroth himself has slashed Geno’s chances in half


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Been a long time. Obviously Geno Mii is likely to return come Thursday and it would be a deconfirmer at that point. But just some food for thought, not to be taken seriously, it seems weird to me that Nintendo would go ask for Sephiroth. Maybe Square requested Sephiroth becauseof te remake for Nintendo to add Geno. Food for thought obviously so not to be taken seriously as there are bound to be flaws. Still, don't give up hope until its over which we shall see in the coming days


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Huh, I didn‘t know that the music being licensed by the composers themselves was a Squeenix wide policy. Doing a quick Google search tells me the SMRPG composer is Shimomura, who’s already on board for some of Ultimate’s remixes. Still not a good deal for Square considering they don’t get money from the licensing if I read your post correctly, but not a reason to suspect Cloud-levels of disappointing music selection.
This is why I've always rolled my eyes when Papagenos has said it's the most logical outcome because it's the opposite. Even if Geno was raised to, say, $1.50, it's still a terrible investment. Sans and Cuphead were 75 cents and came with music. "Here, buy this costume of a top ten character for twice the price and a MIDI track."


Yeah, good luck with that...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
I only see 1 and 4 as possibilities. Either his costume comes with Sephiroth, or he is playable. His costume came out with Cloud last game, so if it’s coming at all, it’s coming with Sephiroth. Also, they’ve made it a point to bring back every costume from Smash 4 so far, so it would be weird if Geno is neither a costume nor playable.
Huh, I thought the Geno costume came out later and not with Cloud. Must've misremembered.


It's not Tuesday John
Jan 23, 2014
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Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
If there is a “deluxe Mii” on Thursday I hope it’s Freddy Fazbear. Not that I think it’s likely or even particularly want FNAF representation in Smash, but just because the same presentation having Sephiroth and FNAF stuff in it would be ****ing hilarious.

That being said, my actual predictions are Chocobo, Barrett, Tifa, Aerith, and 2B. I do accept the possibility of Geno but I’m not counting us out yet.


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2019
I am kinda leaning on the miis being, Chocobo, Tifa, Aerith, Barrett. 2b/chrono/geno. With the last slot being one of the three. Hoping its not our boi. I do think it is quite possible all the costumes are ff only. maybe even non ff7 selections.
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Mr. Peepee

Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2020
Plus its extra hilarious cause when you die in FNAF you get stuffed in a Freddy suit
If there is a “deluxe Mii” on Thursday I hope it’s Freddy Fazbear. Not that I think it’s likely or even particularly want FNAF representation in Smash, but just because the same presentation having Sephiroth and FNAF stuff in it would be ****ing hilarious.

That being said, my actual predictions are Chocobo, Barrett, Tifa, Aerith, and 2B. I do accept the possibility of Geno but I’m not counting us out yet.
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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
Remember that the Minecraft Mii Costume wave had 3 based on Minecraft while the other 3 was from Travis Touchdown, Tower of Druegia (If I spelled it correctly) and Bomberman.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
On the outside of Mii costume talk, here's something I brought up on Star Road while the thread was closed:

Sephiroth: 4pm
Steve: 9:30am
Min Min: 9am
Byleth: 8am
Terry: 7am
Banjo: 6pm
Hero: 8am

These are all the Sakurai Presents' times in my time zone. As you can see, most have been in the morning except Banjo and Sephiroth. As you all know, Banjo's was a surprise as was his release date that day. Banjo's presentation was so late because it was after a full blown Direct. A big question is why Sephiroth's presentation is so late in the day compared to the others?

Another thing to consider going into Sephiroth's presentation is that Sakurai has made it a point to have at least one "surprise" with each presentation:

Joker: VR mode, Stage Builder
Hero: Tournament mode
Banjo: Sans, Home run contest
Terry: 50 SNK music pieces
Byleth: Season 2, Cuphead
Min Min: Spirit mode, Vault Boy
Steve: multiple Minecraft stage settings, all music can be played on Smash original stages, any franchise music can be played on particular franchise stages (ex: any Mario music on any Mario stage)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
I'm not sure if Sakurai would be willing to do a third pass (unless he really wants to continue to make Ultimate as good as it can be) but I could definitely see at least a few extra fighters with no stage and some music. Stages also take a lot of time to make so the workload would be smaller, too.
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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
It seems Sakurai is wanting to let this series grow as much he can give it before letting in be placed in the History of Video games. So, it is up to him if he wants. Don't forget that Sakurai is still doing ok while maintaining his project that he watched for 21 years and counting.

Deleted member

For better or for worse, I tend to say what's on my mind at the time... and what's on my mind right now is to remember to give a big fat apology to the people of this community for undoubtedly being at least a driving force behind the lock of this thread. I had my fun but it directly resulted in other people not getting to have any and that's not really ok with me.

I'll put that L in the hall of fame with the others.

If there is a “deluxe Mii” on Thursday I hope it’s Freddy Fazbear. Not that I think it’s likely or even particularly want FNAF representation in Smash, but just because the same presentation having Sephiroth and FNAF stuff in it would be ****ing hilarious.

That being said, my actual predictions are Chocobo, Barrett, Tifa, Aerith, and 2B. I do accept the possibility of Geno but I’m not counting us out yet.
I'm really heavily leaning, obviously, to the fact that Geno's costume is going to come back and that's going to be the end of this long road for all of us. I can only see two outcomes, one in which Sephiroth comes with all Final Fantasy (VII) costumes, or one in which he comes with mostly Final Fantasy costumes and also Geno is here because **** us.

If Sephiroth comes with other Square properties and Geno's still missing then my overwhelming pessimism still stands by "they straight up never want us to remember Geno so we're not getting the costume back", but there's still a part of me that's gonna be looking at the presentation like 1397805858167.png


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
Switch FC
SW 6950 2675 8190
Glad to see the thread back up, two things I wanted to say during the lock:

1- It was a pretty fun irony that this shirt was finally delivered on the day of the Sephiroth reveal. It's a good thing I don't believe in cosmic forshadowing and am still hopeful of our chances come Thursday

20201213_110716 (2).jpg

2): It's becoming funny how many fans are taking it upon themselves to make Geno a fleshed out fighter in their own interpretations, either in words, fanart, or this trailer for Rivals of Aether SW that dropped recently. Hopefully Sakurai can still surprise us with his take on Geno because it looks like we're taking all the good ideas (grass)

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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Honestly feel like emotions got to me, and I underestimated Geno's chances after Sephiroth's announcement. If I'm being honest, I still think there's a high chance Geno will be Mii'd during the Sephiroth presentation. On the other hand, as others have stated, we've only been through one Fighter's Pass, so whose to say only one company can get a character per pass? I still think Geno would be a very welcomed surprise.

If Geno is Mii'd on Thursday, well, it's been a pleasure speculating with you all. I'll most likely be pining for him when Smash 6 is inevitably announced (I really believe it'll happen at some point, with Sakurai or no Sakurai). If Geno isn't Mii'd on Thursday, looks like the journey ain't over just yet.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
If Sephiroth comes with other Square properties and Geno's still missing then my overwhelming pessimism still stands by "they straight up never want us to remember Geno so we're not getting the costume back", but there's still a part of me that's gonna be looking at the presentation likeView attachment 295399
The fact his costume got a splash screen though... I will be absolutely gobsmacked if he is not a Deluxe; he was literally made for that. They have already made everything but his face.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
And honestly, I will be looking forward to creating his moveset if he is a Deluxe... it's too bad he won't be able to use the chakram.

Glad to see the thread back up, two things I wanted to say during the lock:

1- It was a pretty fun irony that this shirt was finally delivered on the day of the Sephiroth reveal. It's a good thing I don't believe in cosmic forshadowing and am still hopeful of our chances come Thursday

View attachment 295398

2): It's becoming funny how many fans are taking it upon themselves to make Geno a fleshed out fighter in their own interpretations, either in words, fanart, or this trailer for Rivals of Aether SW that dropped recently. Hopefully Sakurai can still surprise us with his take on Geno because it looks like we're taking all the good ideas (grass)

I got this mousepad on that day:

Come Thursday it will be a handkerchief.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
I swear /v/ are a bunch of tsundere. They talk about how much they don't care and yet they pay closer attention to us than we do about ourselves sometimes.
If you google "gamefaqs geno thread," you three posts have already been made in light of recent events that took place here, notably the closing of the thread itself. Surprisingly, a gamefaqs user was standing up for us in one of these threads, but people act as if they are the audience of a gladiator match.

I mean hey, people can get their laughs all they want. But I believe it says more about them than it does us. It's pretty funny they get their entertainment by watching others on the Internet. It's not like we're celebrities or famous YouTubers. They just have nothing else entertaining going on in their lives and it simply reflects in the kinds of posts they make. They try desperately to cover up their own sadness with the LOLs and "look at them couldn't be us" mentality. Sad, but to each their own.


Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2008
Dallas, TX/FGCU
I swear /v/ are a bunch of tsundere. They talk about how much they don't care and yet they pay closer attention to us than we do about ourselves sometimes.
Same with GameSpot. It's extremely sweaty in there.


I mentioned this earlier in another thread but in the event that Geno doesn't show up (While I think it is going to take a miracle for that to happen) I think we may be looking at a situation where we have two different sources having two difference pieces of information that could be correct. I have recently stated that Vergeben's Square Enix List is now back in play because Sephiroth. I'm going to double down on it's existence if Geno, Sora or Crono appear as a Mii Costume in this wave.

In the event Geno does arrive as a Mii Costume during this wave, it won't matter much to us, but I think we can fully support the idea of MCG's Mallow/Smithy/Additional Square Enix character costume claim right after. While I don't believe much of Cacomallow anymore, I still think this idea is in play if Geno doesn't show up on Thursday. It's all I have going into Sakurai presents and it is most definitely a long shot, but at least it's something to stay cautiously optimistic about.

If you google "gamefaqs geno thread," you three posts have already been made in light of recent events that took place here, notably the closing of the thread itself. Surprisingly, a gamefaqs user was standing up for us in one of these threads, but people act as if they are the audience of a gladiator match.

I mean hey, people can get their laughs all they want. But I believe it says more about them than it does us. It's pretty funny they get their entertainment by watching others on the Internet. It's not like we're celebrities or famous YouTubers. They just have nothing else entertaining going on in their lives and it simply reflects in the kinds of posts they make. They try desperately to cover up their own sadness with the LOLs and "look at them couldn't be us" mentality. Sad, but to each their own.
To your point, I can completely justify people openly ****ting on someone like DarkSydePhil (mainly because he is a complete scumbag) but I never understand why people would want to come after us with such malice. The same could have been said about Banjo fans and even Ridley fans.
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I swear /v/ are a bunch of tsundere. They talk about how much they don't care and yet they pay closer attention to us than we do about ourselves sometimes.
Lol! /v/ is nothing but a bunch of trollish clowns hating and saying about who they want without no moderazation keeping their **** in check.

And honestly, I will be looking forward to creating his moveset if he is a Deluxe... it's too bad he won't be able to use the chakram.

I got this mousepad on that day:

Come Thursday it will be a handkerchief.
That mousepad is so cool. I'm jealous.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
Just read all as always. Glad to be back. As you may know, I’m very convinced Geno will be a playable fighter. All the amount of evidence, Sakurai’s recognition, Back to basics tendency, spirits do not deconfirm, Fan demand fulfilled before ARE still on the table. Sephiroth didn’t kill anyone (he almost killed Mario, but not Geno’s chances).

Im pretty confident that Geno will be announced as a Full Fighter, whether in a Challenger Pack or a Bonus. Whether as 79 with the 25° anniversary or maybe as 81. I could say as 79 to match the 25°, to match the Mario themed stuff and to have both Square Enix characters in Half-Pass. One for the world (Sephiroth) and one for the insane fan demand like Banjo-Kazooie (Geno).

It’s not just evidence, it’s intuition, faith and obvious reasons for how Geno and Fan demand has been evolving. Dreams do come true. Don’t throw the towel, you will realize how sweet is the victory after all.


all credit to ARTIST on Instagram.

You all will realize when Geno awakens and joins the party! And how his costume won’t return with Sephiroth, cause Geno playable could be hinted there (with the absence of the costume) and could be saved for later. Geno is a perfect character and Nintendo-Sakurai are aware of this. Design, Moveset, Music, Money, Fans happy, etc.

Im not a kind of prophet or something, I just firmly believe that Geno for Smash is a reality since years ago.

Absolutely no one will convince me the opposite unless I see that costume back; which, in that case, would be a Deluxe one and we can live with that I guess, cause this game is perfect already and Sakurai always does his best.

You will all see when the stars align and shine for the puppet :)!


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom Is there a possibility the moderation team and the Geno thread can discuss alternatives to closing the thread for a long time if things get hairy during the Sephiroth announcement? I feel like 90% of this thread wasn't involved in any of the bad behavior that occurred, but we all were collectively punished anyhow, and I fear the same will happen on Thursday because of a few bad apples.

For instance, if we follow your advice, simply report the trolling/flaming/negativity, will the thread remain open, as long as we don't actively engage?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
Like a lot of people here said earlier, the notion that a company can't double dip in one pass is a fan rule. I think there's a good shot it could be broken. Geno I'd argue hits a different audience than Sephiroth does so I think there's a good chance we can get both if Geno does indeed survive Thursday
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Another thing to watch out for this week:

If there's a Smash event announced on Tuesday night, Sephiroth is not being released this week. Hero and Byleth didn't have events their respective weeks because they were released on Tuesdays and Banjo and Terry didn't have Tuesday events because they were released immediately following their presentations. Weirdly enough, Steve was released on a Tuesday but his tournament event wasn't until the following week.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2020
A video from 5 years ago, I'm the last one on the right. We dressed well for the last Smash 4 presentation, hoping for Geno to show. Besides the Italian speaking, you can see exactly the moment my heart breaks!

I hope it made you smile in this difficult time :D

P.S. this time I'll see the presentation in pajamas.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Predictions on when Sephiroth will drop? I'm expecting next Monday or Tuesday as most of the time fighters get release the following Monday or Tuesday from their Presentation.
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