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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Peepo T. Skeleton

Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2020
Exactly 9.7 inches away from your current location
Double Reveal next week: Waluigi and Geno, can you imagine?

Internet, YouTube, SmashBoards and Google collapses. Nintendo and Square are rich now.
If this ever happens, I really hope they emphasize Waluigi's frustration with always being left out of the spotlight and have Star Road grant his wish via a Smash invitation.

It'd also be really funny for the polite and law-abiding Geno to have this weird sort of friendship with a dude who treats troublemaking like it's a full-time job.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
Let’s pray for a General Direct and/or #78 reveal in November; or at least in 2020!

Anyway, as I always said, whether if it was #77, or whether as #78, #79, #80, #81 or Bonus, Geno is a Full Fighter in a 1000% chances. Believe it, it’s so clear still.


Smash Cadet
Oct 11, 2020
Where the hell am I? Hello? HELLO?
How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
At most, like, second half of 2021 confident. I'm fairly certain in my opinion that he's getting in, but Geno is definitely an E3 reveal. I have a strange feeling we wouldn't have seen Geno at E3 2020 anyway, with or without the pandemic. Maybe that's just the feeling of me being pretty bored with smash speculation right now...


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
still one of the easiest smash ultimate dlc predictions i'll ever make
just baffled and confused with when nintendo wants to start making announcements at a reasonable rate again. Very tired of the lollygagging. I get that there's a virus going around, but a good way to ease stress from said virus would be to make people happy with announcements. The last general direct was in September 2019...


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
Geno is already a Playable Fighter. He was decided when he was Costumed on Wii U, to save it later as the “last cherry on the cake” in the mega celebration Ultimate party. There wasn’t a point to include him in Wii U, so they “gave us” something with the costume in that year. On the other hand, the epic icons were released one by one: Sonic on Brawl; Mega Man in Wii U; Geno on Ultimate.


Also, I love Geno and he is my most wanted ever, but it wasn’t possible to include him before Square Enix mega franchises.
That’s why in Wii U there were Cloud, and in Utimate Hero.

So you already have Sonic & Mega Man (two of the three most requested in Japan during Brawl days, correct me if I’m wrong); and Cloud & Hero (two biggest Square Enix franchises). Now you can take whats missing. Geno: a character that represents the bridges built between 2 companies in 1996; the third most requested character in Japan during Brawl days; and the rest that Square Enix can offer perfectly in Smash (the other being Sora, but IMO it’s more difficult cause Disney).

Also, Geno being the first THIRD PARTY born in a FIRST PARTY series.

Also, missing costume.

Also, songs (two songs that best fits on Geno, one for him and one for battle; and also following the 2 songs per franchise on Square). Also the mods takedown in which Geno appears.

Also, spirits do NOT deconfirm.

Also, being easily the top 3 most wanted characters EVER right now.

Also, Sakurai’s recognition.


Im too optimist to many of you, but believe me, Geno is a playable fighter already. He has even more music than 2, perfect HD design, original moveset with Timed Hits, amazing Coming Home with the Mario Party in RPG, and the best trailer ever on history, with an Awakening scene or mixing him with Kirby, Rosalina or WoL elements.

and my favorite...GENO AWAKENS!

Deleted member

How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
Feel pretty confident. This is the best chances Geno ever got I believe. I am confident Sakurai has some power than he said when Nintendo decides the DLC to go for Geno. We probably got characters with the biggest fanbases like K. Rool, Ridley, and Banjo from the Smash ballot, Square’s number 1 franchise, and Japan’s biggest franchise out of the way. With the Geno Mii costume, that’s a sign Square could play ball. Insiders hearing Geno consistently is a potential sign and Mallow/Smithy costumes. I don’t see any reason why they should hold out the Geno costume that long but they could be making the illogical decision. If Sakurai has another Square character he has more serious bias to like 2B or Crono for example, then we could be screwed.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
Oh right, new SNES games didn't get announced tonight. I'll admit that's another point to the list of "weird things that are happening" but they might just be doing them the 4th Wednesday now like in September instead of the 3rd. That being said...

I'm still not really expecting anything major next week, the twitter is very blatantly in full Age of Calamity shill mode since it is technically their "holiday title", complete with new pinned posts and icons everyday. Why would they hold a major direct next week, hasn't it been established already they don't hold generals the week of big game releases? Not to sound too mellow dramatic or pointing fingers but I'm personally tired of people in the thread pushing the idea that a huge major presentation has to happen soon every other week for the past 4 months or so when that STILL hasn't panned out.

It's fine to be optimistic but there's a point where I feel you need to look at what Nintendo is actually doing and ask "ok, they haven't held a general direct since March, have been doing weekly announcements for months and are seemingly just exiting the multi-month dump, and have a major game launching next week, is it REALLY reasonable to expect a major direct?" At the very least I don't see why they wouldn't wait until the week after Age of Calamity to do anything.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2020
Here! I think...
Oh right, new SNES games didn't get announced tonight. I'll admit that's another point to the list of "weird things that are happening" but they might just be doing them the 4th Wednesday now like in September instead of the 3rd. That being said...
View attachment 291764
I'm still not really expecting anything major next week, the twitter is very blatantly in full Age of Calamity shill mode since it is technically their "holiday title", complete with new pinned posts and icons everyday. Why would they hold a major direct next week, hasn't it been established already they don't hold generals the week of big game releases? Not to sound too mellow dramatic or pointing fingers but I'm personally tired of people in the thread pushing the idea that a huge major presentation has to happen soon every other week for the past 4 months or so when that STILL hasn't panned out.

It's fine to be optimistic but there's a point where I feel you need to look at what Nintendo is actually doing and ask "ok, they haven't held a general direct since March, have been doing weekly announcements for months and are seemingly just exiting the multi-month dump, and have a major game launching next week, is it REALLY reasonable to expect a major direct?" At the very least I don't see why they wouldn't wait until the week after Age of Calamity to do anything.
This is weird. It feels like SOMETHING is gonna happen, but we don't know what.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
Oh right, new SNES games didn't get announced tonight. I'll admit that's another point to the list of "weird things that are happening" but they might just be doing them the 4th Wednesday now like in September instead of the 3rd. That being said...
View attachment 291764
I'm still not really expecting anything major next week, the twitter is very blatantly in full Age of Calamity shill mode since it is technically their "holiday title", complete with new pinned posts and icons everyday. Why would they hold a major direct next week, hasn't it been established already they don't hold generals the week of big game releases? Not to sound too mellow dramatic or pointing fingers but I'm personally tired of people in the thread pushing the idea that a huge major presentation has to happen soon every other week for the past 4 months or so when that STILL hasn't panned out.

It's fine to be optimistic but there's a point where I feel you need to look at what Nintendo is actually doing and ask "ok, they haven't held a general direct since March, have been doing weekly announcements for months and are seemingly just exiting the multi-month dump, and have a major game launching next week, is it REALLY reasonable to expect a major direct?" At the very least I don't see why they wouldn't wait until the week after Age of Calamity to do anything.
Yeah, I agree that it’s really hard to believe in a direct next week when it feels like we’ve been through this cycle like ten times over at this point throughout the year, when the end result is usually either nothing happening or a small, out of left field announcement.
However, at the very least, seems like something should happen next week, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s something rather miniscule that just won’t change much.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Nintendo: "Ah, so you all thought Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity was this year's Holiday title? Huuhuuhuu. Yare yare. THINK AGAIN! THERE IS YET ANOTHER TITLE!"
Nintendo fans: "HUH?! WHAT?! YOU MAD LADS!!!"
Nintendo: "Stay tuned, as I place THIS card face down."
Nintendo fans: 👀 👀 👀 👀


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
It's fine to be optimistic but there's a point where I feel you need to look at what Nintendo is actually doing and ask "ok, they haven't held a general direct since March, have been doing weekly announcements for months and are seemingly just exiting the multi-month dump, and have a major game launching next week, is it REALLY reasonable to expect a major direct?" At the very least I don't see why they wouldn't wait until the week after Age of Calamity to do anything.
I really agree with this. I know I can seem abrasive at times but I really only mention stuff based on people just not taking into account things that are actually working against something. And I honestly know that we would all prefer the better outcome but sometimes when it's done, people decide to solely look at what's going in favour of something and just ignore what's going against just because it's the better outcome. While we can't say for certain, we can look at what we do have and try to come to a logical conclusion. I just don't think the ideal thing is to completely ignore things which are working against the optimal outcome. They should at least be considered. Speculation is pretty much using all the facts to try and come to a conclusion but cherry picking what we listen to and what we don't because it doesn't support the outcome kind of goes against that imo. Of course we all view speculation in a different way.

Ik I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but I felt the need for it to be pointed out as I've been noticing it a lot more. Not just this thread but a lot of places. I'm not saying treat everything like it's doomsday when it comes to this, just that it at least could and emphasis on could be given the tiniest bit of attention as to why it goes against. In quite a lot of cases noticing flaws and holes within statements with devils advocate can lead to a better argument overall as you can usually play devils advocate with it again. And of course everyone doesn't do it. I hope i covered everything


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
I'm fairly confident. I find that it's hard to be completely sure about a character, since Smash has a tendency to throw curveballs (who saw Joker coming?), and third party licensing agreements can complicate things (who figured that we'd only get two Final Fantasy songs for two games in a row, despite the sheer amount of music that they have to work with?).

However, this game (more than any Smash game before it) seems to have a big emphasis on fulfilling long-time fan requests when it comes to the roster (bringing back every single veteran, along with adding Ridley, K. Rool, Banjo and Kazooie, Dragon Quest content, etc.). Min Min's inclusion made it clear that being a spirit (at the very least, a base game spirit) isn't a barrier to a character getting in as DLC, the development team is aware of Geno's popularity, and Square-Enix seems more cooperative than they were in Smash 4. (seeing as Geno and Mallow got spirits in the base game, Dragon Quest got more than just Fighter Spirits for Hero and more than two songs, there were multiple Dragon Quest spirit events...)

Throw in roughly two decades of fan demand on top of that, and I feel like Geno is up there with Ryu Hayabusa in terms of seeming like one of the most likely characters. (though it's hard to be sure about what will get into Smash, so I'm not sure if seemingly likely means much) Square-Enix has other options (Lara Croft, 2B, Crono...), but there's no clear front-runner, with each of them having valid reasons for and against their inclusion. I figure that, much like with Banjo and Kazooie getting in over Steve or Master Chief, the sheer amount of consistent fan demand for Geno will help him stand out.
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Deleted member

How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
I wrote a rather long post probably... a hundred pages ago or so (you guys...) detailing my feelings on this as clearly as I can. According to some of the kind members of this thread, doing what I enjoy (writing long explanations on dying message boards) is a symptom of mental illness. I could go off, but I won't.

To sum it up, my confidence is at all time lows, which is to say, I'm as confident in Geno as virtually any other character. The stacks and stacks of "evidence" refuse to be looked at as anything but solid proof and I'm quite frankly sick of it.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
I really agree with this. I know I can seem abrasive at times but I really only mention stuff based on people just not taking into account things that are actually working against something. And I honestly know that we would all prefer the better outcome but sometimes when it's done, people decide to solely look at what's going in favour of something and just ignore what's going against just because it's the better outcome. While we can't say for certain, we can look at what we do have and try to come to a logical conclusion. I just don't think the ideal thing is to completely ignore things which are working against the optimal outcome. They should at least be considered. Speculation is pretty much using all the facts to try and come to a conclusion but cherry picking what we listen to and what we don't because it doesn't support the outcome kind of goes against that imo. Of course we all view speculation in a different way.

Ik I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but I felt the need for it to be pointed out as I've been noticing it a lot more. Not just this thread but a lot of places. I'm not saying treat everything like it's doomsday when it comes to this, just that it at least could and emphasis on could be given the tiniest bit of attention as to why it goes against. In quite a lot of cases noticing flaws and holes within statements with devils advocate can lead to a better argument overall as you can usually play devils advocate with it again. And of course everyone doesn't do it. I hope i covered everything
Ultimately, particularly with this year, people would like to be hopeful and wrong rather than pessimistic and right, especially since either scenario doesn't impact life either way (the sun still rises the next day regardless if the day before had Smash news or not).

Not directed to you, just my thoughts on this. The problem I've seen with some people in general who play Devil's Advocate is that soon they start doing it with everything and eventually they come off more as 'Contradictory for the sake of being contradictory' than just offering an opposing viewpoint. And the reason why that gets more....hostile responses from people is because its of course negative which people frown at, but its also generally the same people who do it, so it gets grating to some. There was a user who actively act pessimistic to everything in some weird hope that the universe would twist that and make it positive. At first, people saw it as a quaint gimmick. But later it became annoying more and more, and didn't help that it went full on rude pessimism ('I don't think this will happen, but I hope I'm wrong' to 'No, its not happening. How about you educate yourself before you open your dumb hopeful mouth.'). So then people got sick of them and they left.

It was like Geno detractors or those who think he's chances are very low. Its a legit possibility and can't be ignored as it could happen, but the issue people had was that it was usually the same exact 5 users to take that stance, with some of that group also trying to 'open the eyes' of the fans here to accept other viewpoints, ie, accept that he's not happening. Not only did that annoy a character support thread users, but it also came off as hypocritical because the opposite wasn't allowed to happen, ie, having the detractor consider the potential that he could be added. This is why pessimism, despite sometimes being logical, is frowned upon because it was always treated as a one way street, as if it was the only conclusion. And with how bad this year has been, perhaps people would rather have some time with fake hope just to have some good news, even for just a few days.

I'll look forward to next week to see if news happens. If not, oh well, but at least for the time it piqued my interest.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
20A3973E-BA8D-45CA-B983-CDBA1955D56B.jpeg My confidence in Geno is 100% all in. Now the question if will they do it or not. I hope so. These are the best chances he’s ever had.

But will it surprise me if he misses again, no. For all I know, Sakurai’s sole plan for Geno was to just have him as a spirit for this game, and that’s it.

At least at the end of the day, I have my Mii Fighter Geno from Wii U Smash. And he looks awesome, even in the face.

I’m trying not to get too bent out of shape if he’s not going to be one of the DLC’s(cause I’ve already driven myself crazy enough over it) He’s missed every single time, and it wouldn’t surprise me like I said if he missed again. It’s Nintendo’s fault that they don’t want to make money.
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Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
I take issue with the whole “why not just have fun speculating and who cares if it is wrong or not, expect a direct every next week”
I think the problem for me is that I hate Smash speculation, and it’s quite frankly been a grueling two years of DLC. Only one DLC character feels like it has appealed to ME so far (Steve), which to be fair, is better than having nothing, but really, my point is that i’d jump off a burning skyscraper to get away from Smash speculation and just be satisfied with what I got because it’s downright toxic and filled with children (and manchildren) but Geno is the one holding me by a thread because I just want him to get in that bad.
You could argue that I should find better things to do while I wait, and hey, I completely agree, i’ve even tried to binge some video games recently. Coronavirus does NOT make that easy, though. I get bored and wonder what’s up with Geno’s current standing, regardless if I feel he’s extremely likely anyways.

i also believe that you can have fun speculating while also keeping your expectations in check.
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Why does it take forever for Nintendo to add 2-4 measly little SNES ROMs to the service? Is it really that hard.
We're talking about a company that hasn't had the brains or wherewithal to even add another color theme to the Switch UI after three whole years....so apparently yes.

Deleted member

View attachment 291776View attachment 291776My confidence in Geno is 100% all in. Now the question if will they do it or not. I hope so. These are the best chances he’s ever had.

But will it surprise me if he misses again, no. For all I know, Sakurai’s sole plan for Geno was to just have him as a spirit for this game, and that’s it.

At least at the end of the day, I have my Mii Fighter Geno from Wii U Smash. And he looks awesome, even in the face.
Yeah, I feel that all his priorities are likely done adding Square’s #1 franchise and the most influential JRPG in Japan. Not to mention multiple highly requested characters with the biggest fanbases done with. I’m not sure who else Sakurai would want to prioritize over Geno. TR if Sakurai has more bias to and if Nintendo still cares enough to support the series. If another swordie like 2B or Crono somehow gets in, I’m going to think that Sakurai truly doesn’t care about Geno but a small appearance though Nintendo or Square could also be the blame.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
How Confident are you guys in Geno Right at this exact moment?
Confidence Levels

Confidence in Nintendo ever doing a General Direct again: 0%

Reasons for confidence:
  • It’s been over year.
  • Give it up, fellas.
  • It’s not happening.
Confidence in Nintendo adding Geno as a playable combatant in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch: 75%

Reasons for confidence:
  • Cacomallow video.
  • GameStop video. “remember when people FREAKED OUT when Geno got added to Smash?”
  • Banjo & Kazooie pure fan-service DLC.
  • Where the heck is the Mii Fighter outfit??
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Regardless of whether we get another general direct or not, I'm fairly certain we're getting one more DLC fighter reveal and release before the end of the year. It would be a lot easier for the development team if they only had 3 to work on for next year as opposed to 4.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Ultimately, particularly with this year, people would like to be hopeful and wrong rather than pessimistic and right, especially since either scenario doesn't impact life either way (the sun still rises the next day regardless if the day before had Smash news or not).

Not directed to you, just my thoughts on this. The problem I've seen with some people in general who play Devil's Advocate is that soon they start doing it with everything and eventually they come off more as 'Contradictory for the sake of being contradictory' than just offering an opposing viewpoint. And the reason why that gets more....hostile responses from people is because its of course negative which people frown at, but its also generally the same people who do it, so it gets grating to some. There was a user who actively act pessimistic to everything in some weird hope that the universe would twist that and make it positive. At first, people saw it as a quaint gimmick. But later it became annoying more and more, and didn't help that it went full on rude pessimism ('I don't think this will happen, but I hope I'm wrong' to 'No, its not happening. How about you educate yourself before you open your dumb hopeful mouth.'). So then people got sick of them and they left.

It was like Geno detractors or those who think he's chances are very low. Its a legit possibility and can't be ignored as it could happen, but the issue people had was that it was usually the same exact 5 users to take that stance, with some of that group also trying to 'open the eyes' of the fans here to accept other viewpoints, ie, accept that he's not happening. Not only did that annoy a character support thread users, but it also came off as hypocritical because the opposite wasn't allowed to happen, ie, having the detractor consider the potential that he could be added. This is why pessimism, despite sometimes being logical, is frowned upon because it was always treated as a one way street, as if it was the only conclusion. And with how bad this year has been, perhaps people would rather have some time with fake hope just to have some good news, even for just a few days.

I'll look forward to next week to see if news happens. If not, oh well, but at least for the time it piqued my interest.
Yeah I definitely thought of that when posting so it's a completely valid point. My main responses towards that is something I definitely could have expanded upon originally and that's sort of the tit for tat advocate styling which means you come up with something (base theory etc) , think up points that could go against just to try and be as objective as possible and then counteract that. I've seen some of the best arguments structured in such a way. If not then it is probably a point against which by no means is meant to be a sign for doomsday etc but could actually help in the long run as it could also help have a more objective view on things and still thinking it could happen then that could potentially speak volumes for the believability of it but obviously that varies concordant to the person.

I definitely see the point here. I honestly see people trying to conjure up smart responses all the time tbh (not directed at anyone but it's pretty much just done to be better than the person making the point by pointing out silly things unrelated to the point trying to be made). I remember the user in question and they were... obnoxious to say the least. I must reiterate that it could at least be tried to be taken into account so hopefully I don't sound too obnoxious but everyone can do them even if it is fake hope so to speak but again sometimes a more objective view point and then still believing can also be beneficial in that regard as it shows that points going against it aren't just being ignored. I can definitely see The hypocrite aspect too. The smash fandom (not here) has a problem with that to say The least. There's a guy on Twitter who I know who especially does so and spends hours doing so a day. It's annoying definitely so I think people should try to refrain from that but that won't mean they won't stop obviously

The post I quoted originally was quoted because I agree more so due to the ideas behind it although ngl I don't think a presentation is happening any time soon. Here's hoping we get something next week.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
Now that I think about it, i’m not sure what the obsession with a General Direct is about anyways since i’m sure most of us would be fine with an individual Geno reveal (in the same way that Steve was revealed). Sadly, Nintendo is just so unpredictable and loves to lollygag these days that it’s hard to know when that would happen aside from the usual “no smash until 2021!!” type thing. I do think a Geno reveal would fit better for this year since that Mario-only Tournament is still weirdly planned for December instead of being dropped back in September like it feels how it should’ve.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Two days from now marks the exact halfway point of November, which is why it's odd that we don't have an exact date for the Mario 35th anniversary tournament yet. All the other tournaments gave you a notice at least a few weeks in advance of the tournament, so I'm not sure why they're still holding off when it's the last one of the year.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Now that I think about it, i’m not sure what the obsession with a General Direct is about anyways
They’re just fun, man. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with them, but I miss the feeling of excitement I used to get from them.

Yeah I’ll survive if it’s just Twitter drops from now on, but I’ll still miss em.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
“The Game Awards and the Anniversary of the DOOM series are lining up! We still have no release date for DOOM Eternal for the Switch and Sakurai has been acknowledging lots of game anniversaries the past few months... Tinfoil hat Smash Speculation time!!!” ( papagenos papagenos

So maybe I think now, Doom in TGA reveal as #78 bringing Cacodemon costume; and Geno a March reveal as #79 bringing back Mallow costume, matching his reveal with his 25° birthday! It all makes sense!




Artist: DegoDraws on Twitter!

Fatmanonice Fatmanonice

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
“The Game Awards and the Anniversary of the DOOM series are lining up! We still have no release date for DOOM Eternal for the Switch and Sakurai has been acknowledging lots of game anniversaries the past few months... Tinfoil hat Smash Speculation time!!!” ( papagenos papagenos

So maybe I think now, Doom in TGA reveal as #78 bringing Cacodemon costume; and Geno a March reveal as #79 bringing back Mallow costume, matching his reveal with his 25° birthday! It all makes sense!



Artist: DegoDraws on Twitter!

Fatmanonice Fatmanonice
Ah yes you mean like how Rex was announced last month given Monlich's anniversary.

Oh wait...

Nothing but tinfoil and a mere coincidence. I can guarantee there won't be anything revealed at the VGA and are setting yourselves up for disappointment. A reminder too Joker was a last-minute decision especially given all we got was an animation tease. I doubt we'll get a reveal there ever again.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2018
Ah yes you mean like how Rex was announced last month given Monlich's anniversary.

Oh wait...

Nothing but tinfoil and a mere coincidence. I can guarantee there won't be anything revealed at the VGA and are setting yourselves up for disappointment. A reminder too Joker was a last-minute decision especially given all we got was an animation tease. I doubt we'll get a reveal there ever again.
Yeah it is a tinfoil hat theory for a reason but I still find it fun to think about. Not planning on watching this year's VGAs anyway.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Ah yes you mean like how Rex was announced last month given Monlich's anniversary.

Oh wait...

Nothing but tinfoil and a mere coincidence. I can guarantee there won't be anything revealed at the VGA and are setting yourselves up for disappointment. A reminder too Joker was a last-minute decision especially given all we got was an animation tease. I doubt we'll get a reveal there ever again.
I agree that the Joker reveal with the VGA's was a one-off thing that we'll likely never see again, but don't worry about QQS being disappointed. Nothing can stop that positivity. More powerful men than you have tried. They thought realism and negative bias would be enough...they were all wrong.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2020

Nintendo has yet to pin the Hyrule Warriors countdown tweet they did for Impa, they've been pinning every countdown tweet until now. I'm already thinking we're getting news this upcoming week, this just adds more to the pile.

And yes- they updated the profile picture, this was 99% done on purpose likely because they have something coming up.
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Kremling Kommander

Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2019
I’ll be honest, while I’m not counting out one more reveal for the year, I’m done speculating on Smash for the year. Speculation has been crazy as hell ever since the summer and considering how taxing and toxic it has been, I’m not willing to burn myself out even more. I’m fairly confident in Geno’s chances, but I’m willing to wait even if he is last.

On the topic of Nintendo in general, I hope that their 2021 schedule will be very strong. Next year also marks a big year for franchise anniversaries: Zelda and Metroid’s 35th, Donkey Kong’s 40th, and Golden Sun’s 20th.
There may have been more that I missed but these are the main ones to come to mind. I hope all of these franchises get great recognition and celebration next year, whether they get new games, remasteres, merch or anything else.
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