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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2019
I think the funniest part of the regular browbeating some people are giving a specific user for posting his theories and speculation that he builds from things he hears from people who may or may not have knowledge regarding Smash stuff is building up the dire implications of the fact that he could be wrong. As if someone being wrong about something on the internet is one of the worst crimes imaginable.

“Maybe FP5 isn’t a letdown and maybe it isn’t a western character?”
Cool. Then it’s something other than that.

“What if FP6 isn’t Waluigi or isn’t a bonus character with unrelated spirits?”
Then it might be some other fan favorite character.

“What if 7 isn’t Geno?”
Then Geno could still happen down the line (unless he gets yeeted through being a costume).

The stakes for Fatman being wrong are at worst mild disappointment about hypotheticals that didn’t end up happening. Also at this point is should be obvious that Nintendo themselves is shoveling out leakbait and false information to **** over leakers like Sabi and Verge to keep them from spoiling the game. So yeah some things Fatman hears might be bull**** specifically engineered to be worth talking about. That doesn’t mean that he’s lying that he’s heard these things or that they come from reputable sources.

If people have such weak coping mechanisms that their whole lives are going to fall apart over some random person in the internet getting false information then they have much bigger issues that go beyond Smash speculation.
That's just how leak culture predisposes people in regards to any info.

Deleted member


Edit: how is this even flaming?
I called out the guy who posted the video and the mods got mad at me and deleted the comment. I bet all his ”friends” on gamefaqs are so proud.
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Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I called out the guy who posted the video and the mods got mad at me and deleted the comment. I bet all his ”friends” on gamefaqs are so proud.
You did not "call him out," you called him a "complete moron," which is obviously flaming. You are now spamming, so stop that.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Posting off topic is spam, just because someone asked you an off-topic question doesn't necessitate a response. Off-topic questions needn't be answered. Discuss Geno or take it to PMs.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2018
You think they would make the geno dolls in the same place they make the mini marios?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Problem with these "leakers" you keep going on about is that they spoon feed you filtered information.

I'm not saying I even believe that Fatman has any reliable contacts at all, but at least he is pretty transparent as to what information/rumour leads him to speculate what character and why. And I can respect that approach.

We'll see if any of his theories/ or speculation pans out. Besides we'll have an idea if any of the information he has given us is true by the end of February.

I’ve doubted them in the past, but at the end of the day, I’d rather trust people that have actual track records.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
I could point out the numerous examples but I would be kind of an asshole for dragging all those fine folks into this. If you notice it, you notice it. If you don't, you don't. It's alright. Like I said earlier, it got to the point of being a bit much with Banjo where even retailers couldn't STFU and it was impossible to avoid. Thankfully, it's more subtle now so the January Direct will be a grand ol' day and a vast majority of people won't be spoiled. At the end of the day, that's all I want to do: give people interesting things to talk about while at the same time doing it ethically to where discussions are kept open and people are free to doubt me and the people I talk to.
Again, who else is publicly pushing towards any of this stuff? The vast majority of the public Smash community is just quietly awaiting the next actual announcement and all of the public leakers are radio silent. It's not even a 1/10th of what was going on before Banjo & Kazooie in the way that just nobody is talking Smash besides you.

I'm not saying you can't say whatever you want, you of course can. I just don't know why you keep citing "leakers and insiders" that aren't public knowledge and then reject so vehemently anything other than calling it "speculation." Even if this is just other contacts coming to you with information, you're still the only one publicly talking about these things. Across Twitter, SmashBoards, ResetERA, Reddit, GameFAQs, etc. there just isn't anyone else talking about things in the way that you are or even talking about pieces that are clearly leading to your speculative conclusions. It's not really of a case "If you notice it, you notice it, if not, you don't" because that's not really publicly available information that anyone else can see at this point. The entire Smash community is currently spinning its collective wheels. It just feels like a whole lot of wanting to have your cake and eat it too when you just want to be a person in "speculation," yet you want to bring new information to light and cite sources in your speculation that are not revealed in public or known in any capacity to the public (and if someone can genuinely point me to where other people are saying any of this stuff, please do direct me to that, because that's really my issue with things as they stand right now).

Make all the conversation and discussion topics you want to, I'm not criticizing that in the slightest. It just feels really damn weird to have you saying "You just have to see it" yet not citing anything we can look at yet also insisting this is just speculation based on common knowledge. It just feels like there is a piece missing somewhere that you have, but the rest of us don't. And I don't care if you're right or wrong with the speculation, it's just odd is all.
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Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
You think they would make the geno dolls in the same place they make the mini marios?
*that scene from Toy Story 2 with Buzz at the toy store in the Buzz Lightyear aisle, except it’s Geno in the Geno aisle*


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I called out the guy who posted the video and the mods got mad at me and deleted the comment. I bet all his ”friends” on gamefaqs are so proud.
Did you called him out on Smashboards or Youtube? Because if Youtube the Smashboards mods shouldn't have any jurisdiction of control of peoples' actions outside of this site.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'll say this, you're seemingly starting to grow more confident about "certain things" being revealed now.

"Thankfully, it's more subtle now so the January Direct will be a grand ol' day and a vast majority of people won't be spoiled."

Like you seem to confident that things really are being hinted at and people just aren't seeing. (I'm not being hostile, it just seems like you're crossing into the territory of being really confident.)
I won't name names but it's nice when this stuff is dog whistles instead of fog horns because the "list" is pretty long at this point and some people are even doing laps at this point (there's one dude that's done like half a dozen videos since November and it's like "c'mon, man...") but, again, not going to call it out because people understandably get mad when it's blasted. I'm a nobody and there's people who do this for a living so taking to a big platform like Twitter or Facebook and being like "hey guys, Goober McSnoober on YouTube with 40 billion subscribers is not so subtly hinting that Lanky Kong is going to be 5" causes problems very quickly. Yes, I bring up GameXplain a lot but that's only because of interactions my insider friends have had with them that make me care significantly less if I call stuff out and, again, I do this as an metaphorical ant on a (no offense) dying website and very niche Discord servers. "Hey GameXplain, you were rude to a lot of my friends!" "Who are you again?" It's fist shaking at best but, again, I have no intent to escalate things with them beyond the occasional middle finger from the nose bleed section in Busch Stadium.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Again, who else is publicly pushing towards any of this stuff? The vast majority of the public Smash community is just quietly awaiting the next actual announcement and all of the public leakers are radio silent. It's not even a 1/10th of what was going on before Banjo & Kazooie in the way that just nobody is talking Smash besides you.

I'm not saying you can't say whatever you want, you of course can. I just don't know why you keep citing "leakers and insiders" that aren't public knowledge and then reject so vehemently anything other than calling it "speculation." Even if this is just other contacts coming to you with information, you're still the only one publicly talking about these things. Across Twitter, SmashBoards, ResetERA, Reddit, GameFAQs, etc. there just isn't anyone else talking about things in the way that you are or even talking about pieces that are clearly leading to your speculative conclusions. It's not really of a case "If you notice it, you notice it, if not, you don't" because that's not really publicly available information that anyone else can see at this point. The entire Smash community is currently spinning its collective wheels. It just feels like a whole lot of wanting to have your cake and eat it too when you just want to be a person in "speculation," yet you want to bring new information to light and cite sources in your speculation that are not revealed in public or known in any capacity to the public (and if someone can genuinely point me to where other people are saying any of this stuff, please do direct me to that, because that's really my issue with things as they stand right now).

Make all the conversation and discussion topics you want to, I'm not criticizing that in the slightest. It just feels really damn weird to have you saying "You just have to see it" yet not citing anything we can look at.
Has every other person presenting legit information always been backed up by a bunch of other people with the exact same information though? Not everyone in the insider community is in contact with everyone else. He has revealed at least one of his sources if you've been paying attention which is the person who leaked the Banjo mii costumes and the Terry spirits. That is who is saying a good bit of these things. Leak information isn't just posted online in a big private insiders only forum that then all "insiders" have access to. It seems like it's more one off conversations between people. Also the hesitancy to provide sources and why other people might not be sharing certain things so freely likely comes from the fact that people have lost their jobs and livelihoods as a result of leaks. idk In context the way Fatman has been sharing what he has heard makes sense to me.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
The reason for that is that Steve was apparently flat-out official Microsoft-approved leakbait for Banjo(though I forget who exactly said that among the two that should not be named/Fatman/Nazyrus), and Chief wasn’t.

As for the moveset thing, that was just more of a dialogue example than anything, because literally trying to explain the leakbait concept would be something they’d never want to even remotely approach.
Alright, but the leakbait was from last year before Season 2 was planned, there’s absolutely no reason he can’t be in after the pass. This goes for Geno and other Square-owned characters as well based on that list of 7 characters from Vergeben.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
I won't name names but it's nice when this stuff is dog whistles instead of fog horns because the "list" is pretty long at this point and some people are even doing laps at this point (there's one dude that's done like half a dozen videos since November and it's like "c'mon, man...") but, again, not going to call it out because people understandably get mad when it's blasted. I'm a nobody and there's people who do this for a living so taking to a big platform like Twitter or Facebook and being like "hey guys, Goober McSnoober on YouTube with 40 billion subscribers is not so subtly hinting that Lanky Kong is going to be 5" causes problems very quickly. Yes, I bring up GameXplain a lot but that's only because of interactions my insider friends have had with them that make me care significantly less if I call stuff out and, again, I do this as an metaphorical ant on a (no offense) dying website and very niche Discord servers. "Hey GameXplain, you were rude to a lot of my friends!" "Who are you again?" It's fist shaking at best but, again, I have no intent to escalate things with them beyond the occasional middle finger from the nose bleed section in Busch Stadium.
Thats funny. Because that directly contradicts what you just said right here.
I like the fact that you pointed this out because it's potentially cheeky bull**** from Nintendo itself and I'm going to go into other examples if only because certain (lip smack) individuals absolutely seethe when I go totally off the rails with my speculation. So, I like said the other day, A LOT of major gaming channels and insiders are being cheeky as all hell right now. It's great; I love it. People were doing this with Banjo too right before E3 to the point that it was ****ing obnoxious but hilarious at the same time because, two weeks before E3, nobody gave a **** about subtle anymore and it was glorious. It's happening all over again and I've pointed this out to some of my friends and confidants and probably half of them have been like "dude, I love you, but... STFU..." and then I just go back to laughing to myself like a moron.

So, fair warning, I'm about to go into some super tinfoil hat territory. It's not totally serious and I am being a little trolly because I know some people are going to read this and start hard drinking immediately following. So, uh, last warning: if my speculation causes the degradation of your emotional regulation, consider this an invitation to your mental salvation and click away now because, uh, we're going to get nutty professor up in this *****. To crank up the trolling to 11, Laxchris, I give you full permission to make a video about this post. Go nuts, dude.

Daisy Theory


Let's pretend that this means literally anything at all. People analyzed chairs last year so why the **** not? It's Mario with the four already announced characters of the Fighter's Pass and Daisy and Plant. What are Daisy and Plant doing there? Well, thematically, they compliment Mario but there's really no point in them being there. You have a Fighter Pass character on and under the platforms so it evens out without them. Mario's, well, Mario and Nintendo's main mascot so of course he's there. Why the other two? Let's get nutty.

Suppose Sakurai is being insufferably cheeky with this picture. What can we infer? Well, Daisy was the only Mario newcomer in the base roster and Plant was a bonus character. What if this is a clue about the future? We've already established the high probability that 5 will be a third party character from a yet unrepresented company in Smash, especially since we established the other pattern that the Fighter's Pass characters have all been from companies that didn't have newcomers in the game yet. That said, this rules out a Mario character for 5. GG. What if we go forward?

Let's pretend Daisy and Plant are stand ins for 6 and 7. This would imply two things: it would imply that 6 and 7 are Mario characters and that one (probably 6), is a bonus character. Two Mario characters in a row? That's a bit nutty, even for me, so maybe we should simply move onto the next super crazy totally impossible theory.

Can Shulk see the Future?


This one was brought up last year and I figured I'd bring it up again to go hard and heavy on the goofy and cause people's blood pressure to spike in the process. So, we have this lovely little image that's even in the game and can be seen every time you go online if you want to see it. Again, let's go off the rails and make people pour Jack Daniels in their Frosted Flakes this morning.

The first image is Dr. Mario with the Klap Trap icon. What do these guys have in common? Well, they're both technically spin-off characters from the Mario series. Dr. Mario is Mario with drugs and Klap Trap is originally from Donkey Kong Jr where Mario's a total sociopath and animal torturing asshole. So, again, totally crazy, but Dr. Mario appears to be thinking. Imagine that Klap Trap is a thought bubble. Dr. Mario is thinking about a Mario spin-off assist trophy for some weird reason. What a crazy guy! Must be all the hard drugs. Moving on...

Next we have Monado Boy™. As demonstrated time and time again in both Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate, Shulk's signature ability is being able to see the future. Let's pretend that Shulk is seeing the future. In Shulk's "thought bubble", he sees Geno. Maybe the dude's just a big SMRPG fan? Maybe he's really looking forward to that upcoming spirit battle? Who knows? Some people are thinkin' about those beans, Shulk is thinkin' about that Gen... O. Again, what a weird guy.

So, uh, yeah. Fun stuff and it kind of highlights that speculation should be fun and you should go off the rails. Don't put limitations on yourself and just have fun with it. Yes, it's inane ****ery but at least I have a smile on my face while typing it and am having fun. I hope people never lose sight of that: this is supposed to be fun.

You clearly stated here that the same thing that happened with Banjo is happening with your “speculation”. But when other users clarify that is not the case, you are now saying “it was just dogwhistling!”

Please do not spread baseless statements like earlier. Because your “speculation” is the reason why some people here are running around screaming that Dovahkin, Waluigi, and Geno are 100% confirmed.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Has every other person presenting legit information always been backed up by a bunch of other people with the exact same information though? Not everyone in the insider community is in contact with everyone else. He has revealed at least one of his sources if you've been paying attention which is the person who leaked the Banjo mii costumes and the Terry spirits. That is who is saying a good bit of these things. Leak information isn't just posted online in a big private insiders only forum that then all "insiders" have access to. It seems like it's more one off conversations between people. Also the hesitancy to provide sources and why other people might not be sharing certain things so freely likely comes from the fact that people have lost their jobs and livelihoods as a result of leaks. idk In context the way Fatman has been sharing what he has heard makes sense to me.
But this gets to the heart of him just "speculating" Everything you just described, describes a leaker and their process. It is what it is at that point and then Fatmanonice is just leaking new information. I don't care what he shares, speculation wise or leak wise, it just strikes me as so odd to constantly reiterate your just here for "speculation" while simultaneously pulling in new information from sources that is unknown to the public and thus "being leaked." I don't expect him to give out confidential sources if he's getting information from them (I criticized Sabi for this in the past). It's just why insist on the "speculation only" at that point. I mean, I guess if you're goal is to troll people, then mission accomplished and I've taken that bait, but beyond that?

The reason I bring up publicly discussed information is because then it would just be speculation. You're not bringing anything new to the table and thus it really just is your own speculation, but again, when you cite sources we cannot see and do not know about in your "speculation," you're basically acting just like Sabi or Vergeben or any other leaker at that point. Regardless of how certain you are about any given conclusions in that "speculation," you're still introducing new elements and wrinkles into the conversation that were otherwise unknown from a non-public source.

Also, Fatmanonice is also the only one to publicly talk about this "Terry Spirits" leaker and try to reframe the entire thing as Spirits as opposed to the Mii costume that he originally said. And even then, the statue of limitation on that "leak" is the publicly available information prior to that point. Any new stuff is still just more "leaking."

Ice Prince 7

Banned via Warnings
Dec 30, 2019
I could point out the numerous examples but I would be kind of an asshole for dragging all those fine folks into this. If you notice it, you notice it. If you don't, you don't. It's alright. Like I said earlier, it got to the point of being a bit much with Banjo where even retailers couldn't STFU and it was impossible to avoid. Thankfully, it's more subtle now so the January Direct will be a grand ol' day and a vast majority of people won't be spoiled. At the end of the day, that's all I want to do: give people interesting things to talk about while at the same time doing it ethically to where discussions are kept open and people are free to doubt me and the people I talk to.
If discussions are supposed to be kept open and free for people to doubt you, then why was you banned by playing victim in an absurd way and posting dozens of quotes from different users? That's literally contradictory.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Why thanks!

I absolutely love it! I think Up B/recovery should be able to break someone's shield if it hits in the right frame on said character like Bowser's Down Special. The Down Special sounds awesome, but potentially a little overpowered in competitive play if that makes any sense.
I might see what I can do for that Down B to make it less overpowered. Otherwise, thanks for loving it!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
To be fair, I don't really have a track record because I hint at stuff, not outright say it, but when I point this out people get indignant. It's funny though because some people will point out some of my less subtle posts when certain things get announced and its almost always one of those "~Oh, so you noticed that? Oops.~" moments because that's my aim: if you pick up on it then you pick up on it. As always, I have no interest in out right leaking things.


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2018
Please do not spread baseless statements like earlier. Because your “speculation” is the reason why some people here are running around screaming that Dovahkin, Waluigi, and Geno are 100% confirmed.
Literally where, i swear its almost like you come here to stir up drama intentionally, but hey what do i know, you could be a real nice guy in some other universe.


Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Why thanks!

I might see what I can do for that Down B to make it less overpowered. Otherwise, thanks for loving it!
Maybe you can change the Down Special by just having the enemy run in the direction that Smithy's opponents are in and if they miss their target they disappear. That would definitely nerf it.
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Aaaaaand more insider drama
Why is it that insiders get this kind of drama anyway? Do they really deserve this kind of thing just because they know something others don't? I mean, some may see it as not fair, but at least these insiders are willing to share what they think, or know, or what they think based on what they know.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
If discussions are supposed to be kept open and free for people to doubt you, then why was you banned by playing victim in an absurd way and posting dozens of quotes from different users? That's literally contradictory.
Because there's a clear cut difference between respectful doubt and disagreement and calling someone a liar, con man, cult leader, and ass.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Maybe you can change the Down Special by just having the enemy run in the direction that Smithy's opponents are in and if they miss their target they disappear. That would definitely nerf it.
Heh heh! Sounds like a great idea! I guess I will change that, then.

Because there's a clear cut difference between respectful doubt and disagreement and calling someone a liar, con man, cult leader, and ass.
Of course. One can doubt those who share what they think or know, but calling them names is not the right way to go about it.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
Don't know what to tell you other than that it's still either plausibly incorrect or correct. Personally wouldn't be surprised by a three-character reveal and believe, but the characters are where I have my personal disagreements.
I would, of course, go ballistic for 3 characters to be revealed at once, but I just have doubts that Nintendo would do more than 2 at once.

Oh man, everyone is here to play at E3 2020
View attachment 255051
Always forgotten I am...


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
Shouldn't we be talking about how Geno deserves a spot on the roster or something like that?
Reasons Geno deserves a spot:
1. Rocket fists

I feel like I don’t need to even add more than that, every game is improved with rocket fists


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I would, of course, go ballistic for 3 characters to be revealed at once, but I just have doubts that Nintendo would do more than 2 at once.
I do feel the same way. I mean, I am expecting two characters in the next Direct. Even if Fatmanonice were right, and he is not truly certain, as this is a theory, three characters is, as of now, to me, a bit of a stretch. That is how I feel, but I won't insult Fatmanonice for what he thinks. Anything is possible, I mean.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Literally where, i swear its almost like you come here to stir up drama intentionally, but hey what do i know, you could be a real nice guy in some other universe.

I’d argue that getting this threads hopes up for little reason while making baseless claims to support it is a tad bit worse than “stirring up drama”, but go off, I guess.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2019
To be fair, I don't really have a track record because I hint at stuff, not outright say it, but when I point this out people get indignant. It's funny though because some people will point out some of my less subtle posts when certain things get announced and its almost always one of those "~Oh, so you noticed that? Oops.~" moments because that's my aim: if you pick up on it then you pick up on it. As always, I have no interest in out right leaking things.
Hinting is also a thing that leakers like to do a lot, to be fair, and it's always the most annoying thing on the planet to deal with personally.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Please do not spread baseless statements like earlier. Because your “speculation” is the reason why some people here are running around screaming that Dovahkin, Waluigi, and Geno are 100% confirmed.
Did I ever say they were and, even if I was, how is what other people believe and think my fault? I am not responsible for other people. People have personal autonomy. You are responsible for your thoughts and your beliefs. I could somehow be the most persuasive person in the world and it would still be YOUR CHOICE to change your thoughts based on my thoughts.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
Hinting is also a thing that leakers like to do a lot, to be fair, and it's always the most annoying thing on the planet to deal with personally.
If you don't like people with insider knowledge hinting at things, why do you pay attention to them? Literally just don't listen to them. It's not hard. No one is forcing you to be a part of Smash speculation.
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