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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
I’m a classically trained pianist. Aside from Piano, I do play Guitar, Bass Guitar, a little of violin, and the Drums. I do sing at times. I’ve played covers but I mainly compose
Good job, i must say that i'm impressed by your dedication

I used to play trombone in middle school, but I haven't done so in years

Also, nice saxophone Geno
From 1 to 10, how skilled would you rate yourself?
btw thanks, i got inspired by listening to dance monkey

I used to play the flute when i was little, haven't done it in years
Cool, can you still play it?


Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2019
In light of having not owned a trombone for 6+ years (because the one I was using was on loan from the school)? Probably a resounding "subpar".

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
In light of having not owned a trombone for 6+ years (because the one I was using was on loan from the school)? Probably a resounding "subpar".
Hmm i see, this might be a crazy idea considering some of you guys haven't practiced in such a long time but i was thinking that maybe everyone could work together and do a collab remix/cover of Beware Of The Forest Mushrooms?
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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Yo, Fatmanonice Fatmanonice , I just had a GALAXY BRAIN thought regarding your
More specifically who DLC Fighter 6 could be. So based on what you've been
The 6th DLC character would be a type of bonus character a la Piranha Plant. Now I think we're all mostly in agreement that Piranha Plant was supposed to be base game, since it's the only DLC Fighter who has a Palutena's Guidence conversation that isn't the typical one used for DLC Fighters. This means, in terms of making it a bonus DLC Fighter they had little to do with regards to development. Now this got me thinking: Are there any other characters that would be similar in terms of required development to Piranha Plant?

Because one such character comes to mind: A character who has a lot of work done on them already, plenty of assets to work with, and only has a few minor issues that'd need some polishing up to make them playable. A character who could come with an assortment of random costumes without it looking weird, who wouldn't require a CGI trailer, who wouldn't be an Echo Fighter in accordance with what Sakurai said regarding DLC, AND who would break some rules we've held for a long while. Do you know who I'm referring to? That's right, it's...

Seriously, think about it!
- He's a character who nobody would suspect, since he's both a Boss and part of Bowser's Final Smash, two things that would usually be considered a death sentence for them getting in as a fighter.
- He's already in the game, so there'd be no need to make a time consuming CGI trailer for him. I mean, what would be the point?
- Being both a Mario character and a Smash original, he wouldn't have much that would fit in terms of Mii Costumes, so he could come with whatever, including nothing at all.
- His more bestial mannerisms would make him stand out enough from Bowser, who now stands more upright, which would be enough to disqualify him from being an Echo Fighter despite being sort of similar to Bowser in terms of playstyle.
- And most importantly, he can already by played as via hacking, which shows that he has a lot of his moves intact and works suprisingly well outside of his boss battle. Polish him up a bit, balance him out with the rest of the cast, and he would make for an excellent new bonus fighter.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2015
Code Casting Down Under
On the note of band bros, piano and clarinet (though rusty in both) and I do have a porcelain ocarina which is more a novelty than anything but if you need that wispy reedy sound for something I’ll see what I can do

Don’t have much new to contribute re direct / reveals apart from ‘unless it’s a smash only direct I’m expecting 5+6 at most’ and even then 5+6+7 would require some interesting pacing that I feel will sell one of them short or compromise the flow of the reveal of other info


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2019
Glad to see that the Geno Thread is either filled with great memes or people from outside the thread being stupid and causing issues.

Also, good to see that @nessdeltarune00 is still trying to force Fatman to accept a role that doesn't fit him because people like himself cannot accept responsibility for themselves for believing things that have very little proof behind them. Not unlike the Undertale community to try to force people to do things their way.

Also, good to see that EricTheGamerman EricTheGamerman is still arguing things that seemingly don't need to be argued about that that he's trying to have Fatman accept that he's not speculating because he has whispers from the rumor mill and due to his verbiage even though Fatman is allowed to say things however he wants and that it's literally the other person who is responsible for how the respond to something and not on Fatman to change how he words things. However, knowing his outlook on other things, it's not surprising that he would think it's on Fatman to change his ways for a small minority of people who cannot see anything outside a literal sense.

Yes, I'm going after certain users. No, I'm not changing what I'm typing. Fight me.

Makes me happy that I'm part of Star Road Discord Server, because at least there you can talk about things without being told you are off topic, having mods breathe down your neck, or having people invade from outside and ruin all the fun and have the staff give zero ****s about fixing anything and in fact will punish the good guys. We even have been playing Hunger Games simulations and seems like we may be organizing to play other things. Personally, I will be trying to setup Cards Against Humanity much later today. If you aren't there already and want to be, hit me up in PMs.

Also, I play on streaming again. I'm aiming for a stream on the first, and it will be for SMRPG of course. Please feel free to come by and hang out as I will attempt to beat the entire game in a single sitting on January 1st. Twitch is https://www.twitch.tv/forsakenm and Twitter is https://twitter.com/ForsakenM45. Be there or be...well, wherever else you'll be instead. Just want to start of the year right with my favorite game.

Oh, and I'm working on a Geno video that I hope to upload tomorrow. Nothing major but would be awesome to get it done.
Something's not roight here m8

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
On the note of band bros, piano and clarinet (though rusty in both) and I do have a porcelain ocarina which is more a novelty than anything but if you need that wispy reedy sound for something I’ll see what I can do

Don’t have much new to contribute re direct / reveals apart from ‘unless it’s a smash only direct I’m expecting 5+6 at most’ and even then 5+6+7 would require some interesting pacing that I feel will sell one of them short or compromise the flow of the reveal of other info
Great another member for the band, it's more about showing our support for Geno than anything else so don't worry about not being too great ^^


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
Been playing banjo kazooie in smash and absolutely love them. It's been half a year and I STILL can't believe we got them. If there was ever any reason to believe that Sakurai was looking at fan polls, THAT was it. Banjo, at least in my opinion, was the biggest and most requested character at the time and what many thought was impossible since he was an xbox rep.

I truly believe sakurai is looking out for us and is gonna hook us up real soon. We have the backing of so many big figures within the Smash community on youtuber, twitter, and all social media. If we get Geno then I truly feel like the roster is complete in terms of the longest requested characters. Sure there are still some out there, but not to the size that Geno has going for him RIGHT NOW. Once we got ridley and krool, most people hopped on the Genotrain. This is our chance, and I KNOW Sakurai has heard of the huge cry for Geno's return.

Just imagine an updated model of him. The mii costume was the closest we ever got to having a fully updated and fully new modeled version of Geno in over 2 decades. He hasn't changed in THAT long, they've used the same image of his spirit all the way up to this point. So seeing a brand new but at the same time fully respectable to the old version of Geno is gonna be nice. Every model of character in Smash is iconic, people were worried about Pacman, he looks amazing, Ryu came out and absolutely craps on the design he has in his own current year running game series, Krool has a lot of sass and style to his model. Every time Sakurai comes out with a character people immediately identify that as the best looking version of them they've ever been in.

I genuinely can't wait to see what he does with Geno.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
Hi everybody, I'm not a regular here, but I thought I'd share this with all of you.
It's kinda related to Geno, in a way, I think...
Anyways, back in May 27 (2 weeks before E3 2019), Nintendo published an article on the "Nintendo News" channel on Switch.
The article itself is harmless, it talks about the then new feature for Switch, "Zoom".
It basically makes you zoom in/out, the article was accompanied by an interesting pic, teasing Waluigi.
But why would Nintendo hint at Waluigi if they have no plans for the character? Especially when they very clearly know that doing so could potentially disappoint some of the fans even more than the E3 2018 deconfirmation drama.
So back to Geno, where is he again?
This article was posted 2 weeks before Hero's reveal, and we know that Geno's mii costume is still missing, but why exactly?
Well, if we go by FatManOnIce's theory, that Sakurai and the development team are ahead of schedule, and Season 2 was most likely approved back in February/January of 2019.
This very clearly tells us that Nintendo has already selected a number of fan-favorite characters for season 2, like Geno, Waluigi, maybe Lloyd.
Because why would you hint at a character that is already an AT ingame, and remove a mii costume that was so important, it got its own reveal alongside Cloud back in Smash 4?
Not to mention that both Geno and Waluigi are two of the most requested characters for Smash, so it's not like you can just brush that off as nothing.
Btw here's the pics:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2019
Hi everybody, I'm not a regular here, but I thought I'd share this with all of you.
It's kinda related to Geno, in a way, I think...
Anyways, back in May 27 (2 weeks before E3 2019), Nintendo published an article on the "Nintendo News" channel on Switch.
The article itself is harmless, it talks about the then new feature for Switch, "Zoom".
It basically makes you zoom in/out, the article was accompanied by an interesting pic, teasing Waluigi.
But why would Nintendo hint at Waluigi if they have no plans for the character? Especially when they very clearly know that doing so could potentially disappoint some of the fans even more than the E3 2018 deconfirmation drama.
So back to Geno, where is he again?
This article was posted 2 weeks before Hero's reveal, and we know that Geno's mii costume is still missing, but why exactly?
Well, if we go by FatManOnIce's theory, that Sakurai and the development team are ahead of schedule, and Season 2 was most likely approved back in February/January of 2019.
This very clearly tells us that Nintendo has already selected a number of fan-favorite characters for season 2, like Geno, Waluigi, maybe Lloyd.
Because why would you hint at a character that is already an AT ingame, and remove a mii costume that was so important, it got its own reveal alongside Cloud back in Smash 4?
Not to mention that both Geno and Waluigi are two of the most requested characters for Smash, so it's not like you can just brush that off as nothing.
Btw here's the pics:
I don't think it's hinting at Smash, per se.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
I don't think it's hinting at Smash, per se.
I don't know, I just think the timing of the post, and Waluigi specifically hiding behind Sakurai's babies (Kirby and Triple D) to be suspicious.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Also, good to see that EricTheGamerman EricTheGamerman is still arguing things that seemingly don't need to be argued about that that he's trying to have Fatman accept that he's not speculating because he has whispers from the rumor mill and due to his verbiage even though Fatman is allowed to say things however he wants and that it's literally the other person who is responsible for how the respond to something and not on Fatman to change how he words things. However, knowing his outlook on other things, it's not surprising that he would think it's on Fatman to change his ways for a small minority of people who cannot see anything outside a literal sense.
Language has power and on the internet it's nearly impossible to communicate tone and other nuances that spoken language typically allows for, thus you have to approach how you speak on the internet with more intent than casual conversation. I'm not really backing away from that point. Yes, you're responsible for your words and those actions have consequences that the person speaking is directly responsible for because they chose how to use language. I'm just pointing out how the language that Fatmanonice either can cause some issues or cause confusion, and thus it comes off as odd to use the "speculation only defense" when there's a bit more to what is being said than that when he brings up insiders/leakers saying things that aren't public knowledge as I outlined in a prior post.
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Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
I’m a classically trained pianist. Aside from Piano, I do play Guitar, Bass Guitar, a little of violin, and the Drums. I do sing at times. I’ve played covers but I mainly compose
But do you SLAPP the bass?

Language has power and on the internet it's nearly impossible to communicate tone and other nuances that spoken language typically allows for, thus you have to approach how you speak on the internet with more intent than casual conversation. I'm not really backing away from that point. Yes, you're responsible for your words and those actions have consequences that the person speaking is directly responsible for because they chose how to use language. I'm just pointing out how the language that Fatmanonice either can cause some issues or cause confusion, and thus it comes off as odd to use the "speculation only defense" when there's a bit more to what is being said than that when he brings up insiders/leakers saying things that aren't public knowledge as I outlined in a prior post.
He's been very transparent about the fact that the stuff he's been relaying to us are merely rumors heard by insiders. He can hardly be blamed for the fact that internet communication often ends up like a big game of telephone because people misinterpret clear statements. Unless you'd rather he make sure that every post containing a rumor is in big bold red text that is impossible to miss (and even still LaxChris Will report it as a leak)
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Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
I’m a classically trained pianist. Aside from Piano, I do play Guitar, Bass Guitar, a little of violin, and the Drums. I do sing at times. I’ve played covers but I mainly compose
Only Thing I've got is a little bit of Guitar practice due to my Dad and Big Brother both being musicians. I myself am more of a Manga Artist than Music and it's a skill I am going to invest more in soon. I would love to shred forest maze whenever I am at a anime convention again.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Hi everybody, I'm not a regular here, but I thought I'd share this with all of you.
It's kinda related to Geno, in a way, I think...
Anyways, back in May 27 (2 weeks before E3 2019), Nintendo published an article on the "Nintendo News" channel on Switch.
The article itself is harmless, it talks about the then new feature for Switch, "Zoom".
It basically makes you zoom in/out, the article was accompanied by an interesting pic, teasing Waluigi.
But why would Nintendo hint at Waluigi if they have no plans for the character? Especially when they very clearly know that doing so could potentially disappoint some of the fans even more than the E3 2018 deconfirmation drama.
So back to Geno, where is he again?
This article was posted 2 weeks before Hero's reveal, and we know that Geno's mii costume is still missing, but why exactly?
Well, if we go by FatManOnIce's theory, that Sakurai and the development team are ahead of schedule, and Season 2 was most likely approved back in February/January of 2019.
This very clearly tells us that Nintendo has already selected a number of fan-favorite characters for season 2, like Geno, Waluigi, maybe Lloyd.
Because why would you hint at a character that is already an AT ingame, and remove a mii costume that was so important, it got its own reveal alongside Cloud back in Smash 4?
Not to mention that both Geno and Waluigi are two of the most requested characters for Smash, so it's not like you can just brush that off as nothing.
Btw here's the pics:
I like the fact that you pointed this out because it's potentially cheeky bull**** from Nintendo itself and I'm going to go into other examples if only because certain (lip smack) individuals absolutely seethe when I go totally off the rails with my speculation. So, I like said the other day, A LOT of major gaming channels and insiders are being cheeky as all hell right now. It's great; I love it. People were doing this with Banjo too right before E3 to the point that it was ****ing obnoxious but hilarious at the same time because, two weeks before E3, nobody gave a **** about subtle anymore and it was glorious. It's happening all over again and I've pointed this out to some of my friends and confidants and probably half of them have been like "dude, I love you, but... STFU..." and then I just go back to laughing to myself like a moron.

So, fair warning, I'm about to go into some super tinfoil hat territory. It's not totally serious and I am being a little trolly because I know some people are going to read this and start hard drinking immediately following. So, uh, last warning: if my speculation causes the degradation of your emotional regulation, consider this an invitation to your mental salvation and click away now because, uh, we're going to get nutty professor up in this *****. To crank up the trolling to 11, Laxchris, I give you full permission to make a video about this post. Go nuts, dude.

Daisy Theory


Let's pretend that this means literally anything at all. People analyzed chairs last year so why the **** not? It's Mario with the four already announced characters of the Fighter's Pass and Daisy and Plant. What are Daisy and Plant doing there? Well, thematically, they compliment Mario but there's really no point in them being there. You have a Fighter Pass character on and under the platforms so it evens out without them. Mario's, well, Mario and Nintendo's main mascot so of course he's there. Why the other two? Let's get nutty.

Suppose Sakurai is being insufferably cheeky with this picture. What can we infer? Well, Daisy was the only Mario newcomer in the base roster and Plant was a bonus character. What if this is a clue about the future? We've already established the high probability that 5 will be a third party character from a yet unrepresented company in Smash, especially since we established the other pattern that the Fighter's Pass characters have all been from companies that didn't have newcomers in the game yet. That said, this rules out a Mario character for 5. GG. What if we go forward?

Let's pretend Daisy and Plant are stand ins for 6 and 7. This would imply two things: it would imply that 6 and 7 are Mario characters and that one (probably 6), is a bonus character. Two Mario characters in a row? That's a bit nutty, even for me, so maybe we should simply move onto the next super crazy totally impossible theory.

Can Shulk see the Future?


This one was brought up last year and I figured I'd bring it up again to go hard and heavy on the goofy and cause people's blood pressure to spike in the process. So, we have this lovely little image that's even in the game and can be seen every time you go online if you want to see it. Again, let's go off the rails and make people pour Jack Daniels in their Frosted Flakes this morning.

The first image is Dr. Mario with the Klap Trap icon. What do these guys have in common? Well, they're both technically spin-off characters from the Mario series. Dr. Mario is Mario with drugs and Klap Trap is originally from Donkey Kong Jr where Mario's a total sociopath and animal torturing asshole. So, again, totally crazy, but Dr. Mario appears to be thinking. Imagine that Klap Trap is a thought bubble. Dr. Mario is thinking about a Mario spin-off assist trophy for some weird reason. What a crazy guy! Must be all the hard drugs. Moving on...

Next we have Monado Boy™. As demonstrated time and time again in both Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate, Shulk's signature ability is being able to see the future. Let's pretend that Shulk is seeing the future. In Shulk's "thought bubble", he sees Geno. Maybe the dude's just a big SMRPG fan? Maybe he's really looking forward to that upcoming spirit battle? Who knows? Some people are thinkin' about those beans, Shulk is thinkin' about that Gen... O. Again, what a weird guy.

So, uh, yeah. Fun stuff and it kind of highlights that speculation should be fun and you should go off the rails. Don't put limitations on yourself and just have fun with it. Yes, it's inane ****ery but at least I have a smile on my face while typing it and am having fun. I hope people never lose sight of that: this is supposed to be fun.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
If we are getting a Nintendo direct, we are probably only getting one character reveal.

A Smash Direct, then we have a chance to see two reveals.

But you will never convince me that we are getting three character reveals. There is no logical time line that this would be feasibly possible. Sakurai has already been on record stating he believed he revealed too much at once with August's direct so he probably will not push for three characters in one day. That seems counter productive on his part.

I have no opinion on who it could possibly be. But let's start using a bit more reasonable on what we might realistically get.
Except E3 2019 was a Nintendo Direct and revealed 2 characters. So we could easily get 2 characters again. That said if you have a character reveal in the very beginning, a bonus character reveal offer for 6 and end it on the theater for 7 it could easily work. Yeah Sakurai said he revealed too much but that was because he frontloaded big announcements for an unreleased game. We’re over a year out from SSBU’s release and the only thing left is DLC. I could see him not having the same hesitancy in this context.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Oh god, please for the love of god, do not tell me that we're entertaining the "Geno's icon was paired with Shulk" so it was clearly a hint in even a marginally serious manner.

Also, Plant was DLC, so its appearance in the DLC picture just makes sense without additional theorycrafting as a "stand-in."


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
I like the fact that you pointed this out because it's potentially cheeky bull**** from Nintendo itself and I'm going to go into other examples if only because certain (lip smack) individuals absolutely seethe when I go totally off the rails with my speculation. So, I like said the other day, A LOT of major gaming channels and insiders are being cheeky as all hell right now. It's great; I love it. People were doing this with Banjo too right before E3 to the point that it was ****ing obnoxious but hilarious at the same time because, two weeks before E3, nobody gave a **** about subtle anymore and it was glorious. It's happening all over again and I've pointed this out to some of my friends and confidants and probably half of them have been like "dude, I love you, but... STFU..." and then I just go back to laughing to myself like a moron.

So, fair warning, I'm about to go into some super tinfoil hat territory. It's not totally serious and I am being a little trolly because I know some people are going to read this and start hard drinking immediately following. So, uh, last warning: if my speculation causes the degradation of your emotional regulation, consider this an invitation to your mental salvation and click away now because, uh, we're going to get nutty professor up in this *****. To crank up the trolling to 11, Laxchris, I give you full permission to make a video about this post. Go nuts, dude.

Daisy Theory


Let's pretend that this means literally anything at all. People analyzed chairs last year so why the **** not? It's Mario with the four already announced characters of the Fighter's Pass and Daisy and Plant. What are Daisy and Plant doing there? Well, thematically, they compliment Mario but there's really no point in them being there. You have a Fighter Pass character on and under the platforms so it evens out without them. Mario's, well, Mario and Nintendo's main mascot so of course he's there. Why the other two? Let's get nutty.

Suppose Sakurai is being insufferably cheeky with this picture. What can we infer? Well, Daisy was the only Mario newcomer in the base roster and Plant was a bonus character. What if this is a clue about the future? We've already established the high probability that 5 will be a third party character from a yet unrepresented company in Smash, especially since we established the other pattern that the Fighter's Pass characters have all been from companies that didn't have newcomers in the game yet. That said, this rules out a Mario character for 5. GG. What if we go forward?

Let's pretend Daisy and Plant are stand ins for 6 and 7. This would imply two things: it would imply that 6 and 7 are Mario characters and that one (probably 6), is a bonus character. Two Mario characters in a row? That's a bit nutty, even for me, so maybe we should simply move onto the next super crazy totally impossible theory.

Can Shulk see the Future?


This one was brought up last year and I figured I'd bring it up again to go hard and heavy on the goofy and cause people's blood pressure to spike in the process. So, we have this lovely little image that's even in the game and can be seen every time you go online if you want to see it. Again, let's go off the rails and make people pour Jack Daniels in their Frosted Flakes this morning.

The first image is Dr. Mario with the Klap Trap icon. What do these guys have in common? Well, they're both technically spin-off characters from the Mario series. Dr. Mario is Mario with drugs and Klap Trap is originally from Donkey Kong Jr where Mario's a total sociopath and animal torturing asshole. So, again, totally crazy, but Dr. Mario appears to be thinking. Imagine that Klap Trap is a thought bubble. Dr. Mario is thinking about a Mario spin-off assist trophy for some weird reason. What a crazy guy! Must be all the hard drugs. Moving on...

Next we have Monado Boy™. As demonstrated time and time again in both Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate, Shulk's signature ability is being able to see the future. Let's pretend that Shulk is seeing the future. In Shulk's "thought bubble", he sees Geno. Maybe the dude's just a big SMRPG fan? Maybe he's really looking forward to that upcoming spirit battle? Who knows? Some people are thinkin' about those beans, Shulk is thinkin' about that Gen... O. Again, what a weird guy.

So, uh, yeah. Fun stuff and it kind of highlights that speculation should be fun and you should go off the rails. Don't put limitations on yourself and just have fun with it. Yes, it's inane ****ery but at least I have a smile on my face while typing it and am having fun. I hope people never lose sight of that: this is supposed to be fun.
Actually, now that I think about it, isn't Piranha Plant a major part of the RPG Mario games?
Like what does PP do in Super Mario RPG, someone help me cause I never fully played that game.

I do know that PP has a boss encounter in the og Paper Mario, and in Smash Ultimate he actually represents the poisonous species from the Paper Mario games.

And I think most of PP species made their debut in the Mario RPG games.

Hmm, maybe Piranha Plant is a stand in for Geno in that pic afterall.
Also, Daisy and Waluigi made their spin-off debut in the same game "Mario Tennis", they even were the focus of the previous event for Mario Kart Tour.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Oh god, please for the love of god, do not tell me that we're entertaining the "Geno's icon was paired with Shulk" so it was clearly a hint in even a marginally serious manner
>literally several lines of his post are dedicated to saying he is being goofy/silly and just having fun and that this is not meant to be taken seriously

What do you honestly gain over being overly critical about every single thing this dude posts?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
I like the fact that you pointed this out because it's potentially cheeky bull**** from Nintendo itself and I'm going to go into other examples if only because certain (lip smack) individuals absolutely seethe when I go totally off the rails with my speculation. So, I like said the other day, A LOT of major gaming channels and insiders are being cheeky as all hell right now. It's great; I love it. People were doing this with Banjo too right before E3 to the point that it was ****ing obnoxious but hilarious at the same time because, two weeks before E3, nobody gave a **** about subtle anymore and it was glorious. It's happening all over again and I've pointed this out to some of my friends and confidants and probably half of them have been like "dude, I love you, but... STFU..." and then I just go back to laughing to myself like a moron.

So, fair warning, I'm about to go into some super tinfoil hat territory. It's not totally serious and I am being a little trolly because I know some people are going to read this and start hard drinking immediately following. So, uh, last warning: if my speculation causes the degradation of your emotional regulation, consider this an invitation to your mental salvation and click away now because, uh, we're going to get nutty professor up in this *****. To crank up the trolling to 11, Laxchris, I give you full permission to make a video about this post. Go nuts, dude.

Daisy Theory


Let's pretend that this means literally anything at all. People analyzed chairs last year so why the **** not? It's Mario with the four already announced characters of the Fighter's Pass and Daisy and Plant. What are Daisy and Plant doing there? Well, thematically, they compliment Mario but there's really no point in them being there. You have a Fighter Pass character on and under the platforms so it evens out without them. Mario's, well, Mario and Nintendo's main mascot so of course he's there. Why the other two? Let's get nutty.

Suppose Sakurai is being insufferably cheeky with this picture. What can we infer? Well, Daisy was the only Mario newcomer in the base roster and Plant was a bonus character. What if this is a clue about the future? We've already established the high probability that 5 will be a third party character from a yet unrepresented company in Smash, especially since we established the other pattern that the Fighter's Pass characters have all been from companies that didn't have newcomers in the game yet. That said, this rules out a Mario character for 5. GG. What if we go forward?

Let's pretend Daisy and Plant are stand ins for 6 and 7. This would imply two things: it would imply that 6 and 7 are Mario characters and that one (probably 6), is a bonus character. Two Mario characters in a row? That's a bit nutty, even for me, so maybe we should simply move onto the next super crazy totally impossible theory.

Can Shulk see the Future?


This one was brought up last year and I figured I'd bring it up again to go hard and heavy on the goofy and cause people's blood pressure to spike in the process. So, we have this lovely little image that's even in the game and can be seen every time you go online if you want to see it. Again, let's go off the rails and make people pour Jack Daniels in their Frosted Flakes this morning.

The first image is Dr. Mario with the Klap Trap icon. What do these guys have in common? Well, they're both technically spin-off characters from the Mario series. Dr. Mario is Mario with drugs and Klap Trap is originally from Donkey Kong Jr where Mario's a total sociopath and animal torturing asshole. So, again, totally crazy, but Dr. Mario appears to be thinking. Imagine that Klap Trap is a thought bubble. Dr. Mario is thinking about a Mario spin-off assist trophy for some weird reason. What a crazy guy! Must be all the hard drugs. Moving on...

Next we have Monado Boy™. As demonstrated time and time again in both Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate, Shulk's signature ability is being able to see the future. Let's pretend that Shulk is seeing the future. In Shulk's "thought bubble", he sees Geno. Maybe the dude's just a big SMRPG fan? Maybe he's really looking forward to that upcoming spirit battle? Who knows? Some people are thinkin' about those beans, Shulk is thinkin' about that Gen... O. Again, what a weird guy.

So, uh, yeah. Fun stuff and it kind of highlights that speculation should be fun and you should go off the rails. Don't put limitations on yourself and just have fun with it. Yes, it's inane ****ery but at least I have a smile on my face while typing it and am having fun. I hope people never lose sight of that: this is supposed to be fun.
Alright, I gotta say that I think the Shulk thing is a really huge stretch XD, But hey, it's funny, I hadn't even thought about it until now.


Smash Rookie
Dec 2, 2018
Regarding this 3 character reveal speculation:

As much as I’d want to believe it, one thing I’m wondering about is whether the smash team has the resources to release three characters within a span of 5 months. (From November to April)

On the other hand, it would make sense if the original plan was to reveal character 5 at the VGAs but was scrapped because the identity of character 5 may further validate the CacoMallow leak.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
>literally several lines of his post are dedicated to saying he is being goofy/silly and just having fun and that this is not meant to be taken seriously

What do you honestly gain over being overly critical about every single thing this dude posts?
It's literally this at this point:


Dude, I'm crying. The irony is too much. Again, it's glorious.

>"Don't take this seriously. I'm deliberately being a troll."

>Takes it with the absolute utmost life and death degree of seriousness.

To quote an old meme:



Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
I like the fact that you pointed this out because it's potentially cheeky bull**** from Nintendo itself and I'm going to go into other examples if only because certain (lip smack) individuals absolutely seethe when I go totally off the rails with my speculation. So, I like said the other day, A LOT of major gaming channels and insiders are being cheeky as all hell right now. It's great; I love it. People were doing this with Banjo too right before E3 to the point that it was ****ing obnoxious but hilarious at the same time because, two weeks before E3, nobody gave a **** about subtle anymore and it was glorious. It's happening all over again and I've pointed this out to some of my friends and confidants and probably half of them have been like "dude, I love you, but... STFU..." and then I just go back to laughing to myself like a moron.

So, fair warning, I'm about to go into some super tinfoil hat territory. It's not totally serious and I am being a little trolly because I know some people are going to read this and start hard drinking immediately following. So, uh, last warning: if my speculation causes the degradation of your emotional regulation, consider this an invitation to your mental salvation and click away now because, uh, we're going to get nutty professor up in this *****. To crank up the trolling to 11, Laxchris, I give you full permission to make a video about this post. Go nuts, dude.

Daisy Theory


Let's pretend that this means literally anything at all. People analyzed chairs last year so why the **** not? It's Mario with the four already announced characters of the Fighter's Pass and Daisy and Plant. What are Daisy and Plant doing there? Well, thematically, they compliment Mario but there's really no point in them being there. You have a Fighter Pass character on and under the platforms so it evens out without them. Mario's, well, Mario and Nintendo's main mascot so of course he's there. Why the other two? Let's get nutty.

Suppose Sakurai is being insufferably cheeky with this picture. What can we infer? Well, Daisy was the only Mario newcomer in the base roster and Plant was a bonus character. What if this is a clue about the future? We've already established the high probability that 5 will be a third party character from a yet unrepresented company in Smash, especially since we established the other pattern that the Fighter's Pass characters have all been from companies that didn't have newcomers in the game yet. That said, this rules out a Mario character for 5. GG. What if we go forward?

Let's pretend Daisy and Plant are stand ins for 6 and 7. This would imply two things: it would imply that 6 and 7 are Mario characters and that one (probably 6), is a bonus character. Two Mario characters in a row? That's a bit nutty, even for me, so maybe we should simply move onto the next super crazy totally impossible theory.

Can Shulk see the Future?


This one was brought up last year and I figured I'd bring it up again to go hard and heavy on the goofy and cause people's blood pressure to spike in the process. So, we have this lovely little image that's even in the game and can be seen every time you go online if you want to see it. Again, let's go off the rails and make people pour Jack Daniels in their Frosted Flakes this morning.

The first image is Dr. Mario with the Klap Trap icon. What do these guys have in common? Well, they're both technically spin-off characters from the Mario series. Dr. Mario is Mario with drugs and Klap Trap is originally from Donkey Kong Jr where Mario's a total sociopath and animal torturing asshole. So, again, totally crazy, but Dr. Mario appears to be thinking. Imagine that Klap Trap is a thought bubble. Dr. Mario is thinking about a Mario spin-off assist trophy for some weird reason. What a crazy guy! Must be all the hard drugs. Moving on...

Next we have Monado Boy™. As demonstrated time and time again in both Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate, Shulk's signature ability is being able to see the future. Let's pretend that Shulk is seeing the future. In Shulk's "thought bubble", he sees Geno. Maybe the dude's just a big SMRPG fan? Maybe he's really looking forward to that upcoming spirit battle? Who knows? Some people are thinkin' about those beans, Shulk is thinkin' about that Gen... O. Again, what a weird guy.

So, uh, yeah. Fun stuff and it kind of highlights that speculation should be fun and you should go off the rails. Don't put limitations on yourself and just have fun with it. Yes, it's inane ****ery but at least I have a smile on my face while typing it and am having fun. I hope people never lose sight of that: this is supposed to be fun.
This is the content that I come here for. Intricate wild theories that I choose to believe because it is fun and life is too short. Add this to the Everest size pile of “wouldn’t that be funny if it was a Geno hint hahahalolrofllmao unless....?” nuggets we’ve accumulated.

This is a really fun time to be a smash fan. It’s becoming more and more clear why they decided to tell us way back on September 4th that additional characters were being developed

Edit: Commence the seething!
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Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
Hi everybody, I'm not a regular here, but I thought I'd share this with all of you.
It's kinda related to Geno, in a way, I think...
Anyways, back in May 27 (2 weeks before E3 2019), Nintendo published an article on the "Nintendo News" channel on Switch.
The article itself is harmless, it talks about the then new feature for Switch, "Zoom".
It basically makes you zoom in/out, the article was accompanied by an interesting pic, teasing Waluigi.
But why would Nintendo hint at Waluigi if they have no plans for the character? Especially when they very clearly know that doing so could potentially disappoint some of the fans even more than the E3 2018 deconfirmation drama.
So back to Geno, where is he again?
This article was posted 2 weeks before Hero's reveal, and we know that Geno's mii costume is still missing, but why exactly?
Well, if we go by FatManOnIce's theory, that Sakurai and the development team are ahead of schedule, and Season 2 was most likely approved back in February/January of 2019.
This very clearly tells us that Nintendo has already selected a number of fan-favorite characters for season 2, like Geno, Waluigi, maybe Lloyd.
Because why would you hint at a character that is already an AT ingame, and remove a mii costume that was so important, it got its own reveal alongside Cloud back in Smash 4?
Not to mention that both Geno and Waluigi are two of the most requested characters for Smash, so it's not like you can just brush that off as nothing.
Btw here's the pics:
Not everything Nintendo does is related to Smash Bros. They know Waluigi is a joke of a character, so they always have fun with him on social media. Nintendo also responded to that Waluigi Amiibo sign at that wrestling event. It's all a joke. Nothing more.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
This is the content that I come here for. Intricate wild theories that I choose to believe because it is fun and life is too short. Add this to the Everest size pile of “wouldn’t that be funny if it was a Geno hint hahahalolrofllmao unless....?” nuggets we’ve accumulated.

This is a really fun time to be a smash fan. It’s becoming more and more clear why they decided to tell us way back on September 4th that additional characters were being developed

Edit: Commence the seething!
Brother, those two fish cops might as well be me and you. We've been towing this line since 2005 and we both have so many stories. God, it's been great. Again, if people are fuming this hard right now, imagine if I actually managed to thread the needle, go against all my contacts, confidants, and friends and miraculously am right about a triple Smash reveal. My theories back in the Brawl days were validated 8 years later and people were beside themselves with grief, imagine the end result of this. I don't even care if I'm right, I'm having a blast either way but if this winds up being the biggest trolling in Smash history and I get my favorite video game character in Smash after almost 18 years of online efforts, I guess that would be pretty groovy. :troll:


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
>literally several lines of his post are dedicated to saying he is being goofy/silly and just having fun and that this is not meant to be taken seriously

What do you honestly gain over being overly critical about every single thing this dude posts?
My own enjoyment of dismantling theories and challenging them. Also, pushing back against anyone unironically deciding to think that this "coincidence" should be considered anything more before it happens more than it already did a year ago lol.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2018
I like the fact that you pointed this out because it's potentially cheeky bull**** from Nintendo itself and I'm going to go into other examples if only because certain (lip smack) individuals absolutely seethe when I go totally off the rails with my speculation. So, I like said the other day, A LOT of major gaming channels and insiders are being cheeky as all hell right now. It's great; I love it. People were doing this with Banjo too right before E3 to the point that it was ****ing obnoxious but hilarious at the same time because, two weeks before E3, nobody gave a **** about subtle anymore and it was glorious. It's happening all over again and I've pointed this out to some of my friends and confidants and probably half of them have been like "dude, I love you, but... STFU..." and then I just go back to laughing to myself like a moron.

So, fair warning, I'm about to go into some super tinfoil hat territory. It's not totally serious and I am being a little trolly because I know some people are going to read this and start hard drinking immediately following. So, uh, last warning: if my speculation causes the degradation of your emotional regulation, consider this an invitation to your mental salvation and click away now because, uh, we're going to get nutty professor up in this *****. To crank up the trolling to 11, Laxchris, I give you full permission to make a video about this post. Go nuts, dude.

Daisy Theory


Let's pretend that this means literally anything at all. People analyzed chairs last year so why the **** not? It's Mario with the four already announced characters of the Fighter's Pass and Daisy and Plant. What are Daisy and Plant doing there? Well, thematically, they compliment Mario but there's really no point in them being there. You have a Fighter Pass character on and under the platforms so it evens out without them. Mario's, well, Mario and Nintendo's main mascot so of course he's there. Why the other two? Let's get nutty.

Suppose Sakurai is being insufferably cheeky with this picture. What can we infer? Well, Daisy was the only Mario newcomer in the base roster and Plant was a bonus character. What if this is a clue about the future? We've already established the high probability that 5 will be a third party character from a yet unrepresented company in Smash, especially since we established the other pattern that the Fighter's Pass characters have all been from companies that didn't have newcomers in the game yet. That said, this rules out a Mario character for 5. GG. What if we go forward?

Let's pretend Daisy and Plant are stand ins for 6 and 7. This would imply two things: it would imply that 6 and 7 are Mario characters and that one (probably 6), is a bonus character. Two Mario characters in a row? That's a bit nutty, even for me, so maybe we should simply move onto the next super crazy totally impossible theory.

Can Shulk see the Future?


This one was brought up last year and I figured I'd bring it up again to go hard and heavy on the goofy and cause people's blood pressure to spike in the process. So, we have this lovely little image that's even in the game and can be seen every time you go online if you want to see it. Again, let's go off the rails and make people pour Jack Daniels in their Frosted Flakes this morning.

The first image is Dr. Mario with the Klap Trap icon. What do these guys have in common? Well, they're both technically spin-off characters from the Mario series. Dr. Mario is Mario with drugs and Klap Trap is originally from Donkey Kong Jr where Mario's a total sociopath and animal torturing asshole. So, again, totally crazy, but Dr. Mario appears to be thinking. Imagine that Klap Trap is a thought bubble. Dr. Mario is thinking about a Mario spin-off assist trophy for some weird reason. What a crazy guy! Must be all the hard drugs. Moving on...

Next we have Monado Boy™. As demonstrated time and time again in both Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate, Shulk's signature ability is being able to see the future. Let's pretend that Shulk is seeing the future. In Shulk's "thought bubble", he sees Geno. Maybe the dude's just a big SMRPG fan? Maybe he's really looking forward to that upcoming spirit battle? Who knows? Some people are thinkin' about those beans, Shulk is thinkin' about that Gen... O. Again, what a weird guy.

So, uh, yeah. Fun stuff and it kind of highlights that speculation should be fun and you should go off the rails. Don't put limitations on yourself and just have fun with it. Yes, it's inane ****ery but at least I have a smile on my face while typing it and am having fun. I hope people never lose sight of that: this is supposed to be fun.

This was absolutely hilarious to read. Thank you for a good laugh.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
Not everything Nintendo does is related to Smash Bros. They know Waluigi is a joke of a character, so they always have fun with him on social media. Nintendo also responded to that Waluigi Amiibo sign at that wrestling event. It's all a joke. Nothing more.
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
I am aware that Waluigi is meant to be the comic relief of the Mario cast.
But why did Nintendo include Waluigi in that article and focus on him if he's so expendable?
And why post it 2 weeks before E3 2019?
What's that supposed to mean Ninty?


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
I am aware that Waluigi is meant to be the comic relief of the Mario cast.
But why did Nintendo include Waluigi in that article and focus on him if he's so expendable?
And why post it 2 weeks before E3 2019?
What's that supposed to mean Ninty?
It means nothing; it's just a fun little article, and a possible Where's Waldo reference.

Sakurai stopped tweeting as much about the games that he was playing for similar reasons - people saw that he was enjoying Fallout 4, Nier Automata, Minecraft, etc., and they assumed that he MUST be planning to include them in Smash Bros.! After all, it's not like people play video games for FUN or anything.

Not everything needs to be analyzed, picked apart, or seen as proof or foreshadowing.
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Deleted member

I find your lack of faith disturbing...
I am aware that Waluigi is meant to be the comic relief of the Mario cast.
But why did Nintendo include Waluigi in that article and focus on him if he's so expendable?
And why post it 2 weeks before E3 2019?
What's that supposed to mean Ninty?
Hey! I made that joke first.

(Jk I’m not actually mad)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
It means nothing; it's just a fun little article, and a possible Where's Waldo reference.

Sakurai stopped tweeting as much about the games that he was playing for similar reasons - people saw that he was enjoying Fallout 4, Nier Automata, Minecraft, etc., and they assumed that he MUST be planning to include them in Smash Bros.! After all, it's not like people play video games for FUN or anything.

Not everything needs to be analyzed, picked apart, or seen as proof or foreshadowing.
I'm pretty sure that Nintendo has an idea of how sensitive the topic of "Waluigi in Smash" is.

And it's more fun to analyze, and speculate.
Especially since some topics are definitely more related to Smash than Sakurai playing Fallout.

This is an article by Nintendo, that was written, edited, and approved to look the way it is, it's not some random tweet.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
I am aware that Waluigi is meant to be the comic relief of the Mario cast.
But why did Nintendo include Waluigi in that article and focus on him if he's so expendable?
And why post it 2 weeks before E3 2019?
What's that supposed to mean Ninty?
I don't know if you're joking or not, but the article was saying find the character that starts with a W and then said "Did you find Wii Fit Trainer"
That's the joke. Waluigi doesn't get the acknowledge meant that he wants. That's why when his Miiverse comment about his Assist Trophy reveal said that just because you try hard enough doesn't mean you'll make it into the battle. They even show that you can kill Assist Trophies in Ultimate by using Waluigi. Nintendo knows Waluigi is a joke, he's a meme, that's why they keep doing this. They know they get a good laugh by jebaiting him.

As for why they post it 2 weeks before E3 2019, maybe they wanted people to know about the zoom feature so when new game info comes out people could have the option of getting a good look at it.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
Oh god, please for the love of god, do not tell me that we're entertaining the "Geno's icon was paired with Shulk" so it was clearly a hint in even a marginally serious manner.

Also, Plant was DLC, so its appearance in the DLC picture just makes sense without additional theorycrafting as a "stand-in."
What part of tinfoil hat and trolly we're not made crystal clear? I think the whole point is for it not to be serious. (Even though speculation is srs bizness)


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
What part of tinfoil hat and trolly we're not made crystal clear? I think the whole point is for it not to be serious. (Even though speculation is srs bizness)
I'm having fun with it still. Like I said, my fun comes from analyzing basically any theory, hence why I tend to respond to Fatmanonice's various ideas, intentionally dumb or not.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2019
I don't know if you're joking or not, but the article was saying find the character that starts with a W and then said "Did you find Wii Fit Trainer"
That's the joke. Waluigi doesn't get the acknowledge meant that he wants. That's why when his Miiverse comment about his Assist Trophy reveal said that just because you try hard enough doesn't mean you'll make it into the battle. They even show that you can kill Assist Trophies in Ultimate by using Waluigi. Nintendo knows Waluigi is a joke, he's a meme, that's why they keep doing this. They know they get a good laugh by jebaiting him.

As for why they post it 2 weeks before E3 2019, maybe they wanted people to know about the zoom feature so when new game info comes out people could have the option of getting a good look at it.
This is becoming more about Waluigi, than the article itself.
But I'll say this, I think we're gonna receive something big for Smash soon, and 3 reveals isn't as farfetched as it sounds.

Now this is a pipedream for me, but I really really wish, that if Geno ever shows up, he brings a new game mode to Smash, similar to Smash Tour but infinitely better, think Fortune Street, and you get to see Geno, Ridley, and Dedede selling and buying stocks.

Or just give us Fortune Street for Switch, NINTENDO!

And btw, the bit about "Just because you try hard..." is an inside joke (Sakurai loves those) because Waluigi trains/works hard, it's in his original bio from Mario Tennis.

EDIT: Why is my pfp glitched suddenly?
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