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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
Imagine leaving here because bullies are so upset that geno is so free rent in their heads and is STILL in speculation and you let those punks bully you when we're so close to victory.

Im here till the end. No amount of intimidation will stop me because geno lives literally in their heads rent free that they have to go out of their way to try to bully his fans. I find it hilarious personally.

If a fanbase doesn't have its haters, it isn't a real fanbase.


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2018
To me, it doesn't matter if people hate geno and come here just to annoy people and laugh at us, ill still stick around here because leaving Because of trolls is literally what they want, they want geno supporters to blow up and leave.
So imma stick around, hopefully we get a direct this month, but it'll most likely come early next month.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2019
Nothing wrong with taking a break it speculation is getting you down. I’ve been silently at this game since brawl, even though I’ve only recently joined the conversation. I’m riding this star to its ultimate conclusion.

On another note,
I had a crazy dream last night of Genos reveal tease, based on cacomallow. Wher the trailer was for doomslayer. And at th end he picked up a Collectable like he does in doom2016, but when he turns it over it’s a geno doll. Which he proceeds to fist bump, the camera zooms in on the dolls eye which winks with a fiery smash logo reflected in it.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
I'm with Ovaltine. Anywhere you go it's just constant hate for Geno. People outside this thread targetted this one and called us an echo chamber, yet they don't do the same for other character support threads.

I'll name a few other echo chambers, going by the same logic:
The Sora support thread
The Reimu support thread
The Master Chief support thread
The Doomguy support thread

..I think you're seeing the pattern. Why aren't those threads getting harassed instead? Why are we singled out simply because we want an old character from a game Nintendo hasn't given a damn about for over two decades? What about the Andy support thread? Nintendo doesn't care about Advanced Wars, why do you think Wargroove got buzz? What about Porky or Ninten? Mother is finished. Ninten hasn't appeared since Mother 1, and no Ninten is not Ness. They're different characters - despite what people might have you believe. Yet those threads aren't harassed.
Ninten is a character from a 20+ year old game, who only appeared once and never again. Yet again, I don't see that thread being targetted.

You can thank threads like these ones: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate?search=geno thread and https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate/78251553
They don't do this for any other character, only us. Why? What is it about Geno that makes people grab pitchforks? Is it his long-staying fanbase? Design? I don't know. Why are we targetted, and not characters like Ninten as well?

I'm not encouraging harassment. I just want to know why everyone hates us.

Truth be told, I honestly don't want Geno anymore if this is what it takes. I simply like a character in an old video game, but people treat me and others in this thread like we're Nazi apologists. The behaviour is disgusting and I'm ashamed to be part of this disgusting fanbase.

I'm sorry, guys. In fact, I'm not sure if I want any character anymore. I hate this fanbase, and keeping up with it is only making me feel worse. I think it's fair to say that it's time to move on. My picks just aren't happening. I'll pop in if Geno does get revealed, but I'm not counting on it.

I know this post is probably gonna get mocked, screencapped or whatever the Geno hatedom does. But whatever. I wanted to get out how I felt about all of this. Call me "dramatic" or "exaggerating" or whatever insults you throw at me. I just don't care anymore. I'll probably get warned for this post for "trolling" or something stupid, but it doesn't matter.

Any way you look, Geno IS a 20+ year old character that Nintendo doesn't care about. We were lucky to get the Mii costume at all.

Thanks for all the great fanart, moveset ideas, pretty much anything you guys shared here. It's been fun. Regardless of what others say, you guys are good people. We've got a good thing going here, and I don't want that to get spoilt.
You're free to still support Geno in any way you can, it's just that I'm not gonna support this character anymore if this is how this "fanbase" reacts to them.

Like Oval said, take care.
On the brief topic of other threads, Chief is the only character I want more than Geno at this point, and when I finally checked out his support thread... I was immediately met with people arguing about how my “tied #1 want”(now my current main) didn’t deserve to get in, to the point where the original thread creator intervened to keep the peace. At least this place doesn’t really do that kind of thing, the arguments here... are mostly weird leaker stuff.

Back to the point about Geno’s “hatedom”, I think the best explanation I’ve seen is as follows:

Geno is especially a weird case, as by all accounts, he absolutely shouldn’t deserve a spot in Smash. And before you take out your pitchforks, that’s the thing: Shouldn’t does not actually mean doesn’t.

Think of his competition(and I don’t have anything against the vast majority of these characters, I’m just using them as examples). You have massive, massive “S-Tier” popular names like Master Chief, Sora, and Steve, “A-Tier” names like Slayer, Rayman, and Crash, “B-tier” popularity characters like Phoenix, Dante and Lloyd, and things just keep going and going with a bunch of names that are all well-loved by various groups throughout all corners and genres of gaming.

But instead, which one, singular name manages to be near-universally seen as a lock for one of the precious few DLC slots? Why, an obscure Mario character that debuted in one of the RPG spinoffs over two decades ago and outside of minor Smash appearances had only been seen in a single cameo appearance that was removed from said game’s remake. Especially against some of the names and fanbases he’s up against, that makes no logical sense.

Yet, thanks to a dedicated fanbase that’s only grown and grown in the last decade, he’s found his spot nestled right next to Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo when it comes to major, historic fan requests. And would you look at that, in the last year and a half, those three were finally added. On top of that, right when we were about to lose all hope after the spirit and Hero’s reveal, we had the one-two punch of the mysteriously missing costume and the announcement of more DLC shortly after. Confidence for Geno’s inclusion is at the highest it’s ever been, even disregarding the Mii leaks entirely.

But here’s the thing about the “hatedom”: It’s not a simple two-sided fanbase war like “Geno vs. Sora” or even “Geno vs. Waluigi” would be. If you asked a bunch of people that don’t want Geno in the game what characters they really, really want to see next, you won’t get one unified answer, you’ll get a bunch of people all wanting their own personal preferences, and therein lies the big catch.

The amount of people that specifically don’t want Geno in the game are far, far less than ones that do, but due to how odd his scenario is you tend to see them pop up more often than you do for other characters, because many see him as some obscure nobody getting in instead of their big mainstream pick, rather than the long-supported Smash request he’s been for a while.

It’s not really something to leave the thread/fandom over.
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Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
I understand that people don't like being targeted and I understand that things have been difficult. I'm not going to devalue or say those feelings are incorrect, but, I don't think you should give up hope.

Even putting aside things Fatmanonice has said, Geno has a lot going for him right now. His chances are good right now and you guys should be happy about that! I know it doesn't seem like the chances are good to some, but they are actually pretty darn good I'd say (and Fatmanonice's Geno post will solidify that to some people I feel).

I'm not a Geno fan (this thread knows this by now). I'm here to support you guys because Geno is the most requested chatacter for years now that hasn't been included in Smash. I think you guys have your dues, and the only reason I'm here is because I legitimately think you have a great chance at getting Geno. I wanted to follow all of the ups and downs and go on this journey with you. Do answer WaniiZ's question of why Geno gets targeted, well... it's because he's the most requested, long lasting "irrelevant" character being asked for. It is because you guys don't give up and keep on keeping on that you attract ire. That's life, man. It is hard, I know (I can relate to that). But you guys have gotten so far and you guys still have chances and Ultimate's DLC cycle to have your wishes come true. People such as Ovaltine and WaniiZ have already left, but please, Geno fans, you can do it. Prove those naysayers wrong! Don't give them the satisfaction of being right one bit. Once Geno gets in, throw a party! Your trails and tribulations are no more!

All in all, whenever you get "too happy" or "too hopeful" about something in life, pissy people are going to inevitably try to rain on your parade. I understand being rained on for this many years is tough. You're soaked now, right? You think it is time to get dry. ...but I see your destination on the horizon. It may take a bit, but it is clearly there and clearly visible. And I know people like wynn think Geno doesn't have a chance, but even if you think he doesn't... you gotta believe, man. Ridley, King K. Rool, as well as Banjo & Kazooie for in. If you don't believe Geno does at all and are tired, well, yeah, maybe it is time for you to take a break from speculation. But looking at the objective facts right now, Geno's chances have never been better. The "impossible to get in" trifecta of characters made it in. Fricken Banjo & Kazooie made it in! If these three seemingly impossible characters can make it in, Geno can too. wynn can point to there only being "one ballot choice for DLC," but that choice was flippin' Banjo & Kazooie! The seemingly most impossible character ever! Sakurai knows who people wants, and has been delivering that throughout Ultimate' life. Yes sometimes he does his own thing, but if we were to get only one Ballot character... well, it would probably be him (I think)! His Mii costume isn't back yet, and he has been talked about in insider circles for a long time now. The battle isn't over yet. You still have time to win. It's up to you whether or not you let the rain wash you away. Or, despite all that rain, you stand up, stand tall, analyze that your odds for finding your destination out of that rain are good, and keep on going.

You guys can do it. Geno's chances are good. He's in that rain with you and wants to get to his destination. Don't abandon him in the rain. He needs you.
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Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
The other day I was thinking about Geno's Geno Beam attack and how it would be incorporated in Smash. As many have agreed here, Geno Beam would most fittingly be Geno's Neutral B. As for how the move itself would be represented, as of late I thought that it may be something like the Staff's beam. Without charging, Geno Beam would shoot out a quick, thin laser with a reach similar to the Staff's beam (the item). When charged to mid-way [could be visualized with the inclusion of a Star meter (three stars) on Geno's character icon during battles], the beam would be slightly slower, but would be wider, yet have the same reach. When fully charged, Geno fires a beam with similar width and travel speed to that of Samus's fully charged blast (Neutral B). When I say a "similar width... to that of Samus' fully charged blast", I mean only in width, since it's length will be greater. The fully charged version of the Geno Beam may sound a bit too much under this theory crafting but, it would be the closest representation to the source material. However, Sakurai could just modify Geno Beam's look so it may fit Smash and make it a balanced move (how it should be).


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
It's strange how character hopeful obsession is always called out swiftly and immediately, but character detractor obsession is not. I've seen so many times when Geno is complained about or mocked with no provocation. Hell, he doesn't even need to be related to the topic or even have the topic be about adding characters and there is someone whining about how bad Geno is.

Even if the Geno fanbase was annoying to the point of making people side against him just to spite the fanbase (a la Ridley), the detractors went even further and gone far more obsessive and annoying than fans ever were (again, like Ridley). And if Geno is just a minor, flash in the pan, obscure, forgettable character from a game 20+ years ago, then why can't THEY stop complaining about him? They are just hypocritical. But good luck seeing that get called out.

They did it to Ridley, K Rool and Banjo. And they will just do it again to the next character.
To be fair, I’ve seen a ton of detractors on Gamefaqs get called “obsessed” many times.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I had a long conversation with my wife last night and it's probably for the best that I back off for a few weeks. I'll probably chime in but I'll be here less. The fact that this thread got shut down twice in the span of a week is a bit nuts. My wife says I'm looking a lot more depressed and acting more distant as of late so obviously the way things have gone down has been very troubling and the people closest to me have taken notice.

I think one thing I'm going to change is to report on rumors just once a week because, for whatever reason, it's this that's causing problems and people's emotional regulation and emotional intelligence just absolutely evaporates when it comes to them. I get people are frustrated from this dry period but it's a bit much and the degree of seriousness that it's being taken is very concerning. Again, been in this for 15 years and it's never been this bad. I still want to do the Geno essay and being away from here will probably help me concentrate on that anyways.

Finally, I want to say that I don't want you all to be too concerned about me. If any of you want to talk, I can still be reached via Discord. Still, I just need to push away for a bit because of how weirdly serious things have gotten and how over the top hostile people have been on (checks notes) video game rumors. I ****ing can't believe I'm saying this. To quote a common meme, satire is dead and we sit upon it like a throne of corpses.

Still, I'm not expecting any big news until after the holidays anyways and, to be perfectly frank, I'd prefer not to have my upcoming two weeks off and holidays soured by (checks notes again) video game rumors. Again, I can't believe I'm saying this. Given this year has included bullying leading to suicide, whistleblowing major sexual harassment and even pedophilia scandals, match fixing, and even blackmail, I don't think it's too strong for me to say that the Smash community is in some desperate need of some serious introspection and soul searching.
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
It seems like Smashboards has become a wasteland since the VGAs. I think I'm calling it quits for a week or so since there is very little activity. See you guys during Christmas week peace. ;)

Deleted member

My god. I’ve been gone for a couple of days and this whole thread’s gone to ***t. What the hell happened here? Why is everyone leaving?


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2018
I'm stickin' to my guns with Geno because I'm a stubborn suckwind who can't get enough of the blue boi. Even Ridley supporters stuck to it after the "too big" argument was brought up time and again, and yet here we are. Ya can't change my mind.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
I still have a feeling that the mii costume leak might hold weight. Though, IDK if it was a fan made design or potential stuff for the next announcement for Smash.


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018

So people are leaving and the thread is becoming less active like I assumed, but not for the reasons I assumed, but rather a byproduct of it. Rather than being limited on what we can talk about directly, it's because being limited has lead directly to speculation of Geno and we've exhausted our options on that for now and it mixes in with the insanity of the wait for any official news as well as Geno fans getting tired of the stupid hate that we get.

Here is what I would say: if you want to leave because the mods are suddenly being all Big Brother on us when we really didn't do anything wrong, that's fine. If you want to leave because you are tired of people coming in and slandering us because of our character choice, that's also fine, but I would encourage you to join our Star Road Discord in that case because we only have like-minded persons there for the most part and detractor trolls usually get dealt with quickly rather than not and you won't get punished there because of outside trolls.

Here is what I will say though: don't let this somehow convince you that Geno isn't likely. If anything, I'd say that this pushes me to think he's even more likely.

Do you want to know why the trolls come here and attack us? Because they think Geno is likely and they hate it, so they come to badger us to feel better about themselves. Yes, you read that right: even Geno haters think he's super likely. So if the haters think he's likely, why should they be able to dissuade you from thinking Geno is likely? If anything, it should boost you up and make you even more certain.

Geno is in the best position he's ever been in and I've never been more confident in his chances. I do declare that I expect to see him post pass and early in that pass no less.

Don't let haters pull your faith away from our blue puppet boi. Remember: of you pull away your faith in him, you pull away the one thing that got us this far i the first place. Yes, by all accounts, Geno should be one of the many forgotten characters lost in the sands of time that have so quickly stacked upon one another in the area of game design that has advanced so speedily. No one should be talking about him, no one should be even thinking about him. He's pointless, he's irrelevant, and he should just be left to die...


Think about that: we, as the Geno fanbase, have single-handly taken a character that should have been lost into the void of forgotten video game characters and carried him from 1996 all the way to 2019 and soon into 2020. We have carried him through think in thin, and even when we wavered we still held hope, and now everything points to how we will soon reap our rewards. Our love for this silly-yet-cool one-off doll with a star spirit in it is the only thing that has gotten him this far: not big sales or general popularity with the gaming community at large, not multiple successful games, not support from the creators of the game or of it's character...JUST OUR LOVE AND DEVOTION HAS GOTTEN HIM THIS FAR.

If Geno finally gets in the game, tell me of a more anime moment in Smash history than ours? What could POSSIBLY be more of an anime moment than the underdog character getting into Ultimate after 20+ years due to sheer determination and love of the fanbase who JUST WOULDN'T QUIT!

No matter how we were slighted personally, no matter how many times people insulted Geno, no matter how many times someone else said that literally any other character was a better pick...we have persevered, and we will continue to do so, and I do heartily believe that soon we will all meet in the sky at Star Road to rejoice together...to finally have our wish granted by the character we have missed for so long...

And the best part is, once it happens, all that hate will disperse and everyone will act as if he was always a frontrunner. Sure, it may be upsetting to see so many fakers, but at the same time we will be justified because Geno got into the game and therefore, they have no choice but to accept it and move on.

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Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
Guys, don't give up hope. As a member of a FAR worse fan base that gets me far more hate then Geno ever will get, please, never give up. Hell, I get hate for liking shadow a a character because *he's just for edgy kids* I honestly want people to be ****ing happy. But they never are. Haters are gonna hate, because hating something because its popular is cool or whatever. don't listen to them. don't give up hope. EVER. No matter how bad it gets.
Seriously, play sonic games, but never join the fanbase. Just trust me, you will regret it.
(was my inspiring speech good? also please look at my fallout thread sorry for the plug)
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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
Just remember that the wishes on Star Hill are still there. Wishes of many characters joining smash.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
Perhaps that a one off from a 20+ year game is why he is disliked: Geno is viable potential competition to their fan favorites. And to admit that, they also have to admit that he isn't a forgettable character with a nothing fanbase.

But yes, perhaps there were Geno fans that went overboard and became obxnious, turning off neutral fans or worsening dislike towards him. It happened with Ridley. However, some detractors took that and made themselves more obsessed and obnoxious in trying to get back at Geno fans. They talk about him more than the fans, which ironically keeps him in the public's attention. So obsessed detractors are giving him free advertising, especially after people look up why Geno is so complained about and find that he's not nearly as bad as detractors make him out to be and feel that they are just overreacting.

The thing is, if Geno is playable, they will whine for like a week and move onto hating the next commonly requested character. So are they anti-character or anti-whatever is trending?

Ultimate may be a fantastic game, but its publically known development cycle, the shortest one in the series, may be the worse the Smash fanbase has ever been. Everything went to hell after the August 2018 Direct, first with the crazy level of impatience, then the reactions to the earthquake concerning the Direct, THEN the Grinch.....

Now character 5 is being held up to such an elevation that it will be impossible to please and will only come off as a disappointment, and insider bickering has gotten worse, both inside and outside of circles.

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
Leaving is just giving the trolls exactly what they want so i'm not going anywhere, it's okay to take a break but i feel like giving up at this point would make those 2078 pages pointless. can't you my friends see that we're the biggest character support thread in Smashboards? we should be proud of it, not stop wanting Geno in the game just because most people hate him for no reason


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
People hate what's popular. Because that's *cool*.
Seriously, instead of having what's popular, like something.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
I straight up don’t really get the attitude some people are having over the thread. Like, yeah rules were explicitly stated and since then we’ve had more Geno-centric conversations. Some things had been discussed before and some hadn’t. When Fatman popped in and basically said that it seems like cacomallow might be legit according to rumors we spoke about that. And that seems... perfectly fine to me?

People are going on and on about the mods, but if people are leaving because of toxic people who came in to trash us they’ve explicitly stated that sort of thing isn’t allowed anymore. I know I’ve been annoyed before by how it seems like people can come in and **** talk us and somehow we’re penalized for it, but the mods putting their foot down and saying that’s not allowed seems pretty definitive on that front. That’s obviously not going to be tolerated anymore.

If people are mad that we’re being “punished” by off-topic conversation being reigned in then they should be self-aware enough to admit the thread had been trending as off-topic in a over the top way the past couple of weeks. And certain people being being indignant and entitled about it when reminded to stay on topic by mods really didn’t do the thread any favors. The mods are being called oppressive authoritarians just because they’re enforcing the rules? That’s literally their job on the site. I don’t always agree with them but I don’t really see them being completely in the wrong in this situation.

All that said I’m into the idea of a stage design contest someone brought up. Is the plan to do it completely with art or use the stage builder? Or both?
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
People hate what's popular. Because that's *cool*.
Seriously, instead of having what's popular, like something.
Honestly, it's not even that. People just, for whatever reason, outright hate whatever they don't specifically want. A lot of people in the Smash community can't take a neutral stance and instead decide that anything they don't specifically want is a personal insult. Like hell, my two most wanted characters are Edelgard and Crash, so I deal with a lot of "eww anime human" AND "eww cereal mascot." And let me tell you, it sucks.

Anywho, Geno thread. What are the odds Geno comes with Hello Happy Kingdom? Always did like that song and, in fairness, it was in Fortune Street.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
If characters post fighters pass aren't going to get stages, it would be nice if there were even more options in stage builder so communities could create more faithful levels for them.

Just being able to use the background of any normal (static) stages would be a nice start; something like Midgar could so easily be a great base for Smithy's Factory for example.

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
Honestly, it's not even that. People just, for whatever reason, outright hate whatever they don't specifically want. A lot of people in the Smash community can't take a neutral stance and instead decide that anything they don't specifically want is a personal insult. Like hell, my two most wanted characters are Edelgard and Crash, so I deal with a lot of "eww anime human" AND "eww cereal mascot." And let me tell you, it sucks.

Anywho, Geno thread. What are the odds Geno comes with Hello Happy Kingdom? Always did like that song and, in fairness, it was in Fortune Street.
I can see that happening althought they might need to do a little faster remix of that song


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
I'm sticking around, couple of haters aren't gonna stop me from supporting what's probably my most wanted character at this point. Besides, raids like that are now explicitly against the rules.

I'm here until the end.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Censor dodging
Today I learned that Steven Universe makes for good Geno edits

View attachment 253102
And to think, people considered MY edits cursed... but this...?
I ****ted and farted in anger at the sheer cursitude of this image. You bring shame to your family and are a poopybutt.
It's strange how character hopeful obsession is always called out swiftly and immediately, but character detractor obsession is not. I've seen so many times when Geno is complained about or mocked with no provocation. Hell, he doesn't even need to be related to the topic or even have the topic be about adding characters and there is someone whining about how bad Geno is.

Even if the Geno fanbase was annoying to the point of making people side against him just to spite the fanbase (a la Ridley), the detractors went even further and gone far more obsessive and annoying than fans ever were (again, like Ridley). And if Geno is just a minor, flash in the pan, obscure, forgettable character from a game 20+ years ago, then why can't THEY stop complaining about him? They are just hypocritical. But good luck seeing that get called out.

They did it to Ridley, K Rool and Banjo. And they will just do it again to the next character.
It's just a symptom of being a vocal majority. When you're so unabashedly in support of something and tend to bring it up a lot, people start getting sick of hearing it and begin to push back against it. Take Ridley for example, back in the day people could not stop talking about getting him in Smash, which lead people to get sick of it and begin rallying against it, using anything and everything the can to delegitimize him and get people to shut up, such as the infamous "TOO BIG" argument.

But when Smash Ultimate came around and Ridley was finally confirmed for the game, all of the people pushing so hard for him finally got their wish, and thus stopped rallying for him. Finally getting what they wanted, the opposition quietly disappeared as well. Nowadays you rarely see anyone complaining about Ridley whatsoever. I'm certain that when/if Geno finally gets into Smash as a fighter, this opposition you're seeing will all disappear and we can enjoy our character in peace. It's happened with Ridley, it's happened with K. Rool, it's happened with Banjo, and it'll happen with Geno, too.
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Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019

So people are leaving and the thread is becoming less active like I assumed, but not for the reasons I assumed, but rather a byproduct of it. Rather than being limited on what we can talk about directly, it's because being limited has lead directly to speculation of Geno and we've exhausted our options on that for now and it mixes in with the insanity of the wait for any official news as well as Geno fans getting tired of the stupid hate that we get.

Here is what I would say: if you want to leave because the mods are suddenly being all Big Brother on us when we really didn't do anything wrong, that's fine. If you want to leave because you are tired of people coming in and slandering us because of our character choice, that's also fine, but I would encourage you to join our Star Road Discord in that case because we only have like-minded persons there for the most part and detractor trolls usually get dealt with quickly rather than not and you won't get punished there because of outside trolls.

Here is what I will say though: don't let this somehow convince you that Geno isn't likely. If anything, I'd say that this pushes me to think he's even more likely.

Do you want to know why the trolls come here and attack us? Because they think Geno is likely and they hate it, so they come to badger us to feel better about themselves. Yes, you read that right: even Geno haters think he's super likely. So if the haters think he's likely, why should they be able to dissuade you from thinking Geno is likely? If anything, it should boost you up and make you even more certain.

Geno is in the best position he's ever been in and I've never been more confident in his chances. I do declare that I expect to see him post pass and early in that pass no less.

Don't let haters pull your faith away from our blue puppet boi. Remember: of you pull away your faith in him, you pull away the one thing that got us this far i the first place. Yes, by all accounts, Geno should be one of the many forgotten characters lost in the sands of time that have so quickly stacked upon one another in the area of game design that has advanced so speedily. No one should be talking about him, no one should be even thinking about him. He's pointless, he's irrelevant, and he should just be left to die...


Think about that: we, as the Geno fanbase, have single-handly taken a character that should have been lost into the void of forgotten video game characters and carried him from 1996 all the way to 2019 and soon into 2020. We have carried him through think in thin, and even when we wavered we still held hope, and now everything points to how we will soon reap our rewards. Our love for this silly-yet-cool one-off doll with a star spirit in it is the only thing that has gotten him this far: not big sales or general popularity with the gaming community at large, not multiple successful games, not support from the creators of the game or of it's character...JUST OUR LOVE AND DEVOTION HAS GOTTEN HIM THIS FAR.

If Geno finally gets in the game, tell me of a more anime moment in Smash history than ours? What could POSSIBLY be more of an anime moment than the underdog character getting into Ultimate after 20+ years due to sheer determination and love of the fanbase who JUST WOULDN'T QUIT!

No matter how we were slighted personally, no matter how many times people insulted Geno, no matter how many times someone else said that literally any other character was a better pick...we have persevered, and we will continue to do so, and I do heartily believe that soon we will all meet in the sky at Star Road to rejoice together...to finally have our wish granted by the character we have missed for so long...

And the best part is, once it happens, all that hate will disperse and everyone will act as if he was always a frontrunner. Sure, it may be upsetting to see so many fakers, but at the same time we will be justified because Geno got into the game and therefore, they have no choice but to accept it and move on.

Forsaken telling it how it IS. I'd like to add that, reflecting about Geno's character in a more deeper light; Geno (the doll) can be considered as a prime example and depiction of the life cycle of toys in general, and this is VERY important since the Super Smash Bros. canon revolves around an imaginary world where toys (the fighters) engage in epic battles.

When Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars came out, back then the game was a HIT on the SNES, despite releasing near the end of the console's life cycle. However, the game introduced us to a toy that left a good impression (certainly) on all who played the game at the time. "Huh? Whoa, who's this character? WOW?! DID HE JUST SHOOT A FREAKIN' LASER OFF HIS HAND?!?! Wait... HE JOINS MY PARTY?!?! He serves a... HIGHER PURPOSE?!?!?! OMFG BEST CHARACTER EVER!!! Hmm, let's see... let's equip the HE SHOOTS CANNON BALLS OFF HIS ELBOW?!?!?!", among many other remarks of awe of young players witnessing Geno's character for the first time, and as he became stronger throughout the game. Truly an eye-catching toy, within another toy (the game).

Unfortunately, as time passes, and players age, and console generations move onward, SMRPG, as well as its unique cast of characters (Geno included) was only kept in the memories of those who truly loved the game, and would now and then hook up their preserved SNES consoles, or boot the SNES emulators to sink in some hours of SMRPG. Another factor that worked against keeping the SMRPG story alive was the fallout between Nintendo and Squaresoft at the time during the transition between the SNES and the N64 (Final Fantasy VII being released only for the Playstation). Square kept the rights to all original content from SMRPG and Geno, along with the other cast of characters would not be seen again for a long time. Such things happen within various industries in which due to negotiations between companies not working out, certain products or services are discontinued. The same goes for toy manufacturing companies. And going back to the topic of age, the movies of Toy Story are another prime example that depicts the "life" of toys. When they come out brand new, kids cherish them and play with them without end. As time goes on however, or when a new toy comes out, the previous toy tends to get forgotten; left on a shelf, in a drawer or box, accumulating dust. Put away maybe until one day after many years the owner finding it once again and briefly reminiscing on the times spent playing with said toy.

Fortunately, toys do have a light of hope which contributes to them not being forgotten and that is the sense of nostalgia that we experience as we come to a certain adult age in life. This of course may vary with each individual since everyone is their own world (imo), but most experience that sense of nostalgia, and think about younger days when they used to either watch their favorite cartoons, play with their favorite toys, engage in their favorite hobbies, etc. Here we come back to SMRPG and when it was once again brought to us for the first time in years as a Virtual Console port on the Nintendo Wii. The game was not forgotten; Nintendo and Square Enix didn't forget, and generously allowed for it to be added to the Virtual Console along other Nintendo classics. This re-release took place between the months of June and September of 2008 (being released in June in Japan, and September on North America). That's approximately 12 years. The game was re-released a few more times again for the Wii U virtual console, and the SNES Classic Edition (this one being the latest), and with the SNES Library that's currently on the Nintendo Switch's Online service, it's one game that's oddly missing. Of course, I trust it'll be added soon (wouldn't surprise me if they did so around March 2020; month which is already scheduled with some big releases).

And thus, the old, yet cherished toy has been dug up from the good ol' days thanks to the power of nostalgia. And thus a 20+ year old character, from a 20+ year old game remains relevant thanks to the fans that never forgot him; those who would play with them now and then, and those who search for them once again.

Here's to our Star Messenger Geno, whom we eagerly await for in Smash. :)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Damm you work fast my dude, you beat me it

Hey Fatman, how's it going?
Alright but it's pretty telling that my wife is so concerned that she pulled over to a park while we were driving around to talk to me about my recent demeanor and how for a solid week I've been visibly depressed and distant. A lot of people are telling me to take a break and I probably should because the current situation is so bad. There are people who want me to go away forever or literally kill myself over video game rumors and it's like "woah! Guys? C'mon? Are you serious?!" Wasn't what happened to Etika earlier this year bad enough? The fact that people are still acting this way is genuinely horrifying. It's like, "holy hell; get a grip..."

On top of everything else, if Geno's in then the decision was probably made more than half a year ago so whatever we speculate or whatever conclusions we come to based on rumors literally don't matter. It's either going to happen or not either way. Again, weirdly serious to the point I'm getting death threats and it's like... what is wrong with people?

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Alright but it's pretty telling that my wife is so concerned that she pulled over to a park while we were driving around to talk to me about my recent demeanor and how for a solid week I've been visibly depressed and distant. A lot of people are telling me to take a break and I probably should because the current situation is so bad. There are people who want me to go away forever or literally kill myself over video game rumors and it's like "woah! Guys? C'mon? Are you serious?!" Wasn't what happened to Etika earlier this year bad enough? The fact that people are still acting this way is genuinely horrifying. It's like, "holy hell; get a grip..."

On top of everything else, if Geno's in then the decision was probably made more than half a year ago so whatever we speculate or whatever conclusions we come to based on rumors literally don't matter. It's either going to happen or not either way. Again, weirdly serious to the point I'm getting death threats and it's like... what is wrong with people?
i guess the geno fandom (and other fa doms if theybare at fault too) wants geno and ect pretty badly..eh..urg

boy, im glad i started to not like Smash nowadays
Last edited:

Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
Alright but it's pretty telling that my wife is so concerned that she pulled over to a park while we were driving around to talk to me about my recent demeanor and how for a solid week I've been visibly depressed and distant. A lot of people are telling me to take a break and I probably should because the current situation is so bad. There are people who want me to go away forever or literally kill myself over video game rumors and it's like "woah! Guys? C'mon? Are you serious?!" Wasn't what happened to Etika earlier this year bad enough? The fact that people are still acting this way is genuinely horrifying. It's like, "holy hell; get a grip..."

On top of everything else, if Geno's in then the decision was probably made more than half a year ago so whatever we speculate or whatever conclusions we come to based on rumors literally don't matter. It's either going to happen or not either way. Again, weirdly serious to the point I'm getting death threats and it's like... what is wrong with people?
Death threats?...i´m so sorry to hear that and its understandable if you want to take a break, you don´t deserve all this hate over a damm videogame character but if you need anyone to talk to then we´re all here for you my man


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2018
Man, I'm slow.
Wanted to do the meme too, but combine the Geno-hat with Fatman's avatar...
So have this instead:

I lurk this thread frequently, often a good read.
Keep it up Genobros! Don't let a little setback get ya'll down.
I'm back to lurking though, cya!


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
Fatman, if you’re reading this, I’m really sorry about that mistake I just made. I accidently hit the reply button without even reading the post. Completely 100% my fault and I will take accountability for it.

Hopefully I can get a mod to delete it off this thread.
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