Smash Journeyman
Breaking down the Disney deal that was propsed, it was extremely dirty and one sided. It made complete sense Sony bolted out of there. I would've too.How is Disney wanting a 50/50 deal scummy? Disney does all the work and Sony still gets half the money, sounds bad for Disney if anyone.
I don't think there are anymore legal hoops to jump through than any other character. If Nintendo can get Hero which required the negotiations with 4 (or 5) different companies then I think Sora is a much simpler project with only Disney really needing to be talked to (Sakurai would probably consult Nomura though to get Sora more accurately represented).
I've been curious about this for a while but does anyone actually have any evidence for the gaming department of Disney being hard to work with?
-Disney already makes 100% on merchandising for the MCU Spider-Man films. Toys, shirts, stuff like this. Merch makes a ton of money. Millions upon millions. So yeah Disney was only making 5% in revenue from the Spidey MCU movies but they were more than making up for it with their merchandise that was selling
-Disney also makes 100% in the MCU films that are focused on other characters, even though Spider-Man is in it. Sony gets 0%. You know how Avengers Endgame is now the highest grossing film of all time? That 2.7 billion dollars made? Not a dime of it went to Sony. Even though it had a character they owned in the film it self. Same goes for Infinity War, which made over 2 billion, as well as Civil War which made over a billion
-With these 2 things, that means all that Sony makes from MCU Spider-Man is the 95% cut from the solo Spider-Man films which they themselves fund
-Sony wanted to renew this deal, but Disney instead offered a counter deal. They now want a 50/50 cut on the solo Spider-Man movies. The only thing Sony ever made off this deal, and now Disney wanted that too even though they already make a lot of money with Spider-Man regardless. Numbers wise, you would easily lose a ton of money if you agreed to this. Even throwing in the fact that Disney would offer to 50/50 fund the new Spider-Man movies, overall if you were Sony you would still make less than the previous deal. Say this deal was in place for the next Spidey flick and then that film made a billion. With this deal, you would roughly make only 500-600 million which is less than the Venom movie made (800 million), while Disney would get an additional 500-600 million on top of the money they made off merchandising as well as the money made off the crossover flicks. That's a huge rip off. It would be bad to take this deal from a business prespective.
Switching the topic back to games now and Smash, specifically Sora, although he doesn't have to jump through 4-5 companies, he would have to go through a company that's bigger than all of those combined + Square Enix if they want to be as fair as possible. It's not as easy especially if Disney gets extremely greedy as they did with the new Spidey deal they tried to make. Id like to be proven wrong though. I'm not the biggest Sora guy, but I know it'll make a ton of people happy if he gets in. However, I just have doubts that it'll be as easy as other 3rd party negotiations