There's some people who use the Gnasher not to get power weapons but just because they think it's all they should need.
If you try explaining to them that the game is about power weapon control you might as well be talking to a brick wall. It's like if you run to frags with the far superior shotgun and they have a SO, and you lose, and let them get the ring, then simply put you got outplayed.
Don't use that trite Gnasher rusher judgement on me. I know how important power weapons are, and if you watched that gameplay sample from me you'll see that the very first thing I did in the match was pick up grenades and get a quad. Yeah, this game is about power weapons, and the SO is one. If you don't have a SO, you lose.
It's not the weapon that's at fault, especially not now seeing as though the SO is the worst starting weapon.