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Gears of War 3


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Pluvia im thinking you dont even play this game. The 2 shot down range for gnasher is very small and relatively close to the opponent.

Mar 15, 2008
I use the Lancer at all times.

@Pluva- Legitimately!!!! I can't stand the word legitly. :mad:


[collapse="Campaign Impressions"]Ctrl + A

So I finally beat the campaign yesterday, and I feel like making a couple of points on it.

-The game still has that hilarious dialog that I loved from the other two games. Marcus' optimism, Baird's sarcasm, and Cole's everything is still there, which made things very hilarious.

-All the new monsters were soooooo much fun to battle.

-The part where Baird and Cole are scavengering for food could've been omitted entirely, since it didn't do much but explain that they had to scavenger creatively to survive. It also had some overly optimistic voice acting by Cole Train, which I found kinda off place (maybe he put on too shiny of a glass smile for the Stranded?).

-The new characters in the story weren't annoying at all, although I wish they would've went more in-depth with their personalities. I can't really recall anything important about Sam, Jace or the new Carmine.

-Carmine didn't die, which was kinda funny because I thought he died multiple times in the story. For example, in the lambent berserker part cutscene, the berserker appears out of no where and picks up a COG soldier, then slaps him around. I thought that was Carmine, and I was like, "WHOAAAAAA they REALLY killed Carmine off this time!" I was hoping that they would do some sort of South Park thing where Kenny almost dies numerous times, but randomly survives. Or a Hot Tub Time Machine thing where the guy without an arm goes through numerous encounters in which he could lose his arm.

-The Lambent Berserker was a LOT of fun to fight.

-Lambent Humans were the best things ever, and I applaud Epic for making them the way they did.

-I didn't like the scene where Dom dies at all. I didn't think the way he died was necessary at all. I don't think he had a good enough reason to kill himself the way he did. There were numerous ways he could've avoided that outcome, either by killing everyone off, jumping out of the vehicle, retreating, etc. The incident seemed veeeeery out of place. Speaking of out of place, the music was very unfitting too.

If Dom were to die, I would've preferred that he got mauled by lambent humans, and have a scene where Marcus and the gang desperately try to save him, but it's too late. That would've been more devastating as well as fitting.

Regardless, I felt genuinely sad that Dom died. I didn't cry cause I'm no *****, but I was impacted nonetheless, even though I saw it coming from a mile away (The chapter was called Brothers to the End afterall >_>).

-Baird and Cole's reaction to Dom's death was perfect. The look on their faces and their verbal reactions were spot-on.

-How did the COGs not see where Azura was? There was a permanant hurricane covering it, which would appear kinda suspicious, don't you think? Also, it was only a short submarine ride away, unless they purposefully started us like 10 minutes away from Azura.

-Azura is where my nightmares take place. That place is SOOO dreary in the beginning. If the world were going to end, things would look like the insides of Azura.

-The final boss was a **** move by Epic, which is what made it so great. Either you get burnt to a crisp, or crossfired up the butt. On top of all of that, it was reeeally epic. It felt like the end of the world, with the dark, cloudy skies and the amount of enemy reinforcements incoming.

In my playthrough of the campaign (with my brother), we got screwed because we ran out of ammo right after we got the checkpoint where the bug tries to break Adam's machine. We died once, and with every respawn we had to hunt for new weapons while avoiding the crossfire and shooting down the bug. That was frustrating, yet fun.

-I didn't know Marcus wielded a knife, but it's cool that the Queen died to it. It would've been funnier if she died to a chainsaw, haha.

-Marcus' Dad died. Poor sap.

-Marcus has hair wtf.

-I was rooting for a kiss at the end, but Anya got the awkward end of the stick by Marcus. Lol

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I've only been using the Lancer for 10 minutes and I can already tell it's way better than the Hammerburst. :\

Hammerburst, you will be missed :(


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The problem with this game isn't the SO, it's the running away. They give you the power weapons but not because it was a fight for them, but because they ran away from them. People sit back and lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer.

My deaths by that gun must dwarf every other death by a weapon I've had. I want people to charge me and feel the wrath of my Gnasher, but instead people just camp back and lancer.

Maybe I'm getting too old for Xbox. No multiplayer game feels satisfying anymore.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2008
The SO is atrociously broken as **** in Gears 3, so I have officially switched to it. The weapon is disgusting and makes me want to vomit, but there's no point in using the Gnasher with the SO being the way it is. The lack of fun I have from shotgun battles now is now being redeemed by the amount of enjoyment I get from people's complaining and discontent when I blast them into smithereens.

This game has made a monster out of me.
I like this guy, he speaks the truth. I've made it quite clear already, but to restate my opinion on the SO, it's broken and nothing anybody says will change my mind. I loved gears for shotgun battles, and now it's SO battles. No thanks. If they don't tone that thing down, I question how much longer I'll play the MP.
Mar 15, 2008
I would say that it's the Sawn-off is one of the bigger reasons why the game turns into "running away".

I wanna see stats as to how many users are using the SO now, so I can see if it's increasing or not.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Fall River, MA
Its really stupid that you have to pay 80 microsoft points to get the crimson omen skin for the lancer when you can unlock the crimson omen skin without paying anything for the other 4 guns.
It's because the crimson omen lancer skin was an exclusive code for expertzone, I'm guessing they just decided to try and make some money off of it. However, if you buy any other weapon skin, it also comes with the crimson lancer.

I suggest team metal, it's clearly the best :3

My opinion on the SO is that it's annoying, not OP.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Ugh, had the worst games of my life yesterday. This is seriously the first time I've ever actually gone 8-16 in any Gears game **** I'm feeling ashamed



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
The problem with this game isn't the SO, it's the running away. They give you the power weapons but not because it was a fight for them, but because they ran away from them. People sit back and lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer, lancer.

My deaths by that gun must dwarf every other death by a weapon I've had. I want people to charge me and feel the wrath of my Gnasher, but instead people just camp back and lancer.

Maybe I'm getting too old for Xbox. No multiplayer game feels satisfying anymore.
Ok, now I really don't understand you. All this and you hated Gears 2, and you STILL can't see why people hate the SO. Can you honestly not see how the SO CAUSES all the running away? You wanted the game to be not a gnasher fest, you got it, now you're disappointed that people are camping. Did you think people would rush you with an AR. I'm so confused right now.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I genuinely have a hard time understanding how people can play/enjoy the multiplayer in gears games.

I always really enjoyed the campaigns though.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Lol, TDM is so much fun with all the BK's running around. I've become such a sniper ***** because EVERYBODY wants to sit around and AR all day. It's a headshot festival.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Ok, now I really don't understand you. All this and you hated Gears 2, and you STILL can't see why people hate the SO. Can you honestly not see how the SO CAUSES all the running away? You wanted the game to be not a gnasher fest, you got it, now you're disappointed that people are camping. Did you think people would rush you with an AR. I'm so confused right now.
Rush me with a Gnasher or a SO, preferrably a SO as in that case you're a free kill, just don't run away and lancer like a coward. Or if you do lancer, make sure you don't wuss out and run away when I approach you with my Gnasher.

You say I don't understand why people hate the SO, yet everyone complains about it being "broken" when it's clearly not. The gun is terrible, the Gnasher outshines it completely, but I'm yet to hear someone say it makes the game boring. With a depowered Lancer the game will be fine, maybe 1 or 2 tweaks to the other 2 rifles too maybe, just not enough to make them completely useless.

So to get to the point, depower the Lancer it actually is broken, but don't nerf the SO under the delusion that it's broken, it isn't a long range weapon so without the Lancer to back it up there will be less running away. People will quickly realise that running away with a SO wont do anything but delay their loss.



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Rush me with a Gnasher or a SO, preferrably a SO as in that case you're a free kill, just don't run away and lancer like a coward. Or if you do lancer, make sure you don't wuss out and run away when I approach you with my Gnasher.

You say I don't understand why people hate the SO, yet everyone complains about it being "broken" when it's clearly not. The gun is terrible, the Gnasher outshines it completely, but I'm yet to hear someone say it makes the game boring. With a depowered Lancer the game will be fine, maybe 1 or 2 tweaks to the other 2 rifles too maybe, just not enough to make them completely useless.

So to get to the point, depower the Lancer it actually is broken, but don't nerf the SO under the delusion that it's broken, it isn't a long range weapon so without the Lancer to back it up there will be less running away. People will quickly realise that running away with a SO wont do anything but delay their loss.

I don't see a problem with the lancer, in fact, I still think the retro is a bit too powerful, but not OP. But it's hard to deny that the SO isn't broken. It shuts down an entire range of play. It doesn't even fit it's descriptive intent, which is ineffectiveness outside of Melee range. Not only is it effective outside of Melee range, it's even MORE effective than the gnasher just outside of Melee range. The gnasher is fine, but if it doesn't have at least the gib range of the SO, the SO will outclass it in most fights because the SO can gib farther than the gnasher can. Right now there's a bunch of BKs out there who are making the SO look like it's not broken, but smart players don't run out like idiots, and they'll only shoot when they can kill you. I've killed lots of SO users, but I can tell when it's because they were stupid players. When a smart player gets their hands on it, it's almost impossible, because they know when they can't get at you, and will just run away and camp. That's what you're gonna start seeing as players start learning the game. SO users will get smart, and they'll do more camping. They won't rush you, like you want.

Btw, "wanting players to rush you with a SO or gnasher" sounds like "I hide behind cover and don't move until the other guy tries something" to me. That's boring, and campy. You might be able to interpret it as "smart" but it's not that big of an accomplishment if you just out-wait the other guy so you can have an advantage. Not my style. I prefer to go out and get **** done. If someone's around a corner or in cover, I go to them and kill them becaus eI've got **** to do and I know I can pull it off. I work very hard when I'm playing this game, and it just doesn't seem right that people can do what I do with a million times less effort because of a weapon that's easy as **** and broken.

Earlier today in a round of TDM, I was clutching 4v1. Killed 2 guys with my last gnasher ammo, then blindfire hammerbursted a gnasher user just in time to meatshield him and block his SO friend's flank attack. Then I picked up the Torque (map was hotel) and charged a shot as he rushed with the SO again, torqued him and jumped backwards, but his SO still managed to kill me a half second before the torque stick blew him up. His team won the round, but EVERYBODY knew that they didn't deserve it. I worked my *** of with 3 different weapons wallbouncing strafing and just ****ing people up in general, but I lost only because he had a that easy *** weapon. If it had been ANY other weapon he wouldn't've killed me. He didn't deserve that kill, he was nowhere near as good a player as I was, but he won a match for his team because of that gun.

Btw, for perspective reasons, what gametype do you play?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The gibbing range is countered by the Gnashers range. The only time it can come into play is if they catch you off guard, which wont happen as nobody runs around corners without giving it a wide berth or checking first. Oddly, there's not much corners a SO user can hide around effectively in this game.

Don't make assumptions, this is the 3rd time you've tried to guess something about me/what I'm talking about and been wrong.

I play power weapon control. Apart from Sandbar the power weapons are in crap places to camp, so in a sense I'm a get out and get things done guy.



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
The gibbing range is countered by the Gnashers range. The only time it can come into play is if they catch you off guard, which wont happen as nobody runs around corners without giving it a wide berth or checking first. Oddly, there's not much corners a SO user can hide around effectively in this game.

Don't make assumptions, this is the 3rd time you've tried to guess something about me/what I'm talking about and been wrong.

I play power weapon control. Apart from Sandbar the power weapons are in crap places to camp, so in a sense I'm a get out and get things done guy.

When outside of the SO's gib range, the gnasher's bullet effectiveness isn't strong enough to stop a SO player from running to the nearest cover before being downed. If a SO player can't gib you, then they're probably far away enough to run, which would be the smart decision. Smart players won't continue to rush you with it if they can;t kill you before you can kill them. This has been true in my experience, and, when I get some free time, I intend to research it.

I disagree entirely with the idea that there aren't effective corners for SO users to hide around. Mercy is absolutely ridiculous with, Overpass suffers a bit in certain spots, Checkout gets pretty bad, Old Town is horrible in KotH. There's plenty, especially if you're playing something like CTL, KoTH, or TDM, which is why I asked what gametype you play. This isn't as much of a problem in Exe/Warz because players can actually afford to check around corners, but in modes that require constant movement, it's more of a problem becaus eplayers don't have time to waste.

Don't blame me for making assumptions about playstyle when you never bothered to describe it yourself. Trying to understand your perspective means first understanding how you play, and I can only go on what you give me. Btw, your description doesn't really negate what I interpreted.

Also, again, which gametypes do you play?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Read your first paragraph again. SO users wont have a chance to get into cover, the Gnasher fires quickly and is 2 shot down, and SO users getting into cover against as Gnasher user is a bad idea. A SO user can't do anything whilst in cover, a Gnasher user can just mantle kick them, or my favourite, pretend to go into cover and make them mantle over for a free kill. SO users can't rush a Gnasher user, they'll be downed before they can do anything, and people rush because they want to kill someone and/or get a power weapon, something you can't do if you have a SO and they have a Gnasher.

You say running is the smart decision but failing to kill the person and giving them the power weapon because of the handicaps your gun gives you isn't the smart option. The smart option is using the Gnasher.

And TDM exclusively.



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
An alternatively smart decision, since you've introduced the idea that the encounter is over a power weapon, would be to take out the AR and shoot them if they try to go for it. If they run away, the AR is out of the gnasher's range and they can still watch them if they try to get the power weapon. I didn't have mantle-able cover in mind. I was thinking about wider cover that can't be mantled. But even still, mantle kicking is a guessing game, as you described. You could immediately mantle, and they could forsee it and move away, or you could try to bait a mantle and just give them more time to reload. Mantling isn't the surest form of attack.

Sorry, but I just don't agree that the Gnasher can down a SO user before they run away. It doesn't work most of the time for me, and in the rare occasions that it does, it's after 5-6 shots and me chasing them around the map. I've had more success just switching to my AR. Like I said, I'm going to research it.

I take everything from the perspective of a smart player. A smart player would run away in a situation when there's nothing to lose, which is what I described at first. You introduced a power weapon to the scenario, and a smart player would do something different there.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Of course it's going to be over a power weapon, the entire game is based around power weapons, you don't rush someone with a SO if they're nowhere near the Boomshot, instead you pick up the Boomshot and then kill them with ease.

You can't use a AR, this is about the SO being broken and the Gnasher being the bad choice. Saying a SO user can beat a Gnasher user, as long as they don't use their SO, isn't going to show how "broken" it is.

And yes a Gnasher will 2 shot down people who are rushing them. Rushing someone, then running away and failing to kill them and/or get the power weapon does not make the SO broken, instead it further shows how terrible it would be for a good player to use.



Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
The problem is pluvia, is that what youve described urself as is a campy player. Its not bad, its a very effective playstyle. The reason i know you play campy is because almost every single map is very narrow around the hot spots and is generally not a long hallway, by the time the 2nd gnasher bullet is rdy to fire in most situations the sawed off user is also in range and a trade occurs. And the distiction between 3 shot gnasher down and 2shot down is closer than you think.

I dont want to be disrespectful, because we all play the same game (unlike brawl vs melee) but you appear to be theory broing in a 3rd person shooter and are actually not thinking about anythin but pvp in an empty room(ie a room with no features/highground lowground/cover/etc.)

The lancer needs a nerf, but the retro is still the best gun in the game.


The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
An easy solution for Epic would be to make a new playlist that didn't include SOs.

EDIT: And the Retro is still too situational to be the best gun in the game.

smash brawl player 99021

The problem is pluvia, is that what youve described urself as is a campy player. Its not bad, its a very effective playstyle. The reason i know you play campy is because almost every single map is very narrow around the hot spots and is generally not a long hallway, by the time the 2nd gnasher bullet is rdy to fire in most situations the sawed off user is also in range and a trade occurs. And the distiction between 3 shot gnasher down and 2shot down is closer than you think.

I dont want to be disrespectful, because we all play the same game (unlike brawl vs melee) but you appear to be theory broing in a 3rd person shooter and are actually not thinking about anythin but pvp in an empty room(ie a room with no features/highground lowground/cover/etc.)

The lancer needs a nerf, but the retro is still the best gun in the game.

I have to disagree with your last statement. I never see people using the Retro, the huge recoil is a downside. Hammerburst is my baby, downs people like *that*


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
The retro isnt that hard to aim at long range. If you fire 1 round at a time, or a 2 round burst, u can still hit them with every shot. Anything medium range or closer is easy like sunday morning.

The "huge recoil" on the retro is just as much a lie as the Sawed-off having "Zero effectiveness beyond melee range." Theres alot of recoil, and certainly more than the beta, but as a gears veteran and some1 whos been playing videogames since i was like ..... Idk been playing for like 15 years atleast(im 22) the recoil is not difficult to control, and i know im not the only person who feels this way.

Mar 15, 2008
The retro isnt that hard to aim at long range. If you fire 1 round at a time, or a 2 round burst, u can still hit them with every shot.

It isn't that hard, but shooting people like that won't down anyone any time soon. They'll either run away or Lancer/HB you down before you can down them.

The Lancer is still the best weapon for me, since it's so all around.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
No you probably wont win retro fights vs lancer/hammerburst medium range(you can pretty easily if u get the first shot or 2 though) but im not suggesting you do that, im saying you can put shots in anyone from any range with the retro. Or down ppl who are in the open and not looking ur direction.


Ok let me rephrase my opinion and make it more general:

The retro can be effective at all ranges.
That doesnt mean its the best choice for all ranges.
You shouldnt be challenging people head on at long range with the retro.
You can win medium range fights with the retro.
You should win every fight at medium range if u get the first shot or 2.
The recoil is overblown and not difficult to control.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The problem is pluvia, is that what youve described urself as is a campy player. Its not bad, its a very effective playstyle. The reason i know you play campy is because almost every single map is very narrow around the hot spots and is generally not a long hallway, by the time the 2nd gnasher bullet is rdy to fire in most situations the sawed off user is also in range and a trade occurs. And the distiction between 3 shot gnasher down and 2shot down is closer than you think.

I dont want to be disrespectful, because we all play the same game (unlike brawl vs melee) but you appear to be theory broing in a 3rd person shooter and are actually not thinking about anythin but pvp in an empty room(ie a room with no features/highground lowground/cover/etc.)

The lancer needs a nerf, but the retro is still the best gun in the game.

Wrong, the Gnasher will 2 shot down a SO even outside of SO gib range. Even taking cover into play only shows that the SO is worse choice when compared to the Gnasher, as a SO can't do anything with cover.

And even if things are looking shady, a quick roll backwards keeps you out of range while keeping them in range. If you die, when you had the clear advantage, knew they were coming and let them get close to you despite the uphill battle they had, then that person is better than you and deserves that kill.



Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Of course it's going to be over a power weapon, the entire game is based around power weapons, you don't rush someone with a SO if they're nowhere near the Boomshot, instead you pick up the Boomshot and then kill them with ease.

You can't use a AR, this is about the SO being broken and the Gnasher being the bad choice. Saying a SO user can beat a Gnasher user, as long as they don't use their SO, isn't going to show how "broken" it is.

And yes a Gnasher will 2 shot down people who are rushing them. Rushing someone, then running away and failing to kill them and/or get the power weapon does not make the SO broken, instead it further shows how terrible it would be for a good player to use.

Seems you have a very limited perspective of the game, which is probably because you of your playstyle, which you essentially described as power whoring. Not all confrontations are over power weapons, in fact, most of them aren't. The game is not based on power weapons.

I never said that this was about Gnasher vs. SO at power spots. This is about the SO in ANY close-to-mid range confrontation, which includes every battle scenerio, every gun, in every area, in every gametype. You have some jacked up idea that every time people fight it's going to be over a power weapon, and it's because you only experience those kinds of battles. You play only one gametype, and only one playstyle, but the game isn't limited to just that, an you shouldn't be making judgements based on that limited perspective. I have friends that play every gametype, and have played those gametypes with them. I consider how the SO affects those gametypes because, surprise, those gametypes are relevant too. It's not all about TDM, just like it was never all about Warz/Exe in Gears 2.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Wrong, the Gnasher will 2 shot down a SO even outside of SO gib range. Even taking cover into play only shows that the SO is worse choice when compared to the Gnasher, as a SO can't do anything with cover.

And even if things are looking shady, a quick roll backwards keeps you out of range while keeping them in range. If you die, when you had the clear advantage, knew they were coming and let them get close to you despite the uphill battle they had, then that person is better than you and deserves that kill.

I did tests with all of the weapons i know the effective ranges for each starting gun. Dont put words in my mouth. I cant tell u how many times ive fired one gnasher shot -> rolled backwards and got gibbed while i was rolling.

You really need to stop theory broing in a shooter, it doesnt work. All the facts are already in plain sight, the Sawed-Off is better than the gnasher at the most effective shotgun ranges.

Anytime ur outside of 1shot down/gib range with gnasher you are better off using your AR with imba stopping power to kill a sawed off user. THATS THE PROBLEM. THE SAWED OFF HAS A BIGGER 1SHOT RANGE.



Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Both of you, give a scenario then. Tell me the map, tell me the situation, and I'll tell you how the Gnasher will be able to beat the SO with ease in that situation, or the way you can win thanks to their handicap.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
KotH, Old Town, the spot to capture is Torque/Snipe. You're approaching from the downstairs spawn. The spot has been captured, and the guy who captured is it hiding behind the wall with a SO, but you don't know that. For the sake of fairness, it is 1v1.

(This would be much better with a video. I'll have to start recording everything again.)


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
The best answer to everything is run away and use ur AR, and thats the problem.

Except u cant do that if theyre hiding behind cover.
The guy with thr Sawed-off has to **** up to lose.



Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Turn around and head up from the bottom, only place he can go is behind that pillar and you can keep out of SO range with ease. If he tries running around it and avoiding you then he's going to have to leave the ring, giving you the break, and he'll still be outside of SO range but not 2 shot down Gnasher range.

That or you just smoke, frag or digger him. Frags preferraby.

So I'm still failing to see how SO is broken here, with a Gnasher he could shoot you and down you well before you get to him, there's no cover on the steps or up from the bottom and it's in 2 shot down Gnasher range.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2007
New Orleans
Turn around and head up from the bottom, only place he can go is behind that pillar and you can keep out of SO range with ease. If he tries running around it and avoiding you then he's going to have to leave the ring, giving you the break, and he'll still be outside of SO range but not 2 shot down Gnasher range.

That or you just smoke, frag or digger him. Frags preferraby.

So I'm still failing to see how SO is broken here, with a Gnasher he could shoot you and down you well before you get to him, there's no cover on the steps or up from the bottom and it's in 2 shot down Gnasher range.
Your plan is flawed from the very beginning. Running around through the frags to take the upstairs route will give the enemy about 12 free seconds of cap. It'll also put you at risk of running into his friends who might've respawned somewhere. Even if you do make it around without seeing other enemies, there's no guarantee that he stays in the spot. He could've anticipated your flank, and moved ahead to catch you at any spot along the way, leaving you totally unprepared unless you check every corner (wasting more time) which you did not include doing in your solution, which means that you would, in fact, have not moved.

Picking up frags gives them more free time, and makes it known where you are and to prepare for frags, so he'll be prepared for it. Getting digger is the WORST idea you could possibly do because it takes you the the furthest part of the map. That's 40 at least 40 free cap points and a guarantee that his teammates will bet there.

This is KotH, not TDM. You have to do everything time effectively, and this plan is horridly detrimental to your team.

By immediately deciding to run around instead of going straight in, I take it that you know that immediate action in that situation is impossible. And you're right. All your solutions to this scenario do not befit adequate KotH behavior. Players should never make detours for power weapons unless the team they're playing is just that bad or unless there's no hope for the spot. So that means that, in this situation, there was no good decision that could've been made at all, because the SO is too powerful in that scenario. This is not the case for any of the other starting weapons. The SO is the only weapon here that forces you to either die, and give the enemy free points, or not die and give the enemy free points anyway.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
And dont forget the SO users team keeps control of torque/snipe spawn as long as hes there, giving them what amounts to a free power weapon because some 9 year old is sitting behind cover with his SO out.


smash brawl player 99021

There's so many walls of post between Rone, Pluvia and Mura.

Ultimate team needs to get together sometime.

BK Pro

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