Honestly, Ganon is a sucide in a tourney, my second is Ganon and my main is Falco, but I know some matchups better with Ganon, if you have to play with a good IC with Ganon, the match doesn't have reasons to play it. I only have taked a good position with Ganon in the last spanish national tourney in the low tier tournament, I taked the 3rd position and I won the best european Ike, but I had a lot of luck, he didn't play well, take a good position with Ganon in a low tier tournament is like take a good position in a normal tournament with a low tier character
Ganon isn't competitive, you need to have it like a second or have a good second like MK, Snake or Marth that cover your worst MUs, but you will have big problems with most of MUs with Ganon, this is reallity