Hey Mink. Yeah I agree, MK is probably my favorite teammate too. He can do literally anything for Ganon--my hero <3
On another note: Hilt and I agreed that the Oli:Ganon matchup is like 80:20... IMO for Ganon, it's basically a guessing game of "when I approach, is Oli going to grab or is he going to smash?" If you think he'll grab then you wizkick... it will probably go over the grab. If you think he'll smash, then run in and shield, then you'll be in a short range situation with Olimar where it's pretty much unsafe for him to grab, so you try to predict what he'll do.
He can either smash again, in which case you can shield and punish it (unless you shield a Usmash, which is unpunishable OoS IIRC). He can also do a jab or tilt, which are punishable with Gerudo's grab armor most of the time. He can also spot dodge, which you can punish with either Gerudo or Stomp... he can roll, which you can punish with gerudo, stomp (if he rolls behind), or wizkick (if he rolls away). He can also retreating aerial, which you can punish with wizkick when he hits the ground (unless he double jumps, in which case he can't punish your wizkick anyways, and you still get to try to punish his landing with something else when he comes down). And finally he can try to grab--if he does a standing grab then you can punish with stomp, and if he does a pivot grab then you can punish with Wizkick.
To punish his recovery, you should always try to tipman (well it doesn't have to be the very last tipman frames, it just has to be reverse Uair). Try to move in the same direction that he's moving when you reverse Uair. The reason for this is because if he's recovering high and whistles the Uair or air dodges it, then I'm pretty sure that you have a guaranteed Aerudo on him, before his whistle or spot dodge ends. Assuming you have the spacing for it of course. If you don't have the spacing for it then don't try it. The most important part is to be moving towards the stage with Oli while you Uair, because chances are that he's going to whistle your Uair and make it back to the stage, and if you're moving away from the stage, then he gets free parking on the stage and you have to approach him all over again. If you stay close to him, then you get to stay in that "short range" zone where you actually have options.
All of this makes the the matchup sound really bad, but that's without taking one thing into consideration--you can kill olimar at like 50% with Ftilt if you get a Gerudo. Also, don't forget to Gerudo -> Dsmash to wrack up damage and to see if your opponent knows how to DI out of it.
Sorry about this wall of text, I just had to get it down somewhere lol.