Alright, time to list out buff ideas that we've mentioned but haven't implemented yet.
First, the changes that have been made:
- Increased jab speed
- Fair has maximum extension for three additional frames
- Fair has 40% ALR
- Fixed upB
- Murder choke sped up to 1.25x after grab
Now, for the changes people have mentioned in this thread but have not been implemented (all of them):
- Higher fair kb
- Reduce ALR of all moves (not just fair), mainly for better comboing with nair
- More kb on grounded wizkick
- Grounded wizkick reflects projectiles
- Reduced landlag on aerial wizkick
- Increase wizkick speed (was suggested for both air and ground)
- Get second jump back after aerial wizkick
- Super armour on sideB
- Speed up rolls
- Change the utilt in some way
- If not possible, speed up the whole MC
- Higher momentum
- Sword ganon
Now, to go over these.
To elaborate on the fair buff, I think that a very slight increase in its scaling could be nice. Unnecessary. But nice. Currently, he can pull off fair -> dtilt at low percents on some characters (DI pending), which is something I'd like to see preserved.
The ALR reduction is something that I support in full. His nair is obviously meant to be a combo move, and although it sorta works, it could work better if it had less lag, allowing easier transition into the next move. Also, his other three aerials all finish before landing, so reducing the lag on them would be a very minor bonus.
More KB on the grounded wizkick would help him out quite a bit, I think. The move hit like a truck in melee. In brawl, it's just a gentle shove. It would help get the foe off the level and help set up ganon's **** edgeguards. I came up with this idea when we were talking about the idea of a reflecting wizkick, but the more I think about it, the more this sounds like a really good idea.
The grounded wizkick reflecting projectiles, however, I do not go for. Read my previous posts for my reasoning.
Now, the reduced landing lag on aerial wizkick is one I've been talking about for a while, now. I think it would greatly help in a variety of situations. First off, it would increase the effectiveness of his OOS game by enabling him to perform a murder quake which he can actually combo off of. It would also enable him to more safely use the aerial wizkick while above the stage.
With the buffs I have lined up right now for both the grounded and aerial wizkicks, it would make speeding them up very much unnecessary. In fact, the grounded version could be borderline broken if it was given better kb and sped up. Reduced landing lag on the aerial version would make having a faster one less important, although making it faster would also help with recovery. I've already been using it mix up my recovery when coming in from up high as it is, to varying degrees of effectiveness. It might be nice, but it wouldn't be necessary. It would make the wizkick useful for recovery lower, though.
Tying into my last comment, I also think that getting your second jump back from downB is unnecessary, although nice. Choosing which aerial wizkick buffs to implement will be important, as currently, there are three different ones being suggested. lol It's amazing how many different wizkick suggestions are being made.
I've stated this before, but I really wanna try to avoid putting SA frames on new moves in brawl+, and that includes the MC.
Speeding up his rolls would help him deal with projectiles better, but it should not be too fast. Right now they're pretty slow, but ganon isn't really meant to be a character that has a good roll.
Although giving the utilt a makeover could be really cool, I think that it's unnecessary, and could potentially result in being broken due to its amazing hitbox, especially when we have so many other options for buffing ganon.
The current state of the murder choke is one that really saddens me. Being techable has never been worse for the move. If it cannot be fixed, however, I do have an idea which could help mitigate the problem, and still make the move a force to be feared.
If we keep the MC techable, I'd like to see the entire animation sped up, not just after the grab. This way, the move actually becomes viable as an approach, and he has valid techchasing afterward, possibly even into another MC (as long as this couldn't be done on reaction).
Now, momentum. I think that the higher momentum gave quite a benefit to ganon, something that I believe has contributed to him feeling lacking after updating the codes. I think we should look into increasing his momentum as a specific character buff even if we do not look at raising it for all characters.
And... sword ganon. Ok? This would be very cool, indeed (it's almost like a first step to the adding characters thing lol). However, I don't think it should be a primary factor in balancing him. It shouldn't be clearly superior to his normal moveset. Right now, I feel like the sword set is obsolete in comparison to his regular moveset, which is kinda how it should be. The sword set could use some modifications to give people reason to use it over a coolness factor, but... just whatever you do, do not break his sword fsmash, which has a huge hitbox. We're supposed to fix the moves characters already have to balance them. Not change them into completely different ones.
Oh, and to clarify in case I was misleading... I don't actually expect all of these changes to make it in. Only some of them. This is just what I thought about each individual change.