Smash Lord
Gleam,I've edited some new stuff in. I edited the Chainchoking with new stuff in TP OP.
and instead of just putting a link I put the OP of Hyperstations LAB. So whenever you guys get new stuff in the OP I'll try to get it added here soon.
I don't mind in the LEAST if you wanna post the whole thread, but I have to say that I think one of the best things about your thread is your use of paraphrasing. Posting massive chunks of text starts to veer from this useful formatting you've done for most of the thread. The chunk post of TP's chainchoking thread might work, but I think that there's just going to be WAY too much stuff in DSL over time to keep updating it. See if you can find a happy medium so that people who come into your thread aren't hit with two of the most "meta" aspects of Ganon's game, immediately being intimated to the point of bleeding eyes and seizing hearts.