Qerkdtx, we're in the same region. I'm from Brooklyn. I'm looking to play today sometime, so if you're up for it, post here.
Open call to anyone else for some dittos in a few hours. If you're interested, leave a post. I'll check up on this thread throughout the afternoon.
I've added you to da list in the OP.
Reminder: please save and upload any videos of good dittos you have. I want to start compiling a database of links in the OP to all the match-ups. That is, for instance, DAD vs Swoops would have a section in the OP and we could keep adding and editing the list of videos in the OP as we continue to ditto online. We could end up with the cream of the crop of ganon dittos, and people would come from miles around (the boards) to see the epic displays of **** and win.