Smash Journeyman
lol..5th place here...proud of my self. I also gave advice to all lucases main there..
But yo, i felt at home whe ni was there for some reason, a good aura really. Can't wait for the next tone
sucks tha there was no losser brakets nor counter pic, witch was a challange...but you know me, i like challanges <3.
oh and 2 hrs and 30 mins of bike ride from tehre to h-box place @_@
too tired so shout goes to the new friends i mades and the likes.
But yo, i felt at home whe ni was there for some reason, a good aura really. Can't wait for the next tone
sucks tha there was no losser brakets nor counter pic, witch was a challange...but you know me, i like challanges <3.
oh and 2 hrs and 30 mins of bike ride from tehre to h-box place @_@
too tired so shout goes to the new friends i mades and the likes.