Needs to try harder
Guys, things like this shouldn't break out. As a community we can't be squaring off like this with any hope that it will do anyone any good. Let me throw in a couple of suggestions.
1. Settle all brawl related problems with brawl. That being said
Sushi, we will play again Jan 30th, and I will attempt to beat you with Peach. I'm going to study the matchup like a beast so that when we play I'll know MK like the back of my hand. If I win, it hints that any mafch can we won with enough dedication and practice. If I get close it will prove the same thing. (I will consider "close " getting you down to a stock.). This match is also nothing personal as it is a demonstration. If I get ***** it will simply confirm what many believe that MK is too good =p. Its a win win situation. If you lose, you prove that MK can be beaten by one who knows the match up well enough. If you win, you beat my peach again, and further prove my point that SC needs more top tier practice. I'll even make it a money match if you'd like to put pressure on the game to mimic a tournament atmosphere.
Devin- Don't let MK get to you man. Consider that nobody in SC ever uses MK in tournaments, so we have little Exp against him. Is it not only natural then that we would lose to a skilled player using a foreign character? Also consider that it is no coincidence that Dr.PP, a man with the most MK Exp, performed the best against Sushi. Sushi's character does not make him as good as he makes the character. I am confident that Sushi could place well/win tournaments with other top tiers, as it was more than evident from my matches that he is a brawler who knows what he's doing.
Nobody likes fighting MK Devin, but we must cope with it, as it will not go away until (and if) a hard ban is instilled. The guy plays to win man, can you honestly then blame him for using a winning character?
1. Settle all brawl related problems with brawl. That being said
Sushi, we will play again Jan 30th, and I will attempt to beat you with Peach. I'm going to study the matchup like a beast so that when we play I'll know MK like the back of my hand. If I win, it hints that any mafch can we won with enough dedication and practice. If I get close it will prove the same thing. (I will consider "close " getting you down to a stock.). This match is also nothing personal as it is a demonstration. If I get ***** it will simply confirm what many believe that MK is too good =p. Its a win win situation. If you lose, you prove that MK can be beaten by one who knows the match up well enough. If you win, you beat my peach again, and further prove my point that SC needs more top tier practice. I'll even make it a money match if you'd like to put pressure on the game to mimic a tournament atmosphere.
Devin- Don't let MK get to you man. Consider that nobody in SC ever uses MK in tournaments, so we have little Exp against him. Is it not only natural then that we would lose to a skilled player using a foreign character? Also consider that it is no coincidence that Dr.PP, a man with the most MK Exp, performed the best against Sushi. Sushi's character does not make him as good as he makes the character. I am confident that Sushi could place well/win tournaments with other top tiers, as it was more than evident from my matches that he is a brawler who knows what he's doing.
Nobody likes fighting MK Devin, but we must cope with it, as it will not go away until (and if) a hard ban is instilled. The guy plays to win man, can you honestly then blame him for using a winning character?