I looked at the tourney results at C3 and Crio did really good. Btw, is there going to be a tourney this week or not?
I did alright. I lost to MEeP, who is an incredible IC's player, and then Pyronic~Star, who is a **** Olimar player. With my VERY little Olimar experience, he tore me up.
IC and Olimar... figures, my 2 weakest matches are gonna elimi-date me.
IF, and this is a big if, we have a tournament this week, it'll be under 2 conditions. It will be on Wednesday, instead of Thursday, and this is assuming I don't have work on Wed. (Or if I decide to not go in, whatever).
C3 was AMAZINGLY fun, btw. sucks that some of you weren't able to make it. I played a TON of MM's with people. Ended up 4 dollars up from where I started. Chea. I will definitely be going to another big OOS tourney in the future.
Oh... and on the drive home I got a speeding ticket for going 94 in a 60. Gooooood times.