Magus-try looking up The Gaming Pit or TNT for Atlanta Magic stores. They also hold tournies and stuff, so you can get some competition there, as well.
Gerbil-It's not a big deal, I just wanted to know for knowledge sake. I didn't take any offense from the post, so don't worry about it.
Wes-Good stuff in teams, and congrats on teams and singles. Lol, me and singles don't go too well together lately. truthfully, i don't practice enough to play in singles, imo, as everyone in the community around me hates me. kennesaw, ga = lose
Chad of the Ganon Variety - Congrats on teams and singles, yo. I wish i could have chilled with you guys after the tourney, but my whole crew(Evan, Xif, and Juan) and I were exhausted, so we went home and slept. I'll call you this week, though, and we'll figure out something.
Xif-My boy, yo!! We really did it up in teams, mang!! I thought we had the potential to win it, but hey, we'll do it next time. Always a pleasure playing with you. Bathroom **** = lose. lol
Evan-Yo, mad fun hanging with you at the tourney and at your crib. Monopoly is too good, yo. Trust me, keep beasting with those Climbers, and you'll do a lot better next time, I know it.
CDE - Nice tourney you guys ran. I had a lot of fun at this, and I look forward to future ones you guys may hold. I wanna make it to Columbus one day just to hang out and smash casually, but it's kinda far from me. I'll make it soon, though.
Chad of the Pikachu Variety - Despite our lack of speaking to one another(for what reason, i don't really know, but it should change), I think you're a very cool guy and a very talented player, and I had fun playing against you and Iori in teams. Hopefully, I'll get the chance to see you again and play you. Until next time...
Iori - I feel the same way about you that I feel about your teammate, Chad. Though we don't really talk, I really enjoyed our matches. Roy vs Mewtwo was a lot of fun and close, albeit disorienting for me, having never really played against Mewtwo before. I'll get it next time, though. Hope to see you again and play you more than I did. On a side note, it's too bad you didn't remember our intense Link ditto at Smash or Die 4, i think it was.
Eugenio-As always, we had MAD fun together! Should I find a decent job out in that area, I'm just gonna move out there, lol. Hopefully, I'll get to see you and the crew soon. I'll get in contact.
Cornel-I feel the same way about you that I do about Eugenio, but you already knew that, lol. Also...WORK ON YOUR MATCHUP WITH PEACH!!!!! Lol, seriously, you're too good to get dsmashed a bunch. Mad love for you, my friend, and I hope to see you soon. Also, you should have come over and played some 3rd strike, yo. I have MAD fun trading matches with you in that game. You're a very tough opponent.
Reflex-Though we don't talk much, Luis(man, i guess i'm just an anti-social loser...), I think you're mad cool. Your Bowser astounds me at times, especially when you 4 stock a sheik player...i was amazed by that match. I hope to get to chill/play with you sometime soon, man.
Juan-Man, you are a BEAST at this game! I definitely feel good about those close Roy vs Falcon sets we were having at Evan's. I hope my advice helped you out a bit, if at all, during your matches. I just wanted to see you shine like the talented player I know that you are. Lol, I almost had a heart attack during your set with Wes. If you are at Evan's anytime soon, I'm sure I'll get to play you again. You DEFINITELY gotta play some Link dittos with me. Not only will they be amazingly fun, but you can teach me some stuff, too.
SleepyK-Lol, I'm glad you enjoy my company, as I enjoy yours. We need to hang out and play more, and the bathroom **** scene was hilarious.
Tong-You're so funny, man, and I love you for it. I haven't gotten to sit and play you in a while, but that's mostly my fault, as I like to goof off and play other games during smashfests/tournies. we'll play soon, though.
Elliot-Though I never got to see you play smash, you have a beast Slayer in GGXX, yo. You gave me a run for my money in a couple of matches. We DEFINITELY need to play more GGXX, but some smash would be cool, too, lol.
The Rick - Fun games of 3rd Strike and GGXX, yo. Keep beasting the fighting games, and hopefully i'll get to play with you and your boys soon. Get them to call me so we can set up a time to play.
FullMetal-I heard you were doing quite a bit of beasting in singles, yo. Keep it up, mang. Also, I had MAD fun playing GGXX with you. I know you had mentioned it, but yeah, we definitely need to play more. I don't mind training you AT ALL in GGXX, as I'm always trying to spark GA's non-existant community.
Laijin-Lol, man, I felt sorry for you in pools. You definitely had a tough one. We need to play more of EVERYTHING, as I'm SO happy that you play just about fighting game that I do. Our Naruto matches are MAD close, too. Any time you wanna try to play, hit me up on AIM.
Everyone else that has not been mentioned-Understand that I have much love for all of you, and the reason I am stopping now is because I have to go to a Braves game now(free tickets ftw). I want GA to have the solidarity that I seem to see in other states and crews. I feel that if we can bond together and help each other get better, we'll be quite the force to be reckoned with. I'm going to start playing in singles and actually practicing again so I can be right alongside everyone. Though my execution has much to be desired, I'm actually quite knowledgeable of character matchups, so feel free to ask me something if you have a question or concern. I only want to help GA get better, and I love to help people out. Wes, you better go beast in Europe, dood. I don't wanna hear any homesick johns, so go in there and dominate so hard that they make you an honorary member of Parliament. Both the government group and George Clinton's funk group. I love you, I'll miss you a lot, and I wanna thank you for helping me get to where I am in smash. You, Bobby, and Mike G are the reasons I became a good player and got on the rankings before, but you already knew that, haha. I love you all, and I hope to see you all soon. God bless.
p.s. if anyone wants to ask anything, organize a time to play, or just chat, hit me up on AIM. I'm CarrotGlace1. If you know what my name is from, I'll love you for all eternity, haha.