We tested fox a while back, idk why it isn't on the OP.
It should be.
Also, I had a question about chain grabs. Will throwing some extra pummels anywhere in any of these chain grabs affect their effectiveness (other than moving you closer to the damage caps)?
The reason I ask, is that it seems like it might be a good idea to throw in a pummel (or two, depending on how high of a percent they're at) between each re-grab to add just a tad more damage, possibly cutting back on the overall number of grabs needed, and cutting back slightly on the "oops I ****ed it up" factor.
For example, After FThrowing Falco Twice, Regrab, Pummel, Downthrow-regrab, Pummel, Downthrow-regrab, Pummel x2, etc. untill you reach that 100% mark. (I'm not actually sure on how many pummels you can get away with at what percentages. Does anyone know where these figures are? Or has anyone bothered to look into Pummel percentages? It seems like we could steal a few extra percentage off of our final regrab as well).