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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
he's saying you don't need to use the same jump button for every single action

you can use up for fast full hop + doublejumps, you can use Y for your running aerials

resourceful players can use these as shortcuts, cuz honestly some things are made easier by using the smarter jump button
Yeah, I use Y for most things, but I use the control stick to shine-bair or jump-bair off the ledge because it prevents accidental walljumps.


Smash Champion
Jul 18, 2008
Its a good way to easily jump asap after uthrow, but it won't help you if the opponent DIs
also you're 1 frame slower than jumping (assuming jump on the first frame possible) since there has to be 1 frame of shield before buffering jump.
Obviously you'll not gonna be perfect jumping asap all the time, that's why I was asking if anyone actually made the trade to be always 1 frame slower but never more or sometimes perfect sometimes 2 or more frames slower.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Yeah. I don't recommend that, though. 1 frame slow isn't a big deal most of the time, but not being able to cover DI options is the real issue. I say just learn the regular way, its not that hard


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
camping peach 101:

back air + lasers + top platform + shield dash attack + kill percent up smashes = win


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
n00b Q

Do you think Fox would be a bit higher in the tier list if his lasers stunned like Falco's?

/begin theorycrafting

edit: I ask because in 64 his lasers stun opponents so I'm wondering how that would be like in a Melee environment.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I've actually dedicated some time to writing up the camping peach thingy (on the bus....). It may turn out to be a bit lengthier than I thought.

Currently too tired to write ATM



Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
I'm .. . . not sure. . . how lengthy the simple formula of fox vs. peach is. . .

camping peach 101:

back air + lasers + top platform + shield dash attack + kill percent up smashes = win

It's really not any more complicated than this. Stop trying to force it to be so. The problem is, people tend to "lose focus" and get "creative".

"you're not "enjoyable" to play with anymore"?

dear lovage,

pick up falco <3


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I'd like to read that. Especially since I would agree. But camping her is still pretty nice.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
He basically said stuff about camping peach leads to forfeiting stage position which is the last thing you want to do against a character whose main weakness is closing space and then you go into sad times where Peach is in your face spamming fair and you're not doing anything about it.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Cactus 2:45 pm
only ****s give it away for free, homey
Strong Bad 2:49 pm
u strong mad?
Cactus 2:49 pm


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Fox camping peach

There are many objectives you can choose for camping peach. Those objectives can either be:

- making her over-commit to something so that you can get a free punish

- to create an opening by assuming control of certain parts of the stage and forcing the opponent to come into said controlled spaces. Or to give you the positional advantage if the opponent chooses not to approach your space

- to rack on damage with less risk of getting hit (kind of boring though)

As I see it, peach has 4-5 options vs fox's camping. Which each option has a counter for. She can either:

1. Approach from the ground, and her main option out of that is to dash attack, since it's her only move that will reach quickly

2. Float at a height to try and cut off your jump towards a side platform. She'll probably try to f-air, but n-air is also an option in this case

3. They try to read a jump from the ground with a FH aerial, which she can fade away with. Either way, that one is the most risky option for her in the matchup

4. She doesn't fully commit to the approach and decides to WD back/DD to see if you'll attack her

5. She tries to approach you with a turnip, or tries some random gimmick. Probably the second most unsafe option

First step is to not go FD. What you need to do is shoot her with lasers to give peach the incentive to approach of course. The only time you should be lasering though is either when you are retreating, or when you are sure that you will be outside of peach's dash attack range after you land.

Taking control of center stage is where you are most powerful, since there is more space to DD, retreat away, or to the top platform (assuming you're not on stadium). Usually this will mean that peach is near one of the edges of the stage. This is where you want to laser a bit if she's not going to approach. If she takes a float height to go above the lasers, then you can either DD and wait for the whiff, or back off and move to the side platform to see if she will approach you. If she doesn't then wait for the float to run out and then come down and laser. If she does come, then move to the top platform and run around her, then go back to lasers. If you're absolutely Sure you can land a hit, then go for a b-air and see if you can land a combo. The main reason peach has problems in dealing with this is because, she is slow, doesn't have super long range, can't rise beyond a certain height quickly enough due to a crappy DJ, and doesn't have a fast move that arcs around her (well, f-tilt I guess, but that move has many problems of its own). Her u-air is a great move, but it can be spaced around pretty consistently. Same with her n-air (though that move is sooo gay).

Anyways, to my next point about her problems. With all these combined it kind of makes her have to initiate something, and/or anticipate where the fox is going to go. Even if she chooses to do nothing, she is a sitting duck when fox is above her on platforms. Usually peach would CC an attack from an opponent coming down on her, but then his drill breaks CC anyway and leads to a combo as we all know. If she wants to try to DJ and come up after you, or if she goes on one of the side platforms, you can go underneath her and take your positional advantage (u-tilt underneath, or b-air if you can intercept the aerial).

If you're at the side of the stage and trying to camp her, then as soon as she gets toward center stage (probably a bit further away on yoshi's), then jump to the platform that you are underneath and see what the peach does. If she threw a dash attack preemptively, that's a free hit for you. If you see her jump at you with an aerial, you can either try to move around it and b-air her, or shield it and then go for the punish. Alternatively, you can jump around her to the top platform and then move to the other side of the stage and camp again. At that point it's on you to decide when to attack her and when not to attack. Also watch for DD -> grab. It's pretty easy to tell when and where it's coming.

I know that I didn't mention anything about camping vs turnips. But that is because you be mowing down peach anytime she has one in her hand (maybe not vs a stitchface I guess).

Something else that people don't use in matchups: if you feel trapped by the edge, it's not a bad idea to grab the edge and do a ledge WD to attack an opponent that doesn't respect your space.

I feel like I'm missing some detail, but meh. I guess I'll add later when I remember.

Edit: man Jman was so good at camping peaches. It actually does take a bit of finesse



Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I thought putting pressure on her when she had a stitch is good?

Also, lol at nair being gay in a long post about camping Peach. Unknown, you so funny.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Thanks. When you talk about pressuring Peach when she has a turnip, do you just mean SHFFL her, or should I be doing more spacing FH bair stuff?


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
She can still upb oos holding a turnip, if you are on the back of her shield you can most likely get away with spamming tech. They can reverse upb oos, but that is like their ONLY option.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Thanks. When you talk about pressuring Peach when she has a turnip, do you just mean SHFFL her, or should I be doing more spacing FH bair stuff?
just spam her down. She can't n-air fast enough with a turnip on hand, and can't CC -> d-smash. Just try to force her to shield if you can't Get a combo. Then grab



Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
unknown in that tier list discussion thing you said foxes necessary technicals are easier than falcos.

Do you mind expanding on that a bit?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2008
DCDS room 104
Sup guys so i have a bunch of questions
but ill start with this one.
usually when im juggling characters its pretty easy because fox bair out ranges and out prioritizes most characters's downward moves. However against falco when i hit him up he just double jumps and downairs to the ground beating my bair. I mean i've trades sometimes and even beat the dair sometimes but not too often. Is there a better option for juggling falco or should i just wait for the Dair and punish the landing on the ground?
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