How do you fight Luigi? More specifically:
1 How do you approach him?
2 What are some combos that generally work on him, and can you respond with the amount of damage (I'm not looking for specific just low/mid/high)?
3 What are some things to watch out for?
4 What's the best way to edgeguard him when he's far away and he could missfire?
I'm just looking for input, I usually approach with nairs and watch out for his down b since it has so much range. Only combos I know are you can shine to phantasm him and you can nair combo him, however, I have no idea what percentages (shine>phantasm is any percent, right?).
1 - You don't approach Luigi much. Try to throw out nairs where you think he would WD to. Make sure to not leave yourself open with it though, and don't do it all that often, otherwise he'll read it pretty easily. If you do ed up grabbing him, just go for an uair as fast as possible and space it so only the 2nd part would hit, that way you keep safe. Fast fall after it so you don't get daird or something if you miss. If he jumps, just try to jump and get him with another uair (2nd part only) or jump once in his direction to see if he throws out an attack then. Lasering would also work alright if he jumps out of the first one. You shouldn't worry too much about his nair lol. If you uair right you can get right through it. Won't get into too much more.
2 - I'm not too sure about any actual damages the combos work at, I just base it off how far they went from the last hit. Playing Lv1-3 cpus really helps comboing. Just use basic combos like nair>usmash, or nair>uair at higher percentages. Nair shine near the ledge. If he's ever waiting on the ledge, you can shield by it and shine out of shield him if he ledge hops and hits you. Some Luigis might ledge dash past you and jump bair because they're onto this, so watch out for that. Ka-Master does that one and it works lol. Do what I said before with the up throw. Luigi is quite good at breaking out of combos with aerials though, so you need to make sure to keep a safe combo going and know when to finish. Better safe than sorry. Getting used to when you should quit most combos takes practice though, so work on that. You'll have to be quick to fight Luigi. About that Shine>Side-B combo Wobbles made up, if they Di the shine away they can avoid getting hit with the side-b. If you do land the side-b, if it looks safe enough, bair is the best choice. You usually can't get a uair in time.
3 - Watch out for certain points in combos he can break out at. You just have to play him enough to get used to it. It depends on how he DIs it, what move you did, what percent he's at, how you spaced it, etc. Practice. Also be onto the fact that his ftilt can get you if you're trying to sweetspot from anywhere above the ledge. Be ready for him to come at you fast with a WD too, of course.
4 - Just wait for his side-b to come out most of the time. after it comes out, just go shine him if he's at too low of a percent to die from uair. Be ready to go out and shine his down-b after that if they do that, or just another side-b.
Just another tip:
Usually when they're near the edge and you're on the side with most of the stage behind you, if you bair them they will Di in, so if you can get a bair, be sure to try to jump out there and shine as fast as possible, because they usually can't do anything about it. It works even if they don't Di into you most of the time as well.
That's all I'll go into right now.