so two is does thunder's combo always work? sometimes i feel like the shine to wd jab doesn't go far enough even though i feel like i perfect wavedashed (though i'm much worse at that since i switched grips to learn pivoting..i'm relearning RSHDL and perfect waveshining

so i'm wondering if the shine can be DIed even though they are falling down unlike characters like marth....i'm assuming they can some damages they can CC the shine? i really get screwed by that when it least i think that was what happened today..not sure..tell me if it's impossible..maybe they teched and i didn't notice..i think at any damage they can tech the shine by hitting down and L at the right times right?
oh it's possible they just jumped before my shine hit them...but i wouldn't think they'd have time..most shines that hit peole occur after an aerial that hit
anyways, i was also wondering if it matters if you hit down before jumping on to wl with invincibility...i guess if you fastfall by accident you lose it? wondering how many frames i'm losing:\ oh well
what else...oh ya..i noticed in a falco guide someone saying to di marth's chaingrab up and shine... up di doesn't work on fox/marth/doc's upthrow correct? just jiggs...
anwyas the thunder's combo bit really bothers me..because while it is useful and i want to improve my accuracy with it...i need to learn what to do about the common counters to it..i guess just wd to dash to shield if they di too far for the jab and i dunno what to do about the others since i'm not really sure what happened..all i know is my shine hit after my aerial and that he was crouching and able to punish before the jab i think