C-stick overrides control stick with ASDI, right? so what if someone holds away with cstick and up&in w/ control stick? would they get out of the shine?
Sveet yeah cstick takes priority for ASDI, but you only get 1 frame of it and that is not enough SDI to get out of the bair range
the only way you're getting out if the fox did it right is massive sdi, and if you **** it up then you probably just died from the bair
just take the shine bair and survival DI it
also THANK YOU RAYNEX it pisses me off too but I don't bother saying it because I'm not well known enough to say **** like that
lol stupid shine bair. Everyone thinks its bad d.i. when in reality, its good d.i. in anticipation for the bair the opponent should have done. imo shine bair is prone to massive failure if you side B or miss or something. baha
Toma got it down. Asdi'ing the shine won't do nearly enough to get you out of bair's range. You'd have to SDI it in advance, and like Toma said, you'd simply die from a bair if you were hit at a high enough percent.
Kind of random question. But important because I play Falcons a lot.
In Fox vs Falcon, at 0%, is uthrow -> waveshine -> regrab a guaranteed combo (assuming they don't DI the uthrow, of course)?
if they DI the shine upwards, it doesn't come close to working.
d.i.ing on Falcon's part is completely unnecessary. Falcon lands on the ground before you can wavedash towards him and grab. His landing animation cancels out any shine stun he was afflicted with while airborne (like any other mid-air shine vs. an opponent). He is thus able to buffer a roll, jump, sidestep or shield before you do something. I'm relatively sure that he can do all this with NEUTRAL d.i.
Adding AWAY d.i. to the scenario (which is what every Falcon should do vs. Fox in general to avoid combos and follow-ups), would make it even easier to thwart uthrow shine stuff. Because he doesn't actually fall down, he can d.i. away and grab you as soon as he lands. Scar has done this to me a couple of times.
Uthrow shine DOES have the potential to work. Especially against Falcons who you see sit in shield alot. Newer players and people who don't understand the physics of the game would definitely fall for it. Any half decent tournament player should and probably would buffer roll out of it.
Bottom line is that uthrow waveshine on Falcon only guarantees you a jab while he is airborne, and nothing else. This is a true combo. If the jab hits you reset positioning and it doesn't really provide you with any true advantage. Beyond putting him and pressure and forcing him to shield for a grab, there isn't much merit in this. Every follow-up that IS NOT jab is a mix-up you'd attempt at your own risk. My advice:
At 0% Falcon can't be CGed, and if he d.i.s away he'll hit the floor before you can usmash. At 0 till about 15-20, just throw him up and re-grab. If he d.i.s away follow him and grab or usmash. Another cool thing to do at 0 is uthrow, follow d.i., techchase with waveshine into another grab/usmash. I think if he neutral d.i.s utilt combos, but I'm not too sure.
edit: I forgot to add something. If they d.i. towards you after the shine the silliest things will combo. From an uthrow waveshine backwards (with Falcon's survival d.i.), I've gotten usmash, utilt and even another shine to combo at varying percents. Don't fish for it though, it isn't too likely to happen.
Is the combo counter in training mode a reliable way to tell if you successfully l-canceled a nair, when you shine after it? And what about with falco's nair or dair?
Yeah, this works. I didn't think about this when I was learning the game. It definitely would have helped.