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Fourth and final community vote about Meta Knight.

Should Meta Knight be banned from competitive Brawl?

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Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
This is why I hate debating.

You ignore everything else I say
which is true
and you nitpick

Are you doubting that people don't use a character to prove that they can be viable/ don't suck/ etc.?

Did I SAY it was a smart thing to do?
I said that it's a REASON people pick their main. Not a GOOD reason.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
Some people currently refuse to play Meta Knight. This time is YOUR CHANCE. On a special spot on the character select screen is a greater chance at victory JUST WAITING FOR YOU. When everyone finally uses Meta Knight, the competition truly begins. If Meta Knight was the only character, this game would actually be pretty fun.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
Yes, please ignore the blantant evidence that there are players in this game that can adapt to and beat even the best Metaknight's strategies. Let's throw out every instance where Metaknight, even with this 'broken' moves and 'broken' tactics, is beaten because a player used superior strategies. Let's also ignore the fact that campy Metaknights get beaten, aggressive Metaknights get beaten, balanced Metaknights get beaten, they all get beaten by superior strategies.

Why are we not allowed to use Ally as proof for the anti-ban side again? Because Ally is too good of a player to follow the general trend that Metaknight wins too much?

BULL ****!!!

We should instead be using Ally as an inspiration. An inspiration that if we use our characters to the very best of their abilities, they can win against whatever odds are given to them. We get so caught up in "MK invalidates Marth because he can do everything that Marth can, but better," that we forget that it's the players that harness each character's abilities and put them to use. Do we see cases where top players lose to clearly inferior players solely because they use Metaknight? No, we don't. Most of the time, these top players lose to other top players because their character is better, and that's only when the top players know exactly what to do in order to counter the other player's character (mind you, Mew2King was a strong hit or 2 away from getting swept 3-0 by MikeHAZE at Evo).

The question we need to ask ourselves is: Does Metaknight invalidate the cast to the point where he can easily win tournaments with little knowledge about how to fight the other characters? I don't think so.

@Tudor: How does Samus lose to the whorenado? Doesn't her z-air stop it? I know I don't know much about the character, but I thought Samus has the tools (sheilding when MK gets close, z-airing when MK's far away) to stop it. What are your troubles with this move?
Any kind of response would be nice. Putting up again just in case it was missed.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2008
Tally FL

In what way
or form is Players playing a low tier to prove something a facepalm moment...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008

In what way
or form is Players playing a low tier to prove something a facepalm moment...
You want to prove you can win with a bad character. Good luck, you just have to try a hell of a lot harder to win any money. The journey to the emotional payoff may seem worth it, but the money you may have won using Meta Knight will never come back to you. Money is the root of all Meta Knight.


Then again, if you didn't care about money, you would just go to free tournaments, wouldn't you?


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
If Meta Knight is so good, WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE PLAY HIM?
Playing to win, which everyone in the community supposedly does, is directly contradictory to NOT playing MK.

That said, people don't play MK because hate him more than they love to win.


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
You want to prove you can win with a bad character. Good luck, you just have to try a hell of a lot harder to win any money. The journey to the emotional payoff may seem worth it, but the money you may have won using Meta Knight will never come back to you.
How about you actually quote me and admit to your mistake instead of ignoring it


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
Has anyone else noticed that the percentage for "Yes" has spiked up 4% in twenty-four hours?

Is there a time limit that the percentage has to hit by?


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
You want to prove you can win with a bad character. Good luck, you just have to try a hell of a lot harder to win any money. The journey to the emotional payoff may seem worth it, but the money you may have won using Meta Knight will never come back to you. Money is the root of all Meta Knight.


Then again, if you didn't care about money, you would just go to free tournaments, wouldn't you?
You know, just because someone decides to main a low-tier character, doesn't mean that they would have automatically won more money if they had picked Metaknight.

I personally can't play Metaknight at all. His aerial mobility is crap, his speed is unwieldly, and most of his moves are too specific for me to take advantage of.

I may have picked Ganondorf for the coolness factor way back 16 months ago, but when I started to play him seriously, I grew more and more in love with his moveset to the point where no other character that I try can even approach my talent with Ganondorf.

Really, personal preference doesn't kick you just because you aren't Metaknight. Geez.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I have to ask... if MK does not get banned will there still be war over the MK ban.. and if he does get banned will there still be debates going on about it forever and ever?


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
I have to ask... if MK does not get banned will there still be war over the MK ban.. and if he does get banned will there still be debates going on about it forever and ever?
What I think will happen to the community if MK gets banned:
A lot of players quit because they think it's a stupid idea/ can't play any other character.

If he doesn't get banned:
A lot of players quit because they're sick of the MK BS.
Less then anti-ban because more people play the game for reasons other then money.

Either way, it's stupid.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2008
Tally FL
Yes, please ignore the blantant evidence that there are players in this game that can adapt to and beat even the best Metaknight's strategies
Tourney results/statistics say otherwise but ill keep reading.
Let's throw out every instance where Metaknight, even with this 'broken' moves and 'broken' tactics, is beaten because a player used superior strategies. Let's also ignore the fact that campy Metaknights get beaten, aggressive Metaknights get beaten, balanced Metaknights get beaten, they all get beaten by superior strategies.
See above.

Why are we not allowed to use Ally as proof for the anti-ban side again? Because Ally is too good of a player to follow the general trend that Metaknight wins too much?
Ally is one blip in the system. Anomalies exist.

We should instead be using Ally as an inspiration. An inspiration that if we use our characters to the very best of their abilities, they can win against whatever odds are given to them. We get so caught up in "MK invalidates Marth because he can do everything that Marth can, but better," that we forget that it's the players that harness each character's abilities and put them to use. Do we see cases where top players lose to clearly inferior players solely because they use Metaknight? No, we don't. Most of the time, these top players lose to other top players because their character is better, and that's only when the top players know exactly what to do in order to counter the other player's character (mind you, Mew2King was a strong hit or 2 away from getting swept 3-0 by MikeHAZE at Evo).
MikeHAZE placed what at Genesis? 17th Whod he lose too? an MK.

Does Metaknight invalidate the cast to the point where he can easily win tournaments with little knowledge about how to fight the other characters?
And your opinion is all knowing? What makes you the ultimate deciding factor?


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
All the little girls banning MK don't know ish, they can't handle the game, so lame. I find it funny everytime a Pro Ban states their mind , johns is all I hear, Please get better, don't fear MK cuz you can't handle him, get better and realize what it means to be good, you actin' like you from the hood, MK being legal is a struggle, every day you wake up in pain because hes "broken" don't gimme that, look at what yall other top player doing, ******. So if you don't want MK banned put your hands in the air, yous a true player, and don't care, I said if you don't want MK banned put ya hands in the air, all the little girls that want him out can go down south, get the fux out!
Posts like this are the ones that really convince people.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
What are you smoking?

Like, seriously, here, that has to be the stupidest thing I've read today, and I've been on /v/.

Why don't you go tell this to the scientific community, see how that goes.
Our tournament results are not scientifically valid, learn some basic statistics before you say that.

Except to track centralization.

why do ppl still talk about standing infinites they haven't been legal for over 6+ months at legit tournaments.
In your region...

Who the hell said that I used theory by definition?

Theory supported by data, kthx.
We have data, frame data, hitbox data, etc.

Tournament results is completely statistically invalid for detirmining character power.


Pro-ban has better writers/debaters,

but I agree with Anti-ban.

The last 3 thread got dominated by anti-ban, a lot of the best anti-ban debaters just haven't been involved much or at all.

Playing to win, which everyone in the community supposedly does, is directly contradictory to NOT playing MK.

That said, people don't play MK because hate him more than they love to win.
MK has a LOT of players because of "tier-whoring", the thing is many people are simply better with other characters, or wanna prove their characters are better then the current top tier or are tournament viable.

In most communities there are actual reasons to not play the top char, ex. they have one or bad match-ups, or some characters **** other characters harder. Sure other characters **** some characters harder, but the fact is that there's really no reason to not play MK is a problem, and that's why there's so many mk players.

Yet, there's not enough evidence to say that he's banworthy.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
We should ban him to see how things turn out.

Hint: This game will still suck (competitively).


Smash Lord
May 24, 2009
DO NOT BAN HIM GOD****IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(never thought i would say this^^)

FIRST OUT OF......................128!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo

Chicks love the robots

Holy ****. Wouldn't want to run into that guy in a pasty-white alley in the middle of the night.

Not necessarily. Of all the characters that I play, the only one I can't win with consistently with is Meta. BTW, Tornado is shieldable and only takes away about 20% of your shield, which is almost unnoticable.
Besides, meta has issues when battled with in the center of the stage, his air game when he's directly above or below is pretty counterable aswell.
No no and no. Only 20% of the shield. Only 20% when it hits. Only almost uncounterable by half the cast.

If Meta Knight is so good, WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE PLAY HIM?
Partially because they like their mains. I love playing as snake because I like ****ing with people's heads with C4, mines, and 'nades. Partially because of the stigma-only noobs play MK in the local playgroup. Partially because they can't figure him out (This one I don't get, but it seems to be out there). Ionno.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
People often forget that at mid level of play it is more character oriented, whereas high level of play is more player oriented to an extent. Hence why the "Ally" argument is quite dumb, really.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2008
That's it! That's the solution! If people main characters mainly because they like them and not because they can win with them, we just need to glorify Meta Knight's image and personality to extremes!

He doesn't have sex before marriage.
He made his sword himself.
He prevented another Lion King sequel from being made.
His cape is made out of natural materials.
He was an unsung hero of World War II, dropping the little-known third atomic bomb using the Halberd.
He is the CEO of a multi billion dollar corporation.
He glides to work to cut down on gas emissions.
He was a lead programmer for Melee.
He voted against bailouts.
He ended the Cold War by traveling to Russia and daring them to fight him.
He treats all video game systems regarding only to their software, not hardware.
He didn't vote on this poll because he more strongly believes in the will of the players.
He refused to give up his seat to a white man.
His favorite flavor of Ice Cream is Rocky Road.
How did the 300 spartans last as long as they did? Two words. Mach tornado.
He knows every last one of you by name.

Do you love him yet?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
In our region too, or any region with half a brain.
I know.

The point I was making is this whole thing sort of assumes SBR ruleset (cause if they don't follow it, what's the point) so bring up region-specific bans is sort of pointless.

I have no problem debating you on that point, but it's not within the scope of this thread.


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2008
Tally FL
but Keep In Mind That It Is Possible, And Thus Meta Isn't Broken.

Ally Can't Be The Only One Ever That Can Beat A Pro Mk.

And Mk Doesn't Win Every Tournament.
Just Because Mk Is Beatable Doesnt Change The Fact That He Is Overcentralizing The Metagame, Breaking The Cp System, And Forcing Mid-high Tier Chars To Switch To Mk.
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