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FL Help Thread

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
Hey Fl, this is not to offend anyone or anything but we Florida as a State are behind, our top players are good but we can be so much better, We have TX who we ***** at FAST 1 outplacing us in tourneys now, We're behind as a whole so from now on Me as well as every good player should give people all the friendlies that they want, even afro who said this

14:31] Afrothundah: From now on
[14:31] Afrothundah: I will never deny friendlies
[14:31] Afrothundah: Quote me
[14:31] Afrothundah: put that in there
[14:31] Hrnick12: okay i will
[14:31] Hrnick12: even during mid tourney?
[14:31] Afrothundah: From now on Afro Thundah (ME) will never deny friendlies
[14:31] Afrothundah: Yeah even during mid tourney

Everyone knows how afro hate to do friendlies mid tourney but even he is willing to help FL get better the players that everyone should try to find mid tourney or b4 tourney are Afro Hrnut Seibrik Chops GDX Dreadz Linguini Co18 RedHalberd Hbox...ask us to give you friendlies, i promise to do friendlies with anyone that want to learn, only serious friendlies though, like we'll do friendlies for bags of chips and **** lol, anyways yeah we need to get better because when Tx comes to FAST II we cant get outplaced.

There's No more We Don'T Suck, WE (i am including myself in this) SUCK, so if you want friendlies or have questions or anything you can ask me or any one of the top players in this thread, you should always be able to get a good second opinion from good people...not just random people on other forums, PM us, do smashfests, help us make florida better, TX has got their **** together and they now have alot of amazing players, for a state this big we should have more than 10 amazing players, that means Tally, Orlando, Tampa, and every other place in the state needs to step it up.

Please Don't Close This Frames or any other MODs, its our get better thread so lets get better...our best Placing at COT4 was 17th we could have broken top ten or five.

I'll be the first to ask...afro WTF do i do against wario with snake, and i want a million seriousies with seibriks Hboxs and CO18's D3 i shouldnt have lost to Lains D3 but i didnt get the friendlies i asked for before i left for COT4, No Johns i just want to get better at the match



Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
yo hrnut are u serious right now do u need a thread for this thing i thought it was just assumed by the fl players...
Yeah we do IMO.
And no its known that i rarely do friendlies.
But i'll do em now.

Hrnut willdiscuss wario on AIM

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
yeah afro and me think this and he wanted me to make a thread so i did, i want people who want help to come to this thread and ask for help, next time i go out of state i dont want to lose to platform camping mks or chaingrabs...and nor do i want the same for anyone else so we want to make this,

and even if its assumed FL has to see that even their "top" players aren't that good and that we need help if we're gonna do better, so please keep it open like i've asked snakes what to do against wario, no one can tell me, but i know that afro knows, thats why we're using this thread, to help people get better so please leave it open...i need rob and pikachu practice too, i need alot of help that i know florida can give me, so im making this thread for people who want help from fl like i do, only fl can tell fl how to get around what fl does, if that makes sense to you

@master raven
Next time i come down to SFL ill be sure to find you and play you in as many friendlies as you want, i play falco now so i want to get some good mk practice with him

Please play i'm tired of Inui Saying we only have three good people, next time he comes down here i want him to get dead last place from florida players

Linguini, please take brawl seriously again, you're really smart and we need more smart players playing the game, just play brawl and melee


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
all this just to blow $200-300 to go OOS and win $1000-2000... lovely

you do know u can always stop by FIU any day to play us in all seriousness (applies to SFL people only, oos can come too), 2 tv's in game room plus my dorm for any additional practice.

I do provide serious practice with snake, mk, olimar, zss, peach (currently studying her) so it's basic training,

btw, don't limit to those people in green... that's like being selective on specific people. i don't see my name there (not that i care),


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Vs Wario you need to keep Wario away. For Snake its really campy. You have to make Wario think its unsafe to approach, and then beat him with grenades while he waits for an opening. Knowing how to bait an opening is really good, like Full Hop NAIR backwards (so it autocancels when you land) and then grab when he approaches with a Dair. If you do a Full Hop Nair and he approaches by air you should be able to land and shield without getting hit, but if he reads your Nair and goes by ground you could get Fsmashed. If you think hes gonna land on the ground and approach while you nair, nair forward instead of backward. It'll force him to shield and he wont be able to Fsmash you outta shield before you can shield.

Grenade games are pretty important. Probably the most important thing is that Wario's Dair will blow up a grenade. So if your shielding with a grenade your safe, just watch out for Bite because that wont set off the grenade and you'll get thrown before the grenade goes off. Random Usmash is good as well because it provides aerial pressure to wario if only for a sec or 2.

You can techchase the fvck outta wario. Every getup wario has is slow and clunky. The only decent one is his getup attack, which starts behind him instead of infront of him, but thats easily solved by shielding when you see any movement. Wario's forward get up is even horrible, the roll is quick but when he gets there he stands there COMPLETLEY VULNERABLE for a good amount of time. Its also not very far. The same applies to the back roll. His standard get up is also very slow. If wario decides to wait on the ground, you can jab once into grab. Its probably escapable, but it may not be and even if it is they'd have to DI the first hit of jab immediately. Essentially you have to make use of every downthrow. If you watch my videos vs Reflex, you'll see me rackig up alot of damage vs Wario with Dthrow, including kills.

Wario can combo the hell outta snake, so when you get hit you have to react fast. Trying to pull out a grenade is a decent option but it might not always work since Warios hitboxes arent big. DIing Wario's attacks AWAY and UP is good (EXCEPT for Fsmash, Waft, maybe Ftilt) is good so he cant follow as much or as easily. Its easy enough to recover vs Wario as long as you arent recovering low. If your recovering low he'll bite your Cypher so you might as well C4 Recover (either that or die). If your recovering high just use the grenade pivot thing alot. Some warios go up after you and some dont, i know i do alot. So vs me you'd have to mix up grenade pivot with Airdodge. If a wario waits on the ground just try to avoid them by mixing up platforms and junk.

Killing - Since most of wario's approaches are by air. When Wario gets to kill % he literally loses about 90% of his aerial game. Almost ALL of his aerial game can be stopped by a well spaced Utilt. It could be a good idea to use Utilt to wrack up damage. Since you can do nasty **** to Wario outta grab release (Like Nair, Dair, Utilt, Uair.....Anything pretty much), you could use Utilt for damage and Release Grab Nair for kill). Could work, iunno. Killing Wario isnt hard.

We'll play friendlies my wario vs your Snake later.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
This has been my logic all along.

I say it three times a week in the UCF thread.

Edit: Afro Thunder? more like...



lolz i miss the old days

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
lol, good...i'm so tired of hearing bad stuff about FL...so bring that dk and mk and **** face

Please don't down talk brawl in this thread, its to help people not to degrade

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Ok you guys want to know how to beat Olimar? It's pretty easy, you see.

Be Snake, Marth, Peach, or WeeGee. Do moves better than him. EZ

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Yeah just don't get scared.

BTW Olimar can't beat ICE Climbers your controller must have been ****ing up or something did you blizzard desynch?

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
i tried but i got owned by lots of grabs, and didnt you beat hylian?? i usually grab before i desynch them even though i know there are other ways to get do it

Cool i could definitely use the practice, ill give you practice of any one of these 6 Marth, Falco, Snake, Mk, Pika, Kirby and if anyone wants practice vs a particular character ill study them and get good with them to give you practice,

except :yoshi:

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
virjduehueqhgt said:
Dear Hai Im Fearless,

You have received an infraction at Smash World Forums.

Reason: SPAM
Please do not post SPAM in the threads. Whatever your opinions of Brawl are, they aren't meant to be posted there. Thanks.


This infraction is worth 2 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Ok you guys want to know how to beat Olimar? It's pretty easy, you see.

Be Snake, Marth, Peach, or WeeGee. Do moves better than him. EZ
All the best,
Smash World Forums
lmao. I didn't even know this guy was still around.


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
i need rob and pikachu practice too, i need alot of help that i know florida can give me, so im making this thread for people who want help from fl like i do, only fl can tell fl how to get around what fl does, if that makes sense to you
HRNUT, next time we're both at a tournament let's play a bunch of games, I can give you Pikachu experience and you can show me how to be good. I wanna play EVERYONE next tournament also even if I have to be really annoying and constantly ask, give me and Lio some time and we're going to be legit threats to OOS players


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2004
Orlando, Florida (UCF)
nice thread!
hmm anything good to know for snake dittos (since i never get to play any lol).
And, snake (me) vs diddyyyy
nice wario info homie


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
This is good stuff. Ill be glad to help out.

Also I could've sworn I saw colbol at my school today lol or someone that looks just like him


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
i can give Luigi help xD

You dont wanna face BigLou or Boss without knowing the match up trust me they and I will **** you

Now that I play more like Boss i am a legit Luigi Knowledgeable **** main...so ask me for friendlies to son!!! You never know if your gonna face BigLou or Boss =)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Apopka, FL
I want Melee friendlies! I main fox. I can do the most useful technical things, but not the flashy stuff. What I DO need is more playing experience. Anyone who lives around Orlando/Apopka, lets play MELEE! I get flustered when I play against good players, and I need to eliminate this nervousness!


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
lol Toobz I think this was meant to be a brawl thead.

Anyway I'm not sure I agree with you guys about FL being behind. What like only 2 of our top 5 players have even been to a big OOS tourney and you guys did pritty good.

And who cares what people think about us anyway, we'll eventually show them that we ****. Like in melee everyone made fun of Florida for like 3 years and now Florida is easily 1 of the best melee states in the country.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2008
Columbus, GA
Hey HR, I could help and give some friendlies at next GIGs. I'm going to need some practice for Fast2 as well, I'm going to friendly until I collapse.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Apopka, FL
lol Toobz I think this was meant to be a brawl thead.

Anyway I'm not sure I agree with you guys about FL being behind. What like only 2 of our top 5 players have even been to a big OOS tourney and you guys did pritty good.

And who cares what people think about us anyway, we'll eventually show them that we ****. Like in melee everyone made fun of Florida for like 3 years and now Florida is easily 1 of the best melee states in the country.
oh oops :p Well the point remains!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Palm Coast, FL
Ok you guys want to know how to beat Olimar? It's pretty easy, you see.

Be Snake, Marth, Peach, or WeeGee. Do moves better than him. EZ
lol, Snake is NOT a good choice against Oli. 0-50+% from one grab, grabs outrange everything you have, Pikmin toss > nades.

It's a horrible match-up. One of if NOT Snake's worst.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
Wow, Good **** you guys. Usually try to stray away from asking you guys for friendlies as I'm most likely not at your level yet but thanks for the reassuring words. I'll be sure to give you guys a heads up for friendlies, I want to train my Marth all the way.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
lol, Snake is NOT a good choice against Oli. 0-50+% from one grab, grabs outrange everything you have, Pikmin toss > nades.

It's a horrible match-up. One of if NOT Snake's worst.
Where is there evidence of this? I haven't seen any Snakes get badly ***** by Olimar.


Jan 3, 2006
I want friendlies too. :'( Also, anybody who needs/wants any help with anything about ZSS just let me know.
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