I think I found an excellent way to rehash the Fire Emblem growth system to accomadate for all types of players.
I'm going to use Oguma as my example character in this, as he has well-rounded growths.
Anyway, upon each level up, a character could receive 10 attribute points that can be spent on any stat. Sounds simple, right. Well there's a bit more to it than that. 1 attribute point would not = 1 stat level up. Actually, stat ups would be based on a variable similar to growth rates.
Ogma's growths are 90% Hp, 40% Str, 0% Magic, 40% Skill, 30% Spd, 40% Lck, and 20% Def.
Now if a player were to make strength his first priority, he/she would spend attribute points on strength. The formula for this cost would be 10 - 1/10x, with x being the growth rate. This would cost Ogma 6 attribute points for a level up in strength, leaving him with 4 attribute points for that level up. Given Ogma's growths, this could only be spent on up to four level ups in HP or saved up until more attribute points have been accumulated.
A 20/20 Ogma would have 360 Attribute Points, assuming he waited until level 20 to promote (and this is also assuming that the promotion bonuses are exactly the same as in current FEs, though the promotion could easily be made to just give attribute points as well).
An example of an Ogma under this system would be:
Class- Hero
Level- 20
Hp- 22 (base) + 6 (promotion) + 32 (costs 32 attribute points) = 60 Capped
Str- 6 (base) + 2 (promotion) + 17 (costs 102 attribute points) = 25 Capped
Mag- 0 (base) + 1 (promotion)
Skl- 11 (base) + 2 (promotion)
Spd- 12 (base) + 2 (promotion) + 12 (costs 84 attribute points) = 26 Capped
Lck- 3 (base) + 0 (promotion)
Def- 6 (base) + 2 (promotion) + 17 (costs 136 attribute points) = 25 Capped
Res- 0 (base) + 3 (promotion)
This would allow Ogma to max the four most important stats in the game, but neglect other stats. 360 - (32+102+84+136) = 354 points. Obviously, this only leaves 6 points left, which the player might want to spend on a rank in luck, equalling 360 points exactly.
On top of the direct stat up features, the system could also sport more options, such as Auto-Assign, which would randomly auto-assign the attribute points, making the system play out very similarly to what is already in Fire Emblem games, Random Assign, a one-time use random level up, and Unassign, which should be pretty self-explanatory.
This system would allow for a great level of customization and depth that would increase FE's standing as an RPG, eliminate the mandatoryness of random growths, while still allowing random growths to be an option. It does all this while still allowing character's to maintain their unique differences in stats by turning their growth rates into attribute costs. With the introduction of Wifi in Shadow Dragon, it would be great if Fire Emblem wifi could be made truly competitive by eliminating the need for RNG abuse just for the sake of obtaining the "perfect units".