So I finally got around to beating my grind-less Lunatic mode file today. By the endgame, my team had been whittled down to Robin (Tactician -> Grandmaster for Rally Spectrum/Ignis -> Mercenary for Armsthrift -> Hero for Sol -> Dark Knight), Morgan (Tactician -> lvl. 10 Grandmaster -> Hero with Armsthrift and Rightful King inherited), Lucina (Lord -> Great Lord -> Paladin, Armsthrift from Robin), with GK Chrom, GK Stahl, and Hero Cordelia for pair-up. Lucina was a bit behind the Robin/Morgan show because of lack of good 1-2 range and no Sol (this skill is GODLIKE in Lunatic mode), but she could still do OK.
Endgame was pretty crazy. The game plan was to have Morgan/Stahl and Robin/Cordelia escort Lucina/Chrom up to Grima so they could abuse Falchion's effective bonus on him to KO him ASAP. In fact, because Lucina was lagging behind, I had to give her a Speedwing and a Speed Tonic just so that she could double Grima with Chrom's support and a Rally. I was mad at myself for having just re-classed Chrom from Great Lord to Great Knight because I could have really used the Speed, but I was able to get exactly as much Speed as I needed. Turn 1 was uneventful because nobody could reach me yet. Turn 2, I had Morgan take out the Berserker in front of Grima, Robin rallied both the others, and Lucina slipped through the freshly created hole and attacked Grima. The enemy phase was where things got chaotic.
Morgan had a forged Hand Axe, but it was just a little bit too weak to ORKO the Berserker without relying on an Ignis activation or a dual attack from Stahl, so I used his Alm's Blade to play it safe. Because of this, he got swarmed by ranged enemies (most of whom had Spears for WTA); the AI was fairly smart and had them go first so Morgan couldn't counter-attack, and since Sol was his claim to durability, this put him in a really bad spot. Then a Paladin attacks him, nearly finishing him off when there were still 10-15 enemies waiting to move, and I was just waiting for him to die so I could restart. This was when Morgan, who finally had his first chance to attack since the enemy phase, proceed to get SIX Sol activations IN A ROW, bringing him back to high HP. But it wasn't over; he still had to endure a ton of attacks. At one point, and Assassin with a Killing Edge landed a crit to put him at 1HP...and Morgan responded with a double Sol, putting him back close to 40. I was dumbfounded.
My Luck wasn't all good though; Lucina was holding up OK against Grima (Morgan diverted most of the other enemy forces away from her), but Chrom missed all 4 of the dual attacks he attempted between turn 2 player and turn 2 enemy. -.- Lucina needed the help too; Dragonskin + 80% activation Pavise is a *****. On turn 3, I had Morgan clear out an enemy with his hand axe, allowing Robin to get close enough to Rally Lucina as well as Morgan, and Lucina took another stab at Grima. Chrom missed his 5th dual attack in a row, then finally landed the 6th after Lucina activated Ignis to finish Grima off.
I don't know what Chrom's hit rate on Grima was, but I REALLY doubt it was less than 50%. Morgan's Sol activation rate was 57%, thanks to capped Skill and RK; I am so glad Sol takes priority over Ignis.
tl;dr - Robin and Morgan are broken, Sol is busted, and the RNG Goddess decided to have some fun with me~