Thank you all for making my weekend a blast. Texas has THE BEST community in the country. Let me know what was wrong with my house so that I can make it cozier for you the next time you come down. (Like was it too hot, Not enough soda, more scooby snacks, more pillows and blankets, shampoo, etc)
Shoutouts :D
1: Ultimate Razer- Razerrrr! :DD You make me wanna take showers with swimming trunks. Im watching Stranger Among Bears on AP right now :DDD Good job winning this event. Your snake is the most creative in the community. I've never seen some of the stuff you do. No doubt that you'll wreck at Genesis. I'll see you there :D OH! And you didnt take my cool shirt with you D: Im taking it to cali, so you better accept it
2: Dojo- You guys got here early! Which was awesome. I got to watch your 007 matches with Beah. Your game at FS6 was top tier. No doubt that your one of the greatest, both you and Razer. You shouldnt have to worry about anything. 3stocking Sethlon then getting COMPLETELY gayed by a fish isnt what I call losing, which you proved in Losers finals. Its funny watching you and Razer argue in the staircase. Cant wait to chill with you guys at cali :D
3: Sethlon- I dont think you know how happy I was to see you use falco. It reminds me alot like what you've done with roy. It's sooo unique and intimidating, even the best players players in the country are intimidated by you. Falco is just that character that blends perfectly with you. And the show. I cant wait for you to make your presence known in cali, just like the last time you went there.
and thanks for completely gaying my marth lol... eff mk
4: UTD Zac- Oh em effing geezz Ive never heard so many judgement's in one smashfest. Especially from the other room. I loved getting wrecked by you in "deulist". I wasnt ready to get wrecked so bad. And sweet job surviving a waft in tourny. And hiding under a rock to avoid Dojo. I was watching the livestream while recording that match and I saw about 1000 "wft, too pro" lines in 30 seconds. Wreck at Genesis! (dang, it seems like everybody is going there lol)
5: DMG- You look quite the kyoot on the couch. Much homo. But my arm is still sore. And my youtube account completely froze up when loading your matches. Not kidding. But i loved watching you trash talk razer and everyone saying that theres too much time. I still dont believe that im older than you. Thanks for making our weekend as ghey as possible :]
5: Gnes- We actually didnt talk at all D: But dont worry about your sets with razer and dojo. I rewatched them and yea, razer did NOW you. But you came SOOOOOO close to finally getting over that hump. I'll be sure to house you guys next time and we can hang out.
7: Phantom X- Phantom :] I have been looking forward to this shoutout more than anyone else. You srsly are like my favorite smasher. Your jokes are classic and I enjoy your company like no other. Your amazing at deulist and your ganon completely exposed me in ways that would make any player want to quit lol. Im so sad that your not going to Cali with the rest of us :[ But dont worry. I'll drive up to UT a couple of times this summer so that we can hang and Nike and actually get better.<3333333333333333333333333333 times uber infinity
7: bwett- billywetttttt :DD Your so inspirational and fun to hang out with. I start to giggle everytime I think of Dallas, and your the main reason why. I reallyyyyyy wanna drive up there once just to chill you. And thanks for coming with me to pick up sodas for everyone else. And tearing me another butthole from deulist. Dont worry about upsetting my parents either, it wasnt to big del to them or anything. Much homo <3333333
9: Ozz- How the eff are you 16?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I cannot believe that your almost as young as little mexico. Thanks for coming down and seeing me. Im sad that we didnt play at all :[ I promise that at the next brawl+ tourny we'll get enough friendlies to kill our senses.
9: Trela- And trela. It was mad awesome to see you wreck at this tourny. Our set was very fun, playing against lucario is thrilling. I have NOOOO regrets to losing to you after you came back down 3-1 on stocks in our third match. Usually when that happens ppl get furious and throw their controller and die a little inside. But I truly was and am happy for you. Very proud of you for playing so well and beating so many big names at your first OoC tourny. Come down to SA again :DDD
9: Rockettrainer- Your Lucario was so intimidating. I need to relook at that matchup. It was mad awesome to meet you. And to give you a quilt when you went to sleep. Srsly, you looked so cold and miserable with that tiny arizona blanket on you.
9: Bad News Bear-
BEAHHHH! :DDD Thank you sooooo much for coming down. Your so chill and fun to hang out with, and I cant help but laugh at anything that you say. And you looked adorable on that couch. "Beah! You look so cute while your laying down." "I feel cute" When is CS having another tourny, cuz i srsly will try to attend. Homo for you lotsss
13: Seventeen- You beat me in the first round D: It's all gravy though. Your snake is mad legit. I need to find a way not to get mindgamed into fsmashes
13: Hylian- Im sorry about not having enough dr pepper for you DDD: I promise to have like a bajillion 3 liters next time with your name on them. Thank you for coming down. Austin honestly feels like my second home thanks to you and phantom. And Im glad that we got to actually have some friendlies for once. Even though you never try on friendlies, I still felt like i was fearing for my life any second lol. We need to make trips to each other and just smash randomly. It's worth the 2 hours. <3333333333333
13: Espy- I felt sooooo bad when they called out your matches against Kprime. At least you didn have to play Hylian this time

And you need to step it up like before! Maybe texas is finally learning the sonic matchup or something. We're practicing this summer cuz I wanna get better. Let me know if you ever wanna get some friendlies in
13: Pax- I didnt really talk to you, but I heard about your doubles matches. Pretty epic, I wish I couldve recorded them. Travel more, cuz your obviously one of the elite in texas!
17: Jerm- :[ Im sorry I couldnt house you. For sure next time. Your tink should step it up cuz everyone knows that you can place better than this.
17: Light- LIGHT!!!! :DDD It was soooo awesome to meet you. Your right up there with my favorite smashers. Friendlies with you on melee was mad awesome. And deulists. But we never played on brawl D: Our discussions and laughs were very memorable. And I bought my first pack of cigs :D I wish I had known about your set with broly before it started cuz i so wouldve recorded it. Sheik is freakin scary. Let me know when CS station is having another tourny and i'll be sure to come down and just hang. Lotsss of love <3333
17: Cake- Thank you for coming down. You guys got there early and I squealed like a little girl and hugged you. Your wario is mad serious. Ima have to start practicing that matchup somehow. Our convos are always interesting. And Im happy that you liked the scooby snacks :D And dont worry, not everyone thinks of you as Dojos bff. I still think your my hero as much as anyone else <333
17: K Prime- You got completely wrecked by the seeding. I really thought you woudlve placed higher, but it just wasnt meant to be. Razer in the first round?!?!?
AND ESPY AGAIN?!? Good job on taking down infinity though. I played his wario and i know how scary it is. Come over for some friendlies this summer!
17: Dphat- Dphattt!!! :DDD Your mad awesome to chill with. And I absolutely love your trash talk. It's most definetely top tier. And your marth is so gheyyy. How can you possibly be a jerk to sethlon like that?!?!? Wish that got recorded. Im sorry that you didnt feel so well that last day. Getting sick right before a 5 hour drive is not my idea of fun. Come down to SA again when i throw a tourny this winter :D
17: Broly- Your marth is so scary. Your the LAST person id wanna be trapped into a corner with. You got mad screwed in the brackets too, so dont worry about your placing.
25: Chicken Tenders- I am in love with your name :D *makes a quick drive to DQ*
25: Teh Brettster- It's funny how hylian put the results up and he didnt put ike next to your name. Your very fun to chill with and Im glad i got to meet you this weekend. Your ike is extremely scary, so ima have to find Niddo for some practice. Come down with Dallas again :DDD
25: Infinity- OMGGGGG. I HATEEEEEEEE the waft. So broken. Thanks for coming down again. The friendlies were really fun and now I have re study that matchup hxc thanks to you. Sorry that you didnt place so well at this tourny. Your wario's only going to get better though so thats not something you should worry about for long. Come back soon!
25: MorningStar- Im not forgetting the stair incident. We all heard it ;D Ihop was so much fun. Your drawing of you utilting razer was epic and your suit was freakin top tier. We didnt play at all this weekend DDDD: I need snake practice!!! Come over for random friendlies this summer
33: Vorguen- Despite our efforts, we never even got to play in the end :[[[[ Im glad I at least got to see you though, much homo intended. Next time im getting my hours of snake practice with you.
Oh, and phantoms ganon ***** me too D:
33: Niddo- We didnt play D: But me and trela couldnt help but laugh during our tourny match when you and brett were talking strategy with ike. It's forever engrained into my mind. Come over for once so that your ike can own me again!
33: LueyG- I love how you watch the livestream from the other room. And then how you type on it whenever the laptop to talk to the ppl is 3 FEET FROM YOU! Epic. Come over again sometime. I hate playing diddy but I need all the practice I can get ;D
33: Nike- Your horrible at this game and you suck at housing D:
33: RedShadow- I dont think you realize how good you are at melee. Your sheik is so scary. I wanted to play more matches so badlyyyyy cuz my only practice is against a peach/ganon. And that is lame. Glad you came over for the weekend. Come over soon
33: Jack Frost- SUSPECTTT! I know how jealous you are of my shirt ;D Your mad awesome to chill with as alwauys. We never played this weekend though. I need Weegee and Kirby practice! I cant believe that your actually leaving :[ Whos gonna **** me now?
33: SRS C@- :DDD It was so nice to see you come down again. Your mad funny. And everytime i think of using the sord serious, i cant help but think of you :D Oh, i used your name in deulists. Thanks for the donut, it was off the chainnn
33: JUJ- I missed you :[ where have you been all my life?!? Come back to the scene and my house and we can play alot more and you can show me how to play pokemanzzzz
33: Kates- It was really nice to meet you. Female smashers are so rare, and the good ones are even rearer. Mad props to you for putting up with all of us the whole weekend. And now you can brag about how you smashed for 2 days and 2 nights with a bunch of hot men ;D
33: Magik- Trela has a cleaner ash hat than you
49: K Dawg- Mad awesome to see you again. I know your jealous of my shirt ;D
49: ACDCefg- I really liked your devil horns :]]] I felt bad about watching your match with bwett, but at least he made it fun and a low tier battle. Hope to see you again :D
49: Loko- :DDDDDD Dooddddddd. When Xryo was telling me how he was dropping someone off in SA, I didnt know who he was talking about. And then we pointed you out to me and I squealed :D You were so chill and funny. CS is so crazy cool. How did I not realize this? The next time your in SA, let me know and we can have a smashfest in honor of you :DDD
49: The Entire Nation of China- You have to win a tournament. Your name made my weekend. "Broly defeated the entire nation of china" PRICELESSSSS
49: PyleDriver- Glad you came to my house on friday night. I wanna play your DDD more. It's so much fun and a thrill. And I'll bring more scooby snacks just for you :]
49: Retro- I really like your hair. I want it uber badly. Thanks for coming down. Your really chill :D
49: Toxik 210- What happened?!?!? I thought for sure you wouldve had that match. Oh well. Come over again sometime and we can have an epic smashfest :D
49: FoG86- Your snake is fun to play against. And it's a good thing you stayed at my house. I was like "he's really going to miss out on playing dojo bear and cake?" And Im going to help you get your falco on par with your other characters. We should certainly try to get better.
GHNeko- I felt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad about your weekend. It was terrible. There wasnt even a tourny for brawl+. You definetely got shafted this time. :[ *ehug*